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Are Jedi Sages Cheat Healing To Farm Medals In PvP?


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I'd like to start off by saying that I am NOT flaming on Jedi Sage players. I do have a Jedi Sage but I like the Scoundrel healing more so I normally only play my Scoundrel but someone recently posted a thread in another area that raises a few red flags...


Jedi Sage get an ability that allows them to kill themselves to replenish "force" points (sorry I don't remember the name) and supposedly you can earn massive medals in WZ PvP by just using the ability over and over and healing yourself inbetween.


I normally finish 1st or a close 2nd in WZ healing but I do sometimes run into a sage that outheals me by 200 - 300k and I have never been able to figure out why.


Has anyone experienced this?

If you know it's happening have you told BioWare about it?


I'm looking for some honest answers here because the other poster may be full of ****. I can test it on my 26 Sage if I need to but I figured someone on this forum might actually be honest...


Note: I know it is not considered cheating to use this ability but according to the original poster he witnessed someone just standing around spamming the ability over and over again so he could keep healing himself and that probably isn't what BioWare thought people would do with this ability.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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Tried it for ***** and giggles to see what I can do. In a full length voidstar at around lvl 35 I think I got some around 200k and 2 medals haha. Its far more productive (and fun...duh) to just play. If they're outhealing you by that much, they're just making far better use of the AOE heals and probably have a guards protection.
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Tried it for ***** and giggles to see what I can do. In a full length voidstar at around lvl 35 I think I got some around 200k and 2 medals haha. Its far more productive (and fun...duh) to just play. If they're outhealing you by that much, they're just making far better use of the AOE heals and probably have a guards protection.


Well, I'm healing for around 175-225k most matches and every once in awhile someone tops 500k. It rarely happens but there is obviously something making it happen.

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I'd like to start off by saying that I am NOT flaming on Jedi Sage players. I do have a Jedi Sage but I like the Scoundrel healing more so I normally only play my Scoundrel but someone recently posted a thread in another area that raises a few red flags...


Jedi Sage get an ability that allows them to kill themselves to replenish "force" points (sorry I don't remember the name) and supposedly you can earn massive medals in WZ PvP by just using the ability over and over and healing yourself inbetween.


I normally finish 1st or a close 2nd in WZ healing but I do sometimes run into a sage that outheals me by 200 - 300k and I have never been able to figure out why.


Has anyone experienced this?

If you know it's happening have you told BioWare about it?


I'm looking for some honest answers here because the other poster may be full of ****. I can test it on my 26 Sage if I need to but I figured someone on this forum might actually be honest...


Note: I know it is not considered cheating to use this ability but according to the original poster he witnessed someone just standing around spamming the ability over and over again so he could keep healing himself and that probably isn't what BioWare thought people would do with this ability.


I caught a sith sorc doing this on my shadow (was in the 20's at the time)...So funny to get a solo medal off a lvl 50 because of this.


So many do it, I see it all the time on both sides. The game has so many ways to farm medals (scoundrel stand in acid, heal yourself up while tank has guard up, free medals for both...I see it in premade hutball all the time). So this really isnt any more abuse then what other players are doing, just to pick on sages/sorcs is wrong when it comes to medal farming. Tanks just go into body guard and project someone (3 easy medals). The entire system is flawed, you cannot pick out just this one ability. I dislike seeing dps sorcs/sages get the healing medals, but the game is what is....Its BIo/EA failure from the start imo.

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Even if your intentions aren't "inflamatory" let me begin by venting. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Thank you and sorry for that, moving on.

In no way is it cheating because youll heal yourself so *********** slowly - but defending a node being COMPLETELY alone... getting medals as a healer is hard enough as is, so yeah not wasting time, might stand around doing that (if I have a mate + shield up of course)



It is impossible, I repeat, IMPOSSIBLE to outheal someone by several hundred thousand by using this trick. Its incredibly slow. First you have to, your words, "kill yourself" then heal it up. Two GBC.



Whats your heal at? I've had matches where I've healed for 600k, it sure wasn't by healing myself... ;)...

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Well, I'm healing for around 175-225k most matches and every once in awhile someone tops 500k. It rarely happens but there is obviously something making it happen.


Well if your whole team is fighting in a tight group. One salvation cast before crits can heal for ~20k in 10s alone. So you can imagine how some healers can top massive numbers in the ideal situations. I think the only ways I "abuse" medals is getting the 2.5k heal when DPS specced, and getting the 2.5k dmg medal when heal specced (by stacking the adrenals or whatever they are). Every other medal is far easier to get by just playing.

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Only place I do this with my Sage is on Alderaan WZ. But only if I am on a left or right Turrent and after help clearing it and stay on Def when everyone leaves and Imps are not attacking then I do it since be a good person and to stand watch for Imps I barely get any medals. So I spam this and normally in a normal match will only get the 2.5K medal and the 75K medal for healing.
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Ok, a few things here, before this gets out of hand:


1. My friend, a Jedi Guardian, get's the 2,5k single heal, the 5k single heal and the 75k total heal medal in 2 out of 3 warzones. As long as that isn't fixed (him getting 3 out of 4 healer medals, all the tank medals, all the damage medals as well as the killing blow and the solo kill), I'd really encourage each and every healer to abuse away, because as it is now, the medal system is just retardet.


2. Yeah, I did this a few times, but: a) "massive numbers" can not be achieved by this. There's just simply not enough to heal for that. b) why would you do that? You'll most certainly not get to 300k total heal with this and the other 3 healing medals are easier achieved by just playing normaly or by unequipping your gear, reequipping it and using a medpac/a crit heal before you start fighting and get the trauma debuff again.


3. 200k - 300k wouldn't even be something to be proud of. When you're really doing your job and play a good game with friends, you either overrun the enemy team or you end up with stuff like 450k - 600k healing. Getting a lousy 300k heal is just child's play at this point, so why would you go ahead and button mash yourself to death only to heal yourself up again?

Edited by Rawael
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As a sage healer I will admit that I have done this on Ald Civil War if I am defending a node the entire game and no one is attacking, and I won't apologize for it since you really don't get anything for doing your job in that case.


Prior to hitting 50 I was maxing out around 300k heals per WZ, last night I was constantly knocking on 400k each match, and that was with another healer in the group.


If you haven't hit 50 yet I wouldn't worry about being "outhealed," chances are your numbers will go up once you hit 50 and start accumulating gear; you might also try running with a good tank that actually goes for protection instead of trying to hit high DPS, you'll live longer and find that your average healing jumps up 50-100k.

Edited by alexsamma
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I'd like to start off by saying that I am NOT flaming on Jedi Sage players. I do have a Jedi Sage but I like the Scoundrel healing more so I normally only play my Scoundrel but someone recently posted a thread in another area that raises a few red flags...


Jedi Sage get an ability that allows them to kill themselves to replenish "force" points (sorry I don't remember the name) and supposedly you can earn massive medals in WZ PvP by just using the ability over and over and healing yourself inbetween.


I normally finish 1st or a close 2nd in WZ healing but I do sometimes run into a sage that outheals me by 200 - 300k and I have never been able to figure out why.


Has anyone experienced this?

If you know it's happening have you told BioWare about it?


I'm looking for some honest answers here because the other poster may be full of ****. I can test it on my 26 Sage if I need to but I figured someone on this forum might actually be honest...


Note: I know it is not considered cheating to use this ability but according to the original poster he witnessed someone just standing around spamming the ability over and over again so he could keep healing himself and that probably isn't what BioWare thought people would do with this ability.


It's medal farming, everyone does it. Personally I'm more interested in winning than sitting their NS'ing myself to help my healing. That said, if I'm stuck defending a node, I generally will do it just to get the 75k healer medal because I'm bored.


That doesn't mean though that all Sages are sitting there NS'ing the whole time. And even in the case of DPS most of our healing will still come from Force Armor on ourselves or our teammates. If a Sage healer is doing it to beat you on the meters, oh well. It's not like MVP votes are logical anyways, and that's when someone actually bothers to vote.

Edited by Khadroth
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Didn't even think about doing that. I haven't noticed any sages doing it, but if you were just running around or something, it would be a good way to keep your heals going. If anything it would only be used while waiting, or traveling something like that. But without noble sacrifice, Sages would be dead in the water. We would run through our force points er whatever way to fast.
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I'd like to start off by saying that I am NOT flaming on Jedi Sage players. I do have a Jedi Sage but I like the Scoundrel healing more so I normally only play my Scoundrel but someone recently posted a thread in another area that raises a few red flags...


Jedi Sage get an ability that allows them to kill themselves to replenish "force" points (sorry I don't remember the name) and supposedly you can earn massive medals in WZ PvP by just using the ability over and over and healing yourself inbetween.


I normally finish 1st or a close 2nd in WZ healing but I do sometimes run into a sage that outheals me by 200 - 300k and I have never been able to figure out why.


Has anyone experienced this?

If you know it's happening have you told BioWare about it?


I'm looking for some honest answers here because the other poster may be full of ****. I can test it on my 26 Sage if I need to but I figured someone on this forum might actually be honest...


Note: I know it is not considered cheating to use this ability but according to the original poster he witnessed someone just standing around spamming the ability over and over again so he could keep healing himself and that probably isn't what BioWare thought people would do with this ability.


considering this will account for at most 3 medals unless they sit there and do nothing else until they hit 300k healing, i'm not sure why you are whining about it


play pure healer and you only get 3-4 medals a match

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This is a false statement.


No it's not. If you're 1+ on a defensive node not being attacked you're doing this. If you're a healer and you're trying to throw in a couple of dmg spells in between casts, you're doing this. If you're guarding someone you know is about to die anyways, you're doing this. If you're a biochemist, you're doing this.


Sure it's not the same as purposefully heal tapping and doing nothing else. But you are medal farming to some degree. It's a part of pvp, players like to boost their own rewards if they can. The only way to eliminate it is to eliminate the entire medal system.


Honestly if you think Sages are bad, any tank capable AC is worse. They can get all four types of medals (Dmg, Protection, Healing, Objective Defender) thanks to the fact that biochem medpacks counted as healing.

Edited by Khadroth
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I have never done this.

I am a member of "everyone."

Therefore, "everyone does this" is a false statement.


Right you've never been in any of those categories I listed...


Then you've never PvPed.


Heck even trying to get more kills is technically medal farming. :rolleyes:

Edited by Khadroth
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I'd like to start off by saying that I am NOT flaming on Jedi Sage players. I do have a Jedi Sage but I like the Scoundrel healing more so I normally only play my Scoundrel but someone recently posted a thread in another area that raises a few red flags...


Jedi Sage get an ability that allows them to kill themselves to replenish "force" points (sorry I don't remember the name) and supposedly you can earn massive medals in WZ PvP by just using the ability over and over and healing yourself inbetween.


I normally finish 1st or a close 2nd in WZ healing but I do sometimes run into a sage that outheals me by 200 - 300k and I have never been able to figure out why.


Has anyone experienced this?

If you know it's happening have you told BioWare about it?


I'm looking for some honest answers here because the other poster may be full of ****. I can test it on my 26 Sage if I need to but I figured someone on this forum might actually be honest...


Note: I know it is not considered cheating to use this ability but according to the original poster he witnessed someone just standing around spamming the ability over and over again so he could keep healing himself and that probably isn't what BioWare thought people would do with this ability.


I haven't seen people do it in warzones I've been in and I haven't done it myself but I was Googling Sage PvP healing videos last night and actually saw that in one of them. Around 13:35 she does it and actually gets a 2.5k and 5k healing medal out of it. O.o http://www.twitch.tv/missmelisande/b/305770632

Edited by Leiloni
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Right you've never been in any of those categories I listed...


Then you've never PvPed.


Heck even trying to get more kills is technically medal farming. :rolleyes:


This seems like an awfully loaded statement.


Through certain actions in PvP you gain medals. Yes.


Does that mean everyone who PvPs is medal farming? No, not necessarily.


If you are trying to do exactly what you are meant to do in PvP, at some point you will inevitably be granted medals for SOMETHING. Does that mean you are medal farming? No.


That's like saying, if a soldier gets wounded in war (which obviously happens, quite a lot) and is awarded a Purple Heart, your statement assumes he took the bullet just to earn a Purple Heart. What kind of logic is that?


Anyway, in regards to OP's question, I'd say not to even worry about it. The problem is not something easily policed, and what will end up happening is that any healer who is sitting around damaging themselves and healing themselves is not contributing to the team. It's ultimately a lot more fun to just participate in the game than it is to sit in a warzone for 15 minutes and just heal yourself.

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This seems like an awfully loaded statement.


Through certain actions in PvP you gain medals. Yes.


Does that mean everyone who PvPs is medal farming? No, not necessarily.


If you are trying to do exactly what you are meant to do in PvP, at some point you will inevitably be granted medals for SOMETHING. Does that mean you are medal farming? No.


That's like saying, if a soldier gets wounded in war (which obviously happens, quite a lot) and is awarded a Purple Heart, your statement assumes he took the bullet just to earn a Purple Heart. What kind of logic is that?


Anyway, in regards to OP's question, I'd say not to even worry about it. The problem is not something easily policed, and what will end up happening is that any healer who is sitting around damaging themselves and healing themselves is not contributing to the team. It's ultimately a lot more fun to just participate in the game than it is to sit in a warzone for 15 minutes and just heal yourself.


No the statement assumes that the soldier went out of his way and off his objective to kill someone and take their money, then got wounded and got the purple heart. He was rewarded for an ultimately selfish action.


It's the same thing here. If you control only 1 node in alderaan and there's already someone defending it with no one attacking it, you shouldn't be there too. But time and time again I see lowbies sitting there camping for defender medals rather than trying to take another node and win the game.


The same thing occurs when you score in huttball and stick around to kill the other team's respawn, you're farming kills at that point, not trying to advance the ball or delay them from getting to the carrier.


If you're a tank in voidstar on defense running around guard spamming people getting focused fired you're doing this. If you're a healer who forgoes healing the group more to do more dps on an easy fight, you were doing this.


If you were biochem prior to 1.1 you were definitely doing this.


I'm not saying it's right, just that everyone can catch themselves focusing on improving their score from time to time. People can get angry all they want about it, but as long as the medal system is in place someone is always going to do this, and yes someone will exploit it more than others. Ultimately though, it's both smart and valid gameplay.

Edited by Khadroth
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I dont do this in PvP. You need to many global cooldowns to get yourself to low HP (not to mention the fact that you would be leeching the game in a corner somewhere). Just healing others is waaaay faster on the healing count. What I do though, once every match, is tap myself to low hp, pop my surge trinket and the force potency skill (all together gives me over 100 percent crit for a short while) and heal myself for over 5k for the 5k single heal medal. Its hard to get 5k heals on someone else. Seers have talents which increases healing received by 4-8 percent. I have 4 percent extra, which pushes my self-heal to 5.5k easily.


Should this be nerfed? Defintely not! I am getting maximum 5-7 medals a game while full time healing others, while dps and tanks are getting up to 11 medals in a single game.


If they nerf this, then screw healing in warzones, then i will go dps mode.


PS: I have 300-500k LEGIT group healing per game.

Edited by Kesari
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Well, I'm healing for around 175-225k most matches and every once in awhile someone tops 500k. It rarely happens but there is obviously something making it happen.


Medpacks and such also count towards healing. All I can say is that there ARE competent sages out there that can legitimately heal. Most I have gotten is around 300k. I average close to 200k during any given WZ. Most people say that is low, but on average it's not possible to reliably get 400k EVERY time unless you have stupid players and incompetent enemies that just let you heal your friends without focusing you.

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See this image? I'll tell you exactly how I did 500k healing.


First, stand in the back.


I kept Rejuvenate on one target. I had my Salvation close to the middle of the group at all times, I used Healing Trance on the target taking focus fire. It would crit due to having 40% crit. That would make my Noble Sacrifice free. I would then hit it after every single Healing Trance regardless of if I got the proc. If I didn't, I would immediately Rejuvenate myself.


If a target was getting too low, I would Rejuvenate them. That would then cause my Deliverance to be a 1.2 second cast. After that hits, I hit Healing Trance again, proc a free Noble Sacrifice, and then resume either Rejuvenating a target, throwing out a Salvation, using Healing Trance, or using Rejuvenation to hasten my Deliverance.


I'm a Biochem, so I have Rakata stims and adrenals. The problem is...I forget to use them in the heat of battle. More often than not, my stim and adrenal are ready to use.


You want to know what I didn't have to do?


I didn't have to Noble Sacrifice myself to low health to heal myself up. I didn't have to rely on my Rakata med pack. As you can see from the scores, the teams were pretty well matched. We made mistakes, they made mistakes. They did a truckload of damage. We did a truckload of healing. The match ended 40/0 in our favor.


All of us played our rear ends off in this fight regardless of medals or VIP votes. In fact, you'll see that I received 7 while the tank received 10. That would be because I was healing the entire time.


Now to answer your question. Are Sages using Noble Sacrifice to run to 200k, 300k, 400k, even 500k healing? No. They're working very, very hard to get there by actually healing. The only time I use Noble Sacrifice to "farm medals" in PVP is when my team is winning, I'm at 150k heals, and I'm at 2-3 medals due to the fact healers get ripped off when it comes to medals. The only way I'll get more than 600 valor when a match is one-sided is to make a target to heal.


There's no big mystery here. All I did was heal. No tricks, no crazy acts, no sacrificing and healing. I just made it my mission to keep every single person in front of me alive.


Now, if you REALLY want to have a field day, you should ask how often I use Force Shield. I use it quite often to protect my team mates. Too bad THAT doesn't count to my medal count. I'd probably get more medals that way.


Also, do take a second to notice that I did more damage and twice the healing of the second ranked healer, but we received the exact same medal count. Interesting, isn't it? I guess that medal farming business can only go so far, eh?

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Now, if you REALLY want to have a field day, you should ask how often I use Force Shield. I use it quite often to protect my team mates. Too bad THAT doesn't count to my medal count. I'd probably get more medals that way.


Pardon my ignorance but doesn't force shield count against healing?

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