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Sage force armor has got to go


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It's on Empire side.

So it's good and valid.


If something good happens to be on Republic side though... it needs to be nerfed below Imperial counterpart. Otherwise no fun.



Didnt yah know,Empire has all the best players lol.

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Wait...this thread is considered a "constructive discussion"?




Please don't feed the trolls BioWare.


Edit: to "add" to this "discussion"...Force Armor/Static Barrier adsorbs about 3000 damage with the 20% increased absorbtion talent and epic gear. It has a 4.5s cd and a 1.5s cd if you spend 12 points in the healing tree. It puts a 20s debuff on any target it is cast on preventing then from benefiting from it again. The 2pc PvP healer set bonus reduces this debuff to 17s. The shield lasts for 30s with no way to increase this.


Agree, its quite ridiculous when someone claiming a 3k absorb is so good that a sage/sorc can walk with 8 people attacking not lose the shield is considered a constructive discussion.


Same with people saying that Sage/Sorc only spam on spell. If a Sage used nothing but telekinetic throw then nothing would die. Combine it with Weaken Mind dot, Mind Crush, Force in Balance, Telekinetic Wave ect and it adds up. But since those spell for a balance Sage is instant they don't realize it.


I really hope that Bioware know enough of their own game to not be suckered into appealing the lowest common denominator on the forums. If that happens its going to be a hellish ride ahead.

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Force armor absorbs about 2.5k damage.


If you have any other ideas about it, play a Sorc/Sage and get someone to wack you over the head a few times. If you absorb anymore then I just said, then you're obviously the second coming of Christ.



naw, I'm joking. Last time I fought a Sorc, his armor absorbed so much damage that it unsubed my account for a month.


OP bastard.

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to clairify, force armor lasts 30 seconds..... it absorbs 3.2k dmg in full champion gear with the 20% buff from talents, it has a 4.5 second cd and it puts a debuff on the target so they cannot recieve another force armor for 20 seconds. please do your research before you qq and post nerf threads. It might seem that it absorbs more if you cannot dish out 3.2k dmg in 20 seconds and they recast it but that must mean your just plain bad.
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Are you saying when fully specced in the talent tree that a jedi sage has better armor than a sith sorceror (it's mirror). Please elucidate.


They are the same ability on both sides, completely the same, and with enough willpower and spec'd out, can soak max 9k damage.


base abilities are both 30sec bubbles that that have 20sec cool downs on the target.

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to clairify, force armor lasts 30 seconds..... it absorbs 3.2k dmg in full champion gear with the 20% buff from talents, it has a 4.5 second cd and it puts a debuff on the target so they cannot recieve another force armor for 20 seconds. please do your research before you qq and post nerf threads. It might seem that it absorbs more if you cannot dish out 3.2k dmg in 20 seconds and they recast it but that must mean your just plain bad.


Agreed, the ignorant QQers are coming out of the woodwork today, no basis for their argument and no knowledge of the actual mechanics of the ability. God who knows what really happened while the poor kid had tunnel vision as he was raging probably smashing the keyboard instead of doing something smart like snaring/stunning/KB the carrier.

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They are the same ability on both sides, completely the same, and with enough willpower and spec'd out, can soak max 9k damage.


base abilities are both 30sec bubbles that that have 20sec cool downs on the target.


9k? /falmpalm. I can pull numbers out of my *** too. Seriously, just lol.

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the funny part about all this is 90% of this thread is rebs callin me a troll. it's just an opinion. my first post even.


So who's the troll????? AHHHHHH YOU ARE. lmao


I know you are but what am i childish replys.


again must have struck a nerve speaking the truth. Sage's needs the biggest nerf IMHO


as for you scound/Ops both are way op but they are still fun to kill only thing i do not like about both those classes is the buggars poppin up n 3 cap ya with over 4500hp hits. i get ahold of 1 he's done but if he's catches me from stealth im done it's all good.


I still say sage's force armor dbls sorcs bubble...


put em toe to toe see what happends...


Lol you do know it's the same for imperial side too right?


I shall give you a /palm and a /headwall.

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I know i am not the only person thinking this. I watched a sage 4 times in huttball pick up the ball and walk with force armour on my entire team giving everything in our abilities and all ya see is "absorb" "absorb" while they prance in like the weak gamers they are.


let alone the un-interruptible heals they spam.


Personally i would get very bored fast with only 2 moves

spam heal

spam rocks.


bottom line a 60s untouchable god mode(force armour) should only be 10-20s tops.

Sorc's as their supposed equals max armour is only 30s


also toe to toe sage fully geared against sorc geared one spam rocks other lightning I'd give 1000 to 1 the sage wins before his hp is down to half.


IMHO Sage need the biggest nerf of all


Its exactly the same as sorcs. Copy paste. Given there are more sorcs You dont expect to see an imperial complaining when if he checked the warzone line up post game half his team was probably inquisitors.


We deal with it more. 75% of the people I attack in warzones are in a lightning bubble.

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I know i am not the only person thinking this. I watched a sage 4 times in huttball pick up the ball and walk with force armour on my entire team giving everything in our abilities and all ya see is "absorb" "absorb" while they prance in like the weak gamers they are.


let alone the un-interruptible heals they spam.


Personally i would get very bored fast with only 2 moves

spam heal

spam rocks.


bottom line a 60s untouchable god mode(force armour) should only be 10-20s tops.

Sorc's as their supposed equals max armour is only 30s


also toe to toe sage fully geared against sorc geared one spam rocks other lightning I'd give 1000 to 1 the sage wins before his hp is down to half.


IMHO Sage need the biggest nerf of all


If a sage walked through your entire team and your team couldn't break their force armor then I am sorry to inform you that your team just sucked major balls.


I am a sage, and trust me when I say that my bubble get's burst ALL THE TIME by just one player/class (AHEM - Operatives!). With all the damage that classes put out in this game, without force armor we would live for 10 secs instead of 15/20 secs in wz's.


On to the next topic....

Edited by PinkSugar
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AFAIK, Sage's abilities are absolutely identical to sorc ones, except the animation. I do not understand why this thread is targeted to sages only.

In addition, my opinion is that these shields are not OP. They are the only way for sages and sorcs to survive. Once the bubble is out, sage is a meat. I am playing a shadow and do not feel that shields are overpowered. This ability is not more powerful than unique abilities of the other classes, such as the shadow's additional stun. And if compare merc and sorc, merc are much more difficult to kill.

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Im a healer Seer(healer) sage, i hope your not talking about my bubble, if you are then i hope your joking..


Why, im light armor, cast time healer and no DPS. with out that bubble i would of given up on sage a long time ago..

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Some if this is likely due to level/gearing differential. A fully geared sorc/gear against a low level team literally CAN shield up and simply ignore them for awhile.


I've shot a sorc with his force armor up for over 6k worth of damage (no misses or guard or anything) without breaking the shield. I know it was 6k because I compared it to the uncritted damage against him with the shield down.



At low levels/gear levels the shield doesn't mean as much. At higher levels it's a bit beefier. At higher levels against lower levels it keeps adds ridiculously to survivability.





I'm also wondering if some of this could be stim stacking? Where you could pop a temp stim and bubble yourself for a large amount and then proceed to own people. I would assume that would be effective but have not tested it.

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I know the guy is troll, but there is something wrong with the shields that Sages/Sorcs have. My general estimate is that the shields take about 5-7k damage to break. Others have said this can go as high as 9k. Mind you this is on a class that can also heal itself.


If the caster puts the shield on before engaging a target - which is quite common - by the time it is broken he won't have to wait much longer (if at all) to reapply it. It's quite common for a Sorc/Sage to be able to shield, take some damage, CC, heal it up and then immediately shield again.


Basically what you're looking at here is a class that is supposed to be squishy and is nothing resembling that. Tanks don't really mitigate damage since most big attacks ignore your defenses anyway. Most have the ability to reduce damage by 25% or so for a small amount of time on a long cooldown (several minutes). A reasonably geared Sage/Sorc with ~15000 HP essentially has the ability to extend this to ~25000 or more in one encounter, assuming we're using 5k absorption from the shield which is at the lower end of the estimation spectrum. If you assume they can absorb up to 9k then you're looking at around 33k effective HP, plus heals.


This is a HUGE advantage, as he can basically DPS at will while shielded, CC/Heal in between, and then resume DPS'ing as soon as his shield ban is up (15 seconds, I believe). They have a noticeable deal more survivability than a tank with ~19000 HP when the tank should be the one who is able to take more damage.


I really don't think Sages/Sorcs need a big nerf. Their damage is fine and their CC should be there for a class that's supposed to be squishy. The problem is that they're not squishy. A class that's essentially a nuker with some healing ability should be able to use the heals and defensive/CC spells to extend their life, but should not have anywhere near the lifespan of a tank or melee DPS class. A class that's specced for healing should be able to survive solely on the merits of their heals and defensive/CC spells, but won't do that much damage.


As it stands, this is not how things are working. Sages/Sorcs are able to put out significant damage, have solid CC, healing ability (which is all fine) and this shield which absorbs far, far too much damage with no bleed and a restriction cooldown that isn't enough of a detriment.


As much as this guy was being a troll, the point is actually quite valid.


Let's just face it...the game is broken.


If they Nerf Sages Force armor which is the only reason why I don't get one shot instead of two shot by an Operative, then they need to Nerf every single other class as well.


If all the classes are mirrored then what they do to one they will have to do to another, and eventually those changes will trickle down to your class also. Eventually, all classes will be nerf'd into the lowest level of hell because it wasn't "Balanced" in the first place.

Edited by PinkSugar
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