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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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To clarify, botting - the automation of gameplay - is generally illegal (based on WoW standards). Playing multiple accounts simultaneously is legal. And there's no real reason you can't bind all characters to the same movement keys, for instance.


Except it would require you to control more than 1 physical computer from 1 keyboard and mouse which requires macro's which is not supported by the game. Thats the only way i could see them enforcing against multi-boxing.


Personally, i don't really care as i don't see it as a large advantage. 4 Vs 1 means 3 guys on your team are free to also 4 vs 1 someone.

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Except it would require you to control more than 1 physical computer from 1 keyboard and mouse which requires macro's which is not supported by the game. Thats the only way i could see them enforcing against multi-boxing.


Personally, i don't really care as i don't see it as a large advantage. 4 Vs 1 means 3 guys on your team are free to also 4 vs 1 someone.


It would be VERY VERY easy to have one key board and mouse input to a device that splits the singals into four seperate one to feed four seperate computers. You would need four computers but people would do it if they banned the programming.

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I've read a few places a couple tricks to log onto the same account and play on the SAME account at the SAME time. Could be what he's doing. Hope they fix this or else i'ma just roll a bunch of tanks and spank everything.


Such exploits aren't hard to find.

Edited by Pawpad
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Do you? Is there something stopping you from purchasing 3 accounts and doing it to someone else?



It should be a ban-able offense. Now, I know there are people who just use it in PvE to avoid needing to group, and that's no skin off my back. But, the majority of people I've seen using 'daisy chain'-ed accounts are gold farmers- who do hurt the community- and banning daisy chainers is certainly one method of thinning out gold farmers. Secondly there is the issue with their use in PvP, especially World PvP, which is most definitely unfair and harmful.


At the end of the day I find that most (not all) people who support daisy chaining are the same one who support (or just don't care about) gold farmers. Especially since they use the same argument of "but they're paying more".


Oh, and just because "That Other Game" is run by a company that takes one of, if not the, most laissez-faire attitudes towards gold farming, hackers, etc. is no reason for Bioware/EA to do the same.

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Is it allowed/tolerated Personally I don't consider it cheating. Cheating would mean such setup would have an unfair advantage compared to a normal similar setup. This guy does nothing more than a real 3 players party could not do.


You just contradicted yourself here.

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People are pretty funny


having 3 accounts-not illegal in anyway


having 3 characters doing simultaneous acts at the same time-banable


I personally do not care what people do and I wouldnt report anyone doing it, but he is using 3rd party software to allow the character to do the same thing at the same time


Pushing 1 button which activates 3 abilities is not allowed


But to each his own

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It should be a ban-able offense. Now, I know there are people who just use it in PvE to avoid needing to group, and that's no skin off my back. But, the majority of people I've seen using 'daisy chain'-ed accounts are gold farmers- who do hurt the community- and banning daisy chainers is certainly one method of thinning out gold farmers. Secondly there is the issue with their use in PvP, especially World PvP, which is most definitely unfair and harmful.


At the end of the day I find that most (not all) people who support daisy chaining are the same one who support (or just don't care about) gold farmers. Especially since they use the same argument of "but they're paying more".


Oh, and just because "That Other Game" is run by a company that takes one of, if not the, most laissez-faire attitudes towards gold farming, hackers, etc. is no reason for Bioware/EA to do the same.


1. A multi-boxer won't ever be effective in PvP, ever, period.


2. Since you can make most of the cash that is required for your 1-50 jurney purely from quests, there is no real need for farmers. Money is pretty much worthless at lvl 50 except for the odd repair.


3. You are just clueless about multi-boxing in general it seems and should have your keyboard taken away from you.

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Okay, point two I agree with 100%.


Point 1 not really at all... You haven't played wow much eh... having me and four other people corpse camp your for.. I'll just say a lengthy period of time was never uncommon ever. You stand zero chance of ever being able to spawn and get away your ONLY choice is to GY rez. I don't see how it's different if you get camped or killed by 4 of the "same person" or 4 different people your still going to be mad and stand ZERO chance of victory EVER.


I played WoW for almost 7 years, actually. And yes, I did PvP.


Corpse camping was a feature that only existed on PvP servers and for the first year or so of the game. Aside from that the amount was so trivial that it doesn't even warrant mentioning. World PvP died in WoW with the advent of BGs, and even on PvP servers you didn't see that much of it.


Most PvP still tends to very often boil down to 1 versus 1, even in the middle of a larger battle. You don't taunt beaten foes or feel superior if it's just another bunch of pixels in the game you defeated. You get a kick out of it because you know there's a player you just beat. That's why there's so much rage when people are killed by multiboxers in PvP.

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And if it's your team that got stomped because it had a multiboxer?


They may quite possibly stomp you once... at which point a smart human identifies the weak points and proceeds to kick the ever-loving bejeezus out of them as soon as the names are identified as multi-boxers.

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It's not cheating to run several accounts. BUT the question is what software do you use to do it with. There are some tools that clearly go down the path of cheating and would get you banned in some mmos. Not saying WoW is one of them because they don't seem to care.


Every MMO I have played this question always comes up. As long as the 3rd party program he is using does not alter or affect the actual game, it's allowed. A program that allows a user to control X amount of accounts because the program links all the accounts with 1 key press does not alter the game in any way.


Every MMO I have played this has been allowed. In EQ there used to be 2 multi boxers on Mith Marr / Drinal server. Each ran a full group, 6 accounts I believe. CoH was a user running 3 heroes. Seen it in WoW (Archimonde) and RIFT (Keenblade). Really all this matters is to PvP servers because people hate to be insta gibbed by multi boxers.

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LOL you actually think you met this ONE multiboxer back in some other random MMO? Do you have a clue how many people multibox???


Hey, he was a nice guy. Would roll 3 matching named and appearance characters.


Utter garbage at pvp though. Terribad.


Point is, unless its a farmer I could give a **** what someone wants to do for giggles.

Edited by Fatbaldandalone
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People saying it should be a bannable offense make no sense to me. As long as they are not using a bot program there is no problem with multi boxing. Yes when he clicks "1" all the characters do the same action but that is still one action per click, its not automation so its not against the TOS.


If someone wants to and has the $, time, and skill to play multiple characters at the same time then I don't see why anyone else should have a problem with it. I 5-boxed WoW for a while in WoTLK, its fun, you get a new dynamic to a game that you've played for a long time, or you just get to be the cool guy that does it since in general not may people do it per server.


Its not game breaking. If he can solo a world boss by him self then he is a good multiboxer, or the content is stupidly easy. Its pretty difficult to play anything but all of one class since you have to do a ton of micro managing, this is usually done with macros and addons but there are none in this game so the multi-boxing would be very difficult to do.


TL;DR Multiboxing is a common past time and isn't effecting you. Not against TOS since there is no automation. :eek:

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People are pretty funny


having 3 accounts-not illegal in anyway


having 3 characters doing simultaneous acts at the same time-banable


I personally do not care what people do and I wouldnt report anyone doing it, but he is using 3rd party software to allow the character to do the same thing at the same time


Pushing 1 button which activates 3 abilities is not allowed


But to each his own


You have no idea what equipment he is using or what he is doing. The guy has 3 separate computers (multiple boxes) and he is running 3 accounts on each separate computer, he has a single keyboard with 3 input connectors to the 3 different computers, and 3 individual monitors set up next to each other.




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Why would someone be stupid by paying $45 a month for a hobby? You spend more than that for beverages on a Saturday night. Not everyone is so cheap. Maybe the guy is filthy rich, loves video games and wouldn't mind paying $200 a month. Stop being jelly.


I agree with this.


Wow sub, Coh Sub, Swtor Sub, Xbox Live Sub, and PS3+




Cuz i *********** can.

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Right now, a single Merc Arsenel can burn down pretty much any opponent in PvP if allowed to unload a good rotation. Maybe tanks (especially stacking rakata med packs) can last a while against them.


Imagine 3 Mercs firing everything in unison. 3 Fusion Missiles hitting simultaneously. The baseline non-crit DoT alone would be around 5K IIRC.


But now, not only do they get triple the damage, it's worse...


For example, instead of firing 3 Tracer Missiles, they just gotta fire 1 to completely debuff your armor (cause you're getting hit by 3). Or to completely set you up for 3 max crit Railshots. Simultaneously.



LOL, I'll bet 3 Merc bots slave-rigged like this could kill any player in this game in under 7 seconds. Most in under 4.




Edited by Feskitt
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The one thing I loved about EQ2 was the ability to play multiple accounts on once machine.


At first I used a keystroke program to macro my toons, but that became more hassel to set up then one would think so I dumped it and went conventional 2 screens on one computer.


I would have my MT set up on my main display, and my buff toons/healers and toon I would be power leveling with using the mentoring ability on the other display.


I could easily, with practice swap between screens with mouse pointer, click the designated macro for that particualr toon(usually a macro was: /Target <Tank name>, /cast heal) could not proceed much more then 2 abilities with queuing.


It was alot of fun power leveling solo, and dungeon running myself at times.


My wife would do the same while I was working or she would take 2 accounts and I would handle 3. We never sold gold/plat, we never camped areas longer then needed for quest updates/xp gain, and I do not think PvP'n and multiboxing would be a good idea.


That's why I am a little sad in the pants I can not run more then one instance on a machine for SWTOR. We would easily have 4 accounts between my wife and myself.

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Right now, a single Merc Arsenel can burn down pretty much any opponent in PvP if allowed to unload a good rotation. Maybe tanks (especially stacking rakata med packs) can last a while against them.


Imagine 3 Mercs firing everything in unison. 3 Fusion Missiles hitting simultaneously. The DoT alone would be around 5K IIRC.


But now, not only do they get triple the damage, it's worse...


For example, instead of firing 3 Tracer Missiles, they just gotta fire 1 to completely debuff your armor (cause you're getting hit by 3). Or to completely set you up for 3 max crit Railshots. Simultaneously.



LOL, I'll bet 3 Merc bots slave-rigged like this could kill any player in this game in under 7 seconds. Most in under 4.






Imagine 3 players stealthing up on these 3 Merc's. 2 Mercs get Cc'd, the one remaining gets interrupted, stunned, and burnt down by the 3 Inqisitors/Agents/etc... Then the 2nd goes down, then the 3rd...



Mind boggling isn't it?

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As far as I know multi boxing is 100% allowed.


In wow it is 100% allowed and no one really cares.


I personally don't think it's cheating at all, if you want to multi box go for it.




Multiboxing is great for the developers, since plenty of people in WoW actually has 2-3-4-5 even up to 6 accounts. And if people want to, let them do it. I don't see it as cheating, and BioWare & EA should really make it possible, since it's alot of extra cash for them.

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I used to Multibox in that other game on 2 accounts. I'd use one of my max level characters to run through low level dungeons, with my lowbie on follow, to gear up for certain battleground brackets (the 49 bracket was the best bracket ever).
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Imagine 3 players stealthing up on these 3 Merc's. 2 Mercs get Cc'd, the one remaining gets interrupted, stunned, and burnt down by the 3 Inqisitors/Agents/etc... Then the 2nd goes down, then the 3rd...



Mind boggling isn't it?


Either way, it's ridiculous to think that 3 DPS toons working in concert would 'make no difference' at least in PvP, especially 1 on 1 encounters. (well, technically 3 on 1 encounters)


Also, the 3 toons can act independently? I thought they all do the same thing at the same time?


If not, then that's really crazy... you wouldn't have to blow CC's for example... you could just chain them one after the other. Ridiculous.



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Either way, it's ridiculous to think that 3 DPS toons working in concert would 'make no difference' at least in PvP, especially 1 on 1 encounters. (well, technically 3 on 1 encounters)


Also, the 3 toons can act independently? I thought they all do the same thing at the same time?


If not, then that's really crazy... you wouldn't have to blow CC's for example... you could just chain them one after the other. Ridiculous.




I don't think you really understand the limited possibility of multi-boxing. It's totally not viable in PvP. If 1 person is controlling 3 characters at a time, he will suck at all 3 while the attacked will excell in controlling 1. You can exploit the multi-boxer in all sorts of ways with CC, LoS, terrain, etc.

Never was multi-boxing viable in PvP and it never will, unless the boxed characters are controlled automatically via some macro program in which case that would be probably clasified as botting by BW's standards.

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The software is called keyclone and can work with any game or software. I used it in Shadowbane to play up to 10 accts because they were free. I would put 9 on one pc and turn down the grafix and be active on my main pc to farm gold for our guild at night when not many pks were around. In pvp I would reduce to just 3-4 accts depending on the class I was playing. But mostly it was just one acct to pvp with because once you lose one char you become really useless. And no matter what your reaction time is slower regardless.


As far as having all the chars do all the same things at once thats up to the person. You can set it up to do a lot more than that. Also combined with a G11 keyboard that can record macros or key combos you can have healers, tanks, dps, what ever running and doing different things at the same time. You could even add other macro programs that have healers just keeping everyone alive if you don't want to use the G11 or any keyboard like that for that matter.


Most of you are right though, pvping with this set up is really hard. I don't think you are considering the reaction times because the more accts you're running the more lag you're causing yourself. It really only works in pve.


With that said, I think multiboxing in this game would make for some really easy Hardmode flashpoints considering you only need 4 accts. Or even two accts with 2 companions. Personally I don't care if its bannable or not, what people do with their own time does not matter to me even if their selling gold. Whats the point, others want to buy it, who cares really. Like someone pointed out, credits are pretty useless here anyways.

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