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From a Sorc, about Sorc nerf QQ... the low down.


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classic at the sorcs are op people.


light armour, all they really have is a shield and a 2 second sprint.


Can easily tell who the terrible players are, the ones saying they just spam lightning.

Madness rotation is 3x dots, and AOE instant cast that increases dot crit, and force lightning.



So this means the terrible players dont notice they are even being attacked till they have 3 dots on them and the AOE hits.


At this stage they are like "What the", and the force lightning starts, they die because they have been attacked for 7 seconds without noticing, and think its just imbalanced, when really it is their lack of ability to even notice they are being attacked.




So not only do we use 4 attacks that are not lightning that you dont notice, but the other attacks we actually do have, are ALL LIGHTNING.


Force Lightning, our stun, shock and 2-3 other abilities all use lightning as an animation.



Dont blame sorcs because you fail to even notice your being dotted up before the lightning hits you and to stupid to realise that those lightning attacks arnt all the same thing ....


This x100000000

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classic at the sorcs are op people.

So this means the terrible players dont notice they are even being attacked till they have 3 dots on them and the AOE hits.


hurrrr whats dat red ting next to da 1 butun?


Seriously though, agree with that right there.

45% of peoples problems are awareness.

The other 45% is lack of knowledge of game mechanics.

5% is lag.

3% are bugs.

2% is imbalence - go learn to pvp properly, to use your skills and counter

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If there was a combat log they could look and see


affliction hits you for 250

crushing darkness hits you for 300

creeping death hits you for 200

death field hits you for 1500

affliction hits you for 200

crushing darkness hits you for 300

force lightning hits you for 1000

creeping death hits you for 200

affliction hits you for 250

force lightning hits you for 1000

shock hits you for 800



instead they see lightning and die and go "**** SORC LIGHTNING IS SO OVERPOWERED he killed me in 2 hits"

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They also tend to miss that there's like 2 sorcs shooting lightning at you, a merc spamming tracer missile and a sniper sniping. So they think 1 person is responsible for all that damage. Now if you want to talk OP talk Powertech (they're not OP but I'd fight a sorc, regardless of what class I am, than a PT any day of the week. Those buggers are dangerous.)
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Ok so that was a more subtle tweak instead of a nerf, but it just changed the game. Without force speed, we no longer have the advantage of getting to the huttball first ( which isn't really an advantage, because we have 12k health and light armor. )


Properly spec'd marauders get to the huttball first, 100%.

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Depends on skill. But our Huttball grabber hasn't missed it in over 50 games.



We both know how to electrocute people to stop them getting it.


I'm sorry but when you have a 50% speed buff for 10 seconds (30% extra on top of that when spec'd) and the extra 10% on top of that for 4 seconds with force camo, you get there before anyone else is in range of you, unless you are against another properly spec'd marauder. strong speed buff for long duration>huge speed buff for tiny duration any day. I get to the huttball every game while the enemy team is still behind the acid. Only time I have been beaten is by another marauder that I know with a very similar spec. Also aside from using your force run right before the acid so you can jump over the pool, your personal skill doesn't make your character run faster.

Edited by Spritle
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I have a sorc and agree with you op.


On the other hand I "think" pretty much averyone playing serious pvp play:

- Commando / mercenary

- Operative / scroundrel

- Consular / Sorc


There you have your op classes.

Then comes the ok classes:

- Shadow / assassin

- Sniper / gunslinger

- Marauder / jedi equivalent


Then come the gimped:

- Powertech / vanguard?






50 Powertech



More seriously, my only concern is Operative / Scoundrels burst damage and Commandos. Facing a premade Commando team is NOT fun.


Sorc have many CC tools, OK dps (still far from Commandos / Operatives) but they need their bubble and sprint to survive. I agree it's boring when my Powertech can't mitigate dmg as tank spec because they can't shield most pvp damage and then I see my sorc having 300% more survivability. But it's a design mistake. It has nothing to do with sorc being up there but more about tanks being down there. Imo.


I would rather like Bioware to put tanks to the same lvl as other classes than nerfing anything beside OPeratives.

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Then comes the ok classes:


- Marauder / jedi equivalent


I personally think marauder is slightly gimped, considering we have nearly no cc, and despite our achtype class being the warrior (tanky) we are not tanky in the least. We do alot of damage to a single target given the opportunity, but not nearly as much as the other "ok" classes you mentioned. We have one really useful cc move for PvP which is a channel where we can not do anything during it. On account of the tankiness problem, if you want to call it a problem, we have activated abilities that make us very tanky for a short period of time... again useful in 1v1 pvp. No complaints here, I like the challenge of playing as a character that can only burst down 1 player given plenty of time and have 1 aoe attack (smash, and its jedi counterpart) but really.... everyone complains about all the other classes being overpowered/underpowered but most people overlook this. Marauders are also fairly useless before they have a good amount of gear. Again, not complaining in any way, I enjoy it immensely. Maybe not enough people play as marauder to care, after all (at least on my server) marauder seems to be the least played class.

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Add longer cooldown to sorc bubble and make lightning not so powerful.


If this was done a cooldown on grav rounds/tracer missle would have to be put into place. Grav round/tracer missle are complained about as much as sorcerer.


To be fair all abilities should be nerfed that are most complained about on the forums or we could just nerf none at all since most classes seem to have dedicated cries for a nerf in one aspect or another.

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I don't care really, I just think the class should be more difficult to play. All I see is lightning, lightning, lightning. It's almost as bad as the BH's with their one button tracer spam.


OMG i so sick of people who say this its the most ridiculas crap (this just in people the sorcerer shoots lightning from his fingers) 90% of his attacks look like lightning WOW i know thats news to some of you but realy stupid post man read up on the class before you post stupid crap like this.....

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Never lost to a Sorceror in a 1v1. Valor 43 Assassin, 1v1'ed / dueled loads of Champion / Battlemaster Sorcerors (Healing and DPS Specced) I can rip them apart easily. Don't get what all the QQ is about?


haha joke post i dont have full bm or champ gear and i would tear you a new *** hole i promise

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Sorcs need a nerf and thats the end of it!


a 4k shield, forcespeed, high sustained damage with 600 force to spend, some of the best heals in the game, all the utility the other classes have. etc!


Damage ignores Shields and Defense and some even ignore armor. What more could you ask for?


Problem persists that a bad sorc is allways bad. A good Sorc is impossible to kill !


Look at Assassins that are tanks and we have 100 force to work with, lesser range and damage than a sorcs counterpart and no true mitigation unlike sorcs.

Edited by aranha
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classic at the sorcs are op people.


light armour, all they really have is a shield and a 2 second sprint.


Can easily tell who the terrible players are, the ones saying they just spam lightning.

Madness rotation is 3x dots, and AOE instant cast that increases dot crit, and force lightning.



So this means the terrible players dont notice they are even being attacked till they have 3 dots on them and the AOE hits.


At this stage they are like "What the", and the force lightning starts, they die because they have been attacked for 7 seconds without noticing, and think its just imbalanced, when really it is their lack of ability to even notice they are being attacked.




So not only do we use 4 attacks that are not lightning that you dont notice, but the other attacks we actually do have, are ALL LIGHTNING.


Force Lightning, our stun, shock and 2-3 other abilities all use lightning as an animation.



Dont blame sorcs because you fail to even notice your being dotted up before the lightning hits you and to stupid to realise that those lightning attacks arnt all the same thing ....


TY good post

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The problem with Sorcs is that something has to give. There isn't any reason for 300k+ damage, 100k+ healing, and the ability to mitigate more damage with your shield than classes with heavy armor while having multiple CC on short CDs.


Sorcs can just do too much, too well.


Some of this is obviously . a ranged v. melee arguement where with the ability delay ranged has a massive advantage in not needing to stay in close range -- but, nonetheless it still seems like something is out of whack here.

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The problem with Sorcs is that something has to give. There isn't any reason for 300k+ damage, 100k+ healing, and the ability to mitigate more damage with your shield than classes with heavy armor while having multiple CC on short CDs.


Sorcs can just do too much, too well.


Some of this is obviously . a ranged v. melee arguement where with the ability delay ranged has a massive advantage in not needing to stay in close range -- but, nonetheless it still seems like something is out of whack here.


^^^^^ Agree!

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I would never advocate taking away all of the tools the class has. I think in general their damage, CC, utility and versatility are where they should be. There is simply one major, glaring problem with the class. Your absorption shield absorbs way, way, way too much damage. There's just no reason that a 100% absorption shield should be able to suck up as much as it does (between 5-9k is most peoples' best estimate) while having the capability to use it on average 2 times in one encounter. This shield can effectively double the HP of a Sage/Sorc in an average fight, and since defense stats are utterly worthless in PvP, this makes you more survivable than a tank in a tank's spec.


The shields for Sages/Sorcs need a drastic reduction in their absorption amount, OR they need to look at adding a damage bleed through of at least 30%. I have no problem with anything else the classes have, but when you're harder to kill than a defense specced Jugg/Guardian (and yes, you are harder to kill) from a pure straight damage standpoint, there is a problem. A class that can heal, has a lot of good CC, a great escape/ranging mechanism and good damage should never be the hardest class in the game to kill.


This is the problem. Not the pewpewpurplelightning or the ability to heal and CC people to hell.

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I would never advocate taking away all of the tools the class has. I think in general their damage, CC, utility and versatility are where they should be. There is simply one major, glaring problem with the class. Your absorption shield absorbs way, way, way too much damage. There's just no reason that a 100% absorption shield should be able to suck up as much as it does (between 5-9k is most peoples' best estimate) while having the capability to use it on average 2 times in one encounter. This shield can effectively double the HP of a Sage/Sorc in an average fight, and since defense stats are utterly worthless in PvP, this makes you more survivable than a tank in a tank's spec.


The shields for Sages/Sorcs need a drastic reduction in their absorption amount, OR they need to look at adding a damage bleed through of at least 30%. I have no problem with anything else the classes have, but when you're harder to kill than a defense specced Jugg/Guardian (and yes, you are harder to kill) from a pure straight damage standpoint, there is a problem. A class that can heal, has a lot of good CC, a great escape/ranging mechanism and good damage should never be the hardest class in the game to kill.


This is the problem. Not the pewpewpurplelightning or the ability to heal and CC people to hell.



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As it stands on my merc:


I see 2 targets.







I'll shoot the Jugg as it's EASIER to kill the jug than the Sorc mostly due to the instant reshielding they do. (cooldown on shield should be based on when shield drops, not when it was put on).

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I give u the best solution: If Sorc is not OP, rerrol. U will be the only one who rolled from sorc to other class because all are goin to sorc clss, including me. Why? My class so far cant even compare with sorc (JKG and JCS).

If u are not OP, be my guest and go reroll. But stop QQing and ask for mercy cause the class dont deserve it. Same with operatives. When Bio will be sick of our numbers they have to nerf it because SWTOR cant be played with 90% sorc class only.

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Sorcs need a nerf and thats the end of it!


a 4k shield, forcespeed, high sustained damage with 600 force to spend, some of the best heals in the game, all the utility the other classes have. etc!


Damage ignores Shields and Defense and some even ignore armor. What more could you ask for?


Problem persists that a bad sorc is always bad. A good Sorc is impossible to kill !


Look at Assassins that are tanks and we have 100 force to work with, lesser range and damage than a sorcs counterpart and no true mitigation unlike sorcs.


I guess we get unlimited spec points now? Cool can't wait to spec 37/38/37 ...

Because that's what you are describing, you do realize that right?


4k shield, please 3k specced is max. DPS Spec has CRAP healing and any dps sorcerer healing himself during combat deserves to die due to wasting gcd's.


But i know what kind of people are QQ'ing here, it's the same kind i run into in WZ's.. totally oblivious about positioning, general awareness, interrupts or well timed stuns.


Hell i bet if i stopped casting lighting at all and just DOT you guys you would never notice it. Then you can start posting on the forums that some mysterious entity slowly killed you.


Anyway most people with decent pvp experience know sorc. aren't OP. So sorry it's not us, it is you.

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We're not overpowered, we just have too much utility.


We have a stun, knockback, ranged interrupt, speed boost, a slow, ally pull, cleanse, shield, and heals on top of comparable damage (sustained, not burst, though). No other ranged dps class can do all of these things. No other class gets anywhere near the amount of utility we have.


We have the largest toolbox in the game and decent damage to go along with it. Thanks to that utility, I can usually disengage without dying. This means that, relative to someone that isn't able to easily escape, I'm going to be doing more damage because I'm in the field more often.


In particular, they need to reexamine Force Speed and Rescue. The pull portion of Rescue should be Seer spec only. Force Speed should be limited to Shadow/Assassin only, we're a ranged class that already has a slow, stun, cleanse, and knockback, Force Speed is simply one escape tool too many.

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