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My ragequit (with reasons)


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yes. i do want wow with lightsabers.. wow is the game every other mmo copies from, for a reason.. they have 15 million subs for a reason.


First off, 15 million subscribers does not = 15 million individual players. Active unique accounts taken into consideration, they are roughly 6 million players, and that is being generous (only about 4 to 5 million play substantial amounts of time). The rest are just gold farmers and dual boxers.


Secondly, if you are so into WoW, go back and play that, you're just going to frustrate yourself and other people complaining that you wish it's something that it's never going to be.

Edited by Osster
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I have had no performance issues at all. Im not crashing to desktop, im not getting random shut downs. I dont even have any lag and I can run on max settings.


I am quitting because I disagree with your priorities on new content. I can care less about another 4man at this point. We need combat logs, macros, ui customization, smoother melee combat and the legacy system to be complete far more than we need another 4 man.


So I guess ill be reactivating gamefly instead. FF13-2, KOA:Reckoning will hopefully hold me over until Diablo 3. Or even better you guys can get your act together and fix this game.



Before you rage quit. Why dont you wait for patch 1.2 which will have all the things you are looking for.


They are adding combat log, tweaking the UI, fixing the legacy.




Why do people want instant satisfaction. Works of art take time. The Sistine chapel wasnt built in one day.


But if you are going to quit i think you will be missing a very good game in the future.

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Yea it is a miracle you can actually kill bosses without a combat log who would have thought


I personally do not care if you rq over stuff I hope never comes


And btw they never said any of that was high priority or even going to be implemented from the start, so gratz for fantasizing


Macros and combat logs dont make or break games and its sad you think that way

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Secondly, if you are so into WoW, go back and play that, you're just going to frustrate yourself and other people complaining that you wish it's something that it's never going to be.


Not to mention the fact that you'd probably poke yourself in the eye with a lightsaber, or shoot it out with a blaster, if you stay with SWTOR. :D

Edited by Andryah
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They have an innate need for people to agree with them I guess. I assume it makes their paranoid feeling of injustice more credible.


It's almost like if you went to a restaurant and you received a bad meal, but instead of just never going there again or giving them future business, you show up in front of their door a few times a day and tell them about how much they suck and how great other places you used to frequent are.


If I wanted the restaurant to succeed I would right them a random internet review with what I feel the problems are. Is that unkind or immature? I believe leaving feedback helps make the products we purchase better.

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If I wanted the restaurant to succeed I would right them a random internet review with what I feel the problems are. Is that unkind or immature? I believe leaving feedback helps make the products we purchase better.


You get to give feedback to Bioware when you unsub. This is all about ranting to the public, and you know it.

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I have had no performance issues at all. Im not crashing to desktop, im not getting random shut downs. I dont even have any lag and I can run on max settings.


I am quitting because I disagree with your priorities on new content. I can care less about another 4man at this point. We need combat logs, macros, ui customization, smoother melee combat and the legacy system to be complete far more than we need another 4 man.


So I guess ill be reactivating gamefly instead. FF13-2, KOA:Reckoning will hopefully hold me over until Diablo 3. Or even better you guys can get your act together and fix this game.


Since when are combat logs, addons, macros or whatever content?


I wish Blizz would had been able to give some content to us in all these years, instead of wasting their ressources for things like LFD, Addons, Char transfer, BoA equipment etc.


BW is doing good by delivering real content, while I dont think that raids or dungeons are always sufficent, it is a start and hopefully they keep adding real content instead of some pointless gimmicks for a minority of players who want to measure others with meters or faceroll through the game in 1 day playtime.

Edited by RachelAnne
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If I wanted the restaurant to succeed I would right them a random internet review with what I feel the problems are. Is that unkind or immature? I believe leaving feedback helps make the products we purchase better.


Then send an email to BioWare or fill out the comments on why you're leaving when you cancel your subscription. The only reason to post on the forums why you're leaving is so you can feel special that people agree with you.

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yes. i do want wow with lightsabers.. wow is the game every other mmo copies from, for a reason.. they have 15 million subs for a reason.


...and despite innumerable games that have copied WoW, the number of WoW copies with numbers ranging to even 1 million is exactly ZERO. The only MMOs that have been very successful (if one does not measure "very successful" by the standard set by the anomaly) are those that have not copied WoW.

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If I wanted the restaurant to succeed I would right them a random internet review with what I feel the problems are. Is that unkind or immature? I believe leaving feedback helps make the products we purchase better.


The problem with that is that you are in the minority, granted your feedback is more constructive than most, but you're complaining about things that are not going to change any time soon, if ever.


There are plenty of people that are, if not happy, at least content with the way things are because they understand the game will improve over time and the problems that are experiencing now are known and will be addressed, as is the nature of MMO's. Some people are okay with that and willing to wait, some people aren't and that's okay, but instead of just moving on they feel the need to tell BioWare they're failures because the game doesn't fit their expectations of what they think it should be.

Edited by Osster
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Before you rage quit. Why dont you wait for patch 1.2 which will have all the things you are looking for.


They are adding combat log, tweaking the UI, fixing the legacy.




Why do people want instant satisfaction. Works of art take time. The Sistine chapel wasnt built in one day.


But if you are going to quit i think you will be missing a very good game in the future.


I am not selling my account or deleting my toons. I even hope to come back someday.



As far as the comments of "you dont need combat logs to down bosses" You are absolutely right. You dont. I get a certain level of enjoyment from analyzing the combat after the fight. Ive been parsing combat logs since Everquest. Some people craft, some people pvp and some people theory craft. If there was no crafting the crafters wouldnt play. If there was no pvp the pvpers wouldnt play. There is currently no parsing and until there is... I just wont play.

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Combat Log not needed

UI Customization not needed

Only macro's needed are mouse-over on op frames, which BW can implement themselves.

Melee combat is fine, your computer isn't or your ability delay setting is off, try changing it.

Legacy system is coming in March.


Did I miss anything?


Yea cuz it's not like this game needs anything that EVERY SINGLE OTHER MMO HAS.

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Then send an email to BioWare or fill out the comments on why you're leaving when you cancel your subscription. The only reason to post on the forums why you're leaving is so you can feel special that people agree with you.


If bioware sees a post with multiple people agreeing they are more likely to listen. Its not about feeling special.

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I have had no performance issues at all. Im not crashing to desktop, im not getting random shut downs. I dont even have any lag and I can run on max settings.


I am quitting because I disagree with your priorities on new content. I can care less about another 4man at this point. We need combat logs, macros, ui customization, smoother melee combat and the legacy system to be complete far more than we need another 4 man.


So I guess ill be reactivating gamefly instead. FF13-2, KOA:Reckoning will hopefully hold me over until Diablo 3. Or even better you guys can get your act together and fix this game.


Wait, you think the dudes that made the new 4-man are the same guys that would be implementing combat logs, macros, etc.?



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Before you rage quit. Why dont you wait for patch 1.2 which will have all the things you are looking for.


They are adding combat log, tweaking the UI, fixing the legacy.




Why do people want instant satisfaction. Works of art take time. The Sistine chapel wasnt built in one day.


But if you are going to quit i think you will be missing a very good game in the future.


nowhere in that article u linked do they mention a combat log or ui tweaks.

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If bioware sees a post with multiple people agreeing they are more likely to listen. Its not about feeling special.


Actually, if BioWare sees people actually cancelling their accounts, they're far more likely to pay attention to why than they are to pay attention to one of the hundreds of rage-quit posts being posted on these forums every day. No mod is going to go and check whether you're a troll or in fact someone quitting with valid complaints. They'll simply close or delete this thread.

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I can care less about another 4man at this point. We need the legacy system to be complete far more than we need another 4 man.


cya. you dont make sense, you say you want another 4 man, get one, then say you would rather have the legacy system...really? the legacy system is more important to you than actual content?


yeah....i strongly suggest you just stop playing and leave. mmos are NOT for you. at all....

Edited by Darth_Pants
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Actually, if BioWare sees people actually cancelling their accounts, they're far more likely to pay attention to why than they are to pay attention to one of the hundreds of rage-quit posts being posted on these forums every day. No mod is going to go and check whether you're a troll or in fact someone quitting with valid complaints. They'll simply close or delete this thread.


just so you know, the subs have gone UP by over 1 million since launch. btw.,...if you honestly think BW check the forums, see someone claim they are quitting, then have to make a guess as to wether they actually are quitting or are trolling.....lol....using forums as a guage of player subs....lolololol. one of the funniest things ive read.


little advice....BW have SLIGHTLY more accurate ways to measure subs than the forums. *********** priceless.

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cya. you dont make sense, you say you want another 4 man, get one, then say you would rather have the legacy system...really? the legacy system is more important to you than actual content?


yeah....i strongly suggest you just stop playing and leave. mmos are NOT for you. at all....


I am operating under the assumption that the legacy system is a form of Alternate Advancement (as seen in Everquest and more recently Rift). Its mainly just a nuisance that I have this experience bar that really isn't for anything. As far as mmos are not for me, I have been playing and enjoying them for over 10 years. Since the launch of Ultima Online ( I would check the wiki to get you the date but its Sopa blackout day). Actually now that I mention UO its the only other MMO I can think of that didn't have a combat log. Very retro of bioware to take us back to the 90s.

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I have had no performance issues at all. Im not crashing to desktop, im not getting random shut downs. I dont even have any lag and I can run on max settings.


I am quitting because I disagree with your priorities on new content. I couldnt care less about another 4man at this point. We need combat logs, macros, ui customization, smoother melee combat and the legacy system to be complete far more than we need another 4 man.


So I guess ill be reactivating gamefly instead. FF13-2, KOA:Reckoning will hopefully hold me over until Diablo 3. Or even better you guys can get your act together and fix this game.


You realize a majority of this is coming in the march update?

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