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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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This happened back in UO and spilled over into games like Asheron's Call. You had guys from massive guilds who ran the show. So, "Anti" alliances/coalitions were formed to fight back. If enough people would organize, they might change things or at least make for some good fights.


Sadly, the majority of PvPers nowadays don't PvP to fight, they don't PvP for fun. They PvP because all they know from past experience is that they get a nice shiny if they do. It's not about PvP, it's about an ingame 'tangible' item. Here Johnny, if you PvP, you can have some candy or I'll take you to McDonalds.


Parents have ruined their kids with bribes, "if you do this, you can have this" and the thrill of doing something right does not exist any longer.


In life there are only two sides, there is a Right way to do things, and a Wrong way to do things. Players can make the decision on how they want this game to be.


Like I've said before, PvP is player driven, it has nothing to do with a manufactured scenario.


I think this mentality is BS. What people want from PvP is not different know than it ever was in any other game.


People want it to be fun.


Is Ilum fun for you today?

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Why the **** are the servers still up? Are you really so incompetent that you cant figure out that its better to bring the servers down for a few hours and fix this before it gets any worse?


Actually there might be a way to reset Valor to yesterdays value.

If so letting the servers run is a good thing so everyone who plays fair can level up his character or do a new dungeon with his friends or do whatever he is doing today. Everyone who opts for exploiting this is going to waste a bit of their irrecoverable lifetime.


There's probably some other silly reason but here's to hoping :D

Edited by mufutiz
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You can queue for a warzone hoping it can get you out, otherwise you are STUCK there untill the Imps get bored and LEAVE YOU ALONE.




pretty simple. Don't lie and act like you have no way to quit. go play another toon.

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7 years for 1 month.. Should have noticed these issues when we prompted them months ago in beta. I knew that it would be tilted somewhat in Empire favor but the warzones and open pvp are a death knell for many of us pvp players, even us Empire folk. I remember on the 13th when people were complaining about these issues and after a month the damage is unlikely to be recoverable. I already know of people that say if they want to play Warhammer Online, they will play Warhammer Online. It sickening that this is what we waited 7 years for. Cookies for whoever at Bioware/EA that can salvage this mess and somehow even this out. Oh and the simple fact that we can form an entire team of Val60 Battlemaster SI/BH teams and roll over any other team thirty times in a row should have thrown up a huge red flag uhm, half a month ago.
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For all the people that are saying that getting valor points from doing Ilum is exploiting, well you don't make any sense. They set the amount of valor you get for killing people for a reason. Therefore they wanted it in the game. Its not an exploit. Wheither they decide to change it is up to them so stop complaining. If you don't like it don't play. Most of the people that are doing raids in Ilum are going to grind Valor ranks anyway. Are you guys really afraid of competition??


Competition? No


Being gimped gear wise because Imps got freebies? Yea, thats BS

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A videos says more than words:




Turrents with Aoe dmg, and higher dmg.

Decrease valor gain when in a ops grp by A lot. Split valor gain by ppl in a grp (if they're close to the kill).


Most valor gain should be from a solo kill. -This will make ppl want to go in small grps or solo to pvp.. which, imo, is the most fun.

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Best Post of the thread.



This happened back in UO and spilled over into games like Asheron's Call. You had guys from massive guilds who ran the show. So, "Anti" alliances/coalitions were formed to fight back. If enough people would organize, they might change things or at least make for some good fights.


Sadly, the majority of PvPers nowadays don't PvP to fight, they don't PvP for fun. They PvP because all they know from past experience is that they get a nice shiny if they do. It's not about PvP, it's about an ingame 'tangible' item. Here Johnny, if you PvP, you can have some candy or I'll take you to McDonalds.


Parents have ruined their kids with bribes, "if you do this, you can have this" and the thrill of doing something right does not exist any longer.


In life there are only two sides, there is a Right way to do things, and a Wrong way to do things. Players can make the decision on how they want this game to be.


Like I've said before, PvP is player driven, it has nothing to do with a manufactured scenario.



Ahh reminds me of the good ol $C$ vs Everyone fights we used to have on UO's Baja server...


I would kill people just for the sake of killing... i didn't want their loot or anything special... I was just out for blood....

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A videos says more than words:




Turrents with Aoe dmg, and higher dmg.

Decrease valor gain when in a ops grp by A lot. Split valor gain by ppl in a grp (if they're close to the kill).


Most valor gain should be from a solo kill. -This will make ppl want to go in small grps or solo to pvp.. which, imo, is the most fun.


Old Ilum = Kinda broken, really laggy.

New Ilum = Totally broken, unplayable due to lag and framerate.


The Valor snafu is just the icing on the cake.

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I am only interested in the PVP aspect of this game and in the matter of one night the game that I was enjoying has been destroyed.


I will be unsubscribing unless:

a) all valor earned since the release of the 1.1 patch gets rolled back

b) Bioware acknowledges the problem and locks down Ilum until they can come up with a design that is equal for both factions


I have a hard time believing that anyone who has ever played an MMO, let alone developed one, would think that the changes in the 1.1 patch were going to fix the PVP issue on Ilum. I am hopeful that those responsible for these changes will be dealt with properly (ie. take an arrow in the knee) and Bioware can resume down a successful path.


You will roll back the valor earned since the release of the 1.1 patch.

*force persuades the development / support staff*

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pretty simple. Don't lie and act like you have no way to quit. go play another toon.


Nice, so I am not only forced to log off my character because of unintended gameplay but you are also rewarded at the same time.


My suggestion is that you try to save your mad for tomorrow when you log in and all your unearned valor from today is gone.


Also dont even bother loading up on the gear as they will be removed too.

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Just another Imp trying to find a way to defend the Ilum changes.


I have been at work all day, so no. I haven't even seen any of this, but if you are too impared to type /quit instead of being farmed, thats on you. if its broke don't sit there feeding it, basic common sense.


Crying about how stuck you are when you can leave the game at any time is beyond obtuse.

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Why faction balance failed.


There was no penalty for it. In other games you suffer a penalty of long queue times for warzones. If Empire couldn't play empire in huttball? Many would have rerolled.


Well, they realized that now . So at least they announced new same-faction WZ's (plural) for the future. No wait...that doesn't make sense.

Edited by mufutiz
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Though I'm not in Ilum yet, I thought I'd post some ideas in here instead of raging.


1) Cap the number of players able to be in the open PVP portion of the zone. Have the cap equal the lowest faction's players in the zone.


2) Diminishing returns on valor for killing the same player.


3) No valor earned near an enemy's spawn area.


I hope the issue is fixed to everyone's satisfaction soon. I really love this game and want it to do well. I don't agree withe people who say that it's dying, because everyone had issues at launch, some worse and some way more minor than this, and some of them are still around. Look at Anarchy Online, for example. Let the people complain, but the level headed among us know that this will be properly fixed, and we will be compensated. Just be patient for a response. It IS coming.

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I'm not sure if it's just today or this week, but changing from downing walkers and turrets to killing the other faction and gatgering armaments has ignored the fact that healers do not get credit for kills their ops group make. Also, when solo in the zone a healer needs a companion, which have been disabled.


As of right now pvp on ilum is unplayable for healers.

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What is irritating me most about this is that if it were the republic benefiting from this exploit there would be constant Facebook updates and probably a real time stream on YouTube about what is being done to rectify the situation, CNN type coverage. Edited by ActionAce
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They showed a disturbing lack of foresight in allowing these changes to go live. They may be in over their heads in trying to balance a game system as large and complex as an MMO. Their total lack of communication over the course of the day is also really troubling. This is a bad day for all of us.
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