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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Just got confirmation from a guildie on our forums. He got 18k valor in 30 minutes as REPUBLIC on our server just trying to push back the imps. We're a little more balanced than the others so were able to move them out of the base a few times, but that's without any of the bonuses cause they hold all 3 points. So if he's getting 18k in 30 mins, then the imps are getting 2x-3x that which is easily 1k valor a minute if not more.


Battlemaster is utterly irrelevant now. Everyone will have it in a couple days of hanging out in Ilum and most of the people who had today off probably have it already.


Glad I spent weeks farming it. Sour grapes, I guess, but it's got to be unintentional to trivialize something like that so easily.


If they fix it, it has to be a rollback. It will be far worse to patch and leave everyone who had today off a battlemaster with everyone else back to grinding warzones.

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I'm still at work so I don't have personal knowledge of the issues yet. Seems to me the fix would be to cap Empire (or larger faction) on Ilum.


I think this is fair because Republic generally has to wait longer to get a group for PvE content since there are fewer players. So it's fair if PvP requires a longer queue for the Empire.

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if they let the imps keep the valor...doubt i will quit but i will never queue up again for pvp.


how about this. take the amount of valor gained today...figure out what the average imp made doing it and give that much valor to every republic player.


And it screws over us Imperials who are at work and cannot play. So we quit.

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This has been going on now for over 4 hours.


There's no way in hell they roll the servers back now.


That's something you do immediately. The impact to all the people who didn't do anything "bad" at this point would be far more deleterious then whatever other resolutions they're considering.


Well, if you are a company that runs a MMO you roll back things immediately.


However Bioware has consistently behaved like a company that doesn't have any MMO titles.

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or basically we will wait till your current subscription period is renewed at some point over the next 24 hrs before posting that we are currently working on a fix that could take a few days to implement


That's exactly what will happen.

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You know what, for all you folks whining about PVP and Ilum, it is your own fault. Think about this, yes BW has internal testers that go through and play to find bugs, but if you all will remember, there is a Public Test Server. If half of you people sitting here rage quitting about this had spent half your time on the PTS trying out the content and seeing if it was possible to do what made it to live, the update probably would have been postponed even further.


Don't go blaming Bioware when you yourself had an opportunity to play the new content on the test server, but were to lazy because you didn't want to take the time to either level a character or if your character got copied, to take it over to Ilum, find the bug and then report it.


Shame on all you whiny kids, knee jerk reacting kids.










Sorry for the caps but this moron had it coming

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Interestingly it appears the spawn camping on Skrigg's live feed has stopped. Conscious decision by the Empire players on his server or what?


the guild leaders got together and pulled their people out. it was discussed on his stream :p

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Originally Posted by jdnyc

Fix problem suggestion:


Reset prior to today on Illum.


Release 3 faction PvP on Illum.






(Imperials and Republic can choose to be 'hired' to work for the Hutts to retain resources/capture points)




I like this idea a lot.


This portion of the idea "(Imperials and Republic can choose to be 'hired' to work for the Hutts to retain resources/capture points)" particularly will help address the faction balance issue.

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i see world pvp not camping


This is what I see as well - now. There was some really bad spawn camping, but now it appears that the Empire players are holding back from the spawn point even though they still have the numbers to completely roll over the Republic.


Perhaps they've decided it's more fun this way. I don't know.

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Funny how when I used to talk about this / warn about this people just told me I was bad.


How to fix it:


1.) Limit the number of people allowed in the zone at a time (WoW Tol Barad)

2.) Give a tenacity buff based on a % of how ot numbered Rep. is ( WoW Wintergrasp)

3.) Forced re-rolls for Imperial players


Dont even try to add Warhammers Against All Odds thing in this game, IT DOESNT WORK !


Fix this issue or your pvp community will be non-existent very shortly.


Reps will quit from being farmed, Imps will quit for having nobody to fight.

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This is like watching a train wreck from inside one of the passenger cars. Why oh why am I being punished for wanting to be a Jedi? Wasn't that kind of the whole point to this game?


Hmm being a Jedi and being punished for it? Yes that's point of the game. Movies lie, Jedi never win. Empire FTW

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It's not just been hours since they noticed this - it has been a full work day at this point, and in that time they have neither: (1) given a meaningful response to the issue; nor (2) resolved the issue. It has been hours, however, since they posted this:




***Emphasis at the end was supplied.



That message, promising a response "shortly" was posted at 3:40pm. Granted, a resolution was not promised to come shortly, but we haven't heard anything at all since that post - I have been watching devtracker. I am really getting nervous that they lack the ability to implement the obvious solutions for some reason. Every passing moment the problem is getting worse, so why else would they be putting off their subscribers? None of this makes any sense, but I hope BW can see us through this.




Maybe they just want to get it right for once? If it takes longer to come up with a better solution then I'm all for it. That's given that it's better....

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I play on the republic side on a heavy imperial server

I play the game mainly for pve.

I enjoy raiding (even the bugs!) and the new fp (L4D2 anyone?) was lots of fun.

What surprised me was that I really enjoyed the instanced pvp. Only 51 valor but that's a lot for me.


I thought ilum was a little pointless and quite often it was funny to see several imperials waiting for me to change the republic base 5 times so they could complete their dailies.


So ilum needed a change, I agree. The problem was always imbalance. Something that 1.1 has made worse. Most of those points have been raised so I will not add to them here.


Anyway good bye pvp, pvp side of ilum is now an imperial planet and soon imps should stomp all over the republic in wz's thanks to the valor imbalance.


I'll continue to play for fp's and ops but I am a little sad that part of the game has now been made imperial only.


Please fix.

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