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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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well I stood a chance in a wz before, now forget it with the way ilum can be farmed by imps who outnumber us at least 3to1 at any given time on ilum in the past are gonna really outnumber us now and there is not a damn thing republic players can do about it.


So much for making battlemaster being a task bw your new patch just handed the imperials overwhelming imbalance issues with PVP. Not only is ilum broken but because of that wz will be further unbalanced by a flood of new imperial players in battlemaster PVP gear while the republic struggles.


Honestly I see no other option then a roll back if you want any chance of keeping your republic player base. ilum needs to be closed off to those who have not unlocked the storyline or at 50. If this issue is not addressed rapidly I will be canceling my sub as I am a republic player that wants a chance to compete with the horde.


Hell the old system was bad but at least it gave both sides an equal chance to get what they needed, now you created a system that benefits only imperials.

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so no official anything yet? i don't want to get mad until i actually know what's happening and i don't care to read thru all the crap



We are figuring out the problem and we are working on some kind of issue-solving.


This will take roughly 4-6 hours, but WE wish you a good SW:TOR experience.


Sincerely, your-not-answering-CM's.

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Originally Posted by Almghty_gir

possible solutions:

remove expertise as of right now. bring all servers down for one hour, remove it from the game until you can find a better use for it.

whilst the servers are down, rollback all valor on all servers gained after 2am (when the servers went down for maintenance).

remove valor from everything except player kills.

add a scaling valor bonus for underdog factions, it should be additive, and cap at 400% bonus for being outnumbered by 4:1 or greater, and start at 25% bonus for being outnumbered by 1.25:1, this should apply to ilum only.

on pvp servers, remove the ability to roll characters on both factions. if a player has characters on both factions already they must delete one faction before being allowed to log into the game.

add a +100% valor bonus (additive) to the underdog faction on any server.


this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

out numbered on their server

out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum

control all of the ilum objectives


copy pasted, making sure it doesnt get lost

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I just want to say that there is nothing "potential" about the problem. Something drastic MUST be done or it is going to kill this game.

I really, really don't want to quit this game. But if I am forced to PvP at an extreme disadvantage EVERY DAY. I will have to quit this game.

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As I sit here at work I ponder how many people will be able to get off at the regular time, go home, and afk in Illum / cap out Valor before any change or fix is actually implemented.


As far as spawn camping etc. goes -- Easiest fix for this would be spawn pad immunity similar to AOC // or making all recently spawned targets give zero valor for a certain amount of time after spawn... Or hell, even a combination of both. At least some form of spawn protection provides the opportunity for a force to regroup and fight back, or in the face of overwhelming odds LEAVE THE ZONE and come back later.


As it stands, if you are already in Illum and the imps are all camped out in your base, you can't even leave. You simply have to log an alt and do something else. This is probably the dumbest thing I have ever seen.


This has to be fixed. Roll-back is the only answer. Otherwise you have the larger faction gaining massive advantage by having a large majority of their players Valor Capped in a day.


I don't really post on the forums much, and I enjoy the PvE aspects of this game (not even gonna get in to the other still glaringly obvious bugs), but this is totally an epic failure. I feel like I should just reroll to a PvE server at this point... because apparently the PvP is going to be boinked for a LONG time.


Additionally, I can't wait to hear some big technical explanation for the reason things are the way they are, so we can be told again that the way we play the game is being micro managed and is in our best interest, just like the high resolution textures issue. Working as intended.... lawl.


P.S. I play Empire and support full rollbacks. The easy road of exploiting game mechanics is for complete losers who have no respect for the game, and obviously want instant gratification only to be bored of the game in a week because "not enuf contentz bro".

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So imps have 3x as many people, not only that but they get 5x as much valor per kill. republic get 20 valor a kill, why the hell would republic want to even play anymore? Great job adding incentives, too bad it only worked for the already overpopulated faction.


Went from a 6 month subscription plan to cancelled overnight, well done.

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If they have to roll back valor they have to roll back everything.


I'm guessing most people think changing something to the way it was on a game with millions of lines of code is as easy as copy and paste.



Simply put, if there isn't a seperate database for valor gains they HAVE to rollback EVERYTHING.


exp gains, character creation and EVERYTHING else.


I think the levelers would be more pissed off if they lost a level or 2 because some kids QQ about life not being fair.

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Still have not seen any.


It's irrelevant. I'm not cancelling because of the valor as I'm not sure if it's true or not. I'm cancelling because they turned Ilum into a cluster**** that I can't do a single thing in without lagging and dying, and not necessarily in that order.

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