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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I don't know if this is part of the patch but I cannot summon my companion in the Ilum pvp area anymore. Also I have been experiencing random loading screens inside of the Imperial Fleet and also delayed interface interactions since the patch.


its indeed as intended they removed companions in the pvp zone on ilum

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I don't know if this is part of the patch but I cannot summon my companion in the Ilum pvp area anymore. Also I have been experiencing random loading screens inside of the Imperial Fleet and also delayed interface interactions since the patch.


It is part of the patch, read the patch notes mate ;)


The loading screens are a issue tho. Or rather, not an issue as they doesn't seem to do anything. Not to me atleast. It still loads as fast and harmless as before, just my loading screen jumps between the normal one and whatever it should be.

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It breaks my heart, but unsubbed. This is just the straw that broke the camels back.


The PvP Dev team is beyond hopeless. I don't care whether its the turrets or just camping the base so Repubs can't even escape - they've turned Ilum into the biggest cluster**** I've ever seen in a MMO.


Add this fiasco to Ability Delays on my Sentinel (today, it seemed to just get worse. Couldn't Zealous Strike anyone in PvP no matter how much I spammed the ability), terrible engine performance (lucky to get 1 frame every 10 seconds in big battles like these, that's at least when a *********** loading screen doesn't pop up!), horribly lopsided crafting system (Biochem or go home) and their complete lack of attention to faction balance... and this game is just not ready.


You hire the devs who did Warhammer, you get Warhammer. Why this is surprising to people, I can't even begin to imagine.


Totally agreed. Bioware needs to take this game seriously or go home and tell us this will be a levelling MMO only. For frak's sake, why couldnt some other developer make this game instead of EA

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Baron Deathmark: These are the rules of Ilum: Two factions. One favored, the other screwed. Name calling, spawn camping, and valor exploitation ARE encouraged!


Baron Deathmark: This has to be the WORST defense in Republic history!

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so what have we learned from this?


pvp stats are a bad idea.


tying pvp stats into a vertical progression is a worse idea.


having vertical progression based on a two faction system where there WILL ALWAYS BE POPULATION IMBALANCE IS A TERRIBLE IDEA.


i thought you guys would have learned this from WAR? or did you decide, in your arrogance that you could do a better job of managing the same problems? did you think that regardless of all the evidence against what you tried to achieve, that you could simply get away with making the same mistakes and saying "it's okay, it'll work this time"?




rant over.


and now to finding solutions:

  1. remove expertise as of right now. bring all servers down for one hour, remove it from the game until you can find a better use for it.
  2. whilst the servers are down, rollback all valor on all servers gained after 2am (when the servers went down for maintenance).
  3. remove valor from everything except player kills.
  4. add a scaling valor bonus for underdog factions, it should be additive, and cap at 400% bonus for being outnumbered by 4:1 or greater, and start at 25% bonus for being outnumbered by 1.25:1, this should apply to ilum only.
  5. on pvp servers, remove the ability to roll characters on both factions. if a player has characters on both factions already they must delete one faction before being allowed to log into the game.
  6. add a +100% valor bonus (additive) to the underdog faction on any server.


this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

  • out numbered on their server
  • out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum
  • control all of the ilum objectives


hopefully this won't get lost in the firestorm that is this thread...


This has absolutely nothing to do with PVP stats, so please work harder to find a more convenient excuse to crap on about Expertise, Resilience, Valor, etc..

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how are people getting 1k valor per min? i dont understand on my server we are kiilling turrets and getting no valor what is this?


you are part of the problem and should be banned. half the problem is the patch, the other half is idiots like you trying to exploit it, then post on the forum for advice on how to get in with exploiting it.

Edited by tylersavesworld
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First of, dont try and insult me mate, I have no idea who/what "GC" is and I stopped playing wow after Vanilla.


Also, it is there for the same reason the RP one is. To give people who prefer the other side of the game more of what they prefer. (ie, not having to bother with PvP flags etc as a PvE player).


And you dont have to play PvE either O.o doesn't that just make PvE a component as well?




If you want instant gratification, then just leave the game. Fixes take time. Get some patience or go somewhere else. Things happen, things get broken, things will get fixed. Deal with it.

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False rumors indeed.


The false rumor is Turrets giving valor which they do not...It's the spawn camping that is giving valor...


If you look for the valor ticks in that video it's not even that much, he got 400 total valor. Believe me I'm not defending this or Bioware by any means but people on the forums are believing everything without playing. You have trolls saying they got 60 valor levels today and people are believing them...

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This is crazy and I support roll backs. I am only Valor 54, but I did it all legit and hate to see people in BM gear without any effort.


I play on the empire side and I just went to llum and at the southern base we have emps and repubs standing in groups. The emps will all cast at once and kill all the repubs then the repubs raise up and its their turn to do the same to the emps. It is just Valor swaping. This is much worse than before plz roll back now!

Edited by XParoleX
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Pretty upset after spending so much time hitting valor 60 that every level 50 toon will be valor 60 also by tomorrow


same m8 i'm lvl 56 with hard work and now all those players i worked hard against can now get the same gear for alot less work, gtz BW

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possible solutions:

  1. remove expertise as of right now. bring all servers down for one hour, remove it from the game until you can find a better use for it.
  2. whilst the servers are down, rollback all valor on all servers gained after 2am (when the servers went down for maintenance).
  3. remove valor from everything except player kills.
  4. add a scaling valor bonus for underdog factions, it should be additive, and cap at 400% bonus for being outnumbered by 4:1 or greater, and start at 25% bonus for being outnumbered by 1.25:1, this should apply to ilum only.
  5. on pvp servers, remove the ability to roll characters on both factions. if a player has characters on both factions already they must delete one faction before being allowed to log into the game.
  6. add a +100% valor bonus (additive) to the underdog faction on any server.


this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

  • out numbered on their server
  • out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum
  • control all of the ilum objectives


hopefully this won't get lost in the firestorm that is this thread...

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It has been mentioned that the Valor Gains have stopped...


Was it all a lie from a Troll or did BioWare secretly fix it?


While it is possible it was all a lie I think BioWare is secretive enough that they could have fixed it quickly so they wouldn't have to issue a formal apology or acknowledge that it actually happened and wouldn't have to do a rollback.

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Baron Deathmark: These are the rules of Ilum: Two factions. One favored, the other screwed. Name calling, spawn camping, and valor exploitation ARE encouraged!


Baron Deathmark: This has to be the WORST defense in Republic history!


Haha, lol'd hard! :) Good one!



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The false rumor is Turrets giving valor which they do not...It's the spawn camping that is giving valor...


If you look for the valor ticks in that video it's not even that much, he got 400 total valor. Believe me I'm not defending this or Bioware by any means but people on the forums are believing everything without playing. You have trolls saying they got 60 valor levels today and people are believing them...


Yeah, and you get like 1100 for 15 minutes of warzone (assuming you win)


hmm lets see here...

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