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Does Dark Side Jedi Knight make sense?


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Title says it all. I'm rolling a JK, probably sentinel, and thinking of going dark side as a change of pace but not sure if the dark side story/choices make sense for a JK? Would the story be better if I was light side?


I have 2 JK Sentinels, 1 light side, 1 dark side,


So far the dark side is a bit more fun, though going dark side pritty much just boils down to killing people that you have already half killed, ie finishing them off, instead of capturing or letting them redeem themselves.


So far only one choice has made me go "hmm, that's a bit sick", and that was hitting an old man, it's the Czerka quest on Tat, old man in his bunker, game forces you to hit him even though he has done nothing wrong, and does not deserve hitting, but if you want max dark side points with zero light side, you gotta hit him.


I got fed up with Light Side tbh, the dialogue is just way over the top in terms of being Mr/Mrs goody goody yum yum, makes you cringe sometimes.


Like everything else, it's down to player choice, whatever you wanna do



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This whole dialogue is absurd. Dark=Sith. Light=Jedi. Neutral which should be viable isn't. The power of Sith and Jedi in this game are identical excluding the graphic. This is not Star Wars. Being dark and still "jedi" is not possible. Indeed the Jedi masters might well snuff your sorry dark side butt the second they sense your darkness and vice versa. Play what you want. Just don't pretend it's true to the original.
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This whole dialogue is absurd. Dark=Sith. Light=Jedi. Neutral which should be viable isn't. The power of Sith and Jedi in this game are identical excluding the graphic. This is not Star Wars. Being dark and still "jedi" is not possible. Indeed the Jedi masters might well snuff your sorry dark side butt the second they sense your darkness and vice versa. Play what you want. Just don't pretend it's true to the original.


I don't think you know the lore as well as you think you do...

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This whole dialogue is absurd. Dark=Sith. Light=Jedi. Neutral which should be viable isn't. The power of Sith and Jedi in this game are identical excluding the graphic. This is not Star Wars. Being dark and still "jedi" is not possible. Indeed the Jedi masters might well snuff your sorry dark side butt the second they sense your darkness and vice versa. Play what you want. Just don't pretend it's true to the original.


Luke skywalker was a dark jedi. The Main character in the OT.

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You know that whole crystal restriction makes no sense to me


Anyone remember in KOTOR when you could make your lightsaber any color?


I mean it's just a crystal, a component in the machine, the color of your saber should have nothing to do with your alignment


Agreed, in fact I think in SW lore, the only reason a Siths crystal is red is because they are syntheticly made. Unlike a Jedi who must actively search for his own naturally forming one.


Raises and interesting question as to why you never see anything but red, blue and green in the movies but can get more or less whatever colour you want in most Star Wars games.


Anyway going back yo the original point, there's a ton of literature out there discussing dark Jedi and shadow Jedi or grey Jedi or whatever else the EU decided to vomit up and give to a publisher. I personaly play a Jedi but rarely act in accordance with what the council would consider good working practice and it suits me fine.



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I have a 50 guardian who I rolled as a light side in the beginning, but after a thousand "its what I do I'm a Jedi" and who could forget " I won't kill you (cuz im lame)" I decided to drop 400/400 treasure hunting for 400/400 diplomacy and I have to say the dark side is quite nice. Its even better when you choose the "nice guy" options and you look all corrupt! Talk about ironic :D
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I think it has more to do with LucasArt/BioWare's idea of morality. If you pick a Jedi you are always going to be on the side of good. So even if your a Dark Jedi, you're just a douche bag and no one likes you. You're literally stuck, you can't turn-coat, you can't go rogue and start your own order, nor can you stay neutral and seek revenge on anyone that messed with you regardless of faction.


I've been trying to go Grey for ages but all the choices make me 90% light and 10% dark, and that's only if I choose not to spare an Imperial. Kinda annoying really.

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No and Yes . If you're comparing DS JK / LS JK , LS wins , hands down .


This is all you need to know ;




After your Class Story is done , you won't become a 'Jedi Master' , which is the whole Purpose of being a Jedi . You'll get a 'random' title by a random guy , which doesn't make any freaking sense .


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