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Questions for the Healers.


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Hi there mercs, Im an Operative healer still in the process of leveling, currently looking forward it feels like we dont have many tools. Was taking to a Sorcerer friend of mine and we both noticed neither of us really have a solid AoE or many spells.


Since none of my friends in guild are BH healers, I was wondering how do you guys enjoy healing on Mercs, any gripes or joys of it.


I've got an alt inquisitor that will be an assassin but my next character queued up is going to be bounty hunter and still debating on Powertech or Heals.

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After playing a bounty hunter healer, I definitely believe in the current state of the game we are at a disadvantage in some scenerios, but in some ways we have advantages as well. In a way those advantages don't support us as straight healers. In my opinion we are more dps that can heal, then healers that can do dps.


In most warzones that I have run in I tend to do more damage then healing, I usually only heal key individuals in matches like ball carriers. The reason I do this is, we can't spam heals for very long with our resource system and our heals don't heal for very much. Bounty hunters don't have a big catchup heal, it's better in my opinion to throw a heal and do as much dps as possible to help your friend take out an opponent.


I also use my control abilities to cc and when I get focused by melee I run away or line of sight as much as possible.


Bounty hunters are squishy and I have noticed I tend to get focused. My reasoning is most people don't see me so much as a massive threat and more that I am an easy target to get off the map quickly. It's sad but true. Since bounty hunters have terrible defensive cooldowns on long timers, I see myself as a glass cannon that can moderately heal. You really have to rely on your teammates to keep opponents off of you, since you can't stand up to many opponents by healing alone.


That's my experience so far, once I am fully geared at 50th I don't expect too much to change.

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Bounty Hunters have the absolute worst AoE healing potential, but decent burst and sustainability in healing. They lack an interrupt (more important if you want to DPS), and have no mobility.


Sorcerers complaining about AoE healing is a trademark of incompetence. They have a burst heal + HoT that heals unlimited targets within its radius. The only thing that's broken is that the burst heal isn't being applied--it works for sages. That, plus the many other utility abilities/reactives Sorcs get make them the best raid healers in the game. Those abilities also give them a very competitive edge in PvP--interrupts, mobility, anti-burst, fantastic energy management. Their only downside is a low HP/mitigation pool, which can be patched with teamwork and use of abilities.


Operatives have some utility in their battle rez, but suffer the most from their healing mechanic. You're limited to two stacks for some of your heals, so if you need to put out lengthy burst you're going to start sweating a bit. They are some of the more mobile healers, and they also get stealth + TWO one minute disables (droid + organic). Their storyline is also well spoken of.


You'll find that if you just want to heal, it's hard to go wrong with any of the classes. Find one you like. I absolutely love the BH's healer playstyle--especially in PvP. It's the one and only place where your heavy armor and defensive abilities will really get some use. If you plan on just PvE'ing/raiding endgame, there is no better option than a Sorcerer.

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I would like to point out that it looks like every healer has just one AoE but mercs get theres before the 31st talent. As well I'm a little sad that after looking at things Mercs have 5heals+dispel while Sorc/Ops have 6+dispel. All in all thanks for the input guys I guess im glad that all healers seem to be on a "more or less" even playing feild at the moment as far has healing goes.


also correct me if im wrong but Mercs and Ops have teh same resource mechanic just in reverse. You build heat we lose energy but regen works teh same. ?

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I would like to point out that it looks like every healer has just one AoE but mercs get theres before the 31st talent. As well I'm a little sad that after looking at things Mercs have 5heals+dispel while Sorc/Ops have 6+dispel. All in all thanks for the input guys I guess im glad that all healers seem to be on a "more or less" even playing feild at the moment as far has healing goes.


also correct me if im wrong but Mercs and Ops have teh same resource mechanic just in reverse. You build heat we lose energy but regen works teh same. ?


Mercs have by far the worst AoE heal. Sure you'll get it at level 20, but that doesn't matter for endgame (which is what really matters).

Mercs make the best tank healers I would say, they can fire off steady streams of heals and have kolto shell to help out.


Mercs and Ops only have the same primary resource. Heat and Energy are indeed basically the same. But you got secondary resource too. Operatives got Tactical Advantage, which can be a severe limiter on their options (not sure how often that procs from hots).

Mercs have Supercharged Gas which lets them Supercharge 2 healing abilities (AoE heal gives 10% dmg reduction shield for 15 sec / Healing Scan loses its cooldown).


All in all I would say Sorcerers are by far the best healers.

They got the widest spread of heals, usable in any and all situations.

They got the shields which absorb a ton of damage (a sorc with shield in pvp is almost as sturdy as a tank).

They got the best utility as well.


It's hard for me to know where operatives stand, as I don't have one (do have a sniper though and i know the class a bit).

But my guess is that they are healing wise somewhat on level with Mercs but on other ends of the spectrum.

Operatives lose ground on single target healing, especially when more burst healing is required; whereas Mercs lose on the AoE ground and mobility healing.

I think operatives jump slightly ahead when it comes down to utility though. With a wider range of CC and utility, as well as stealth.

Also mobile healing through HoTs seems to be stronger for PvP uses; but again I don't have enough insight to make this anything other than a careful assumption.


As for healing tools. You probably have to count Rapid Shots as well as healing ability for Mercenaries (assuming you counted Diagnostic Scan too), giving us 6:

- Rapid Scan

- Healing Scan

- Emergency Scan

- Kolto Shell

- Rapid Shots

- Kolto Missile

+ 1 cure

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Our healing is fine the way it is. My only gripe is no combat rez < sometimes my tank is a slow *** and doesnt get out of the blast radius for the robot boss in Karagga’s Palace>. Our aoe only hits three targets but we can use it on the run. I mainly use it for screening melee or range thats pulling too much threat in 8 mans. I main heal all raids atm and have no trouble keeping people alive.


Not sure what gear you guys are wearing but i'm in all t2 with some t3. I have no problems with the mechanic although in stressful healing situations I tend to overheat at times. Thats what vent heat is for.


I run with an awesome sorc healer so very rarely do I need to play catchup. He gives me time to get heat under control.


All in all I find this class/spec to be very fun to play. I never find myself wishing i rolled a different healer.

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Mercs have by far the worst AoE heal. Sure you'll get it at level 20, but that doesn't matter for endgame (which is what really matters).

Mercs make the best tank healers I would say, they can fire off steady streams of heals and have kolto shell to help out.


Mercs and Ops only have the same primary resource. Heat and Energy are indeed basically the same. But you got secondary resource too. Operatives got Tactical Advantage, which can be a severe limiter on their options (not sure how often that procs from hots).

Mercs have Supercharged Gas which lets them Supercharge 2 healing abilities (AoE heal gives 10% dmg reduction shield for 15 sec / Healing Scan loses its cooldown).


All in all I would say Sorcerers are by far the best healers.

They got the widest spread of heals, usable in any and all situations.

They got the shields which absorb a ton of damage (a sorc with shield in pvp is almost as sturdy as a tank).

They got the best utility as well.


It's hard for me to know where operatives stand, as I don't have one (do have a sniper though and i know the class a bit).

But my guess is that they are healing wise somewhat on level with Mercs but on other ends of the spectrum.

Operatives lose ground on single target healing, especially when more burst healing is required; whereas Mercs lose on the AoE ground and mobility healing.

I think operatives jump slightly ahead when it comes down to utility though. With a wider range of CC and utility, as well as stealth.

Also mobile healing through HoTs seems to be stronger for PvP uses; but again I don't have enough insight to make this anything other than a careful assumption.


As for healing tools. You probably have to count Rapid Shots as well as healing ability for Mercenaries (assuming you counted Diagnostic Scan too), giving us 6:

- Rapid Scan

- Healing Scan

- Emergency Scan

- Kolto Shell

- Rapid Shots

- Kolto Missile

+ 1 cure


I just pulled up your guys abilities off ToR head so I think I did miss the rapid shots.


As for Ops I actually feel really stron on single target, even with huge burst dmg a constant dot and 3 heals we got to a managable point. When i start trying to heal the whole group is when it start to get a little harder. Surgical probe makes things a little easier but maybe i just need more practice.


And i guess I gotta have a talk with my guild Sorc and show him how to heal properly.


PS. Sorry about the noobish posts Im' only a 30op so dont have any end game experiance.

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Lol, your post isnt "noobish" man. Yeah, the sorc healer and I are pretty much the only ones communicating through mumble when on a boss encounter. Its usually to give instructions to the melee or to yell at someone to pop their threat dump. Mainly I use it to tell him when I'm going to need back up for a sec while vent heat comes off CD. Like I said tho, mainly during a stressful healing fight. Most of the time I can keep my heat atleast under 40.
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Hi there mercs, Im an Operative healer still in the process of leveling, currently looking forward it feels like we dont have many tools. Was taking to a Sorcerer friend of mine and we both noticed neither of us really have a solid AoE or many spells.


Since none of my friends in guild are BH healers, I was wondering how do you guys enjoy healing on Mercs, any gripes or joys of it.


I've got an alt inquisitor that will be an assassin but my next character queued up is going to be bounty hunter and still debating on Powertech or Heals.


Love BH Healing.


I don't know if the others are better since I haven't played them. But I don't see a glaring need or deficiency in BH Healing mechanics (atleast in PvP).


1) Barely have resource issues. Yes, heat will spike when you need to single target burst heal. But by then you'll probably have 30 stacks of Supercharged ready to pop, or Vent heat. If you don't spend too many GCD's on DPS (i generally throw a missile or two, and can't help myself when I see a large clump waiting to be DFA'd), you should have pretty much unlimited resource and hover around 1-30 Heat.


2) Mobility. I do think we have a fair amount of mobility. Alot of things you can do on the fly while looking for another good place to hard-cast spells. Throw Shells on a teammate or yourself. Emergency Scan. Kolto Missile a clump of teammates. Use the insta-cast CD and pop a big heal. And while on the run. And in my experience (since I just started my Champion-Box gear grind), you're relatively face tanky enough to just plant your feet and hardcast a few GCD's with people beating on you.

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I have a 50 sroc and a 40 BH, and I find both healing specs great. Sroc is boring sometimes, and the AOE does way too much healing (if you have two sorc healz you can just throw both aoe's down on the robot boss in EV on Hard mode and survive quite easily). BH is a lot more fun because you actually have to watch your resources and you don't have a shield so you don't have nearly as much down time.


I only have a 14 op, but the 50 in my guild says the healing isn't quite up to spec with the other classes, but he does pretty well anyway.


Point is, I like BH healing because it isn't boring (i.e. i don't just cast one DI and the tank is suddenly at full health again...or shield them and not have to worry about damage for three or four seconds).

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I find it kinda funny how in the healer thread its filled with people saying "SORC are OP buff Mercs/Ops."


You guys have brough me some faith in the healing in this game. Even though I pretty much play 1-2 character in an MMO then dink around with the other 8 or so, I'm usually a main healer in whatever guild I'm in so I try and get as much information as I can. Always thought it was a good idea to talk to the players instead of reading biased guides.


One last question for you guys, In a given flashpoint or OP, do you find yourself using any of your abilities too ofter or too little? Or do you feel all of your abilites have a well set place and time for each. (i dont need the situation for all the heals just if it feels balanced).


The reason I ask is because as far as Op's go its pretty much three heals out of our box the rest are just if energy is low and we cant use the other three.

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I find it kinda funny how in the healer thread its filled with people saying "SORC are OP buff Mercs/Ops."


You guys have brough me some faith in the healing in this game. Even though I pretty much play 1-2 character in an MMO then dink around with the other 8 or so, I'm usually a main healer in whatever guild I'm in so I try and get as much information as I can. Always thought it was a good idea to talk to the players instead of reading biased guides.


One last question for you guys, In a given flashpoint or OP, do you find yourself using any of your abilities too ofter or too little? Or do you feel all of your abilites have a well set place and time for each. (i dont need the situation for all the heals just if it feels balanced).


The reason I ask is because as far as Op's go its pretty much three heals out of our box the rest are just if energy is low and we cant use the other three.


You rotate around 3-4 abilities. I generally pre-apply Kolto Shells (heals upon taking damage), Healing Scan (reduces heat for next rapid Scan), Rapid Scan, Rapid Scan, Healing Scan. Mix in Kolto Missile (GTAoE Heal that applies a few buffs).



Emergency Scan: Insta-cast no resource heal every 21 seconds.

Next Cast generates no heat, every 2 minutes.

Next Cast is insta-cast, every 2 minutes.


What gets interesting is when crap hits the fan. Now you're fighting resource management and popping CD's.


I cannot comment on raid setting.

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I like the 10% decrease of damage when you pop supercharged gas and use the kolto missle. if you have have energy shield up, thats even more damage reduction ^^ plus the 15% increase to healing received because of the kolto missle Edited by Naracion
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I like the 10% decrease of damage when you pop supercharged gas and use the kolto missle. if you have have energy shield up, thats even more damage reduction ^^ plus the 15% increase to healing received because of the kolto missle


From teh sounds of things here you guys have a bit of skill synergy where as my heals just proc better heals.

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im learning more and more that its about not popping supercharge at the wrong times and making a mental plan of when you need it up and ready. I never use it for dps though unless its a daily or something. I pop it and spam healing scan. This can bring someone about to die to full health.


I didnt realize the real power until i just started spamming healing scan.

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