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Blame players not Bioware..


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From very start everyone so cried for Open PvP... not instanced.

But its YOU who mostly rolled Empire and now blame Bioware ?

What they can do ?

Add bots ?

Boost outnumbered faction ?

Only solution would be instancing Ilum down to 30 players per side... but thats NOT Open PvP any more.


They can do NOTHING more that will make it Open PvP, in shape all are dreaming about.

Even glorified in terms of Open PvP Warhammer had same issues..

You want Bioware to 'pay' you to pick other side, like Warhammer did ? .. its lame.


Valor system got smashed.. but it didnt work much anyway.. just grind to 60 for access to better gear. Nothing that cant be reset (a'la new season).


But as long, as majority of players cant pick sides in even distribution, there will be no epic battles in open pvp.

Its like kids playing football, but all want to play in team with black shirts, not yellow... and then looking for sameone to blame this game is stupid 16 vs 6.


Months before launch it was known how many players will roll empire.. seems most players preffer faceroll over challange.

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Im sorry you are right


I blame players because Hero Engine Sucks

I blame players because Ilum sucks and it will always suck

I blame players for calling zerg real pvp

I blame players because they joined their friends in the empire

I blame players because the server its still up.

Edited by Kroktar
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there are many ways of keeping the factions balanced, bioware implemented NONE


yea, its players fault


******* apologist


Name some, please. No game in the history of MMOs has managed to balance populations, but obviously there are MANY ways of keeping them balanced. Short of instancing...Name them. Because one argument will be brought up over and over to trump it......



....I wanted to roll with my friends.




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Im sorry you are right


I blame players because Hero Engine Sucks

I blame players because Ilum sucks and it will always suck

I blame players for calling zerg real pvp

I blame players because they joined their friends in the empire

I blame players because the server its still up.


Engin have nothign to do with PvP

Ilum sucks because PLAYERS cant split equaly

Open PvP all wanted is Zerg PvP... if you would pick few friends and went for objectives mid zone, there was good, nice fight.

YES.. I blame players that without thought or disscussion joined empire. If 1 player join other 5 in Empire, I mostly blame those 5.

So what, that servers are up ? Going to be even worse than that ?

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I blame the people who thought open world PvP would ever work, how many MMO's have ever pulled this off....

And that's not the players, its the people making the game. It will never be fair or balanced, and to think otherwise is just fooling yourself.

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Engin have nothign to do with PvP

Ilum sucks because PLAYERS cant split equaly

Open PvP all wanted is Zerg PvP... if you would pick few friends and went for objectives mid zone, there was good, nice fight.

YES.. I blame players that without thought or disscussion joined empire. If 1 player join other 5 in Empire, I mostly blame those 5.

So what, that servers are up ? Going to be even worse than that ?


So playing with 5-10 fps has nothing to do with PvP?

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OP, you have not really thought anything out have you?


1) Go roll a new character on a new server.

2) Screenshot/cap where it shows the population of the faction you are rolling.

3) Come back and show that screenshot.


There is no front end for us to know there is population imbalance. It is a complete Bioware fail that they did not lock character creation at a 2/1 ratio and force players to a different server or to roll the underpopulated faction. This should have been done at release.


There is no real easy way to them to fix it. About the only thing they can do is offer to transfer players to the opposite faction with the Equiv class, their same name, and all of their items. Then cross their fingers, pray really hard, and hope that a good portion of players would like to see some population balance so we can get this game working properly.

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From very start everyone so cried for Open PvP... not instanced.

But its YOU who mostly rolled Empire and now blame Bioware ?

What they can do ?

Add bots ?

Boost outnumbered faction ?

Only solution would be instancing Ilum down to 30 players per side... but thats NOT Open PvP any more.


They can do NOTHING more that will make it Open PvP, in shape all are dreaming about.

Even glorified in terms of Open PvP Warhammer had same issues..

You want Bioware to 'pay' you to pick other side, like Warhammer did ? .. its lame.


Valor system got smashed.. but it didnt work much anyway.. just grind to 60 for access to better gear. Nothing that cant be reset (a'la new season).


But as long, as majority of players cant pick sides in even distribution, there will be no epic battles in open pvp.

Its like kids playing football, but all want to play in team with black shirts, not yellow... and then looking for sameone to blame this game is stupid 16 vs 6.


Months before launch it was known how many players will roll empire.. seems most players preffer faceroll over challange.


First off - Ilum is not Open World PvP - it is a PvP ZONE.


Open World PvP would be a planet that everyone goes to, lives on, where guilds build mini cities, and guilds fight each other over resources. That would be Open World PvP (well not really - it would be Open Planet PvP). True Open World PvP is PvP that can happen anywhere; meaning I could fly to Ord Mantell as an Imperial and kill a few republics. Open World PvP is open across the whole server, not limited to a zone.


2 Faction never works. Which is why we need guild vs guild PvP. Shadowbane, EvE - anyone? BioWare needs to copy those 2 games city/system conquest system. That would be epic Open World PvP.

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From very start everyone so cried for Open PvP... not instanced.

But its YOU who mostly rolled Empire and now blame Bioware ?

What they can do ?

Add bots ?

Boost outnumbered faction ?

Only solution would be instancing Ilum down to 30 players per side... but thats NOT Open PvP any more.


They can do NOTHING more that will make it Open PvP, in shape all are dreaming about.

Even glorified in terms of Open PvP Warhammer had same issues..

You want Bioware to 'pay' you to pick other side, like Warhammer did ? .. its lame.


Valor system got smashed.. but it didnt work much anyway.. just grind to 60 for access to better gear. Nothing that cant be reset (a'la new season).


I am personally against open pvp because I know it just doesn't work generally speaking, but in any case, the problem isn't the (predictable) crappy zergfest Ilum has turned out to be, the problem is that from that shameless zergfest one faction is getting massive advantages over the other faction. "Just grind for 60 valor" is not an acceptable answer when I have to grind my *** off to get to rank 60 and the other faction has to go afk for a few hours with their character standing in the middle of his buddies in Ilum. Also, having to grind my *** off vs basically an entire faction who has made rank 60 (but even if it's not 60, even if it's just 50, or 40) by afking, it's just complete and utter ****.

I've hated people who were just afking in alterac valley to get their **** rewards for years, or people just mindlessly zerging without any care in the world for actually winning the battle... without blizzard addressing the problem *ever*. and I was enthusiast to see there was no such thing in swtor's pvp, because warzones are made in such a way that everyone is encouraged to play them at their best. Now... well, now you can see for yourself.

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Its like kids playing football, but all want to play in team with black shirts, not yellow.


It was skins vs. shirts, get it right.


Who would choose brown pebbles over purple lightening?


Not me, I tried.


Who would choose the goodie two-shoes little girl whine over a sexy, snarky, english accent?


Not me I tried.


Who would implement a PvP zone and allow spawn camping at zone in?


Not me.


Guess you are correct, I can only blame myself for thinking someone would learn from others past mistakes.

Edited by Puppup
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The previous poster who stated that two faction PvP games never end up balanced in Open World PvP wins the prize.


It's either three faction or multi-faction that comes the closest, but even in games where that has played out the "balance" is still dynamic. One faction inevitably has the numbers but the other two can make up for it by spreading things out. Two-faction just goes through longer evolutions after one side gets bored and decides to look for a challenge on the other side.


I imagine that there have already been a fair number of Imperial re-rolls over to Republic by some of the more competitiion-oriented PvP guilds already. The game is apparently very easy to level up in so I suspect that by mid-Feb we could start to see a few servers start to swing Republic's way.

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First off - Ilum is not Open World PvP - it is a PvP ZONE.


Open World PvP would be a planet that everyone goes to, lives on, where guilds build mini cities, and guilds fight each other over resources. That would be Open World PvP (well not really - it would be Open Planet PvP). True Open World PvP is PvP that can happen anywhere; meaning I could fly to Ord Mantell as an Imperial and kill a few republics. Open World PvP is open across the whole server, not limited to a zone.


2 Faction never works. Which is why we need guild vs guild PvP. Shadowbane, EvE - anyone? BioWare needs to copy those 2 games city/system conquest system. That would be epic Open World PvP.


yeah right, EvE has the best pvp System , hope in the future comes a game ( fantasy MMO ) like how in EvE

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