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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How should Bioware compensate the Republic


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This issue isn't as bad as people think, with the numbers various people in the community have collected it seems like most servers have a ratio of 60% empire 40% republic. The problem is that a lot of empire players have already hit 50 while not so many republic players have done the same. And it's hard to tell why this is exactly, maybe it's just the difference between playing a good guy and a bad guy, who knows. Another interesting number is the huge disparity between sorcerers and other classes, as at the moment 1/4 of empire players are sorcerers and this may well be related to the faction imbalance.


Let's also not forget that not everyone PvPs in this game. So that affects the PvP population's balance.

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The Inquisitors are the one of the problems of this imbalance, their numbers are vast on the Empire side compared to any other class in that faction less alone compared to the republic classes, it's the unlimited power thing most likely.


Looks like legions of people found force lightning to be the next best thing that ever happened.

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The Inquisitors are the one of the problems of this imbalance, their numbers are vast on the Empire side compared to any other class in that faction less alone compared to the republic classes, it's the unlimited power thing most likely.


Looks like legions of people found force lightning to be the next best thing that ever happened.


NOBODY was a fan of luke skywalker, EVERYONE was a fan of darth vader.......

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NOBODY was a fan of luke skywalker, EVERYONE was a fan of darth vader.......


Vader was not an Inquisitor just so you know, he was a Juggernaut if we look at it with this game's class system.

Edited by Vlacke
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A suggestion that'll prolly get shot down in flames, I accept, but here goes...


Why not just pinch the Lotro mechanic of both sides having a fixed base that simply cannot be entered by the enemy faction full stop, and then have spawns automatically shifted to the next nearest "free" spawn point, until they're all the way back in the base area if the "world" spawn points are overrun..


It at least allows people to get off world if the area is terminally overrun, and if lotro is anything to go by can "even" up pvp purely by allowing the least represented side to organise themselves...


Just have a delay on pvp flags when entering/leaving the base by the front door so that people don't abuse it for easy kills..


It worked ok there, where the pvp environment was very similar (one open area you had to travel to specifically to pvp) and didn't involve having to implement bonus mechanisms or enhancements to help a weaker side.

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THe last press release on this said there were 810,000 jedi to 850,000 sith so the "imblanace" seems to be hugely exagerrated on here.


In case it hasn't been said in response to this, those numbers were for characters created so far. That doesn't mean anything though. I have all 8 slots used, 1 by each class. All my imps are level 1, my main is a 45 Jedi with my alt being a 47 Trooper.


People are just throwing out numbers now, but you cannot argue with the various screen shots and videos about the horrible imbalance on Ilum right now.

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NOBODY was a fan of luke skywalker, EVERYONE was a fan of darth vader.......


Luke wore black. Had a cool mechanical hand. Made a new lightsaber, that was bad***** green. Beat the snot out of Jabba's gang. Saved his buds. And then went bat**** crazy on everyone the moment his pops mentioned his sister in a creepy way.


Luke's got fans.

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Please take a look around


Even beyond the insanity that is happening right now, from the looks of it Ilum will open up a second instance for more players when the limit is reached for Instance no.1. There is no cap in place that ensures only as much Empire players are able to join the fight as Republic players are available.

The already 1:5 - or worse - outnumbered Reps just get split between both instances.


So you want compensation?


Your compensation is a slap in the face. And then a kick in the nuts. If you want more - keep coming. (I suggest rerolling Empire though, it's less painful)

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Honestly, you can fault Bioware some for their design, but they dont get the entire blame. Sure, they probably could have done better with the races and the design of the jedi. Sure, they could have implemented Wookies and Ithorians for the republic side and Trandoshans for the empire to help out when it comes to customization. And sure, throwing rocks isn't near as fun/exciting as shooting lightning. But hell, everybody who plays this game had the choice to pick Republic of Imperial. And you made the choice, Bioware didnt make it for you. It's like sleeping with a chick who you KNOW has herpes, and you end up being pissed at her for giving you the herp. YOU made the choice Edited by XcSDeadDeer
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Found a new way to balance this and be completly in theme with the Star Wars idea:


Have a mechanic where, if a sith inquisitor is about to deal a killing blow to a jedi knight in PvP, any nearby sith warrior is forced to attack the sith inquisitor and shout "Noooooooo!"


Also make sith warriors who have killed a jedi knight in the past randomly stop fighting during future engagements and say "<enemy playername> I am your father"

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It's like sleeping with a chick who you KNOW has herpes, and you end up being pissed at her for giving you the herp. YOU made the choice


Your analogy doesn't make sense in terms of choice between Republic and Empire, at all.


It fits perfectly for managing your expectations about PvP content in future Bioware MMO games though if they ever lay their hands on another one.

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