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Ilum "PvP". You got to be kidding.


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On Bloodworthy Reps are farmed IN their mainbase. Not only did you make Ilum impossible to play for Reps, you even made sure that the already bigger Faction now gears in lightspeed.


It is annoying to cope with all the millions of bugs that made it into live, but honestly.. No one was able to foresee the problems that the new "PvP System" of yours will bring on Loopsided Servers ? Really ?


Or is the main goal to make sure that no one actually plays Reps in future ? And spare me that "adapt" nonsense. At best its 20:1, so far at least 30:1.

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more imps will roll rebel toons. you will see. it happens in all games. imps who dont rp their toons hardcore and care about pvp will roll rebel toons in an effort to better pvp.


Hah, on the contrary, Republic players will either reroll or quit. Look at the World of Warcraft PVP servers, some of them are 99% horde.

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On Bloodworthy Reps are farmed IN their mainbase. Not only did you make Ilum impossible to play for Reps, you even made sure that the already bigger Faction now gears in lightspeed.


It is annoying to cope with all the millions of bugs that made it into live, but honestly.. No one was able to foresee the problems that the new "PvP System" of yours will bring on Loopsided Servers ? Really ?


Or is the main goal to make sure that no one actually plays Reps in future ? And spare me that "adapt" nonsense. At best its 20:1, so far at least 30:1.


old Ilum PVP quests:


daily 5

weekly 15


new Ilum PVP quests:


daily 30

weekly 150


BW please contact me. I will lend you my caluculator.


Just been on Ilum:

4 Reps (including me)


25 imps in front of our base

10 imps farming crates at central assault


Awesome BW... just give the imps more freebees...

Everyday 1 champion bag+3 once a week + instant abilities instead of cool animated delayed ones etc...

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It's the usual developer response in these sort of situations. Things will get changed somewhat quickly if people are gearing up too fast or easy, but will do so at the cost of player enjoyment.


We probably could have gotten by without the PvP section of Ilum while they worked on it some more and released it 3-4 months post launch. I think that would have been a much better idea than releasing it and band-aiding it in its current form.

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Don't go in one by one.. Right?


Get other republics and go into together. Work on it.


i see this guy posting so much garbage like this lol.


Saying that is like being jumped in alley, beat ruthlessly with a bat, then having a cop tell you to learn to fight better. Just no...................

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i see this guy posting so much garbage like this lol.


Saying that is like being jumped in alley, beat ruthlessly with a bat, then having a cop tell you to learn to fight better. Just no...................


He is the way I imagine every Imperial to be...


"I put the AssAssIn assassin."

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Don't go in one by one.. Right?


Get other republics and go into together. Work on it.


Pointless. When your faction is outnumbered on the server 3:1, what's stopping the Imperials from doing the exact same thing if you start to bring in enough people to put up a fight? This is assuming that you can even manage to do so.


I think you missed the part from the original post where he mentioned that there are so many Imperials there, the Reps are actually getting effortlessly farmed in their own base.

Edited by vindianajones
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Pointless. When your faction is outnumbered on the server 3:1, what's stopping the Imperials from doing the exact same thing if you start to bring in enough people to put up a fight? This is assuming that you can even manage to do so.


I think you missed the part from the original post where he mentioned that there are so many Imperials there, the Reps are actually getting effortlessly farmed in their own base.


I wish it was only 3:1.

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Don't go in one by one.. Right?


Get other republics and go into together. Work on it.


Seriously... Wait up and group up and make an assault. What on earth were people expecting... It is open world pvp... Imbalances are part of that.. You have to play smart.


If you want equally matched sides play warzones, but complaining that sides are not equal in open world pvp makes ZERO sense.

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If they don't rollback everyone today, I'm giving up on PVP and I'll HIGHLY be considering unsubscribing entirely. If Bioware pulls this kind of stuff off, I really don't trust them with future content.


They may use the excuse that the valor thing was "unforeseeable", but even the change of forcing people to collect stuff from the middle point was clearly a foolish idea.


Crafting is borked. PVP is now borked. I'm not sure how much more I'll put up with.

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Seriously... Wait up and group up and make an assault. What on earth were people expecting... It is open world pvp... Imbalances are part of that.. You have to play smart.


If you want equally matched sides play warzones, but complaining that sides are not equal in open world pvp makes ZERO sense.


Yes imbalances, like 4vs3, 2vs3 is obviously expected.


However 30 versus *********** 1 is ridicilous.


If you can't understand this then I don't know what to say.

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Two simple words, "Epic failure".


Surely these things were noted in internal testing right?


But seriously, on my server, the bulk of the PVP Repubs are healers. And what I am seeing in other threads is that healers are losing out on the valor because they are healing and not killing.


So even if the Repubs somehow managed to get a large group together to take Ilum, odds are the healers are going to get very disgruntled very quickly and simply say, "to $#%$ with it".


No Repubs makes for no open world PVP. At that point it becomes a farm fest for the Imps as they work to get their dailies completed. The Imps then have a PVE way to get their PVP gear.


Bioware has taken two steps back today with this patch instead of even one step forward.

Edited by ForceWelder
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Im sorry this is the final nail in the coffin for the Republic ; not only severely outnumbered but in this game, actually the tremendously overpopulated faction will get geared at least 3 x faster.


And any Ilum revamp will take MONTHS, if not expansion material.


What is beginning to happen is a disgrace for this game.

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