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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Empire ZERGS!


This is what happens when the developers don't care about FACTION IMBALANCE issue that is a HUGE problem now.


Powaaah, UNLIMITED POWAAAAH, lightning everywhere propaganda is one of the reasons of the imbalance in the first place.


Inquisitors numbers are vast even compared to other Empire classes, less alone the republic ones.

Edited by Vlacke
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Step one: Spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a game

Step two: Save on testers...make "bring your family and friends to work" days and have them test the game

Step three: Be amazed when there's problems that persist from beta

Step four: Make "groundbreaking" pvp aka Ilum 1.1 and NOT TEST IT AGAIN!

Step five: remove half the servers...



Seriously, if they got like 200 players (they would do it for free goddamit) and test the **** out and listen to them, this game would be much much better.

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People that are comparing LFR and other "features" of WoW need not apply to this thread. Factional imbalance have nothing to do with working features that allow very casual players to collect some loot. This is absolutely gamebreaking, and undoubtedly, a sight for sore eyes for those hardcore PvPers that have spent the better part of 1 month grinding their valor every night, despite possibly playing Huttball (enough punishment in itself).


The following needs to IMMEDIATELY OCCUR:

1. Revert Valor gains

2. Revert the patch


If you spend time investigating the matters, I highly doubt you wil find a suitable solution in time before losing a significant chunk of your playerbase, some because they are hardcore PvPers, others because they are disgusted.


If you will try to fix Ilum before doing the above, this game will die.


Just revert the patch immediately, remove all activity from today. I understand it may not be feasible to remove Valor gains EXCLUSIVE of PvE accomplishments/gear collected. But your PvPers are a chunk of this game. For the good of the game, revert this patch, remove all data since its implementation.

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This just goes back to what I was saying on the official forums for 2 years prior to release.


1. Bioware has no experience with making a MMO.


2. Therefore there should be no faith in their ability to make a compelling one from day one.


I was told to shut up by all the fanbois.


Vindication is bittersweet.

Edited by AidenPryde
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The same reason no one wants to get auto-balanced to the losing team in a shooter.


I switch over to the losing side in shooters...cuz I'm not the type of person that thinks 0 challenge in videogames is any fun at all. I mean why not play nintendogs if this is the kind of gameplay experience you enjoy? I guess the Imps showed their true colors. Anyone who is doing this please don't faction change, I'd never want to play with any of you.

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Stop calling for people to be 'banned' for this. Its in the game, and its NOT a exploit. Now, they have the cover of saying 'as it can be taken care of thru PvP..' And I know that My side has more bodies than the other side so, that is not a true option.


Somehow this fell thru the cracks, yes, those kinds of things happen, its not a conspiracy, or a plot, or X side is liked more than Y side, its the left hand did not let the right hand know what it was doing and the brain was out to lunch.


The game is a monthold, issues happen, and keep in mind that so far most all of the issues were found by us, the paying customers and not the free Beta players (Hmm we might be the beta players, but that is a sidebar).


Now, in the intrest of fair and balanced game, YES a reset of faction/valor/rainbow points should happen, BUT if we are going down that road, why not reset the faction/valor/rainbow points for all those people who suddenly changed over to biochem for that little niffty neat swap and PvP domination as well.


I have not been to Ilum yet for this gravy train, Yes, I am a Imperial, No my computer can not handle it at this time, And I have not finished down loading the patch, I figured while that is going on, lets see what QQ happened and yeah this is right up there.


So, reset the valor for this Ilum fopa, as well as the Biochem nonsense as well, (its why you made a change to it in the patch, so go all the way). Right is right and fair is fair, We all know it, it just needs to happen.


And Bioware people, stop right now in trying to figure out who dropped the ball, and worry about the player base, you can figure out who dropped the ball and why later, this is a oppertunity for the company to grow and set the standereds in the gaming industry and say, 'Yes we made a mistake, and here is the fix' Sure, people who were in todays and the biochem feeding frenzy will QQ it up, But when doing the right thing there can be no comprimise.



Oh and please can you get around to fixing the issue that causes a win not to count towards the daily wins please, and thank you.

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Do yall in the community think that the poor performance and community relations an with reguards to this sub standard game will hurt bio'wares image, and bottom line, making people not want to buy anything from them? Or will it only affect pc versions that bio ware makes?
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POTENTIAL??? Is that what you devs call it?..


Seriously.. Be honest and say we screwed up and we are gonna fix it asap and rollback all the valor people got by AFK farming the republic turrets


LOL keep dreaming man. If you don't think this wasn't seen ahead of time you are wrong. This was pointed out well in advance, and yet still put through. It's nice of them to say "well we see there might be a problem", but that's all it is. Something to try and keep people from getting too upset.


To the guy who posted the video, thank you. Already linking it so people can see what kind of "world pvp" sw has.


Somehow this fell thru the cracks, yes, those kinds of things happen, its not a conspiracy, or a plot, or X side is liked more than Y side, its the left hand did not let the right hand know what it was doing and the brain was out to lunch.


No it did not. If you will go search through forum posts in the pvp section everyone knew this was coming. BW knew it was coming, but ignored it because I guess they didn't realize that people would abuse it so badly. Well, surprise BW turns out most people are ***** (oh I know give me a forum strike for that, whatever).

Edited by Tenetke
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This is what happens when you spend 300 million dollars on cutscenes.


I refused to believe it but by now I just have to agree. There is a tiny little bit of hope left but they are kicking it so hard right now it actually physically hurts.

Edited by mufutiz
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You guys are exaggerating. This is in no way a game breaking issue and valor should not be rolled back. This is because I am assuming republic players are not incompetent. If they are getting farmed then I am pretty sure that they have the intelligence to leave ilum for a little bit. I acknowledge that this is indeed an issue but if you're going to flame and rage on the forums and say that you are going to leave then good riddance. We don't need your attitude. With that said, BW should indee fix this by maybe putting in more or better turrets so that we can once again resume ilum pvp.


I believe one of the issues is that it is very difficult for them to leave, seeing as how the zerg is on top of their medcenter.

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For everybody just a cheerfull song:


The start of the..


Ah well sorry but yes, i guess the timing 1 day before 1million + decide to sub again or not. And the fact how big this mistake is. They have managed to do what i thought would be impossible but created the biggest screw up in MMO's history.


Maybe that makes them worse then NSOFT and SOE *shivers* :(

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Hand down a lot needs to be done.


Republic has lost everything for pvp in this patch. Anyone serious into the game has now got 60 valor within hours. Roll backs need to occur. or Junk the valor system and revent it quick.


AT BARE MIN STOP ALL INSTANCES OF ILUM. say you need more maintenance or something. Take the servers down. If you allow your problem to spiral out of control there will be limited or no fixing it. If it hits 10pm and there is still no fix GG swtor IMO

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1. Roll back all Valor.


2. Give underpopulated side a +1% bonus to ALL Valor (Ilum, WZs, etc.) for every 10 players the overpopulated faction has more. (If other faction has 2,000 more players, the underpopulated faction would get 200% more Valor).


3. Reduce the overpopulated faction's Valor gain by -1% per every 10 players they have over the underpopulated faction. Cap at 100% penalty. (If that faction has 2,000 more players, the over populated faction would get a 200% Valor penalty, so they would get 0 Valor).


1% is something I have never heard of.


If you're going to ask 20 Republics to feed 4,000,000 Imperials you better give them a 1,000% valor bonus or it isn't worth the time.

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1. Disable Ilum now, fix Valor exploits;

2. Rollback Valor to yesterday;

3. Implement faction balancing, even if this requires instancing, or cross server;

4. Don’t flag players where they can be farmed at their spawns


Do it today – one day of this will probably break PvP, a week of it will have literally destroyed it for good. I don’t see how I can PvP when I hit 50 in two weeks if I go against people with 100+ Valor in full Battlemaster gear and enough Valor to get whatever set is put in later.


Cross server will not fix faction imbalances if all the servers are unbalanced the same way; with a slant towards the Empire.


The only true way to balance things is to allow guilds to fight other guilds. But it would take a dynamic shift away from what BioWare is used to. Allow guilds to have any faction/class/advanced class in them. Then allow those guilds to fight other guilds on designated planets. The guilds themselves would create balance as they fight each or group with smaller guilds to fight one huge guild.


BioWare needs to keep away from trying to tell a story in PvP. PvP needs to be guild vs guild and should have nothing to do with faction vs faction.

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Did you guys hire the SOE team for this update? Cause it's filled with massive fail.


SOE would never have done this, they would have ignored pvp, and add in Gungan love fest... and give jedi a rainbow crystal.

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Make ques for ilum PVP only allowing a set number of players there and make them and 50 WZ PVP cross server.... right now Republic get murdered as soon as you step foot in the PVP area on ilum on my server and the 50 WZ que takes 2-3 hours... FIX NOW :mad: Edited by Shrilokka
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If valor is not rolled back across all servers, this game will flat out die. I am an extremely hardcore PvPer in this game and want it to succeed so much and am known server wide from it, but this has GOT to stop. The servers should have been brought down immediately for a fix.


If valor is not rolled back, thousands of people will be cancelling (almost all republic). The sith will then get bored and quit due to no republic? Your game is now dead and you went down in history as the biggest MMO fail of all time. Congratulations.


Long story short: Fix this or you are losing a LOT of players, including myself considering I have been BM for over a week and grinded my *** off to get it.

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