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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Dear Bioware,


Can you please give EU players their own forum? Thanks these posts are getting old. I mean you are an American base company so why should they upset their own employees for th sake of times in Europe MOST people are at work.


Upset their own employees?


Bioware have staff in Ireland.


EU servers are also in Ireland.


Ireland is in the EU zone.


I'm lost at how you thought what you wrote made sense but then again I haven't had my morning coffee yet and so am being cantankerous i'm sure :p

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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This is becoming game breaking for me, along with the crap that passes for customer relations regarding the dead server issue.


I work wednesday through sunday, and don;t really get to play in the evening that much, so I get monday and tuesday to play as much as I like. But of course, servers go down on tuesday.


I recently repatched my previous game and if a resolution isn;t reached soon I will go back to it and cancel swtor. The previous game, EQ2, patches US and Euro servers at different times, understanding that they are in different TZs.

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a month or so ago there was an official response that we would get a proper, in depth answer why there is no separate eu downtime.


I am not bothered by the downtime itself, at all.


I am bothered by the principal behind it and the fact that we were promised a response but EU customers don't even get that one...that's weak.

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Upset their own employees?


Bioware have staff in Ireland.


EU servers are also in Ireland.


Ireland is in the EU zone.


I'm lost at how you thought what you wrote made sense but then again I haven't had my morning coffee yet and so am being cantankerous i'm sure :p


not only that, if you believe numbers by serveral 'analysts' (since there are no official numbers available) this game has more subscribers in Europe than in America. dun dun dun.

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Seriously, do we really have to go through this every single week!?

I mean come on, its not like they hide the weekly maintenance times. Everyone knows its every tuesday. Does the new year date chock you every year too?

You know its tuesdays maintenance is, so plan your life after it, give it you have one of course...


And yes i live in EU, so im 'affected' by this too...

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This is becoming game breaking for me, along with the crap that passes for customer relations regarding the dead server issue.


I work wednesday through sunday, and don;t really get to play in the evening that much, so I get monday and tuesday to play as much as I like. But of course, servers go down on tuesday.


I recently repatched my previous game and if a resolution isn;t reached soon I will go back to it and cancel swtor. The previous game, EQ2, patches US and Euro servers at different times, understanding that they are in different TZs.

Well you will be pleased to here that it has been moved to Wednesday this week!!!
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Well, you know its wednesday then. Its not a hidden secret. Don't see the problem.


Well... wednesdays most schools in the Netherlands (and some other euro country's) only have half days. Which means alot of people take the day off (as kids come home early).


yet.... we have maintenance.

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Wait... so, you're not really complaining about EU getting inconvenient maintenance times, but offering your global networking service expertise to help Bioware manage weekly, segmented maintenance windows. That's pretty nice of you.


I'm curious.... can you share some secrets with me, specifically how you plan on resolving the conflict between server versions and client versions when the clients aren't region locked but server update times are? I'll admit that I'm interested because I've only been a software developer for twelve years and only had two years of experience maintaining global service networks with millions of customers. It'd be nice to hear how the real pros do it.



As people have already stated, Trion do it currently with Rift. Trion are a tiny company in terms of size compared with EA and BioWare, so if they can manage it, I'm sure BioWare can too. Clearly your experience hasn't taught you a great deal because there are already people doing it.

Edited by Mandrax
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It seems a little unfair that the US gets their maintenance during 'off-peak hours' yet we have ours during the morning and afternoon! It literally takes 8 hours of 'on peak' gaming time away from some people. (Not that I am a hardcore gamer, but if I want to play during those hours i'm kind of screwed)


For those of us who do not work or go to school it is really irritating and unfair. A little 'biased' towards your American customers me thinks. (just my 2 credits)


I am unemployed at the moment, (as are 33% of 18-25 year olds like me in England) and so my game time is pretty much 'whenever I want to log on'


On WoW maintenance is from 3/10 am (sometimes) GMT and the same for the US. Other MMO's I have played without having EU servers (just american) usually had maintenance at around 8-10AM GMT (which is acceptable).


Please can someone revise the times for maintenance in Europe, it is unfair that a paying customer has to miss out on 8/10 hours of peaktime gaming because it 'suits' BW to do maintenance at the same time for all servers.


Either that or maybe make the game £7.99 a month, instead of £8.99. :)

Edited by SpeedyKitsune
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All I know is this (in terms of the "off-peak" bit) that on my server, when the Ilum daily resets, there are 3+ 24m Ops on both sides there.


That too me, doesn't show as the "Time when not a lot are playing"


I know it's a subjective point of view, but there are people that do play at 10am or 2pm in Europe, and to me it seems a lot (Quite a few servers are heavy at lunch time on most days)


Is it really that hard to take a leaf out of Rift's book, and do the "Patch / Un-Patch" thing?

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I know it sucks for you people who either work nights, or for some reason don't have jobs, but the simple truth is that for the "majority" of the players, the down time they schedule is perfect. They cannot please everyone. Maybe you Europeans can creat an MMO that fits your schedule, but enough with all the QQ already. It is not going to change. If you cannot deal with it, move on.
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All those Europians need to wake up and realise their personal time to play is not considered peak time and never will be 8Am-3pm is not peak time 7pm-11pm is peak time . Yea it sucks you're unemployed but seriously should you really be playing a game that requires a financial transaction if you have no income as you say. The Europian entitlement issues must end . The EU is logically impaired "I have no income I must get ragey cause i cant play a monetised commodity" seriously grow up get a job become productive members of society.
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All those Europians need to wake up and realise their personal time to play is not considered peak time and never will be 8Am-3pm is not peak time 7pm-11pm is peak time . Yea it sucks you're unemployed but seriously should you really be playing a game that requires a financial transaction if you have no income as you say. The Europian entitlement issues must end . The EU is logically impaired "I have no income I must get ragey cause i cant play a monetised commodity" seriously grow up get a job become productive members of society.


So you have no Problem, if we switch the times, since "your personal time to play is not considered peak time and never will be 8Am-3pm is not peak time 7pm-11pm is peak time ."

Don't you?

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So you have no Problem, if we switch the times, since "your personal time to play is not considered peak time and never will be 8Am-3pm is not peak time 7pm-11pm is peak time ."

Don't you?


There is a big difference from US to EU times.


When the server go down at the states it is in the middle of the night around 2 am (depending of the state ofc). Most normal people wont play then, so its fine.


When the server go down at europe it is in the early morning until late noon. Normal people will either work, visist somekind of eduction system or go shopping, prepare the meal for family or clean the house (house wifes).


So the shedule of the maintenance seems absolutely right, no peak time´s are involved but off peak times are.



OFC there is a small minority of people who have a different life, but the majority still has such a life and it would be plain wrong to change the current system.


Wow has it, AoC had it and Rift has - every MMO has these times, yet at SWTOR people freak out over them...


Where it makes sense to be annoyed is Australia, as its 7 pm for them which ofc is wrong - but those at europe or US should be fine.

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Wow has it, AoC had it and Rift has - every MMO has these times, yet at SWTOR people freak out over them...


You're mistaken. I'm not sure where you got your information from but most (if not all) MMOs with both U.S. and international customers do not use a "unified" maintenance schedule like SWTOR. Translation, they do not take down *all* of their servers at the same time, regardless of location. WoW for example has their European servers down time scheduled at about 3am-9am CEST. The same goes for Aion and their East Asian servers. Everquest did it the same way, as did FFXI, the list goes on and on.


So the shedule of the maintenance seems absolutely right, no peak time´s are involved but off peak times are.


Which of those two time frames is more off-peak would you say? I don't think it's a stretch to say that there are more players online during 10am-4pm as opposed to 3am-9am. On my server at least, there are easily two to three times more people in fleet at 10am-noon when compared to the period of 2am-4am. In essence, with this current maintenance schedule, the only time zones that are *truly* off-peak are EST and CST. For European time zones it is only *semi* off-peak. It's even worse for PST and HAST player as the down time comes right at the tail end of their peak time. Sorry but I don't think MMOs should position their down time based on a U.S. east coast schedule.


Finally, there is simply no logical reason for BW to bring all their servers down at the same time, especially since no other MMO I can think of does it this way. The logical method would be to bring the servers down during the *most* off-peak period for each time zone involved which again, is the period between 2/3am-8/9am. That's the part that doesn't make any sense and is in serious need of rectifying.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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I know it sucks for you people who either work nights, or for some reason don't have jobs, but the simple truth is that for the "majority" of the players, the down time they schedule is perfect. They cannot please everyone. Maybe you Europeans can creat an MMO that fits your schedule, but enough with all the QQ already. It is not going to change. If you cannot deal with it, move on.


For the US players having downtime at night is perfect.


For EU players having downtime at night would be perfect as well.


As it stands we pay more for a lesser service.


Your attitude is appalling. It really doesn't matter where the game is developed. That attitude would be fine if you only wanted US based customers. Unfortunately to adopt that attitude when dealing with international customers is just stupid.


Basic common sense in business is keep your customers happy. It doesn't matter how good your product is if your customers don't want to pay for it. The customer is key.


Oh, and have a nice day.

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All those Europians need to wake up and realise their personal time to play is not considered peak time and never will be 8Am-3pm is not peak time 7pm-11pm is peak time . Yea it sucks you're unemployed but seriously should you really be playing a game that requires a financial transaction if you have no income as you say. The Europian entitlement issues must end . The EU is logically impaired "I have no income I must get ragey cause i cant play a monetised commodity" seriously grow up get a job become productive members of society.


I want to play during the daytime.


I run a successful business. I do business with customers in the US (as well as Europe). When I want to talk to customers in the US I do it at a time that is convenient to them.


The whole "off-peak" thing is a red herring. What is needed is equal treatment for EU and US based customers. You don't seem to understand logic in any way. What is going to happen when the Oceanic servers launch?

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They get treated like 3th rate customers like EU players are.

Apparently bioware does not feel the need to do the smallest things to keep half the customerbase happy.


Then again ofcourse their tech support need to drink a cupa first and then relax reading the newspaper before actualy starting work at 9AM.


Their just being cheap it saves them a few $$ and they hope they wont lose more then it saves them.


But as the US does not seem to have a problem why not move the downtime back a few hours that way EU players dont have downtime during the day Australians have no downtime during their peak hours and well US players dont care anyway.

Edited by LightShad
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But as the US does not seem to have a problem why not move the downtime back a few hours that way EU players dont have downtime during the day Australians have no downtime during their peak hours and well US players dont care anyway.


I know that the US players don't seem to be bothered about when the maintenance is on. I am sure they wouldn't care if it was during the evening in the US. They would of course just do something else. You know, read a book, go outside, enjoy life etc.


However coming from a rational position on this I can't see why they just don't do the logical thing and have three maintenance windows - US, EU and AsiaPac.

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Dear Bioware,


Can you please give EU players their own forum? Thanks these posts are getting old. I mean you are an American base company so why should they upset their own employees for th sake of times in Europe MOST people are at work.


Dear Lordtie,


If Bioware don't want to keep their EU customers happy then they can simply not sell to them. Then you will also be delighted when SWTOR folds in three months time due to lack of revenue.

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