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How should Bioware compensate the Republic


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Why should we be forced to choose a side we don't want to play and since when PVP or Wars was about fairness of being even number on either side? One side loose one side win. Not my fault a lot of people choose to be empire and I wanted to be republic. But I sure am not going to cry about empire being the bigger faction.


so NO compensation wanted or required.

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They don't need to compensate republic imo, its not BW fault everyone wanted to be evil.

Now taking away the option to create imperial on imperial dominated servers is a good idea, but I definately think they don't don't owe us republic anything.

Edited by Nuzt
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but all who are familiar with WoW and majority of people are regardless of what they say, can remember what a simple addition of Blood Elves to the horde did for the faction numbers, they increased vastly.


I'm a little hazy on blood elves. I remember the game launched in November 2004?


When were blood elves introduced?


How long was the horde imbalanced?

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Ilum is broken, but that's because it's got no safe staging point for Republic players and the Valor gain for busting turrets is foolish. Being able to farm what is in effect a PvE object for PvP points is silly.



Hmm i guess this is a large reason why things are messed up? I didnt know about this inbalance until now, but it all kinda makes sense now. Lower repub pop, plus a easy way to get pvp rank (turrets), plus pvp gear being best end gear = epic failure.


I understand the game is "playable"......but seriously, its no fun when things are this messed up.

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Since the factions are imbalanced right now, how do you think Bioware should compensate the republic to "restore balance" to the game?


Any suggestions welcome.


I think the Republic should be boosted with +20% HP as a bonus to start with


I don't think BioWare should compensate the Republic (or the Empire) at all. It isn't their fault that players on a given realm have chosen one faction over another, so BioWare shouldn't put valuable (and costly) development resources into attempting to even things out as a result. The reality is you're always going to have faction imbalances on a given server in a faction-based game. Yes, it has a bad effect on PvP, but that isn't the sole (or even primary) focus of this game, so why should BioWare have to make changes?

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mhm... we have human and cyborg just the same as republic >_> and i play human way to make a convincing argument there.

and how do you expect to voice a wookie main char?.... you want to listen to groans for the whole story? if it wasnt voiced it would be a different story.

heck let the baddies roll jar jar.... at least besides <insert random few letters>fett i would also see <random crap>jarjar


it was an idea, maybe it was a bad idea, but better to voice a bad idea and work through the cons and dismiss said idea. rather than sit there and contribute nothing but put downs. if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all. or at least if you are going to shoot down other ppls ideas at least have an idea of your own to put forward.


but i do take you point on the voice acting

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You can't compensate for a fad or a trend and that's exactly what's going on.


The herd mentality these days in gaming is the bad side is the new horde. It's prevelant in every MMO right now that have a percieved evil side.


Thank the many Youtubers that were so anti Alliance that it actually swayed people into a trend.

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Not in favor of the entitlement attitude. Republic should get nothing. However, they could nerf the Empire. :)


I am Republic and I have to agree with you. We don't deserve any special treatment because we are in the minority here. While I'm at it, I'll just go ahead and state that this is in no way, shape, or form Bioware's fault. Anyone saying that Empire is more appealing because they did a better job is just using smoke screens and mirrors to make a very invalid point.


I have both a Jedi Sage and Sith Sorcerer and I thoroughly enjoy my Jedi much, much more. The story, the looks, the feel, the animations ... damn near everything. The only (2) things I like about my Sith over my Jedi is the Sith's Starship and the fact that Ashara Zavros is a better companion than Nadia Grell is to me. I absolutely love my Miraluka Jedi Sage. I have fun with my Rattataki Sorcerer, but it's no where close to the fun I have on my Sage. Both in PvE, PvP and solo content.


The point is, Bioware didn't purposely make a game that would be lopsided in population. The players did. To sit here and blame Bioware for this is a farce. To also think that because of a population saturation on one side somehow warrants some kind of special treatment, is also a farce.

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I have nothing to back this up (just a hunch), but I feel like the players who love PvP tend to relate more to world view of the Empire: power is everything, kill the n00bs, i > u, etc. So even if the populations become more balanced, the better PvP players will still favor the Empire over the Republic (in general).
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This issue isn't as bad as people think, with the numbers various people in the community have collected it seems like most servers have a ratio of 60% empire 40% republic. The problem is that a lot of empire players have already hit 50 while not so many republic players have done the same. And it's hard to tell why this is exactly, maybe it's just the difference between playing a good guy and a bad guy, who knows. Another interesting number is the huge disparity between sorcerers and other classes, as at the moment 1/4 of empire players are sorcerers and this may well be related to the faction imbalance.
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Since the factions are imbalanced right now, how do you think Bioware should compensate the republic to "restore balance" to the game?


Any suggestions welcome.


I think the Republic should be boosted with +20% HP as a bonus to start with


White crystals for all the Republic characters. And purple ones too could be nice. Cathar as new race for Republic characters. Also Wookies. All Empire characters should be morphed into Gungans too. This last one would be enough but if we can get more, why not? :D

Edited by Areka
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You can't compensate for a fad or a trend and that's exactly what's going on.


The herd mentality these days in gaming is the bad side is the new horde. It's prevelant in every MMO right now that have a percieved evil side.


Thank the many Youtubers that were so anti Alliance that it actually swayed people into a trend.


I played Alliance first in WoW, and switched to Horde even before the Burning Crusade Blood Elf influx. I first started playing Horde as a Tauren Hunter. The Horde weren't even "evil" per se. War-like and honor-bound, maybe...but only the Undead really had "evil intentions" really. This is why I liked the faction.


Then Cataclysm screwed a lot of things up lore-wise. They started making the Horde more bloodthirsty, and the Undead even more sinister. The only ones with any sense left were the Trolls and the Tauren, and they were marginalized, story-wise. I didn't like it...and that was one of the many reasons I quit WoW (on top of the sweeping mechanics changes Blizzard made to every class I originally enjoyed playing).


I get that same post-Cataclysm feeling with the Sith here...only worse because they're pretty much almost completely evil, even if they don't want to admit it sometimes. I just can't jive with that, even playing a light-side Sith. I have my Sith characters on my server, but my main characters will always be Republic. Meh.

Edited by photometrik
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Since the factions are imbalanced right now, how do you think Bioware should compensate the republic to "restore balance" to the game?


Any suggestions welcome.


I think the Republic should be boosted with +20% HP as a bonus to start with


lower the cost of PVP gear, would seem the simplest way to me.

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Respawn points in Ilum perma camped. Die in Ilum, log out because all that's gonna happen is you respawn and die for hours and you cannot escape it. Gonna be even worse in WZs now because they will all be rank 60 and have battle master gear. Say goodbye to pvp if you are republic. GG BW.
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I have nothing to back this up (just a hunch), but I feel like the players who love PvP tend to relate more to world view of the Empire: power is everything, kill the n00bs, i > u, etc. So even if the populations become more balanced, the better PvP players will still favor the Empire over the Republic (in general).


I've noticed this as well. I play mostly alliance on wow and people are not nearly as focused on pvp in the two guilds I've been in on alliance side than even just the general chat of the horde on those toons.


How about this for a bonus suggestion? What if one of the legacy system bonuses was at a certain level, all the datacrons you've found apply their bonuses across all toons. Min/Maxers will have to roll republic to get every last bonus and as I've seen, if they make the toon, they'll pvp on it.

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20% health is only going to prolong the inevitable.


20% stats across the board wouldnt even balance out the 4-8 to 1 ratio a lot of servers have.


I think a health boost, coupled with an expertise buff would help offset the imbalance and give Republic the fighting chance they could take with this buff.


They could throw this into whatever formula they pick too. If by chance during certain hours there are only a handful of larger populated faction present then the buff would scale down or away. You could never really account for those who log in on the planet or travel to it, but a scaling 'smart' buff would be best.


Oh and in the future content actually put some effort into designing Republic content. Seems like they tired from doing the Emp side so well they rushed through Republic designing.

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