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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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I'm 40 years young. I am a senior graphic designer. I have been playing games for most of my life. I like to keep my gaming life secret from my co-workers and clients because they will never understand the joy of PVP and raiding. It's one thing if you work with cool / young people, it's another thing entirely if you don't.


SAME HERE...on everything! Very few people even know I game! Working in an HR field, I have no techie people to discuss mitigation, pvp, and those damn class quests I can't do on my own!!


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I'm 46 and used to be a Director of Operations/ IT Manager for a family owned business. I've been disabled for the last 6 years (migraines and neck problems) and have found PC gaming to be a great hobby since I'm home all the time. I'm addicted to SWTOR and play every day for at least a few hours. I have a huge collection of games I USED to play.


My interest in gaming started in 1981 when I bought a TRS-80 Model III that ran on basic and had to load programs with a cassette tape. I now have an Alienware system.

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Well, I just may be the oldest SWTOR player! I am 55, professional woman. I make 6 figs a year and, like you, my friends, work peers have NO idea I am an online gamer. They just would not understand! Never to old to rock and roll, or MMORPG!
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I'm a cold-war/SWA vet, my first CaC was the Honorable Ronald Wilson Reagan. I'll be 45 in a few months and have a son who is stationed in Okinawa following his fathers path that started on some yellow footprints in San Diego.


I'm an enterprise developer working for a top tier company and my son and I play together when time zones and operational commitment allow for healthy play time.


Semper Fi, Marines!

Edited by iSoldat
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Hey, you're never too old to game, and you might find it's a great way to break the ice with other co-workers. Some of my patients wouldn't understand my gaming habit. It's a great ice-breaker with my teen patients, however. :)


Come on over to The Older Republic on the Sith Wyrm server if you want to game with a bunch of other older professionals (some not-so-older, and people from all professional/technical walks of life). We're at http://www.OlderRepublic.enjin.com .

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I'm 47 and act for a major insurance company representing our cases in disputes with the Financial Ombudsman Service. I think they'd be surprised to know that I deal with bad guys outside of work too.
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Hmm, I definitely qualify! Sorta. Except for the 'professional' part. I'm an ex-UNIX engineer and in the late 90s when a company I founded went public I cashed out and have been retired ever since. When I'm not playing games and taking care of my family, I work on our ranch and ride my horses. I have two sons ages 17 and 14.


Anyone remember Mist? LOL. Hubby and I used to play Quake death matches. I've played Guildwars, Rift, SWTOR and was in the on GW2 beta. Still prefer SWTOR. I remember seeing the first STar Wars in '77, I was in high school and saw that movie so many times I could recite it line by line. I My hubby says I have PHD in Star Wars. Now my sons are second generation Star Wars fans. My older son has a level 50 bounty hunter, my younger son has a sith warrior.

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Me and my 2 RL friends are leaving the game but...


I am 46, married with a wife that absolutely HATES all forms of "computer games" lol.


My two RL friends are both 49 so I am actually the "young 'un" of the group lol.



P.S. Forgot to mention that I'm a schoolteacher and both of my friends are programmers.

Edited by Monave
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well, i guess i'll add my 2 credits worth lol. I am %^ and will be %& next month, oh sorry, thats keyboard language, some of you are saying What? lol

i work for the govt. oooppsssss, wasnt supposed to say that, all of you head over to tatooine to the open world pvp area cause i am gonna hve to kill you now :p lmao

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44, high school teacher and football coach. Been into mmos since I received Everquest for Father's Day in 2002. My wife, an exceptionally talented RN, played wow with me for years, but doesn't like the sci-fi genre so wont tough TOR.




Oh yes, and I too saw the original Star Wars in theaters...many, many times!

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54 Year old out of work Electronics Tech of 25+ years. I've been playing MMO's since EQ1 on a hand-me-down HP 386 that lagged so bad I died before I hit the first attack!:mad:

Played WoW for 3 months then deleted the cartoon from my computer. :rolleyes: Played Rift but couldn't get into the crafting and other aspects :o SWG for about 2 years but got bored quickly. :p


I used to surprise people at work when they found out about me playing MMO's, and even my family thinks I'm nuts to play this "anti-social" game.


50 soundrel, 30 commando, 21 Sage, 17 Gunslinger, 21 Sorcerer, 21 Sentinel

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52 years old, registered nurse, and I come here to kill bad guys (especially SITH and Lawyers) LOL

I still have my #20 bag of dice and own the original D&D books, and pretty much everything after that. I played on a VIC 20 (know what that is?) and have never stopped gaming. Luck to you all, remember OLD, MEAN and prepared beats twitch speed everyday. :cool:

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Anyone remember Mist? LOL.


I definitely remember Mist! I think it was one of the first computer games I picked up. I don't think I got too far into the game because I had such a hard time trying to figure out how it worked. Back then, I was on dial up and it took too long to research the answers on the baby internet... Good times!!

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I definitely remember Mist! I think it was one of the first computer games I picked up. I don't think I got too far into the game because I had such a hard time trying to figure out how it worked. Back then, I was on dial up and it took too long to research the answers on the baby internet... Good times!!

Ohhh, Mist, loved it! Though the first computer game I got really hooked on, was Lemmings ;)

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I'm a late-40s, single mom to a very active 10-year-old boy. On those rare occasions when he doesn't have something going on in the evenings we play bounty hunters together (merc and powertech) and have a blast! Then if I can stay awake after he goes to bed, and don't have laundry to do, I get on the Republic side and play my scoundrel.


I am on the research staff of a defense think tank. My younger colleagues think it's way cool that I play MMOs, as do my son's friends. My older colleagues are oblivious :)

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I'm 44yrs old here be 45 in October...of course I saw the original Star Wars in the theaters as well. In fact saw all 6 movies in the theaters all first runs...I remember Mist or was it Myst? How about King's Quest? The Incredible Machine? Police Quest? I used to play Ultima Online and Vanguard...never gotten into Everquest(crack) or WOW. I did play Galaxies for a bit...did D&D Online (ahh the good ol' pen and paper game) currently playing Star Trek Online as well and DC Universe...those on hold until my SWTOR expires at the end of the month only because I'm unemployed right now.
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So, what server does everyone use?


I'm 46 in a couple of months, software developer (hence "sum" "jedi"), and 1977 was the year everyone quit calling me "Cool Hand" and started telling me to use the force.


We really should pick a server we'll all roll on (PVE or RP) and roll up chars, find each other.

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We really should pick a server we'll all roll on (PVE or RP) and roll up chars, find each other.

Lol, why not PVP? I'd never roll on another type of server and I haven't done one iota of PVP in SWTOR yet ;)

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Lol, why not PVP? I'd never roll on another type of server and I haven't done one iota of PVP in SWTOR yet ;)


Truth? I can't PVP worth a darn, and the "lolz n00b" crowd that seems to concentrate on those boxes has put me off that feature entirely. For me, open PVP equates to taking a stroll through Flint, Michigan after dark, unarmed.


I'm basing this off of other games, I didn't even look at PVP in swtor. Is it a better crowd?

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Truth? I can't PVP worth a darn, and the "lolz n00b" crowd that seems to concentrate on those boxes has put me off that feature entirely. For me, open PVP equates to taking a stroll through Flint, Michigan after dark, unarmed.


I'm basing this off of other games, I didn't even look at PVP in swtor. Is it a better crowd?

I'd appreciate any crowd at this point on my dead server ;)


On topic: for me, the possibility of being attacked by the opposite faction adds something to the game. I remember someone in WoW saying this about leveling in Stranglethorn Vale, the primary ganking area back in vanilla: "this is where the men are separated from the boys". It made leveling harder, but also more of an accomplishment.


Another reason I picked a PVP realm here in SWTOR, is fond memories of huge SWG battles, attracting hundreds of players from both sides as word spread around the server about a battle in progress. I have yet to see anything remotely like that in SWTOR, hell, I haven't even been ganked yet while leveling, but a girl can have dreams :D

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I'd appreciate any crowd at this point on my dead server ;)


On topic: for me, the possibility of being attacked by the opposite faction adds something to the game. I remember someone in WoW saying this about leveling in Stranglethorn Vale, the primary ganking area back in vanilla: "this is where the men are separated from the boys". It made leveling harder, but also more of an accomplishment.


Another reason I picked a PVP realm here in SWTOR, is fond memories of huge SWG battles, attracting hundreds of players from both sides as word spread around the server about a battle in progress. I have yet to see anything remotely like that in SWTOR, hell, I haven't even been ganked yet while leveling, but a girl can have dreams :D


Those can, in theory, happen in PVE. If I wander into Republic territory with my Sith Jugger, the game warns me that I'm in Republic territory and will automatically flag for PVP in 10...9...8...

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