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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I have never EVER wanted to post on the forums. But this is by far the biggest failure on Biowares part. How can you let such a big pvp im balance happen. I log into the game in illum pvp zone right next to republics taxi and i get insta ganked by 60 or so empire. There is no way out of illum unless u que for pvp and afk out to republic. PLEASE FIX and ROLL BACK VALOR. this is beyond ridiculous
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No. I will bring as much light and gas to this forum as I possibly can.



To Bioware:


Can we PLEASE have a meaningful response. It's been hours since you took notice of the issue :/


They won't reply. They're turtling.


And while they are playing their violin, the Tortanic sinks without a trace.


This is without doubt the worst trainwreck I've ever seen from such a large company.

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Why does this remind me of Netflix? One hell of a trainwreck issue, with an absolute deafening silence from the powers that be.


The normally active twitter feeds of the PR folks have been strangely silent, if you compare their activity of the day before.


Seems to me that there are some bad actors moving things from behind the scenes, limiting those who want to truly help this game do well. Sometimes bad things happens, but if you keep trying to sweep them under the rug, instead of being honest and dealing with them...


I'm glad I've decided to cut my losses and go. This last event has solidified my feelings on the state of all things SWTOR.

Edited by Thayan
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the pvp on ilum is grossly unbalanced on the server i am on there are WAY too many sith to republic players to the point that it is almost impossible to complete the daily or weekly. some sort of balance NEEDS to happen, whether it is balance the number of players in the pvp area or add more armament spawns across the area, otherwise i will just give up on the ilum pvp hell there are some people who already have given up and if nothing is changed i bet most of the other republic players will as well.
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Bioware...shut down now and roll back immediately. I'd hate to say it but you screwed up big time. I can't even escape Ilum, I have to turn off my game. I'm not going to start it up until there is a fix, sorry. And if this isn't fixed, I don't think I can continue to subscribe. I'm sorry, I really am.
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A few of my main concerns with Ilum, given the focus was on encouraging actual PvP:


  • Why give Valor for non-player kills at all?
  • Why create a system that, even if the existing turret issue were not present, effectively locks the minority faction out of Ilum?
  • Why give Valor for killing players who would give no exp if they were NPCs?
  • Why allow low level players into Ilum in the first place? Why not have the shuttle NPC tell them they aren't cleared to visit the planet?


I've canceled my sub, pending a rollback. Bioware has been good about communicating issues prior to this, but this is a serious red flag. The patch was delayed specifically to address issues with Ilum, so I'm disappointed that something of this magnitude made it through. I'd like to know that the company is willing and able to execute a quick and clean rollback when the need arises.


i agree the only way to show our displeasure with the current system is to either walk or threaten to walk and mean it.


i would assume anyone that stays there today should be rolled back.no normal person would go through this crap and like it.

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So would you complain less if NO ONE was doing their job? The mods aren't sitting around and twiddling their thumbs. Their actions are the first ones that we see, so obviously it would seem that only they are contributing to fixes for the myriad issues. Doesn't mean that BW isn't working their butts off as a whole to fix their mistake just because you aren't seeing it happen. Edited by Qishari
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Once you are done with evaluating the feedback given by the community, I would like an official apology from Bioware on this matter, and an explaination on how this will be prevented from ever happening again - and this comes from someone that hasn't even been in the game yet rather only watched a few of the videos...


Best Regards


Hi folks,


We're currently investigating potential issues related to the Ilum open world PVP area post 1.1. We understand that this is a topic of much discussion and we ask that you please direct all discussions to this thread.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:

  • No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  • Please stay on topic.
  • If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.


We will update as soon as we have more information.


Update #1


Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues (we used the term "potential" during our initial investigating, and have now removed the wording on the title of this thread) and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.

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So let's see. Bioware is a aware of the issue obviously, and we are "awaiting a response" per a message over an hour ago. What do we know?


1 - There's a live stream of the problem going on one of the servers

2 - Several people are posting pictures of imperial dominated areas

3 - People are reporting that they are having to use a bug to escape

4 - Threads are getting locked because people don't know how to play nice

5 - The servers are still up while they investigate.

6 - Q&A testing missed that this was a possibility

7 - Even after the outcry and calls to put a stop to this, the servers are still up.

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Sorry, I originally posted this in an inappropriate thread.


ROLL THIS PATCH BACK....then chuck-it in the trash


Over the last few year I have played several MMO's & one thing that confounds me & ruins the games for me is all the nerfing that happens right off the get go. Good gawd! This game is still wet behind the ears & already all you are doing is nerfing it because a few whiners cant take the time to figure out how to play the game as is & want immediate gratification to substitute for piss poor player abilities. Out of all the players in this game its natural that you will only hear from the minority so why not wait & let the MAJORITY actually provide valued feedback. You don't hear from the majority who are also proficient players because we are happy. Why start nerfing this game when its still so new. Every new MMO that has come out in the last few years & started nerfing right away because of a bunch of whining has failed or at the very least has had their membership drop to half (or much less) of what it could have been. LEAVE THE FRIGGEN GAME ALONE! Note the whining & let it ride. Wait until you can get feedback from the majority either through active solicitation or general input. You already screwed up by nerfing slicing, now this crap?


As an old fart who has been playing around for YEARS, (& as a large public program manager for years) I am telling you, you guys a screwing up by the numbers. The most vocal sector is not always the majority & in 6 months this game will fail like Rift did if you don't stop now. Some in my group have been beta testing for you since day one & we are, I think, a more mature professional crowd .... & NON OF US WANT, BELIEVE IN OR SUPPORT these nerfs.


Come on guys, you can do better than this. Roll back.

Edited by Orinthal
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#1 On my server there is a 3 to 1 ratio of empire to republic players. For republic players to have a fighting chance on ilum, I would recommend changing the shard settings so that you can only have a max of x empire players to x republic players. That off course will not help if your stuck in an outnumbered shard or if no republic decides to PvP, but it will help in part with the current issue of having 10 to 1 and in some cases 20 to 1 odds.


Once one side gets the advantage population wise the others flee, or go do something else. So if you want to fight you just get vastly outnumbered and you do not have many options. With a change to the sharding you could at least try to organize all of the republic into one shard so rather than fighting all of the empire zerging about, you would only fight a portion of them. They may still out number you but 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 is doable with organization and sneaky tactics. 10 to 1 and 20 to 1 is not as fudge-able.


#2 the spawn camps, and spawn points need to be impenetrable by the enemy players. Instant kill npc's, blocked off areas, ext.


For Ilum I actually recommend adding an elevator to where the current respawn guy is, and adding a new room to the bases. Have it so you respawn into the room and use the elevator to exit. This way people cannot be spawn camped, and can res up and leave the zone if they wish.


#3 give more incentive for people to attack, and defend the objectives. Make it not as worthwhile for them to camp the bases. If they have to be at let's say an objective thats not the base then, while some will certainly go to try to camp the base, others will go to the objectives in pursuit of the quest objectives, which will help to split up the zerg of players and give the underpopulated side a chance to fight a more equal engagement.


You must avoid mechanics and systems that serve to funnel the full brunt of the population into single areas. Doing so leads to zone stability issues, and faction imbalances. It will simply devolves into who has the biggest zerg and as one side grows and wins, the losing side will opt not to play. They'll logout and do something else, which destroys the content for all involved.


Faction imbalance drives further faction imbalance, and its important to keep that in mind, and come up with system to encourage the underdog realm to keep at it and add fighting, and to come up with systems, and to design zones, so that sheer numbers are not the deciding factor to any engagement.


Warhammer Online, with its many faults, did come up with a system that encouraged outnumber players to fight it out and stay in the zones. It was not a perfect system, and it was not a complete system but it was innovative and effective for a time. It was a buff called against all odds. When the population on one side got larger than the other the under populated side got a buff that increased all experience and renown (valor) gained in the zone by a fixed %.


This meant even if your side was hopelessly outnumbered if you struck out and got a few kills you would be well rewarded for that effort. It paid off to be scrappy and cantankerous and to fight to the last man.


To sum it all up things that could use improvement in SWTOR open pvp zones are, safe respawn points, population balancing, and weighing of zone objectives to help prevent zerging or the focusing off all the players to a single point / area.

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Why does this remind me of Netflix? One hell of a trainwreck issue, with an absolute deafening silence from the powers that be.


The normally active twitter feeds of the PR folks have been strangely silent, if you compare their activity of the day before.


Seems to me that there are some bad actors moving things from behind the scenes, limiting those who want to truly help this game do well. Sometimes bad things happens, but if you keep trying to sweep them under the rug, instead of being honest and dealing with them...


I'm glad I've decided to cut my losses and go. This last event has solidified my feelings on the state of all things SWTOR.


Yup, why should i support a company that doesn't even talk with her customers?

The customer support is awfull, the developers don't even respond in the topic's and just lock them. Way to go bioware!

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Wouldn't work Bounty Hunter = Trooper and Smuggler= Agent. If they were the same archetype then this suggestion would be viable.


Republic - Jedi, Troopers. SIS Agent (right name?)


Empire - Sith, Imperial soldiers, Imperial Agent


Neutral - Grey force users (tricky but I suspect doable), Bounty Hunters, Smugglers.


That's what I would have liked to have seen. Even if the grey were excluded that still gives each faction the trinity and the neutral could make up whatever they're missing by working with the other 2.

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This patch made me giggle since I quit the game two weeks ago. But really it is only sad. I wouldn't wish this mess on anyone.


It is strange though that something soo obvious can happen. First thing you do when you implement something new is to think "How would I try to exploit this if it were possible?". Just think like a bad guy and you wouldn't release stuff like this. Guess the devs aren't playing the game.

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It's impressive how fast a company can completely destroy a pvp system in a new game.




1. Roll back the valor and commendations gained today to pre-patch 1.1.


2. Shut down world pvp until you have found a viable solution.


3. Fire the people responsible for this mess up and hire somebody that knows what they are doing (hint: look for old DAoC developers).

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