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From a Sorc, about Sorc nerf QQ... the low down.


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Sages aren't overpowered, they are just stupid fun. I can say this because I also play a commando and a gunslinger. Commando - heavy armor, high dps, heals. Not stupid fun, but very kickass. Gunslinger - QQ. That's all I have to say on that topic.


And I hate this rumor started that sorc damage isn't mitigated. People need to roll a sorc and read the damn buttons before saying things like that. You don't even have to level up past level 10 to know that's a lie.

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Then come the gimped:

- Powertech / vanguard?




Are you even 50? Powertech / Vanguard have the best mitigation in pvp AND have skills which penetrate armour. If you're failing as powertech you need a new game mate they are the single hardest thing i have to fight as an assassin, whether im tank or burst damage spec.


A powertech in my guild is reporting 60% mitigation, Juggs reporting 40%, Assassins somewhere around juggs, slightly less but more avoidence.

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I'm going to respectively call BS on this. There is no way to get both 300k healing and 410k damage. To get 300k healing, you have to spec 31 points healing to get the aoe which leaves you not enough for the dps aoe's. And vice versa.


Sorcs are glass cannons, if you can't handle the fact that your doing 5x the damage per hit you would against a heavy armor wearer, and the fact that our shield diverts 5k damage maximum, your just bad.




Nothing to see here, just another player defending their overpowered class. Move along :csw_trooper:

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the Sorc situation is a great example of why not to listen to bads on forums. Some bad players lose in pvp - majority of players are sorcs = OMG SORCS OP! but in reality sorcs are one of the weaker classes. Their damage sucks. Oh i'm so scared of your 2.5k crits off a spell that takes 2 seconds to cast. Sorc/Sage scales the least of any class.


Are you insane...SI's being one of the weaker classes. There must be something not working right upstairs for something like this to be posted....

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Sorcs are OP, try playing against them.


Also every WZ match I play has a healthy amount of Sorcs, people gravitate to what is OP.



Then why aren't consultars as overplayed as sorcerers?



Sorcerers are overplayed because they look awesome, their art is awesome, their pvp gear looks awesome, they were marketed very very well... Oh yeah and they shoot lightning. The same is true for assassins (The most played advanced class on my server) but I rarely see threads complaining about them.



They've been overplayed since release, and I'm seeing a lower percentage of sorcs now than I did a week ago, a lot of casual players still don't have their first 50 yet, the majority of the player base hasn't had the time to reroll.

Edited by Aidank
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I liked the post, OP, good info and clever insights.


Speaking from a sentinel perspective, yeah sorcs are not OP at all, pretty balanced if you ask me. As for other ranged classes:


Mercs with bubbles and very good burst (if they know what skills to hit) + knockback and 18k+ (fully geared) health are closer DPS races, they can also heal- i just find their burst harder to fight against than sorcs.


snipers are nasty but i know what to expect from them- knockback root i use my stealth and defensive cds and i can burn them down, they're just very squishy. Probably one of the weakest ranged classes in a 1v1 that I've seen so far.

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I don't care really, I just think the class should be more difficult to play. All I see is lightning, lightning, lightning. It's almost as bad as the BH's with their one button tracer spam.


Maybe that would be different if 75% of our skills didn't look like lightning? :rolleyes:

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Take away the snare on the Sorc Force Lightning/ Sage TK Throw


Lessen the effectiveness of Force Armor.


Sorc and Sage both balanced.


Lessen the damage on Tracer Missile for Bounty Hunter/ Grav round for Commando.


All DPS classes balanced.


Give a buff to Guardians and their evil counterparts. +10% damage increase.


All classes balanced

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It's funny how about 75% (or more) of the posts that state how Sorcs are fine include the word "We".


Gee, wonder why you're against a nerf.....


Fact is, anyone whose ever PvP'ed before can seperate the crying from the actual issues. I'm an Op, and I knew something was coming. Too harsh? I think so, but I knew it was going to happen.


Any of these "We" people who will honestly be shocked when this nerf hits is either:


1.) Oblivious to PvP and what mechanics actually matter.

2.) Delusional.


Seriously, I'm guessing most of you aren't that good. Some of you, sure. But the majority of PvP players are bad.


What the Sorc class does is take a bad player and make them, well, pretty good. It doesn't take a really good player and make them great. They do have a ceiling, it's not as though they can make a great player invincible. But, for a good percentage, it makes them seem much better than they are.


It's a crutch. The good players won't notice much of a nerf, if it's just reducing the abilities that have the utility, not the utility themselves.


This is all contingent, of course, with Gabe knowing how to balance PvP. You guys still have hope. In Warhammer, they nerfed the burst stealth class (W.E.) and left the ridiculous ranged class overpowered for quite a while (BW). Somethings may never change.

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Sorc's are op end of, did not read your wall of text.




I am not one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to nerfs.


In fact, while I am a little scared about the severity - since I am playing a scrapper myself - I wholeheartedly agree with the need for balancing Scoundrel/Operative burst damage. I am not THAT biased to be just ignorant.



But all these threads from sorcs and sages amount to one single thing: Don't nerf me bro.



Sure, sorcs might not be as obvious as a scrapper instagibbing you right out of stealth, then disappearing unharmed looking for the next victim.


But it is a RARE occassion to come across a swiss-army-knife in an MMORPG as well rounded and blatantly pandered as SWTOR's sorcs and sages...

the toolbox this class has at its disposable is absolutely beyond ridiculous compared to the rest of the classes.



maybe another 25% of the population has to roll the class before it becomes more obvious... oh sorry, I forgot they are all just interested in "the flavour" and ability to shoot lightning out of their hands... yeah....sure...

Edited by mufutiz
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I am not one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to nerfs.


In fact, while I am a little scared about the severity - since I am playing a scrapper myself - I wholeheartedly agree with the need for balancing Scoundrel/Operative burst damage. I am not THAT biased to be just ignorant.



But all these threads from sorcs and sages amount to one single thing: Don't nerf me bro.



Sure, sorcs might not be as obvious as a scrapper instagibbing you right out of stealth, then disappearing unharmed looking for the next victim.


But it is a RARE occassion to come across a swiss-army-knife in an MMORPG as well rounded and blatantly pandered as SWTOR's sorcs and sages...

the toolbox this class has at its disposable is absolutely beyond ridiculous compared to the rest of the classes.



maybe another 25% of the population has to roll the class before it becomes more obvious... oh sorry, I forgot they are all just interested in "the flavour" and ability to shoot lightning out of your hands... yeah....sure...


Troll comment! Sorc are glass cannons in the battle and all that call for a nerf no nothing about the class. I have 2 pieces of battlemaster gear and get targeted all the time. I go down like it's nothing. Tanks that can hit for 5200 of damage when my bubble goes out is OP. Again get a clue to the class you play.

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Troll comment! Sorc are glass cannons in the battle and all that call for a nerf no nothing about the class. I have 2 pieces of battlemaster gear and get targeted all the time. I go down like it's nothing. Tanks that can hit for 5200 of damage when my bubble goes out is OP. Again get a clue to the class you play.


who is the troll? The troll or the troll who follows him?


In that spirit I am going to disregard your response and just assume you are one of the many horrible players playing the sorc/sage AC.


sad thing is you are doing infinitely better in PvP because of your class choice than you should be able to :(

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I love how all these "players" think LIGHT ARMOR DPS'ERS should have 12k health, no shield, no heals, and no sprint.


Ok fine, let us have all our dps skills, but put them in heavy armor with 20k hp, and let us jump at people.

Seems like your going to cry again, so lets re-nerf the sorc.



Put them in light armor, take away force speed, but reduce the cooldown on the shield ( Which having tested thoroughly, shields 4k damage at level 50, 5k with the 20% bonus talent, and 10k if you have the talent AND a juggernaut guarding you. ) .


Ok so that was a more subtle tweak instead of a nerf, but it just changed the game. Without force speed, we no longer have the advantage of getting to the huttball first ( which isn't really an advantage, because we have 12k health and light armor. )


Let's face it, any class up against the Sorc is going to kill it, unless they just have no clue as to how to play their class. LOS / Heal / Shield / LOS / Kite tactic is useless. If you are dps spec, and have adequate gear, go after the sorc... if not. DON'T. Run the hell away and stop picking fights with geared sorcs. If you can't manage to dps down 15k health with MINIMAL absorbtion before they have a chance to run away and heal and re-shield, you shouldn't be fighting them.


This would be the same if I ( as a sorc ) got ganked by an operative, and cried because I couldnt kill him. DUH PEOPLE, operatives are meant to kill us. My strategy, CC and run away. If your standing toe to toe against a sorc and your outmatched, that is it... simply. Get better gear, and then go toe to toe with them, and after you learn to play, I promise you will beat them 9/10 times 1v1. if it's 2v1, well then you can't even complain about the class.


Operatives that are dps spec hardly ever top the dps charts in a match, they are simply there to be able to dps sorcs down before they have a chance to los/kite/heal/run. These stats should be taken with a grain of salt anyways. As a competitive player, i've learned to recognize when people are playing for personal epeen dps numbers, and when they are playing to win. Sorcs have the ability to top the charts over 400k either as dps or heal spec. If they are over 300k in dps, most likely they were not playing to win, they were playing for medals /epeen. I realize some of you are going to troll that last statement, so let me clarify. When I was heal spec, and I got over 300k, that was damn good on my part, and meant most of the time my team was alive resulting in me doing my part to win the game. When i'm dps spec, and I get over 300k, most of the time it's because I was simply trying to do so, rather than get the rest of my medals or even help the team. In huttball, when I'm running the ball and assisting others to get the ball in the goal, I hardly ever top 100k dps. But when I sit back and freecast, yes, 500k is easy ( unless I'm being focus hunted by operatives or mauraders etc.. )



Sorcs can play many roles in pvp, from assistance, to cc, to heals and dps... but bottom line, we are squishy casters just like every other mmo since the history of mmo's. Instead of being able to 3 shot people ( like dark age of camelot wizards could 2-3 shot almost anyone including tanks ) sorcs are given utility and over-time dps. We have 1 isnta aoe for 1-2k that only hits 3 people, 1 insta aoe ( if talented correctly ) that hits for 2-3k, a 3 second channeled lightning that hits for 2-3k, and 2 dots ( one insta if talented ) hits for 800 up front with an extra 1200 over 6 seconds on a 20 second cooldown, and an insta that does 1100 over 18 seconds. These are the raw numbers displayed on the tooltip, so now you all know exactly what we have, what we can work with, and what we were intended to be.


If you have any questions or comments, I have tested everything in this class ( i'm very interested in the technicalities of the game ), please feel free to ask or troll, whatever floats your boat.


I love how the most played class cried and cried until their counter got nerfed to the ground even though that class had counters.


What the hell are you worried about? They already gave into the ez mode zerged class that is just a dumbed down shadow priest that doesn't have to shift in and out of shadow form. You really think you are going to get the "to the ground" treatment?


Yeah...they are going to nerf the most played class, and the only people that might stick around to give them money in another 3 months.


Relax. You picked the zerg class played by bads. You are safe.

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Sorcs only seem powerful because of the DPS charts. But in reality a Marauder can rip 'em to shreds.


Operatives aren't OP either. Break stunlock correctly and you can turn the tides quickly.


In-fact just today a 100% Op. jumped me when I had 49%. Popped trinket, cloak of pain, other bubble, crush, ect. Dead.

Edited by Fluffosaurusrex
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The nerf Sorcerer thread reminds me of the story quest in Belsavis for Empire where you rescue these Sith Lords and they demonstrate their massive power by having 5 guys chain force lightning a random Republic grunt. That's literally what happens to a lot of people due to the overabundance of Sorcerers, and just be glad it's 5 guys throwing Force Lightning at you instead of 5 guys shooting Tracer Missiles in your face. The latter hurts far more than the former. Edited by Astarica
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Your strikes sir.


1. Has the ability to do everything useful in PVP. (heal, prevent damage, CC well, DPS, area control, mobility)


2. Stacks exceptionally well with other sorcs/sage and other support.


3. Utterly ignores armor/defenses.


4. Is easy to achieve good results with little skill. Has even better results with more skill.


5. One of the best objective achieving classes in the game.


6. Shield rebuff cooldown happens upon application, with pre-applied shield it's easy to have a double shield.


7. Force speed is one of the single most useful skills in the game for both offense and defense as well as quick escapes and preventing escapes.


8. Force speed prevents and breaks all snares.


9. Can perma snare people.


10. Depending on the situation can have more effective health than a tank with shields/heals. Any slowing/stopping of DPS vs a sorc/sage raises effective HP significantly.


11. Has a rather lax resource limit which is only exaughsted in PVP after heavy fighting and spamming, while other classes need to constantly manage resources. Primarily due to a high initial pool and talents allowing the next skill to be cast free.


12. Hutball


13. Hutball


14. Huttball

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Your strikes sir.


1. Has the ability to do everything useful in PVP. (heal, prevent damage, CC well, DPS, area control, mobility)


2. Stacks exceptionally well with other sorcs/sage and other support.


3. Utterly ignores armor/defenses.


4. Is easy to achieve good results with little skill. Has even better results with more skill.


5. One of the best objective achieving classes in the game.


6. Shield rebuff cooldown happens upon application, with pre-applied shield it's easy to have a double shield.


7. Force speed is one of the single most useful skills in the game for both offense and defense as well as quick escapes and preventing escapes.


8. Force speed prevents and breaks all snares.


9. Can perma snare people.


10. Depending on the situation can have more effective health than a tank with shields/heals. Any slowing/stopping of DPS vs a sorc/sage raises effective HP significantly.


11. Has a rather lax resource limit which is only exaughsted in PVP after heavy fighting and spamming, while other classes need to constantly manage resources. Primarily due to a high initial pool and talents allowing the next skill to be cast free.


12. Hutball


13. Hutball


14. Huttball



at some point a dev had to look like a list like that during development.


Instead of realizing what beast they were about to unleash they thought: Ok let's do this!!!




Then again, maybe Bioware has to play by George Lucas' rules and he wants the Jedi/Sith force users to be more powerful and well rounded than the other classes?

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See, here's the thing. I play a gunslinger, I have a REALLY powerful opening move and then moderate DPS. I have to kill whatever it is I'm killing REALLY fast because I'm REALLY freaking squishy. Now with Sorcerers my REALLY powerful opener takes out their shield which leaves me with crap DPS while it's on cool down. I can survive in cover but they can stun me out of it, knock me out of it, whirlwind me out of it, pretty much keep me from using my ONE ability that lets me live. So unless I can catch a soc while their shield is down I *can not* kill them before they kill me. -Ever-. They remove my two major mechanics, my burst and my cover. They are the anti-gunslinger class. I don't even bother to shoot them.
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