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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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You know what, for all you folks whining about PVP and Ilum, it is your own fault. Think about this, yes BW has internal testers that go through and play to find bugs, but if you all will remember, there is a Public Test Server. If half of you people sitting here rage quitting about this had spent half your time on the PTS trying out the content and seeing if it was possible to do what made it to live, the update probably would have been postponed even further.


Don't go blaming Bioware when you yourself had an opportunity to play the new content on the test server, but were to lazy because you didn't want to take the time to either level a character or if your character got copied, to take it over to Ilum, find the bug and then report it.


Shame on all you whiny kids, knee jerk reacting kids.


I played during beta and the number of bugs and problems that got from beta to to live is massive. So don't sit there and tell me it's our fault because we didn't test when Bioware refused to act on the Beta feedback why in the world would I spend time on test giving more feedback and bug reports that are going to be ignored anyways?

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Does anybody else get the feeling that they will most likely take down the servers right in East Coast primetime to fix this, rather than taking them down 3 hours ago when they first figured out this was a problem?


I think I'm probably going to be poking around in Skyrim tonight when they finally get around to rolling things back.




Most likely they'll put out a fix tomorrow and rollback valor to what it was prior to today, I say this cause when Cata first came out the same type of issue with TB was going on and that's what they did.


What is not going to help is stomping your feet and holding your breath (not that what you are doing but others in this thread).

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You know what, for all you folks whining about PVP and Ilum, it is your own fault. Think about this, yes BW has internal testers that go through and play to find bugs, but if you all will remember, there is a Public Test Server. If half of you people sitting here rage quitting about this had spent half your time on the PTS trying out the content and seeing if it was possible to do what made it to live, the update probably would have been postponed even further.


Don't go blaming Bioware when you yourself had an opportunity to play the new content on the test server, but were to lazy because you didn't want to take the time to either level a character or if your character got copied, to take it over to Ilum, find the bug and then report it.


Shame on all you whiny kids, knee jerk reacting kids.


Rofl there have already been links to numerous posts within the testing forums to show that there were MANY people that expressed concern (or even outrage) over the way they were planning on changing Ilum in 1.1. Your entire post therefore, is irrelevant. Those that know about the situation know that BW ignored many warnings from the community after testing the "new" Ilum. It was tested, BW ignored, this is what we are left with...

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For the time being if your side is outnumbered and being camped just don't go to Ilum. Yes it sucks but don't go there and don't give them free valor.


Make that place a ghost town, yes it will suck that you can't do your dailies but no one else will be able to do them either if no one goes there from the outnumbered side.


Dude they still grind for capture points unopposed. Will they gain rank 60 in a day? no. They'll get it in a few days though. They will have all the capture points.

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I dont understand how people actually believe that allowing us to change faction will solve any problem at all. You honestly think people in majority will leave the Empire side to go get farmed on Republic side? C'mon thats being naive, if they allow faction change it will get even more imbalance, may as well make the game 1 faction at that point.


Players should simply not be allowed in the other factions base, put a shield or 50,000 turrets if necessary (non-killable ones).

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For the Devs, here is an idea...Don't broadcast to the side with the higher pop where all theie enemies are; In this case telling the Imps where all the Republic forces are being spotted on in Ilum. For those of us who were lucky enough to escape the base, we were hunted down because in BIG BOLD RED LETTERS, told who and where we were. How about instead, the side with the lower pop sees the RED and those who have the numbers do not. I know it's not really an issue of discussion, but it is something that should be addressed.


Yes x 1000.


For the life of me I have no idea why my position needs to be broadcast to the entire zone. They said Ilum was supposed to support run and gun tactics, but when they know exactly where you are ... how is that even supposed to be effective?

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Lol at all the Republic hate & QQ.


*sets server rollback scripts on the table*


" You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your server rollback. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant. "


In the end...you're just like us. Go ahead and give in.

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Fix problem suggestion:


Reset prior to today on Illum.


Release 3 faction PvP on Illum.






(Imperials and Republic can choose to be 'hired' to work for the Hutts to retain resources/capture points)




New Empire > Hutts. Hell Mandalorians > Both.

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Easy Fix:


1) Remove valor from turrets.

2) Give players a PvP immunity when entering Illum.

3) Put a bunker inside the Imp and Republic bases with turrets so that Republic or Imp players alike can zone in and man the turrets before having their PvP immunity wear off.

4) Make the turrets EXTREMELY hard to kill and let Republic or Imp forces control their own base turrets and annihilate Imps who try to base camp them (giving them valor for the kills too of course).

5) Either grant PvP immunity upon resurrection for a short period of time, or allow the both factions to respawn in a place they won't be ganked.

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Got to play on my server during my lunch break. I'm Imperial.


My server is experiencing an unbalanced fight, to be sure, but no graveyard camping yet. The turret is doing it's job and keeping us out.


In my opinion, some needed immediate changes are:


-Make the turret invincible

-Increase turret damage by 25%

-Reduction of valor granted by all kills by half, and then reduce the bonus by half.

-IMO, a valor roll back is neccesary.


In the long run:

- A stat bolster for your team depending on how many objectives you are from the center. I'd probably start it with 10% (maybe 15%) stat boost per node you're down (I.E. if pubs are stuck in the base they have 30% more of every stat)

-Make any character under level 48 worth no valor, a level 48 worth 25% normal valor, and a level 49 worth 50% normal valor.

-Get diminishing returns on kills working, because it looks like it's broken to me.


Good, solid, constructive and solution oriented post here. Exactly what we need more of. I concur with the above.


One side note of my own...I play a healer. I have not had a chance to test open-world pvp from a group perspective yet. My question/concern is...do healers still get Valor for kills if all they do is heal and never contribute any damage to the enemy? If not, this certainly would need to be fixed in addition to the above or there will be no healers in open world pvp.

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For the Devs, here is an idea...Don't broadcast to the side with the higher pop where all theie enemies are; In this case telling the Imps where all the Republic forces are being spotted on in Ilum. For those of us who were lucky enough to escape the base, we were hunted down because in BIG BOLD RED LETTERS, told who and where we were. How about instead, the side with the lower pop sees the RED and those who have the numbers do not. I know it's not really an issue of discussion, but it is something that should be addressed.


o is that why ii was swarmed,i couldnt figure out how all of a sudden 50 people knew where i was.


hmmm,kinda make me madder.o ya whos gonna give me the credits to fix my broken gear?id say it cost me 50-75k in broke champion gear earned legit?


i know im not so happy to pay for it,ive lived with getting killed on my speeder before i knew i had to jump.(still not fixed and now being used in pvp).i really am not happy to pay for broke gear cuz the update caused me to die....

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Bioware I'm rootin for ya's.


I really enjoyed leveling in this MMORPG more than any other. I really hope you can pull it together quickly.



Still though, I'm doing a 1 month sub instead of 3 like I had planned. This kind of thing is not good.


Only outs I see here are either A. Rollback or B. Gear reset; release another tier of gear as soon as this is fixed.

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Voluntary transfers did nothing in WoW. When a server is dominated by one faction, it needs to be merged with a server that's been dominated by the other. All voluntary transfers do is encourage people to pile up and cause even larger faction imbalances- because the people transferring want to be on the "winning side".


The solution is to take a "winning Empire" and a "winning Republic" server and put them in one server together, then use the now-empty second server for a fresh-start PvP server. Repeat this as often as possible.


free server transfers worked fairly well in rift, it evened up lots of server balance.


Not in favor of faction transfer but server transfer, yes, if its free.

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BW: TAKE YOUR TIME. DO THINGS RIGHT. No more nonsense, please.


They could not afford to take their time. They were desperate to get the content patch in before the 30 day included time expired so that people would renew their subscription and they could tout high re-subscribe numbers.


This appears to have considerably worked against them.

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The solution is to take a "winning Empire" and a "winning Republic" server and put them in one server together, then use the now-empty second server for a fresh-start PvP server. Repeat this as often as possible.


If there are any winning Republic servers to begin with. There might be a few but I doubt they'll offset the ones where the Imps are in full control.

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Reverting Ilum to the way it was before will not suit me. Ilum only worked a couple of days before it would bug out and all objectives were not able to be completed. Even though I'm getting spawn camped, at least the zone is working for Iron Citadel now.
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You'll have to do a rollback of valor earned today due to the exploit, and the smart thing would be to put barriers up around Republic bases so Imps cant go inside and spawncamp, and do vice versa for the Imps. Make the battlefield the actual field and not in the bases.


You may even take it a stretch further and have scheduled Base raids, like once a week at say, 10CST, where one faction tries to take the others base by PvP and interacting with an object or killing a super elite boss (see also: Aion abyss sieges).


Smart man, right here ^^

I'd be wise to listen.

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Really. Not our responsibility. It is what we PAY THEM FOR. Seriously funny dude.


+1. if the game were free... that guy would have a point. i dont pay people so that i can do their work for them.


it doesnt require testing to realize how bad their system is flawed.


it requires someone with a brain that can look at player populations across servers and see that the number of 50 imps FAR outnumber the 50 repubs, and that the turrets will be exploitable.


i cant believe no one on the pvp team has a brain.

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And you must be one of the pompous republics that must think every Imperial farms valor. I have yet to get anything from Ilum.


I'm an imperial player, I'm in one of the best PvP guilds on my server, and everyone is gaining ranks like it's absolutely nothing. They're screaming YAY 10 ranks in 1 hour.


Grouping up and leeching valor goes fast. And by now we've got 14 players above rank 60, in my guild alone.

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if they let the imps keep the valor...doubt i will quit but i will never queue up again for pvp.


how about this. take the amount of valor gained today...figure out what the average imp made doing it and give that much valor to every republic player.

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