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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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Lol i'm kinda hoping all these complainers do quit like they threaten. The game is amazing and it doesn't suit elitists. Bioware keep it that way :D


Don't submit to the idiots Bioware :)



Edited by BuRnInICE
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Really, demanding people be fired? Making demands at all?


Now I agree many issues not addressed should have been, and I think it is poor form that many of them were not prioritised and fixed correctly, however I am going to put this bluntly, some people need to grow up and learn some manners.


I am not quite to Illum yet but looking at that video, yeh I do agree with people that should be fixed asap. That spawn camping was opportunistic and cowardly, and I am an Empire player myself.


Many outposts have a plethora of npc guards, does Illum not have these on spawn poitns or are they being overwhelmed? Why not just make it spastic powerful like Concord is in Eve. This won't address the imbalance much but it would stop the spawn killing.


Overall I was pretty dissapointed with 1.1. Apart from aa, none of my major concerns were looked into. Things like the crew missions closing my ui windows when they arrive. That happening once is annoying, happening several hundred times I have let out the odd scream.


It is very infuriating, however instead of chucking a tantrum, I am coming to these boards and making a polite request, and listing my reasoning why I think it should be changed. See how that works?


I agree with the reasons behind the rage, I can understand the rage, but your only loosing sympathy with ridiculous demands like "fire them". If you really do want to see fixes then make you issues known politely, and tell them why and how, even offer suggestions if you have them.


Some people have done that and obviously the issue has not been fixed or even recognized, but that does not mean it has not been heard or is it an excuse to behave like spoiled brats.


Most of us want to see this fixed (I sure as hell do) and the best way to do that is calmly, politely let you concerns be known, and offer your view.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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BioWare you need to replace James and Gabe and Georg. They obviously cannot oversee the fail that is happening with their beta, PTR, and patches.


That or you as a whole company just don't give a ****.

Edited by Sunsoar
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Can you please tell us what the Legacy system will bring to the game.


So far we get hints that there will be bonus character creation excellent cant wait fingers crossed for more species. But if it isn't it would be good to know so I don't put off alts only to find that its 2 new sets of scars.


There is talk that it will make leveling more interesting, great but how? Should I shelve the leveling of my alts till it is in the game as leveling them now would be a lot less interesting to later.


Is it going to bring in new gear and equipment so I should shelve crafting as come the legacy system having revered engineered hundreds of thousands of credits worth of gear to find its all junk compaired to what I can get from the legacy system?


What of the abilities are they all going to be social and pointless or are they going to allow for interesting powers. Likewise will the story bring elements of 'powerful jedi was your father yes powerful! Or completely ignored?

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I agree with the reasons behind the rage, I can understand the rage, but your only loosing sympathy with ridiculous demands like "fire them". If you really do want to see fixes then make you issues known politely, and tell them why and how, even offer suggestions if you have them.


Some people have done that and obviously the issue has not been fixed or even recognized, but that does not mean it has not been heard or is it an excuse to behave like spoiled brats.


Most of us want to see this fixed (I sure as hell do) and the best way to do that is calmly, politely let you concerns be known, and offer your view.


One of the most mature things I've read in this thread.

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/rant on


People claim that this game has just been released and people should not complain about the bug fixes and what not. Bull! This game should not have been released in the first place with so many bugs and errors, not to mention new content released less than one month after the game's official release and not have fixed many bug issues that currently exist. Where is the Quality Assurance...oh, perhaps that is the general public that will be paying to play here shortly since the one month of free play.


The test server should be a secondary measure to fix bugs across different platforms, and not used as an initial assessment of QA. This game has a lot of potential and everyone has been anticipating it's release...but let's face it, BIOWARE dropped the ball and released this game early.


All you people saying, don't expect this to be fixed in a day, well this game shouldn't have this many bugs. Some bugs are expected, but this is more than any other online game that I have played since EQ!


Why release new content, when you have a list of bugs to fix now! Now there will be more bugs on top of the old ones. Perhaps Bioware is hoping we forget and just move on with playing. Poor QA leads to more people not wanting to play...and will this game become like RIFT or one of those Free to play games? Time will tell.


I commend the team for being able to release content early, and seems it will be often.

Other than that, getting frustrated at all the issues that surface.


/rant off.

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Ilum is boring as mud. There is nothing to do in the PvP area if there are no Imps to kill.


I was hoping there'd be some resource nodes or something there, but nope.


Warzones were better now that our side was no longer saddled by level 10s so at least some good came with this patch.

Edited by Ellisande
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Blah Blah Blah. So one side is sploiting and other side cannot. It will get fix. Other issues will get fix. Its the way of game dev. Its what happens.


everyone quitting over one mishap patch, their FIRST patch btw, feel free to leave and go back to wow where Hunters are STILL 7 YEARS LATER the absolute worst in arena or pvp in general and DS spine encounter still intsa gibs pets.


Bugs happen. Get over it.

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Blah Blah Blah. So one side is sploiting and other side cannot. It will get fix. Other issues will get fix. Its the way of game dev. Its what happens.


everyone quitting over one mishap patch, their FIRST patch btw, feel free to leave and go back to wow where Hunters are STILL 7 YEARS LATER the absolute worst in arena or pvp in general and DS spine encounter still intsa gibs pets.


Bugs happen. Get over it.



Wasnt their first patch...

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I installed the patch assets this morning at 6:35 AM EST before the patch was complete now when I load past the login screen im stuck in a "out of range" on my monitor where its like my resolution is broke....


How do I uninstall 1.1 and then redownload it? HELP

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