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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Read the first part again: If they start doing split maintenance, a lot of people will start creating characters on different (active) servers while theirs is down.


Which would mean the servers MIGHT get overloaded. Keyword there is MIGHT. If they stick to one maintenance schedule, they know this would never happen. Keyword there is never since all, ALL, servers are down.


Therefore, if they do split maintenance, they would probably region lock the game. At that point, those that started on US servers might be in a sticky situation. They would do this because they would like to have an option to where it can NEVER happen versus it MIGHT happen.




Ooor perhaps lock the areas, europeans locked to EU servers, americans locked to US servers, split the forums so we dont have to put up with the US citizens, who dont understand that Europe is not a country and that not everyone in Europe speaks french.

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Ooor perhaps lock the areas, europeans locked to EU servers, americans locked to US servers, split the forums so we dont have to put up with the US citizens, who dont understand that Europe is not a country and that not everyone in Europe speaks french.

Wow is doin this with 2 separate clients to download...

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Working nights maintaining servers once a week on an mmo is kinda in the job description lol.


Why would it be in the job description if they don't do maintenance at night? At most it will say something about doing extra hours to cover extended and unplanned maintenance. But regardless there is no point arguing about this as we don't know their contract so I'll leave it there.


Besides that, it's once a week. I'm sure they can spare some money to employ a few more people to do nights, or if not, it's quite easy to change a contract, you just need to give notice, and consult.


I never said it wasn't easy, just time consuming, or in other words not something that can be done at the drop of a hat ;)

Edited by Doversole
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Read the first part again: If they start doing split maintenance, a lot of people will start creating characters on different (active) servers while theirs is down.


Which would mean the servers MIGHT get overloaded. Keyword there is MIGHT. If they stick to one maintenance schedule, they know this would never happen. Keyword there is never since all, ALL, servers are down.


Therefore, if they do split maintenance, they would probably region lock the game. At that point, those that started on US servers might be in a sticky situation. They would do this because they would like to have an option to where it can NEVER happen versus it MIGHT happen.


With all respect, the amount of people that would create a character on a us server, so they can play when eu servers go down overnight, is going to be extremely minimal, to the point where it really won't make a difference. The vast majority of people are asleep during this time. That's why us servers go down during the night, is it not?

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With all respect, the amount of people that would create a character on a us server, so they can play when eu servers go down overnight, is going to be extremely minimal, to the point where it really won't make a difference. The vast majority of people are asleep during this time. That's why us servers go down during the night, is it not?


As I said: MIGHT is the keyword. What if there is another emergency patch, and it MIGHT hit US primetime? Obviously that would never happen, but I think you know what I mean. What if maintenance is delayed a few hours (which has happened) to a time where more people are playing?

Edited by Nighthawked
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ok people tell us what magical hours dont effect some people in some way?? please tell us. what magical hours in the week dont have people online or some how effects players?




post your idea? it is based in U.S times.



so in shot it happens and in that time most people are working in the EU.

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Why would it be in the job description if they don't do maintenance at night? At most it will say something about doing extra hours to cover extended and unplanned maintenance. But regardless there is no point arguing about this as we don't know their contract so I'll leave it there.




I never said it wasn't easy, just time consuming, or in other words not something that can be done at the drop of a hat ;)


Yes, we don't know their contracts, and consultation takes some time, but it really isn't a long winded affair, and can be achieved quite quickly. I've done it myself a few times.

Though seeing as ea has rather alot of money behind it, you'd think they'd employ a few more technicians to keep half their player base(yes that's a guess) happy. I'm pretty sure they can afford it.

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As I said: MIGHT is the keyword. What if there is another emergency patch, and it MIGHT hit US primetime? Obviously that would never happen, but I think you know what I mean. What if maintenance is delayed a few hours (which has happened) to a time where more people are playing?


There will always be variables, no one can change that. However, from experience with other mmos, I really don't see this as a valid argument against giving eu customers night time maintenance.

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ok people tell us what magical hours dont effect some people in some way?? please tell us. what magical hours in the week dont have people online or some how effects players?




post your idea? it is based in U.S times.



so in shot it happens and in that time most people are working in the EU.


Lunar time lol

you are correct, at the normal server downtime most of Europe is working.

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Read the first part again: If they start doing split maintenance, a lot of people will start creating characters on different (active) servers while theirs is down.


Which would mean the servers MIGHT get overloaded. Keyword there is MIGHT. If they stick to one maintenance schedule, they know this would never happen. Keyword there is never since all, ALL, servers are down.


Therefore, if they do split maintenance, they would probably region lock the game. At that point, those that started on US servers might be in a sticky situation. They would do this because they would like to have an option to where it can NEVER happen versus it MIGHT happen.


How many Europeans are playing on European servers at 3am-4am GMT/CET? Yes some people will roll onto the US servers, but there won't be enough to overload the servers unless they all roll on exactly the same server. This arguement keeps coming along with the arguement that people should be at work between 9am-5pm, well guess what those people that work during the day normally sleep at night :p.

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It's interesting to note that you have just certainty in your life.

In any case i disagree with the BIOWARE policy.

My life is not based around an MMO, On Saturday when the servers went down, I did not cry on the forums, I went on Skyrim, then shopping and by the time I got back the servers went up.


The same thing will happen if I decide to play on Tuesday on my day off, If the servers are down I will find something else to do, not cry on a forum over it.


That's my point.

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My life is not based around an MMO, On Saturday when the servers went down, I did not cry on the forums, I went on Skyrim, then shopping and by the time I got back the servers went up.


The same thing will happen if I decide to play on Tuesday on my day off, If the servers are down I will find something else to do, not cry on a forum over it.


That's my point.



We have seen your oppinion multiple times throughout this tread. Its the same one every time. Do you have a dire need to repeat yourself?


I doubt many in here cares what you do in your free time. We care more about getting our money's worth.

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love figures being thrown around here....


unemployment figures in EU = nearly 11% of Europe is unemployed which equates to 'roughly' 78 million ppl in the EU unemployed (thats not counting students/retired/home-husbands/wifes/disabled) thats only the ones registered as unemployed...NOW if 10% of that number played SWTOR during the day whilst thier partners are working, thats a possible 7.8million ppl being pissed off (regardless of 1 day a week or not) due to paying but unable to play


numbers are fun....pointless reasons to why they should stay as is isnt fun

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Off-peak in Europe is during the day.


Look at any gym membership and off peak will be 9-5 as this is when most people are at work/school/college.


I'd wager that there are more people asleep during the night than working/school during the day.

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I'd wager that there are more people asleep during the night than working/school during the day.


True, however a time is either peak, or off peak. Peak, by definition, describes a point where numbers are highest. Logically, any time with lower numbers then is off peak.


Hence, 5pm-11pm in each time zone is considered peak (give or take an hour). The remaining time is then considered off-peak. Just because there may be more people playing at 10am than there are playing at 5am does not affect the label of off-peak as there will still be considerably more people playing at 9pm on average.

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True, however a time is either peak, or off peak. Peak, by definition, describes a point where numbers are highest. Logically, any time with lower numbers then is off peak.


Hence, 5pm-11pm in each time zone is considered peak (give or take an hour). The remaining time is then considered off-peak. Just because there may be more people playing at 10am than there are playing at 5am does not affect the label of off-peak as there will still be considerably more people playing at 9pm on average.


Logically, I'd agree about the off peak times, and I used to be someone that said "you should be at work/school during the day." I have changed my mind though, after reading alot of posts from people, and having been affected by daytime downtime 3 weeks running.

Returning to logic, it's logical to disrupt the least amount of customers as possible with maintenance. That is why they chose the time they do it with the global downtime. This has, unfortunately, affected more people than I think they thought it would.

That is the reason they should now be considering having separate downtimes. I can't see how EU servers patching overnight on a Monday, and US servers patching some hours later, during the night there would have any negative impact on both lots of player bases. As far as I can tell, US customers are happy with their maintenance times, so they should be agreeing that EU customers get the same deal.

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:mad:These server maintenance times for the EU are ridiculous...a certain other MMORPG that I used to play had it spot on...used to run until 11am UK time, so really only affected half the day for us and Europe.


Will this ever get resolved? Does anyone that counts actually read these forums, take on board our frustrations and actively work to do something about it? IF you're American you are quids (bucks) in...come on sort it out and give us EU players the gaming experience we are paying for, the same as the US citizens......:mad::mad::mad:

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How many Europeans are playing on European servers at 3am-4am GMT/CET? Yes some people will roll onto the US servers, but there won't be enough to overload the servers unless they all roll on exactly the same server. This arguement keeps coming along with the arguement that people should be at work between 9am-5pm, well guess what those people that work during the day normally sleep at night :p.


I just can't see why people would roll a new char from scratch on a US server because their own server is down for an hour.


Suggesting this would happen is up there with suggesting that the moon is made of cheese.

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Another thing if they brought down the servers but the EU servers separately what do you think the people with their servers down are going to do? They are going to make a ton of little alts to play until their servers come back up and vise verse when yours are down.


No they won't - don't be silly.

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