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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How should Bioware compensate the Republic


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I have to say I love all these ridiculous numbers being thrown out - really 4:1 or 8:1? There's absolutely no basis for those numbers. There does appear to be a population imbalance, but don't get silly.


Please no XP boost for the republic either. I'm already outlevelling content as I go - I don't want to level even faster than I am now.


Showing a ratio is also a terrible, terrible idea. Nobody wants to roll a toon on an unbalanced server - at least not for the minority faction. In fact there are some people who would WANT to roll for the majority faction on an unbalanced server - it means plenty of other players to group with.


Finally, locking servers is perhaps the worst idea of all. Why would you prohibit someone from being able to play with their friends? Sounds like a good way to get people to not purchase the game.


Sadly, all BW can really do is hope that the issue sorts itself out over time, and maybe add some more interesting content to the republic side to encourage rerolls.

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Perhaps the idea of organized world pvp with objectives simply doesn't work. The ilum daily shouldn't require players from the opposite faction to complete.


I'm not sure how they can reasonably balance the two factions for ilum, unless they make it free for all pvp...

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I'd rather just see them balance servers, i.e. move players around and turn of character creation.

They can't do this. They can't force people into a server and they sure as heck can't stop people from making new characters on a realm.


I mean come on, what if all your friends were on said server and you wanted to play with them, but you can't because new character creation is locked. The game would go bankrupt in a month if that happened.

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Sorry let me explain.


Its a known fact that there are more Emp to Rep. SO, back in the beta boards me and many, many others posted there should be a ratio counter.


Nothing that gives the actual numbers away just the ratio of Empire to Republic. So people could see if they were entering a Rep or Emp heavy server.


A lot of people scoffed at the idea.


Now fast forward 3 months. Republic is having issues of being over run by Emp. I blame everyone to include the Republic players. This is an issue that could have been resolved before game launch but not enough people let Bioware know this is what we wanted.


And while it might still have been over looked at the time Bioware was listening a little bit.


Does it make sense now?


Sorry, but I fail to see how it's my fault that there's 100 Imperials camping my base on Ilum.

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Perhaps the idea of organized world pvp with objectives simply doesn't work. The ilum daily shouldn't require players from the opposite faction to complete.


What's the point of a PvP daily if it doesn't require the opposite faction to complete it?

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THe last press release on this said there were 810,000 jedi to 850,000 sith so the "imblanace" seems to be hugely exagerrated on here.


I'm certain the balance is nowhere enar as bad as some make it out to be, but I've never seen BW announce any kind of subscription numbers, never mind broken down by faction. Do you have a link?

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I'd rather just see them balance servers, i.e. move players around and turn of character creation.


Pretty much this.


Character creation should be locked out for the faction for new accounts if one is simply so large in numbers compared to the other until they reach a level that isn't an absolute joke.


...and there definitely should be a server transfer plan put into implementation.

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Because people chose to roll empire more often then republic? No. You are definitely joking.


They can't FORCE people to roll Republic


On our server, the issue is that the empire players outleveled us, so PvP is 50s empire versus non-50s republic, so we get steamrolled, and the empire farms up valor and the republic falls behind.


I've played a bit, and it's just too frustrating so I stopped.


A guildmate had a run of 27 losses in PvP with no victories. I'm not that masochistic myself.


But since the early lead the empire builds up will just snowball with the better gear they can buy, I do think it is a problem.


My current solution is to not PvP much.


Unless, I'm drinking, in which case I can play the PvP Republic drinking game.


Dead again? Drink.

Lose a game? Drink.


I find that this game makes me not care so much about how badly we lose :)

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Players can't fix this. Bioware needs to address the imbalance or stop planning on equal numbers. 1-2 1-3 rep - imp on most servers. Now you add better than T1 raiding gear to every imp with a brain. Math try it.


Need to cap servers for empire at least. It a terrible plan but better than a failed game and time is ticking.

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Players can't fix this. Bioware needs to address the imbalance or stop planning on equal numbers. 1-2 1-3 rep - imp on most servers. Now you add better than T1 raiding gear to every imp with a brain. Math try it.


Need to cap servers for empire at least. It a terrible plan but better than a failed game and time is ticking.


PvP in an MMORPG is not the top priority many players think it is. By capping a server for the empire, you drive away the actual target audience ... the PvE audience. The audience and potential customers that the game developers spent so much money developing this game for.


You know all those hundreds of threads quoting and misquoting how much money was spent on voice acting?


That wasn't to attract the PvP players.


Find a better solution. One that doesn't involve forcing people out of PvE options.

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somebody on some server with no names and actual numbers is butthurt that somebody else got it better... sounds like wow forums and people expect blizzard to give them purrplez on silver platter if they whine enough like in good ol wow days.

i play massive amount of time and i just finished act1 2 days ago.... sure im 49 and havent even gotten to taris but theres massive world to see. people that spacebared through everything now stuck with their own... and it so happened majority of ppl from beta who seen story decided to roll empire... oh no... call the wambulance and declare the end of the fookin world. get a hobby, get laid and chill the **** out with your facts pulled out of your ***.

ratio numbers?....who would ever roll rebublic if they saw 20 to 1 ration against it? and how do even expect it to work? show characters made? good way to count gold farmer chars >_>

disabling creation? somebody is definitely only using their head to wear headphones if that ever happened in payed mmo i would expect it to die withing a year.

forced server merge based on 1 area with butthurt little pvp kiddies? really....


Edited by HiSaZuL
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Oops and it was 510,550 not 8.


Thanks. :)


Interesting statistic though - they merely said that 510,000 jedi knights and 540,000 sith warriors were created. Not characters per faction, but just individual classes. Creating a character also doesn't count for much - actually playing those characters does.


The interesting statistic would be on an average night, how many republic or imperial characters are actively being played.

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Thanks. :)


Interesting statistic though - they merely said that 510,000 jedi knights and 540,000 sith warriors were created. Not characters per faction, but just individual classes. Creating a character also doesn't count for much - actually playing those characters does.


The interesting statistic would be on an average night, how many republic or imperial characters are actively being played.


The game is still so new though people are going to be jumping all over the place until they find a char/class they love. I know I have. I think I've tried out every class except the Jedi Consular.

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Since the factions are imbalanced right now, how do you think Bioware should compensate the republic to "restore balance" to the game?


Any suggestions welcome.


I think the Republic should be boosted with +20% HP as a bonus to start with


Not in favor of the entitlement attitude. Republic should get nothing. However, they could nerf the Empire. :)

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mhm... we have human and cyborg just the same as republic >_> and i play human way to make a convincing argument there.

and how do you expect to voice a wookie main char?.... you want to listen to groans for the whole story? if it wasnt voiced it would be a different story.

heck let the baddies roll jar jar.... at least besides <insert random few letters>fett i would also see <random crap>jarjar

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How about redesign the ilum battle, and based on that decide what, if anything needs to be done. They could control entry to the battle (100v100) or the like, so the battle itself is always even, or well, a lot of other things.


The problem with forcing even vs even is that I think there are a lot less PVP players on the republic side than the Empire. Maybe if the empire controls it they should have an internal defection (internal faction split) and it becomes a 3 way battle or something. Though that would be crazy complicated to implement.

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Incentives for the republic, adding one alien exclusive race (Torguta, Kel,Dor, Nautolan or even Wookie), improved armor design.


Much can be done really to increase interest for a specific faction and fix imbalance.


I know this comparison won't be to every ones liking, but all who are familiar with WoW and majority of people are regardless of what they say, can remember what a simple addition of Blood Elves to the horde did for the faction numbers, they increased vastly.

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