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[Video] This is Ilum - Republic Perspective


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let me get this stright


you're giving hope to a bunch of Developers that worked on PvP systems for other titles that went to rot and which PvP system was considered to be terrible. The same guys that came up with Hutball and besides the game design, that can be fun and innovative, the map is a complete mess for the class/abilities in game. Those same Developers, now tried to "fix" the World PvP zone in the game, and 1.1 Ilum is their result.


Still, you place your hope in them.


You man, got gutts. I admire you honestly.


Mythic obviously wasn't working on the Pvp here, anyone with a bit of common sense can tell that. Even WAR's PvP with the population imbalance was more balanced than this. And that's what WAR did right, despite what the common denominator thinks, the PvP. This is just showing that BioWare thinks they know better and just couldn't figure PvP out if they were given a step by step guide on how to.

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Perhaps they should divide Ilum into smaller grid like zones/instances or something and each zone should only have allowed a certain amount of players on each side. Also they could add small protected areas away from pvp zones where you can respawn/exit Ilum as an option on death so we don't see what is happening in the video.
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Players going to Ilum, do so cause they still hope they will be able to get their dailies and some taste of pvp. Just as you hope BW/Mythic will sort this abomination out.

Look, I can understand if someone goes to Ilum unaware of the situation (has not read forums etc.) and dies once, but to persist to respawn even though there's hundreds of red's all around is insane. Shouldn't that fire off some sort of an alarm bell in your head? What hope are you talking about? Do you hope you will magically kill some of those hundreds the 24th time you respawn? How about the 56th? The 137th? What excatly are you hoping to happen by doing the same proven to fail move over and over again?

Edited by byteresistor
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I made an alt on Republic and started playing until I tried to send mail to my Republic alt. I put in all the time and effort to get my crafting/cybertech maxed out on the empire for my alts and if I cannot use that to benefit my Republic characters/ships as well I'll just stay Empire. I don't want to grind through crafting again either. Edited by mandrillagon
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Is that a low pop server? I logged on today, Port Nowhere, and when I got to Illum there was a large group of imperials probably 30 or 40 smoking 5 republic guys. I followed them south where we ran into probably 20-30 republic guys. We had nice mexican standoffs until one side had lost too many people (mainly the republic fellas). Similar to real battles the lines woudl break. The few slow ones were picked off by the victor, and both sides seemed to wait a few to regroup and then go at it again.


Honestly, it was interesting and if I was dps I bet it would have been a lot of fun. As a healer I'm forced to do damage to people to get credit so it was pretty annoying.


I'm not against PvP in a PvP zone, but a fair fight is a lot more fun. I dunno give the out numbered sides access to aerial bombardments or something. Or let them drive those retarded turtle walkers.


Yeah same boat here.... we have a bit more balance on our server. (nice heals btw hali, saved my butt a few times). I stayed a lil bit longer than hali did and ended up leaving when us emp's got into the repub base. It just wasn't fun anymore.... not sure what happened after that of course.


We'll see how things pan out over the next week or so. I'll say though, I do feel for republic on some of these servers where the ratio is screwed... just sucks.... BW should let people change faction at the very least if they're not going to fix this.... and how do you fix it btw? lol

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Look, I can understand if someone goes to Ilum unaware of the situation (has not read forums etc.) and dies once, but to persist with it even though there's hundreds of red's all around is insane. Shouldn't that fire off some sort of an alarm bell in your head? What hope are you talking about? Do you hope you will magically kill some of those hundreds the 24th time you respawn? How about the 56th? The 137th? What excatly are you hoping to happen by doing the same proven to fail move over and over again?


So now the fav word to jump on is hope?


Stick to the reason I quoted you in the first place.


A player is never to blame. Neither Imp or Rep. Only to blame for this is BW/Mythic/EA.

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saw you running there suzpaz when i went to see what ilum was like now. Feel sorry for ya. Decided to leave myself. People are apparently getting like 270ish valor a kill too.. so im expecting everyone to be Battlemaster on imperial side by tomorrow.. woohoo.. makes me regret wasting time getting that pre-patch.



Edited by Zilrion
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Ok i have officially came to the conclusion that bioware didnt do any research when they made this game. does that mean this game will fail? no, it just mean that we are gonna see the same mistakes other mmos made or worse for a long time before it starts gettin better. will i stil around and wait? prolly not. Will i come back ones its reasonable? Most Likely, but thats just how this games gonna be for its first couple of years.
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Look, I can understand if someone goes to Ilum unaware of the situation (has not read forums etc.) and dies once, but to persist to respawn even though there's hundreds of red's all around is insane. Shouldn't that fire off some sort of an alarm bell in your head? What hope are you talking about? Do you hope you will magically kill some of those hundreds the 24th time you respawn? How about the 56th? The 137th? What excatly are you hoping to happen by doing the same proven to fail move over and over again?


When they are camping your spawn point the only way to escape is wait for a PvP queue which won't pop because all the Imperials are in Ilum. Even then you'd better hope your emergency fleet pass is available.

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A player is never to blame. Neither Imp or Rep. Only to blame for this is BW/Mythic/EA.

If I sold you a broken car and you killed your son while driving it, the fault is mine alone. If you still kept the car after that incident and continued to kill your family members with it and not learning from your mistake, there's some fault in you too. Not fault in the car's broken status but in the fact that you keep using a broken car even though all signs tell you not to.

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lol funny as hell, good to se others having same fun that i have:) peace is a lie, there is only war, matamat:() 1.0 fps in republic base, also geting instant kill by turrets cuz thy clarly are coded to mainly attacks tanks, and i die, other classes die instantlyw hen thy trye heale ore dps:)
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If I sold you a broken car and you killed your son while driving it, the fault is mine alone. If you still kept the car after that incident and continued to kill your family members with it and not learning from your mistake, there's some fault in you too. Not fault in the car's broken status but in the fact that you keep using a broken car even though all signs tell you not to.




I have indulged you enough.

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Omg which server is this lol, I have my level 20 alt for the IMPS just AFK and collecting valor like crazy! I've gained so much valor is not even funny. I will try to get this fraps so I can make a video, level 20 battlemaster in 12 hours of being AFK lol gg Bioware!!
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