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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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I guess I'm lucky that I focus on PvE. Sounds like there are some serious issues though. I will check out my performance when I get back to my apartment. They really should just do a rollback and revert all game breaking changes to PvP.
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Not quite sure how to respond.


We are getting more content, however for the 5% of us who are "using inferior hardware" that happens to meet your recommended spec's. What do we do?


just continue to play with unplayable fps, random crashes to desktop's, random computer power downs.


I am not sure maybe I should re read his statement, but I am not sure if any of these "critical" issues were addressed, but then I guess, its only 5%, right?

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Thanks for the update! Looking forward to all the new content in the coming year.


Oh and please fix Ilum and the PVP thing so these other people will stop crying. There is a growing danger that people may begin slipping on the wet floor and hurting themselves.

Edited by Kubernetic
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After you fix the spawn points on illum, make a queue for imperials so that illum has equal numbers for imperial vs republic. This will make it fair and encourage people to roll republic to avoid the queue. If you don't, no republic players will ever go to illum because having your @ss handed to you by 10 imperials isn't fun!
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Our goal is to provide something exciting for every type of player in the game: PVP players, Flashpoint fans, Guild members, space combat aces and role-players.

The only thing correct about this statement is something exciting for PVP players and Flashpoint fans.


Guild Members - Exciting new guild content? Although I suppose the flashpoint/op content would count for guilds.


Bug Fixes

•Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.

•Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.



Space Combat Aces - Well, technically, yes. There was something for space combat aces in 1.1.

Space Combat

Bug Fixes

•Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.



Roleplayers - Is this the RP content for 1.1? I couldn't find anything else that seemed close.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

•Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


Are the patch notes incomplete? Is there other content that was not documented in the patch notes?


I'm not trying to be snarky about this stuff. I really enjoy the game and see a lot of potential. It's just that when you make statements like these, it demonstrates a clear disconnect between management, devs, and the players. Sometimes it feels like you hired Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf as your release writer.

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Thanks for the update! Looking forward to all the new content in the coming year.


Oh and please fix Illum and the PVP thing so these other people will stop crying. There is a growing danger that people may begin slipping on the wet floor and hurting themselves.


I like this guy xD

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Just a suggestion, it might be a good idea to roll back the servers, pull them offline, and start over with this patch release.


You've already broken the game and awarded thousands of people valor 60 in a day. It's time for damage control, Bioware. This patch was not ready.

Edited by Paelos
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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ has had a very successful launch




suc·cess   [suhk-ses] Show IPA


1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.

2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.

3. a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.

4. a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

5. Obsolete . outcome.


Jame's must have meant item 2.

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This game is just BAD. Everything about is just bad. Sure you can play the singleplayer part to 50 (and I guess it's decent) but then the underlying problems really shows.


The glaring issues in this game won't be fixed for a loong time, bank on it. Just look how Bioware treats its community. As long as you are paying "it's hugely succesful", "1.1 was a great sucess".

I don't think the devs are actually capable of fixing what's wrong in the first place. Look at all the bad design choices they make/made. It speaks for itself.


The fanboy approach to "wait for them to fix it" is not going to work.


Money talks.


Cancelled my sub.

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This game is just BAD. Everything about is just bad. Sure you can play the singleplayer part to 50 (and I guess it's decent) but then the underlying problems really shows.


The glaring issues in this game won't be fixed for a loong time, bank on it. Just look how Bioware treats its community. As long as you are paying "it's hugely succesful", "1.1 was a great sucess".

I don't think the devs are actually capable of fixing what's wrong in the first place. Look at all the bad design choices they make/made. It speaks for itself.


The fanboy approach to "wait for them to fix it" is not going to work.


Money talks.


Cancelled my sub.


Bye. Before you go, though, please, point to where any dev said "1.1 was a great success". You won't find it, because it isn't anywhere.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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The only thing correct about this statement is something exciting for PVP players and Flashpoint fans.


Guild Members - Exciting new guild content? Although I suppose the flashpoint/op content would count for guilds.


Bug Fixes

•Sorting now works correctly in the Guilds tab.

•Inviting a new player to a guild no longer causes the member list to display incorrectly.



Space Combat Aces - Well, technically, yes. There was something for space combat aces in 1.1.

Space Combat

Bug Fixes

•Armor Upgrade 2 now has the correct armor value.



Roleplayers - Is this the RP content for 1.1? I couldn't find anything else that seemed close.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

•Falls on the Republic and Imperial Fleets that should lead to death now properly do so. Players who die on the Fleets now respawn at the appropriate med center.


Are the patch notes incomplete? Is there other content that was not documented in the patch notes?


I'm not trying to be snarky about this stuff. I really enjoy the game and see a lot of potential. It's just that when you make statements like these, it demonstrates a clear disconnect between management, devs, and the players. Sometimes it feels like you hired Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf as your release writer.


I totally agree. I saw that they had "something for everyone" in this patch, and after reading it, I feel just as BS'ed as if I watched an infomercial. I'm an avid PVPer and RPer, and this patch doesn't satisfy me in any way. We still can't even sit in chairs, I mean, you have thousands of chairs... and everyone seems to have severe hemorrhoids...


Don't add any more stuff please Bioware, just fix what need to be fixed, the things that other standard industry MMO's have. It's ridiculous.

Edited by Satsunoryu
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