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Everything posted by DuSStyBottoms

  1. Mercs don't get 90% armor penetration on Rail Shot like Powertechs do.
  2. If traited properly it'll proc every time you use flame burst / ion pulse, so yes it is "constant".
  3. I was under the assumption that this was for DPS Sages and a DPS Sage won't have any points anywhere close to restoration. If you're a healing Sages trying to 1 v 1 anyone I'd probably say you're playing the game wrong.
  4. Here's my sent! http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1064/screenshot2012051101374.jpg
  5. I don't know what Powertech's your playing against but every one I face is a Pyrotech spec Powertech and they keep a constant snare on you and have some of the highest burst in the game.
  6. Wait til you see that exact same model on a male character... Who designs this crap?
  7. Right, I was referring to the annihilate/watchman spec, the lowest burst spec of the 3.
  8. I've been asking this question since before 1.2 came out. My opinion is that if your team needs DPS, absolutely not. If they are looking for a utility like friendly pull for huttball then maybe. I disagree. While the Marauder dots do hit extremely hard compared to ours they also have 3 skills, while specced' watchman/annihilate, that can crit for over 5k.
  9. So you think that if they removed trauma we'd be able to keep a person up through a coordinated burst? Trauma was fine when expertise affected healing and damage by the same % but now that healing is gimped trauma needs to go.
  10. I don't know who is right and who is wrong. I do know people that play both troopers and bounty hunters and every one of them prefer the heat mechanic for whatever reason. So my question for the OP is this.. Do you have a problem with people who want Troopers to actually be mirrors to the Bounty Hunter?
  11. I would bet those screenshots were before the surge nerf and when the bracket was 1-50. I'd say you're doing pretty good hitting the 5k mark.
  12. Considering the lead combat designer stated that in PVP expertise was the most important stat by a large margin I'd go with the BM relics.
  13. What word are you trying to get out? That if you run around as a healer and cast weaken mind on everyone instead of actually healing people will ignore you?
  14. How many times are you going to post this video?
  15. You can't absorb without a shield so it would be pointless imo.
  16. I don't know if he's wrong or right. I don't have the numbers that you have to back it up. I personally think if they aren't the worst healer they aren't far ahead of the worst and I do think the glass cannon analogy is spot on. If I'm childish by asking you to provide more information than "You couldn't be more wrong".. oh well. I guess I'm a child then. Also I'm not surprised you disagree with me because that's what you do on these forums, disagree.
  17. I knew you wouldn't provide anything substantial. Healers 1. Scoundrel 2a. Sages 2b. Commando Dps 1. Sentinel - Watchman 2. Vanguard - Assault Spec 3. Sentinel - Focus 4. Guardian - Focus 5. Scoundrel - Scrapper 6. Commando - Gunnery 7. Sage - Hybrid 8. Gunslinger - Sharpshooter 9. Sage - Balance 10. Commando - Assault Spec
  18. Instead of just saying he's wrong, let us know how you think he's wrong. Rank the healers and Rank the DPS specs/classes.
  19. You're not going to find BM enhancements/mods with power/surge/expertise. You can't go the champion or rakata route because expertise is an even bigger deal now in 1.2. You absolutely don't need accuracy. It sounds like you're up a creek without a paddle. You're going to be gimped either way until you buy a BM ForceMaster set.
  20. Is champion gear also getting expertise on the mods/ehancements?
  21. Personally I don't care when the warzone queue pops. I care that the match starts with those numbers. It would be extremely easy to implement a change where the warzone doesn't start until 8 are on the team. If the team doesn't fill up in 3 minutes zone them back out. It's not difficult. The thing is the over populated faction has been pandered to ever since this game came out. I've been whinging since day 1 that the over populated side got a WZ valor buff from controlling Ilum objectives. What did they do? Gave the over populated faction an even bigger valor buff. Instead of trying to alleviate the problem they are adding more same faction games. I'm not an RP'er by any stretch but this is Star Wars. I sure as hell don't want to fight my same faction over any objective. Even a huttball.
  22. Hell they might be there for all I know. I have my speeder by the time I'm done grinding through Taris. You're right though I should have researched in what order Imperials go to which planets. I've never leveled up an Imperial and was under the impression you went to Nar Shadaa 3rd instead of 4th.
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