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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Hi folks,


We're currently investigating potential issues related to the Ilum open world PVP area post 1.1. We understand that this is a topic of much discussion and we ask that you please direct all discussions to this thread.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:

  • No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  • Please stay on topic.
  • If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.


We will update as soon as we have more information.



Roll back the valor or dig the grave next to AoC, Rift, Fury and others. Most PvPers have been working on Rank for weeks. Now a bunch of people who PvP in Illum for 2 hrs are higher rank and have better equipment faster?



Funeral Procession -----> that way....

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Wow, just wow. I cannot believe my fellow players. I know forums are often just good places to vent and heck I've been in most mmorpgs US side since 2000. Is all this helping fix things and making the community better, cohesive, consolidated on its issues and what it wants from the game?


What is Bioware doing, they are doing an mmorpg. PVP is not the centerpoint of the game, it is a detailed side component. Its going to wait in line ALWAYS with all the other components of the game that have to be addressed, improved and supported. Space combat, questing, pvp, mechanics, graphics, content, balance, flashpoints they all get a piece of the pie. Fine, if you can't take that go back to a true pvp game. Why make it unpleasant for yourself?


Bioware is being extremely responsive with bug fixes and customer service and has been doing a ridiculously over the top job of trying to put in new content its first month of going live when almost every other game out there used the first few months just to stabilize the servers so you can play it. Are they yours or my bugfixes? Maybe not, or maybe not yet but I think you'll get a lot more with honey then vinegar there. Although BW people are probably all severely sleep deprived.


The fact that they've already responded to the complaints should be lauded. You dont want to pay them money, just take it and go.

People who are seriously complaining that it took them a whole week of grinding something to get a title or armor or anything really that is now being exploited?


You have NO concept of investing real time for something yet. A week is nothing. You either have the attention spans of mayflies, are young or perhaps an attention disorder or something because grinding anything for a week only would probably get you laughed out of any game experience where people work for something, heck real world too. If you're just young or have a disorder all I can say is, you haven't perspective yet. You'll get it some day and you'll look embarrassed before yelling at the kids to get off the lawn. When you work on something for a year or heck I'll give you months to get that rare title or piece of equipment, or a car then you'll have something to get pissy over or better yet to be proud of.


Am I going to qq because I go to a gym for a week every day and don't have a body like a champion body builder? yeah that makes sense. Now people like instant gratification, I get that, we're a consumeristic materialistic, self-centered society and we pay money to have other people entertain us. But we're still sharing the sand box and the sandbox is complicated. And quite frankly the sand box is BETTER if we all work together to make it more fun. If we all entertain each other we'll definitely be getting our monies worth.


Invest some real time in something additionally worthwhile, try roleplaying, or writing, or trying all the questing options or do something else while BW cleans up their mess. I'm not arguing they dont' make messes, its going to be inevitable. Mmropgs always have one foot in the beta box.


Sheesh, less stress is just going to help the situation. Collect data and send that in, or take a break and get an arrow in your knee.

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I really don't see that bioware has much of a choice...



If they don't roll back valor, then they have to leave the turrent in. Which means EVERYBODY gets battlemaster rank in a week and snags up the gear, making it the new lowest standard with the easiest method to obtain. In essence, rank 3 pvp gear becomes the new greens. So then bioware has to buff everything else, or nerf the hell out of PVP gear.

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Those and the fact that newly dinged lvl 50 Imps are now Valor rank 65+ already says it all.


How is it possible that no one at Bioware was able to foresee those problems ? I know that you cant control (at least not directly) which side players want to play, but for starters you could have made sure that those sides are really equal.


It feels like you started the development on the Imp Side and ran out of time to make it to the release. The Rep Station has Imp Flag reflections on the floor... Come on.


Same faction PvP was a nice idea, but by doing that you took out the main reason for people to switch sides. Not only do they gear as fast as the weaker side, with 1.1 you even made sure they gear faster. Your game fails to deliver on the PvE side, the only fun part left was PvP. And with that sorry excuse for a patch you ruined that as well.


With all the PvP drama you didn't even get feedback on the rest of 1.1 yet... The performance is worse than before, but now i even get random loading screens in between.



I canceled my sub, and will gladly be back when you FIXED the 1.1 Problem. If you have the balls to Rollback and undo the damage im in again. But somehow i don't think that will happen.

Bioware themselves play the Empire faction (devs said so in an interview)


Which explains everything

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Potential? lol....


This is the most monumental **** up by a games company I've ever seen, the first resubs are due tomorrow lol.


They better pull a rabbit out their arse never mind a hat. Rollback and a free day minimum for all for this.


I noticed that thiis thread is (relatively) hidden in the PvP forum and not in General.


Population imbalance needs fixed as soon as possible. Variable perks for lowest population faction relative to imbalance ratio until it starts to balance out.

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So, to all the cry babies out there complaining that they have not fixed this yet.


How long have the servers been up with this patch? It takes time to isolate the parts of the patch that is causing this and then implement a fix. Patience is a virtue, a virtue that most of you do not have.

Also, until this is fixed, just don't play PvP on Ilum. Problem solved until an actual fix is implemented by bioware.

I agree there should be a rollback due to the huge exploits that are being done. But, many are calling for a faction balance. Bioware is not responsible for people wanting to play Empire. Get over it. It's the same thing that originally happened in World of Warcraft. There was a huge faction issue but it eventually fixed itself with server transfers and what not.

The game is not even a month old and this is Bioware's first MMO. You have to give it time so that problems can come to light and then be fixed. If you remember, this same thing happened back in WoW.


I, for one, am sticking with this game for a while. Something as minor as this when you look at the big picture is not enough to cancel a subscription. All the crybabies and whiners can go back to WoW and prepare for their world of pandacraft and go out and catch all the pokemon for the next expansion.


Listen idiot. There is a thing called the "Public Test Server." It actually has a forum dedicated all to it! Who would ahve thought?


Anyways, read that forum! You will see people have been saying this since the Test Server has been up with the 1.1 patch.

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Props to Imps out there who actually see the imbalance this has created and would like changes.


If you are on the other side and love the imbalance, then you are probably the player who goes into WZ's and gets completely facerolled unless you are carried by your premade or any premade in general that can carry your weight.

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Way to overlook the population imbalances on each server, resulting in the faction with the most people willing to go EXPLOIT your broken game update!


Queue up the level 50 only brackets to GET ROLLED EVEN HARDER BY PEOPLE WHO GRINDED 60 valor, ready to collect their battlemaster gears?


in mere hours?



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I do not think adding population cap is the answer. The map just needs to allow the zerg to be broken up.


High population for one side vs the other should give the lesser side a valor bonus that scales based on the number of each faction in the zone. Max bonus should be 400%


Nothing splits up a zerg like being farmed in reverse yo.


This is a good idea.

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Just make all open world PVP a free for all no factions anyone can kill anyone and killing a player 8 levels lower than you yields no valor gain and protect spawn points with the same type of shield barrior that prevents people from entering areas that they do not have a mission for and put travel services inside the barrior that bring players to the main city to prevent spawn campers that are waiting outside the safe area from repeatedly killing the same player.After all imps do not mind killing each other to gain power.
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I think an MMO legend has been born here today.


And not a good one.










Otherwise your reputations are pretty much screwed

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What ever delevopment team, and what ever excutive is in charge of this game needs to be fired. Personal accountability are in affect when anyone screws up, look at polititions, to mayors, to the state of IL the land of curruption.
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Wow, just wow. I cannot believe my fellow players. I know forums are often just good places to vent and heck I've been in most mmorpgs US side since 2000. Is all this helping fix things and making the community better, cohesive, consolidated on its issues and what it wants from the game?


What is Bioware doing, they are doing an mmorpg. PVP is not the centerpoint of the game, it is a detailed side component. Its going to wait in line ALWAYS with all the other components of the game that have to be addressed, improved and supported. Space combat, questing, pvp, mechanics, graphics, content, balance, flashpoints they all get a piece of the pie. Fine, if you can't take that go back to a true pvp game. Why make it unpleasant for yourself?


Bioware is being extremely responsive with bug fixes and customer service and has been doing a ridiculously over the top job of trying to put in new content its first month of going live when almost every other game out there used the first few months just to stabilize the servers so you can play it. Are they yours or my bugfixes? Maybe not, or maybe not yet but I think you'll get a lot more with honey then vinegar there. Although BW people are probably all severely sleep deprived.


The fact that they've already responded to the complaints should be lauded. You dont want to pay them money, just take it and go.

People who are seriously complaining that it took them a whole week of grinding something to get a title or armor or anything really that is now being exploited?


You have NO concept of investing real time for something yet. A week is nothing. You either have the attention spans of mayflies, are young or perhaps an attention disorder or something because grinding anything for a week only would probably get you laughed out of any game experience where people work for something, heck real world too. If you're just young or have a disorder all I can say is, you haven't perspective yet. You'll get it some day and you'll look embarrassed before yelling at the kids to get off the lawn. When you work on something for a year or heck I'll give you months to get that rare title or piece of equipment, or a car then you'll have something to get pissy over or better yet to be proud of.


Am I going to qq because I go to a gym for a week every day and don't have a body like a champion body builder? yeah that makes sense. Now people like instant gratification, I get that, we're a consumeristic materialistic, self-centered society and we pay money to have other people entertain us. But we're still sharing the sand box and the sandbox is complicated. And quite frankly the sand box is BETTER if we all work together to make it more fun. If we all entertain each other we'll definitely be getting our monies worth.


Invest some real time in something additionally worthwhile, try roleplaying, or writing, or trying all the questing options or do something else while BW cleans up their mess. I'm not arguing they dont' make messes, its going to be inevitable. Mmropgs always have one foot in the beta box.


Sheesh, less stress is just going to help the situation. Collect data and send that in, or take a break and get an arrow in your knee.


except that:


a) champion gear > entry level pve raiding gear


b) even pugs expect you to have pvp gear to do any pug NORMAL ops due to everything having hard enrage timers



pvp is required unless all you plan to do is craft and make alts. dont kid yourselves.

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