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If SWTOR were a hamburger....


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Let's compare the product Bioware / EA released last month to a product in another industry I'm sure we can relate to... Fast Food!


Let's take a trip to the Bioware Burger Joint shall we?




Me: (walks up to counter) What do you sell here?


BW: Hamburgers.


Me: I love hamburgers! Do you use good meat?


BW: Oh yes, we put a lot of resources into making sure we made the most immersive meat experience of any burger joint.


Me: Sounds great! Do I get to choose my own toppings?


BW: We don't allow toppings.


Me: Really? I can't add lettuce, or tomato, or change your idea of a perfect burger in any way?


BW: Nope. Trust us, we did a great job building our burger, you won't need any toppings.


Me: OK, guess I'll try one then, sounds too good to be true!


(receives burger, sits down to eat)


Me: (takes bite) Mmm, this is pretty good, it really could use some catsup though. (takes another bite, makes funny face) Hey! This burger is RAW in the middle!!!!


BW: Yeah, sorry about that. The grill we bought from another restaurant to cook our burger doesn't get very hot, so only the outside edges get cooked. Just eat around the outside and you'll be fine.


Me: But the middle is my favorite part! The edges were tasty, but I want the big juicy middle!


BW: We hope to address that eventually, but our grill is very limited. We honestly didn't think you'd get to the middle so fast. For now though, if you're still hungry, can we suggest ordering another burger?


Me: I am still hungry, but I'm not interested in eating another hamburger edge without the middle, that's just too repetitive. What else do you have?


BW: Well, we have some side dishes. Would you like to try our fries?


Me: Are they any good?


BW: They will be, once we get a proper frier and a way to test the cooking temperature.


Me: That doesn't sound very good.. What else do you have?


BW: Well, if you come in here every day for the next several weeks and mop the floor, we'll give you a token each day that if you save up enough over time, eventually you can use to buy some better packaging for your burger.


Me: But your burger is undercooked and needs toppings! Why don't you work on making your burger better instead of pushing different packaging options?


BW: Well, right now we've allocated all resources to releasing a new burger, but eventually we hope to get around to making our original burger better. Does that help?


Me: Will the new burger be cooked in the middle?


BW: Maybe a little bit more, but mostly it will be the same.


Me: Yuck! I'm still hungry, and now I think I'm getting sick from the raw meat you fed me!


BW: Well if you give us $15 now, we'll let you come back as much as you want over the next month to check and see if our burger improves.


Me: What did you do with the $60 I paid you for the &$%$ burger I already bought?


BW: We gave it to the company that sold us the grill.


Me: The grill that doesn't work right?


BW: Yeah.


Me: You've got to be kidding.You really think I'm going to give you more money for a product that makes me ill?


BW: Pretty please? Did we mention you can change your packaging?


Me: (walks out door)

Edited by DJCobbSalad
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What if TOR was a hamburger?


It would be a Cold cheeseburger with no toppings


You like cheeseburgers but where is the ketchup? mayo? mustard? To top it off its cold, its still good to eat but you don't enjoy it as much as you want to.

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