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Everything posted by Gariuys

  1. 1. You are correct, high alacrity compaired to say higher power does mean you use more heat too heal the same hitpoints.. BUT 2. The only situation where a BG has trouble healing is trying to keep a lot of people alive at the same time, for instance the burn phase of the first boss in EV. Which means that healing faster is more important at those times then healing more. 3. Our heals are already so big, that especially when healing dps you waste quite a bit on overhealing. without popping CD's rapid scan heals are 2600+ and crits are 5000+ tl;dr version, bigger heals are nice, but when stuff goes wrong, getting heals out faster and switching targets faster are a far bigger concern then the size of the heal. I'm trying my best to keep crit and surge at 35% and 75% respectively, with alacrity at around 14-15% without the proc, everything else into power.
  2. To be honest, tionese gear you pretty much skip anyway since columi is relatively easy to get. And with columi gear as well, its mixing and matching the mods/enhancements in the gear that gives you your set bonus to get the right balance, you're not done when you got every item once. With pvp gear, its different like you mentioned, since you want expertise. use combat tech helmet, and some stripped mods with 3 actual columi pieces and crafted earpiece/implants to get a almost right balance. Still missing some surge, and especially once the patch hits I'll need 1 more surge enhancement from somewhere.
  3. No, and when doing group content, don't do it at all! You think you're helping the healer, while your only making any problem worse. You're dps, the healer doesn't need your help unless he asks for it. You should spend your time reducing the incoming damage by killing stuff, that's your role. Non-healing spec anything aren't offhealers either, unless they're overlvl'ed/overgeared compaired to the content/rest of the group. And even solo it's useless, just use Mako and kill stuff before you die.
  4. Yeah, currently bit low on surge, having some trouble finding good mods/enhancements since I dont need more crit, just surge, but pretty stacked on alacrity, its at 19% now and that makes healing scan 1.2 and rapid 1.6 So really dont see how you could get it down too 1 and still maintain enough surge.
  5. The big problem at below lvl 50 is that once you hit around lvl 25-30 solo'ing as a healing spec is slow and painful. At 50 I'm seeing plenty of merc healers myself, then again I see one everytime I log on, so that kinda helps. And yes, healing and tanking are the difficult roles, depending on specific class what is most difficult changes since that depends on available abilities to do your role. But dps is by far the easiest role to play, with ranged dps being the easiest compaired to melee dps.
  6. I'm decently geared, pretty much columi lvl ( some columi pieces, some tionese with columi mods etc. ) and i have 13% base alacrity while maintaining 35% crit and 80% surge, with a decent amount ( got 400 atm ) power as well. And to be honest, the biggest problem I run into when being solo healer is not that I dont heal for enough, tank has 18k health, my main heal now crits for 5.5k basically my normal rotation overheals the tank by quite a lot. The big problem is being able to switch to other group members fast enough, and then you run into the problem that your main heal is pretty slow to cast without enough alacrity, in a emergency I got a dps from 0-full health in 4 seconds or so. trouble is that once you used emergency and healing, all you got left is rapid, so when you switch to a other group member cause they're taking damage, you have the full cast time of your rapid scan till they start receiving heals, getting that down is way more important imo then getting my heals to crit for 6k or more, that just means more overhealing. as a bg healer, keeping the tank alive with your rotation will never be the problem, saving the other group members is the hard part.
  7. Both are needed, DR is a healing multiplier effectively, it makes your health points worth more. BUT, 15k health isn't a lot of buffer when my normal heals are 2.8k and crits are over 5k. Ideally you dont want to be overhealing, and with such a small buffer, I have throw out my main heal when you're at 12k, meaning that if it crits, I just wasted 2k healing.
  8. Personnaly, so far I feel I'm doing just fine, but I do agree on the combat rez and kolto missile remarks. still like kolto missile though, but its hard to rotate in, and is nicely heat effective if it hits 3 people. Making it smart/unlimited players would help, would even settle for 5 people. Oh and massive aoe burst healing, thats not you or the tank, thats the dps. Especially on the really large groups, which are usually harder then the bosses IMHO, dps really have to pay attention to what they're doing.
  9. Aim is your primary stat, crit and surge provide their biggest benefit at around 30-35% and 80-90% respectively. Stacking alacrity is a personal thing, but in hps ( health per second ) and heat generated power provides a bigger gain then alacrity. But getting heals off quicker can make all the difference.
  10. Not all of the combat medic stuff has power/alacrity, what you can do, and what I'm doing is strip the mods of the items with crit/surge to keep yourself at 35%/85%, you can customize items for a reason.
  11. I'm having trouble reading your post, but alacrity does not blow for everyone but inquisitors. Its nice for everyone that's primarily dependant on skills with cast times. The bonus you get from a crit relic once you hit the soft caps is tiny, virtually not noticable, the bonus from using a alacrity relic is 10% less cast time, which translates into a substantial dps increase. Much more then those small boosts to crit and surge. power relic is just fine too, but saying that if you get a nice alacrity drop, and healers dont need it, then it will work just as well if not better then power for bursting at the cost of higher heat production thats true. I've switched to healer spec again, since that is my primary goal, but arsenal spec worked just fine with my healer gear. Only big problem was a lack of accuracy.
  12. Cause at endgame, you actually do go over, got your daily missions for daily commendations, got all your daily/weeklies for pve/pv, got some random stuff here and there. And I personally don't understand where there's a limit in the first place.
  13. It's also a hunch this is quite wrong. Couple of tips that maybe you haven't tried yet. Tech crit should be at the soft cap of 35%. Arsenal spec is very crit dependant, not because of the dps, but for the heat venting. Use a relic that gives either power or alacrity, you should have no use for a crit/surge one since you are already at the soft cap. When you need to burst heavily, use your adrenal and relic and let rip, get too 80 heat, and vent then return to "normal" rotation. Forget about having a normal rotation. Dont do it. It's useless, since arsenal is so crit dependant, and only on 2 skills, it doesnt actually have a fixed rotation, it all depends on how much heat you have. Save your free ability CD for unload. unload on it's own is almost heat neutral, with your free ability CD and a crit, and unload virtually always gets one, thats 33 heat you get back. so when for some reason you're at 3rd stage, use it to get back to first stage and regen back to 20 before you fire of a TM again. Get enough accuracy, misses cant crit, and not criting does nasty things to your dps.
  14. Its hard to compare, cause all 3 healers play completely differently. Sorcs make nice healers, and their oh god skill is probably better then the merc one. Play a merc healer myself, and with 40% crit and 80% surge my normal heal crits for 5k, and those can go out every 1.3 secs. burst heal potential of merc is great, can keep a tank alive through just about anything, and when you burst, pop some CD's and 2 minutes later you can do it again. Resourcemanagement is crucial though. But when you do that well, you dont run any risk of running out of resources etc. Personally I love playing one, they are hard work, especially when multiple people start taking damage, since your 1 aoe heal aint that hot. Basically for a raid, I would go with merc and sorc, merc for main tank healing, sorc for group heal and emergency healing. Operatives, well just dont get those, they got great HOTs but well they dont heal enough for main healing, and most off healing requires big heals and not HOT's so maybe I just dont get it, but really dont see their strength. Maybe as 3rd in 16man.
  15. I really dont understand what skills people are using that causes this. Not that high lvl yet, but with a 1.4 sec cast time on my power shot, I can cast them back to back without any delay due to GCD at all. so for me atleast alacrity is working just fine.
  16. Don't know how it scales yet, only lvl 31 so far, but just got the skill and absolutely in love with it. It's free, and so replaces a rapid shots, so compairing it to anything else is a bit useless, and it's more a DR skill then a true heal. But I went from needing heals solo'ing 1 elite, to being able to solo groups of 4 elites. Would change completely if it did have a 3 sec internal timer though.
  17. Maybe I'm not getting something, but isn't the heal bonus from kolto missile 5% not 15%? At 15% it would be a buff to keep up at all times, but I can only find that it gives 5%
  18. It is a usefull tool, in so much that judging wheter or not someones equipment is suitable for running a certain instance/raid whatever is actually a good idea. But people take it too far, elitisme etc. runs rampant in MMO's.
  19. There has never been and never will be a program that tells you who has skill and who does not. The fact that you fail to realise this however does tell us something about your skill.
  20. The only problem with your whole reasoning is.... your companion is a part of you for a large part of the game. Your making a difference thats hardly there. But with a full group, and someone can use it ofcourse I will let them need. But what when they already got a very similair item, and roll on it to get the mods from it.... The definition of whats need and whats greed is a eternal one for all mmos and its there to give a option to say you know what, if anyone thinks they need it more then me they can roll need, I'll go greed. But in the end everyone did the instance, everyone has equal right to all drops, thats the whole point of the random system. Personally I feel the system is inherintly flawed and there are better solutions. But saying that anyone going need when they can't equip something on their character is a #*****@%#@ is the wrong way round. Someone going greed when they dont really need it but would like to have it is being polite. Problem with society, people's sence of entitlement, instead of gratefullness for kindness.
  21. I never understand why people come up with this line. Its a game, and a MMO at that, every single thing you do is a timesink.... its you know the point of the whole thing.
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