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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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People got from like rank 45 to 55 in about an hour in Ilum... way to spit on the face of people that worked hard over weeks to get to rank 60. Fail.


1-2 weeks haha?


On a more serious note, no roll back is ********. But then again, the rank doesn't mean anything (and i really mean "doesn't" ... hell even the challenger title in WoW has more meaning than this)

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I was paying for 3 subscriptions between myself and my 2 boys.

The payment would have been made on January 21 but as of now, you have 3 less subscriptions. With this debacle, I feel we wasted our time playing as we are all lvl 50 and 2 of us are BM's. We did it the hard way and if you don't roll back then i will leave this game never considering a return.

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Gratz on 50


I dinged 50 too, a day earlier in fact but had no time to see the ilum dailies in the old format.


Yesterday was my first trip to that place and what I saw made me laugh (i'm republic btw).



At least the daily was easy to do - almost every time I clicked respawn at medcenter a turret would kill some empire player and that would count for my daily/weekly. After gettting "30" kills I just queued for WF.



Developers have a pretty sick idea of pvp, you have to grant them that :-)

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This wasn't just a few ppl, ilum was full on most servers. That's near 200ppl, plus additional shards.


A LOT of people were getting a LOT of valour. Rollback is needed. If not, valour becomes a joke...plus so does playing empire as it will become clear (ontop of the ability differences) that there is some favouritism here.

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So what if people gained increased valor?


Why should I care? Even if they did get to 60+ ... don't they still have to grind up weeks of daily quests to get all the BM gear?



I'd think people should be a lot more concerned that PvP means cycling 3 instanced warzones and 1 terribly designed larger outdoor warzone (that will basically be instanced, now) that revolves around clicking on cardboard cutouts of mechanical walkers....

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Not only do you refuse to do a Rollback, you also make sure that the huge gap you created stays that way as long as possible by reducing further gains.


Yay Bioware. Your incredible game is only topped by your awesome customer service and the skilled Public Relations department.

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So what if people gained increased valor?


Why should I care? Even if they did get to 60+ ... don't they still have to grind up weeks of daily quests to get all the BM gear?



I'd think people should be a lot more concerned that PvP means cycling 3 instanced warzones and 1 terribly designed larger outdoor warzone (that will basically be instanced, now) that revolves around clicking on cardboard cutouts of mechanical walkers....


that's today's "excuse" for pvp mate. Sadly there is no true pvp left in MMO's.

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I think a rollback is really needed, at least all the valor gained on Ilum since the changes were introduced.


If you don't do a valor rollback you will be screwing with:


- The players who actually played the game to gain a high pvp rank to fulfill the battlemaster requirement.

- The faction which was being farmed for even more expertise disperity in warzones.

- New players who will have to play normally to gain the valor, making it even harder to close the gap.

- Players who are annoyed, because developers are to arrogant to admit grave errors.


Some of these points will have people of the under represented faction, mostly republic, leaving the game. Some do address the dominant faction too and will cause players leaving there.


I fail to understand, how it can be in the best interest of your business to have players leave the game and spread bad reputation. But that is only the start, if this game fails due to issues like this. Do you really think your reputation as a company will be unscathed? People who play MMOs do not forget easily, they are used to remembering a griever, cheater, general idiot, etc. They do remember game developers too, be it because they did an awesome job or because everything was a mess.


While I do understand that a rollback is always tricky and something one tries to avoid at all cost. There are reason to use this tool to correct issues.


I will give you another chance - one.

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no rollbacks! think of those who have spent houers leveling, those houers would have been lost.if rollback only rollback the valor points. and in any chase, things will even out in a year. its reallt not a big deal, after all, most people play this as a single player rpg.
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good thing that you will fix it.


the valor gain some people had isnt the end of the world.

I play for my own sake, I want to have fun and I want to feel like I accomplished something, those who got BM and higher through warzones still can feel like they worked hard and achieved something and that people who gained it in illum can't ever do.


If the only reason people are playing to show up their characters to others, wanting others to envy them that they are so good at sitting still pressing buttons, then they lose, since BM title wont mean the same when you see it on others now. In the end everyone would have it and all the BM gear anyway, running around looking exactly the same so its not much to be proud of anyway in my opinion.

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So what if people gained increased valor?


Why should I care? Even if they did get to 60+ ... don't they still have to grind up weeks of daily quests to get all the BM gear?


Your missing a big point about that though... you first need to hit that rank in order to begin the process of obtaining that gear, therefore any one can hit that rank faster has a positive advantage and if the Illum problems help the Empire players earn the rank at a rate far great than Republic players then you ultimately lead to the problem over better geared players constantly beating the undergeared and the gap ever increasing.

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no rollbacks! think of those who have spent houers leveling, those houers would have been lost.if rollback only rollback the valor points. and in any chase, things will even out in a year. its reallt not a big deal, after all, most people play this as a single player rpg.


so you don't want to lose the few hours you put in but us who got screwed should wait a year or so for things to even out..


Wow, amazing thinking right there, No seriously. Cause hours is much more important than the imbalance this will bring the upcoming year or so, Yeah why should the people who spent a few hours last night suffer, let people suffer for a year instead

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I'd think people should be a lot more concerned that PvP means cycling 3 instanced warzones and 1 terribly designed larger outdoor warzone (that will basically be instanced, now) that revolves around clicking on cardboard cutouts of mechanical walkers....


i am.

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Your missing a big point about that though... you first need to hit that rank in order to begin the process of obtaining that gear, therefore any one can hit that rank faster has a positive advantage and if the Illum problems help the Empire players earn the rank at a rate far great than Republic players then you ultimately lead to the problem over better geared players constantly beating the undergeared and the gap ever increasing.


not really, the better geared players already had BM gear, it was the undergeared players who gained ranks so they can get BM gear too.


the gear problem is more that one faction had better chance of getting valor then the other, luckily 75% of the matches are huttball for empire players so they face opposition with the same gear as them and if the servers where balanced so its less huttballs matches then both had equal chance.


The warzones where its faction against faction is where the only diffrence might be, but probably it wont be noticable anyway.


The bugs and exploiters on Voidstar is making it terrible anyway.

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I'd usually say catering to the player base whining is the worst idea for a developer to base the corrections, but with post patch 1.1, you ought to give some thought to the rollback idea. Faction imbalance was supposed to be taken care of pre launch, obviously it has not been addressed. Not only that but as of post patch 1.1 you've rewarded the overpowered faction accessibility to better gear on a massive scale. Successfully furthered the faction imbalance. A hot fix to Ilum is not going to change the faction imbalance issue that has just been escalated. I hope you really look into the matter at hand and deliver what you had promised the player base with the "200 vs 100" speech you gave, Gabe. Edited by Nyous
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Why is everyone QQ ing about no rollback?


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:



Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.




nuff said.

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Why is everyone QQ ing about no rollback?


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:



Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.




nuff said.


for all we know that means "we dont care", we'll never know if they ever did something about it


my guess is no.

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To tell the truth I wish I had taken advantage of this.


But from what I can see of the battle gear it isnt that great. I have the centurian set and the stats on the battlegear are ony slightly higher.

I guess it is the bonus' for having the whole set that make the BG so good.


If they roll back the valor it will piss off a lot of people and show that they are willing to retcon your character which scares people off.

If they dont roll back the valor it is going to annoy everyone who missed out - because valor is hard to grind - especially if you are a healer.


Damned if they do and damned if they don't.


Well patch 1.1 was an epic fail if ever there was one. Sucks to be Bioware right now.


Hopefully they will fire the dead weight and the people who think they know more then the community, endure this crisis and become stronger.

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