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We must see this the other way around... these are the vocal 1% that invest 1000€ in a fail rig, then get all pumped up with fail expectations about what the game will be, then proceed to invest money in the game ( mostly failing in the process and having to re-order it, while blaming others for their failure ).


Now our story gets interesting... or TeH PLoT Thickens!!!!.... 1 <- !


Release day, ( and a smooth one at that )


> The atack of the Fail Threads! , Now we have to understand the core of the fail, its roots are dug in deep in the persona of most of our esteemed vocals , a roaring volcano boiling in the depts of a failing spirit, wait to be unleashed upon the forums to boldly assault the developers defenses and to warn the unweary not to invest money in what was once a shining beacon of light in the dark depts of the mmo industry, a revolutionary piece of software such as we've never seen before ... so revolutionary indeed that a core of failure burned in its depts waiting to be downloaded and forever engraved on our harddrives...


> Then comes the Rage Chap. 1.5


You simply cannot reason with a vocal minority element, its glorious past of living in the mothers basement playing Unreal Tournament and its 20 years of game beta testing in a long lived life of 15 are the testament to excelence and unparalled understanding what a gaming comunity needs... that coupled with a pair of copies of Counterstrike and fresh bought cookies and milk, in a supermarket near you, make the Vocal the ultimate reviewer, analist, beta tester and programmer, a all in one package that can save or decimate every single game it comes accross.


Sadly for Bioware ( yep you are doomed people ) , Blizzard has set the standards, those high set standards in the galaxy of MMos, dominated at its center by " Teh game that shall not be named!! " , a pure gem of ... something, but a gem indeed, so polished it is that no one can penetrate its hard core of diamant and pierce into its inner soul in order to find the fatal flaws that no one has in ... a pair of years until now discovered.


This my fellow players, and doomed programmers that not heed the words of the vocals, is the game that you should have done 10 years ago and did not! , instead you made interesting games, how dare you!, better games, explored other possibilities and set up the standard so on the left side of the wall that you allowed Blizzard to present such a revolutionary piece of software that.. oh God , i'll stop here with the Rage.



> A new hope


Teh people that simply play the game for fun and do contribute to this game with good helpfull tips. And last but not least, Bioware, while not doing everything perfect they are doing a good job so far.

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We must see this the other way around... these are the vocal 1% that invest 1000€ in a fail rig, then get all pumped up with fail expectations about what the game will be, then proceed to invest money in the game ( mostly failing in the process and having to re-order it, while blaming others for their failure ).


Now our story gets interesting... or TeH PLoT Thickens!!!!.... 1 <- !


Release day, ( and a smooth one at that )


> The atack of the Fail Threads! , Now we have to understand the core of the fail, its roots are dug in deep in the persona of most of our esteemed vocals , a roaring volcano boiling in the depts of a failing spirit, wait to be unleashed upon the forums to boldly assault the developers defenses and to warn the unweary not to invest money in what was once a shining beacon of light in the dark depts of the mmo industry, a revolutionary piece of software such as we've never seen before ... so revolutionary indeed that a core of failure burned in its depts waiting to be downloaded and forever engraved on our harddrives...


> Then comes the Rage Chap. 1.5


You simply cannot reason with a vocal minority element, its glorious past of living in the mothers basement playing Unreal Tournament and its 20 years of game beta testing in a long lived life of 15 are the testament to excelence and unparalled understanding what a gaming comunity needs... that coupled with a pair of copies of Counterstrike and fresh bought cookies and milk, in a supermarket near you, make the Vocal the ultimate reviewer, analist, beta tester and programmer, a all in one package that can save or decimate every single game it comes accross.


Sadly for Bioware ( yep you are doomed people ) , Blizzard has set the standards, those high set standards in the galaxy of MMos, dominated at its center by " Teh game that shall not be named!! " , a pure gem of ... something, but a gem indeed, so polished it is that no one can penetrate its hard core of diamant and pierce into its inner soul in order to find the fatal flaws that no one has in ... a pair of years until now discovered.


This my fellow players, and doomed programmers that not heed the words of the vocals, is the game that you should have done 10 years ago and did not! , instead you made interesting games, how dare you!, better games, explored other possibilities and set up the standard so on the left side of the wall that you allowed Blizzard to present such a revolutionary piece of software that.. oh God , i'll stop here with the Rage.



> A new hope


Teh people that simply play the game for fun and do contribute to this game with good helpfull tips. And last but not least, Bioware, while not doing everything perfect they are doing a good job so far.


I sir, Salute you!

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is this the place to cry about this game like a lil *****?


Nope, here is the place to develop world domination plans supported by the HCPAT ( Hardcore Players Association Team ) or how to spell FAIL with the accuracy of a laser pointer while holding 2 bowls full of Kornflakes and typing with your nose.



In other news....

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if you're making a point it's bad one. This game is barely playable. I've been in most beta MMOs for the last 10 years. If not beta'd been there on day of release, by all accounts this is the biggest buggiest unplayable release out of all of those.


And it's getting worse, fail update 1.1 has changed my fps from an average of 90 to 17. It stutters and crawls, doesn't load, disconnects, crashes, abilities taking an eon to fire WHEN they do. Broken companion systems that don't react to key presses, texture issues, broken quests, memory leaks, glitched UI and that's before I talk about ridiculous design decisions.


That's funny, I've been in a ton of betas and first day releases, and this is one of the smoothest.

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That's funny, I've been in a ton of betas and first day releases, and this is one of the smoothest.


Thats what i was telling him Rift was even better then this but it wasn't perfect either its just has less players than this game has as of now because of 2 simple things 1 Bioware and EA made it and 2 ITS *********** STAR WARS!!!!! you have to expect something to happen...

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LOL from reading this thread and the complaints that the "complainers" have made, the two major ones are:


1) Bad UI


2) Space Overhaul


3) Performance issues


Number 3 is a given, that's something you're always fine tuning when it comes to MMO's, but the other two, if people knew how to google/ read the forums instead of just getting on to create a Hate/Fail thread, they'd know that Bioware is giving us ALOT of customization with the UI in Patch 1.2, and BW has also mentioned that Space will be undergoing major changes at some point.


The SANE posters above are right, Everyone wants instant gratification.... The games been out for like a month, so take a chill pill, level an alt if you're bored with your 50, and ENJOY THE GAME.

Edited by pelijr
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LOL from reading this thread and the complaints that the "complainers" have made, the two major ones are:


1) Bad UI


2) Space Overhaul


3) Performance issues


Number 3 is a given, that's something you're always fine tuning when it comes to MMO's, but the other two, if people knew how to google/ read the forums instead of just getting on to create a Hate/Fail thread, they'd know that Bioware is giving us ALOT of customization with the UI in Patch 1.2, and BW has also mentioned that Space will be undergoing major changes at some point.


The SANE posters above are right, Everyone wants instant gratification.... The games been out for like a month, so take a chill pill, level an alt if you're bored with your 50, and ENJOY THE GAME.


+1 Internet

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yes yes i got your point and normally i just clap u and agreed with you but u know what ridiculous is?


i work 8:30am till 17:50 pm and after adding my dinner etc. i just play this game between 20:00-24:00 even though i enjoyed myself very much.


overpopulation of imperials didnt bother me or when a operative hit 6.8k crit on me i just say "woaww" and move on, even though i lvl up and then i gear up and try to get some valor rank

after my 24th day i rose 40+ rank and full champion set (i didnt get my weapon though)


i just search where can i find timecards before patch cause in my country swtor didnt shipped yet (i just preorder via internet)


until patch i love this game, i love my server etc.


after 1.1

they rose 40+ in one day, i didnt say 1 hour or so but i just watch their videos on youtube they got AMAZING farm under the name of "legal play" they just aoe ppl in their medzone and gain 80+20 valor for perkill, they cannot run nor teleport so they just either log-off or killed by opposite farmers


after huge uproar they add founder title thing which i found totally laughable but i didnt care much, then they just hid unsub button on payment menu which is totally pathetic

after that they say that some kind of bug-mistake etc. and they are working for enable again...


come on? can u guys say which is ridiculous? in my pvp guild we got at least 20 unsub in 2 day and my guild is simply dead atm, my all hardwork, my joy in this game gone. I just watch some streams and drinking with my friends


my day left till my acc close 6 day


do i care? no

Edited by ahdemeohde
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I think that we have different ideas of what a game should be delivering then.

What is a fail for myself might not be for you... I suppose that's the political way of putting it.

I don't thinks its as black and white as that either (fail - success) There are a lot of things to consider.


It seems for you though no matter what this game threw out for release it would be considered a working progress so thats ok...

what would it take for them for you to think that the launch was not a success?

You need to be more critical it's what drives us.

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We must see this the other way around... these are the vocal 1% that invest 1000€ in a fail rig, then get all pumped up with fail expectations about what the game will be, then proceed to invest money in the game ( mostly failing in the process and having to re-order it, while blaming others for their failure ).


Now our story gets interesting... or TeH PLoT Thickens!!!!.... 1 <- !


Release day, ( and a smooth one at that )


> The atack of the Fail Threads! , Now we have to understand the core of the fail, its roots are dug in deep in the persona of most of our esteemed vocals , a roaring volcano boiling in the depts of a failing spirit, wait to be unleashed upon the forums to boldly assault the developers defenses and to warn the unweary not to invest money in what was once a shining beacon of light in the dark depts of the mmo industry, a revolutionary piece of software such as we've never seen before ... so revolutionary indeed that a core of failure burned in its depts waiting to be downloaded and forever engraved on our harddrives...


> Then comes the Rage Chap. 1.5


You simply cannot reason with a vocal minority element, its glorious past of living in the mothers basement playing Unreal Tournament and its 20 years of game beta testing in a long lived life of 15 are the testament to excelence and unparalled understanding what a gaming comunity needs... that coupled with a pair of copies of Counterstrike and fresh bought cookies and milk, in a supermarket near you, make the Vocal the ultimate reviewer, analist, beta tester and programmer, a all in one package that can save or decimate every single game it comes accross.


Sadly for Bioware ( yep you are doomed people ) , Blizzard has set the standards, those high set standards in the galaxy of MMos, dominated at its center by " Teh game that shall not be named!! " , a pure gem of ... something, but a gem indeed, so polished it is that no one can penetrate its hard core of diamant and pierce into its inner soul in order to find the fatal flaws that no one has in ... a pair of years until now discovered.


This my fellow players, and doomed programmers that not heed the words of the vocals, is the game that you should have done 10 years ago and did not! , instead you made interesting games, how dare you!, better games, explored other possibilities and set up the standard so on the left side of the wall that you allowed Blizzard to present such a revolutionary piece of software that.. oh God , i'll stop here with the Rage.



> A new hope


Teh people that simply play the game for fun and do contribute to this game with good helpfull tips. And last but not least, Bioware, while not doing everything perfect they are doing a good job so far.


You think your smart by mocking people. Why do you even comment on the player base, why attack them? how is that constructive? what has that achieved?

You look at criticism like a coward. People are being mean wah wah wah, and because its negative decide to turn away rather than feed of it and make something better.


Some people's comments about the game not being ready are just malicious because they dont know any better.

But don't beat up on the player base who generally want the best out of there gaming because your to much of a ***** to take real criticism.


Grow up man, learn to deal with people's opinions and stop attacking them for it.

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LOL from reading this thread and the complaints that the "complainers" have made, the two major ones are:


1) Bad UI


2) Space Overhaul


3) Performance issues


Number 3 is a given, that's something you're always fine tuning when it comes to MMO's, but the other two, if people knew how to google/ read the forums instead of just getting on to create a Hate/Fail thread, they'd know that Bioware is giving us ALOT of customization with the UI in Patch 1.2, and BW has also mentioned that Space will be undergoing major changes at some point.


The SANE posters above are right, Everyone wants instant gratification.... The games been out for like a month, so take a chill pill, level an alt if you're bored with your 50, and ENJOY THE GAME.


Yes, instant gratification of asking for a u.i. change way before game goes public. Long, long before it went public. lol It needed to happen yesterday.

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A ton of the devs are NOT new to MMOs. FACT.


While that may be true but Bioware itself has not done a MMO before. Bioware is more known for it's single player games. I like the game, but I found the enemies actions to be ho-hum. EA/Bioware hopefully over time will improve PvE actions. I am willing to give this MMO a chance and see if improves the reason I restarted my subscription for one at a time.

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Can anyone throw down some constructive feedback instead of trolling the forums. I don't want this game to be like /b/ from 4chan. I'm getting tired of people yelling, "FAIL" at the top of there CAPSLOCKING.


This trolling is becoming kind of ridiculous. Only people that stay around are going to be people that need to force their idea onto others or the other MMO individuals that are afraid of this game gaining in popularity. Just leave if you are just going to make it your mission to bash this game. You guys have to realize that EVERY MMO has launch problem and needs time to plant it's roots. WoW had crap tons of problems and they got fixed over time.


Patience - it's a lost art.


We understand that you hate the game. Just leave. I'm one of the those people that will stay with this game and support it in it's endeavors. I see potential.


The facts: BioWare is new to this field/genre. They are trying to improve this. This is their baby and it needs time to grow, learn, and fix what could be and what's broken atm.



99999999999999999x Likes!

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You think your smart by mocking people. Why do you even comment on the player base, why attack them? how is that constructive? what has that achieved?

You look at criticism like a coward. People are being mean wah wah wah, and because its negative decide to turn away rather than feed of it and make something better.


Some people's comments about the game not being ready are just malicious because they dont know any better.

But don't beat up on the player base who generally want the best out of there gaming because your to much of a ***** to take real criticism.


Grow up man, learn to deal with people's opinions and stop attacking them for it.


Oh boy.. here we go again... :rolleyes:



First of all you don't even know me so personall atacks like calling me a coward are really, lol Fail!.


And saying that the type of coments that we witness, and the Op criticizes and exposes are not malicious because the people don't know any better?! Laughable at the very least.


Most , if not all of those persons shouldn't even be allowed to play a MMO because they don't respect others, because they feel safe behind a screen and that gives us an oportunity to witness how a person really is, those are the cowards.


So check your priorities and grow up a bit before you say that i can't take criticism or something along those lines...

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Yes, instant gratification of asking for a u.i. change way before game goes public. Long, long before it went public. lol It needed to happen yesterday.


I am content with the current UI. So it's a matter of taste and opinion. That *you* want it to change, doesn't mean it should be top priority for the company. And that's where the 'instant gratification' remark comes from. You want something, and you want it now, and you're totally oblivious to the fact that it might not be that important to others.


Besides they're working on it in the next patch and that is a good thing so be glad about it. And in general people should try making posts about how they would like the UI to see changed, and not come to the forums yelling how bad it all is. I agree with the OP in that respect.

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yes yes i got your point and normally i just clap u and agreed with you but u know what ridiculous is?


i work 8:30am till 17:50 pm and after adding my dinner etc. i just play this game between 20:00-24:00 even though i enjoyed myself very much.


overpopulation of imperials didnt bother me or when a operative hit 6.8k crit on me i just say "woaww" and move on, even though i lvl up and then i gear up and try to get some valor rank

after my 24th day i rose 40+ rank and full champion set (i didnt get my weapon though)


i just search where can i find timecards before patch cause in my country swtor didnt shipped yet (i just preorder via internet)


until patch i love this game, i love my server etc.


after 1.1

they rose 40+ in one day, i didnt say 1 hour or so but i just watch their videos on youtube they got AMAZING farm under the name of "legal play" they just aoe ppl in their medzone and gain 80+20 valor for perkill, they cannot run nor teleport so they just either log-off or killed by opposite farmers


after huge uproar they add founder title thing which i found totally laughable but i didnt care much, then they just hid unsub button on payment menu which is totally pathetic

after that they say that some kind of bug-mistake etc. and they are working for enable again...


come on? can u guys say which is ridiculous? in my pvp guild we got at least 20 unsub in 2 day and my guild is simply dead atm, my all hardwork, my joy in this game gone. I just watch some streams and drinking with my friends


my day left till my acc close 6 day


do i care? no


My focus in this game isn't on pvp. But I did read the threads about the pvp problems after the patch. What I noticed is 2% of those posts were constructive, 90% was from a mob foaming at the mouth ready to lynch bioware employees and 8% was from trolls putting ridiculous rumors in there about people getting battlemaster in an hour.


The post I found most useful was the one advising republics caught in the respawn camping to queue for a battleground as a way to escape the mayhem. Sadly it was overshouted by someone demanding bioware to do as he was telling them otherwise he'd quit the game (oh my.. lol).


I'm sorry you feel this last patch spoiled an otherwise nice game for you. And if you want to leave because a mistake was made, you should. But remember that the problem was more in the imbalance between factions than anything else. Should bioware have predicted this would happen? Yes, I think they should. Still, they're also people just doing their job and mistakes happen. And since the problem was hyped so much, I wonder how many imperials exactly got so much more valor than they should have. I can't help but think it was exxagerated wildly.

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I am very disatisfied with the way space is set up and from what I hear on Ven Zallow everone is. We were very much looking forward to an open world space with some pvp. Other than the obvious format of SWG maybe think big like a pvp fleet battle that you can take control of a capital ship or a fighter/bomber. Feelings on this people? If you feel the same way I do please help me let them know or we will be stuck with this Starfox 64 layout.


You dont speak for me, So everyone is not dissatisfied.

Also if you actually looked at other parts of the forums you know space is having some big changes soon.

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People always think that WoW started off PERFECT.




So what if this game is new and WoW did not start perfect...


What the hell has this to do with anything...


Maybe cos this game is NEW we can make it text MMO and you people will defend it with words ''LET IT GROW''


Sigh... incapable ot logical thinking


The game was released in 2011 well 12 more likely AND we will compare it to the games NOW AVAILABLE not the games released in 2004 or 80s...


FFS try and put that in your head... if i go to wow or Rift i dont go to game in 2004 but i go to game in 2012...........................................


Thats how it is...


Its like if a new car comes out and you have no airbag in it.... and the shop guy would tell you ITS NEW GIVE US TIME TO IMPROVE AND PAY US MILLIONS. cos well the car of other company in 1950s didnt have airbag....


flawed logic all over.



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I , for one, am furious that so much time was spent on a gripping story and voice acting that they didn't bother to take a space minigame off the rails! I cannot believe they spent so much time making the worlds impressive in scope and true to the SW universe that they didn't build a new graphics engine capable of running on Intel 810e graphics! I mean, the nerve! Don't they understand that I'm racing as fast to 50 as I can so I can complain about the lack of content? Don't they understand that PVP should be perfect so I can WTFPWN n00bs and spit on their corpses?


Hopefully by now you've read the sarcasm in my voice. I can honestly say this: since beta, I have not had one crash to my desktop. I have not experienced lag or connectivity issues. I have not had problems with my FPS or with loading times. Granted, I "splurged" for a GTX 550Ti and a mid-range SSD, but those are pretty much mandatory upgrades for a game this big.


Am I frustrated about nodes that can't be farmed? Of course. Does it grate me that there is no "slot" filter when searching the AH? You bet. Do I miss a guild bank? Absolutely. Do I wish the UI could be adjusted and scaled? Hoo boy! But those don't make the game "unplayable" and I have confidence they will be fixed - and it indeed looks that several will in the next content push.


For me, the highlights of the game have been the story and the immersion into the SW universe, and my highest character is only at 35. I've enjoyed playing the other classes too much to race to 50, and I can honestly say that I'm enjoying the poodoo out of the game so far - more than any MMO by far. BW focused on the story first and it shows. I'm willing to let the polish slide for now.




Former WoW player since vanilla launch

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I , for one, am furious that so much time was spent on a gripping story and voice acting that they didn't bother to take a space minigame off the rails! I cannot believe they spent so much time making the worlds impressive in scope and true to the SW universe that they didn't build a new graphics engine capable of running on Intel 810e graphics! I mean, the nerve! Don't they understand that I'm racing as fast to 50 as I can so I can complain about the lack of content? Don't they understand that PVP should be perfect so I can WTFPWN n00bs and spit on their corpses?


Hopefully by now you've read the sarcasm in my voice. I can honestly say this: since beta, I have not had one crash to my desktop. I have not experienced lag or connectivity issues. I have not had problems with my FPS or with loading times. Granted, I "splurged" for a GTX 550Ti and a mid-range SSD, but those are pretty much mandatory upgrades for a game this big.


Am I frustrated about nodes that can't be farmed? Of course. Does it grate me that there is no "slot" filter when searching the AH? You bet. Do I miss a guild bank? Absolutely. Do I wish the UI could be adjusted and scaled? Hoo boy! But those don't make the game "unplayable" and I have confidence they will be fixed - and it indeed looks that several will in the next content push.


For me, the highlights of the game have been the story and the immersion into the SW universe, and my highest character is only at 35. I've enjoyed playing the other classes too much to race to 50, and I can honestly say that I'm enjoying the poodoo out of the game so far - more than any MMO by far. BW focused on the story first and it shows. I'm willing to let the polish slide for now.




Former WoW player since vanilla launch


Well said.


As a former WoW player, I find this game completely palatable despite smalls flubs here and there, and I can say definitively that the leveling experience of this game is downright enjoyable.


*edit* This talk of updated "standards" is ridiculous. Just because other games have "clarified" what the MMO experience is about does not mean that Bioware instantaneously can provide a product that satisfies us in all the ways we expect (and perhaps, they shouldn't cater to our expectations necessarily), a month into release.


The sense of entitlement that is represented by these forums is sickening - is this a byproduct of changing values in younger cohorts?

Edited by pulsarskate
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