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Everything posted by soulofice

  1. LoL was it just me or did the part where they showed in game stuff the graphics looked like vga lol
  2. LOL ignorance is saying min means you can run the game at 1 fps. min req means the base line to play the game at lowest setings. But you can still play you can not play at 1 fps to say it means you can load the game is wrong. No one ever looks at a box and says oh I got min req well I will buy it so I can load it to look at it:eek: that pc is recamended req. I dont have issues but I know for a fact not every one can have a leet rig and dont think its right the box says this but my friends who meet rec req cant play for low fps if you think its ok then you are out of touch with the gameing communtiy
  3. the only people I ever see say nonono or deal with it are pure dps I dont think I have ever seen a healer or tank. I dont mean a ac that can heal or tank I mean a healer or tank I dont know why dps whins so much about it you want to run stuff but you only use one spec but. you want your healer locked in why. All this has ever done is push people away from being tanks and healer:cool:
  4. PLZ bioware add some controls that work my guild is suffering because the fps issue is geting worse for people. If you have low fps it seems its just getting lower for peps. my g/f's rig is now down to 8 if she's lucky a depth control would be nice options that actualy change something. I res option that atually works. If I turn the res down on my pc guess what its the same size with biger icons. if i do it on the game its just a smaller screen. Stop telling people to put it in window mode and adjust there desk top down so they game will go down it just looks. Like vga graphics with almost no fps gain. It sucks when your guild cant be a guild because people only have the recmended system req. funny req says a ati 4800 or better and we all know that does not cut it. but min says a ati 1800 or better. That is just luaghable. res that works option that really do change said option distance reduction I dont care about the man on the moon But for the love of god give us something to incress fps for people that cant upgraded I want to play with my friends and solo que bgs are use what ever this 8 year old looking for group junk is:mad:
  5. lol you do know there is not a cancel buttun right kinda hard to unsub that way:eek:
  6. one reason is 50 is max no xp no nothing they just keep scaling with gear. at lvl 49 you have all but 1 skill point. So you want to sit there and do nothing but rotfl stomp lvl 18 and 11 or what ever and lol at them the low lvls are learning the pvp when you have mastered it. no ty bad idea
  7. the only thing I can figure is a surge when down the pci cable I have to find the box for the card it was a vidock gen 4 and i belive the card was a6970 not 100 precent on that one. so on that note any one have any tips on a system or just go custom
  8. one a alienware m17x r3 is the best GAMINEG laptop there is and it sits in a custome cooling rig i use vidock to use my lcp tv why because i travel alot and want to game on the go. there is something about this game over utlizing higher end rigs at random:confused:
  9. I turned my throtling off because the game keep doing it down loaded patch and loged in hit ilum and was a night mare effect but my fps keep going up and noticed my tv flicking like it was on crack and befor i could get across the room to shut it down it was to late they got to do something about this game.
  10. I have my laptop in a cumstom cooling station and my vidock next to my 65 in lcd tv and this game just over worked everything and smoked my vidcard and then my laptop started smokeing. and no it was not a power surger. it was the the crap code overworking everything. oh well guess on to best buy to burn up my cc now:(
  11. I want my madel and title hope it does not affect my fps
  12. this tosser is not even reading post its oh you dont see it my way your wrong threads seems like every post he has is **** I am right you are wrong
  13. so i can get ur post janked your and azz hat and wow has been number one for years so yes its going to get comnpared its the bench mark tosser:D Oh and even wow has done full rollbacks after exploits so bioware should I dont care if you did it liget like u suck posser
  14. this is such a joke what commuinty did you lisen to feed back lol yeah right:eek:
  15. Thats just luaghable Its the worste gap closer ever and oh yes this makes sence let me push you away so i can charge your but. wrong its 10 yards does nothing to fix the proble and most classes do have the same ablities over and over just refired and name changed. Force push turning it to pull would rock if you dont like it I dont care
  16. If you would take the time to read my post it say it why most of US that means me to will reup
  17. If you can sit there and say that this was some random mmo that had just come out. With all the problems bugs glitchs and horrid cs you would saty you are full of it. Yes i love start wars i even like the classes i dont like the sad sad state of the game and having BW turn a blind eye to everything and act like its not happing makes me even sadder:(
  18. I do becuase when the servers start dieing you will cancel or play by your self but hey you will be able to get 100+ fps on flt then:D
  19. No your wrong they did not need the name to get one going rift did it just fine and then jacked it all up they did some things great and others very bad. To the point that the bad out wade the good and there system was way better at relaese then this. I had and still do high hopes for this game but simple fact the starwars name is keeping most people here. hell i could even deal with some glitchs if they would talk about them the cs is just god awful
  20. one hes slow leveling so he has not got to the broke end of game as the rest of us. yes I love 2 man heroics and the the class story and thats about it because the bugs lag and everything else took away from all of it.
  21. that says it all right there content patch no lets fix are crapy code patch. For the record most the bugs were reported over and over again in beta
  22. YOU WRONG ALL OF THOSE GAMES WERE BETTER AT RELEASE just because you did not buy them means nothing
  23. I was in boot camp when ep came out was so stocked to see it epic joke and let down:( JUST LIKE THIS GAME:eek:
  24. Dude really do you really believe the crap that you type hum mmos that were way more polished and had less problems aoin war rift hell even aoc had less problems. Its 2012 for heaven sakes 5 years ago maybe but now this is a joke for a release. Oh and by polished you mean the voice acting right the sith worrior class quest is not even finshed and i have heard some of the others just blow. I only have gs jugg and shadow.
  25. [quote=Pippan;1775438 1) Only Starwars MMORPG *out right now 2) Can't get any worse that says it all STARWARS
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