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Wow this game completely fails


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So I go to Ilum to do the weekly/daily at the worthless open world planet. I take a speeder to go to the closest Imperial controlled point and when I get there its 5 Imperials on one side and 4 republic on the other sitting there waiting their turn to fire rockets. So I attack one guy and 3 more jump on me while the republic players just sit there and watch. So i ran to the cliff and those 3 imperials ran back to fire rockets while I pushed one guy off the ledge killing him. Next I get a private message from one of the republic players: "Dont make this take all day." I go back and attack the remaining 4 imperials and once again the 4 republic guys just watch and I die.


So I go to different Imperial controlled point and keep killing this guy who is yep you guessed it - Flipping objectives with one republic guy. After the thrid time I kill this kid he says: "your a piece of **** huh churb?"




Its amazing how this game has some of the guys from BioWare-Mythic who made Warhammer Online work on this game's pvp and they somehow did it worse than the disaster of Warhammer Online. Atleast in Warhammer Online people ACTUALLY FOUGHT.

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The daily and weekly mission objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.




objectives in Ilum now require defeating enemy players and/or collecting armaments from the center objective.




collecting armaments from the center objective.





Welcome to objective flipping 1.1

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.


That bears repeating here in this thread too.

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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.


That bears repeating here in this thread too.


Let me guess, is that another sound bite from James Trolen?

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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.


That bears repeating here in this thread too.


By experienced they mean experienced at destroying Warhammer Online. Not sure what they are trying to get at with stunning world PVP... Also not sure what they mean by worlds best PVP developers... Also to add, one month in and absolutely no PVP changes have been made. That is 4 weeks without progress in any shape or form.

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Wouldnt surprise me in the very least if they had 10+ people on each side where none of them dares to even wield a weapon so they dont get scolded by their own faction.


Probably the worst part about Ilum and requiring enemy kills for dailies/weeklies is the faction imbalance.


We had 11 people on Ilum yesterday (all the 50's in the zone were in an ops). We found ONE Rep, and we couldn't get him to take an objective. All were owned by us, and we kinda wanted to finish our weeklies.


But there was nothing to take and 1 person to kill.


If kills become required, on a server like mine nothing will change - there will just be kill trading.

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