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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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Is it allowed/tolerated by Bioware. That's not for me to say.


Personally I don't consider it cheating. Cheating would mean such setup would have an unfair advantage compared to a normal similar setup. This guy does nothing more than a real 3 players party could not do.


If I compare a 3 real player party VERSUS a party of 3 characters dumbly cloning one a unique player movement. The 3 real players are more capable.


And I agree with him that he is not hurting anyone (as long as this setup is not used as a method to bot/ and become a Credit Seller).


What's the difference from your perspective between him and his clones, and 3 real players. It has the exact same result for you. The only difference is that since it looks automated you noticed it.


It still requires 3 paid accounts, so it's not soloing. Should I complain when I see a group of real players in a party having it easier than me solo because I have no-one to party with ? It's a similar context in my opinion.


For me, as long as he is not using an automated system to perform bot farming activities or alike, his activities have no effect on my own gameplay. Not anymore than 3 real players.


That's how I see it.

Edited by Elysith
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Aside from PvP, I'm not really sure why anyone would really care if someone else is running around with 2+ accounts.


I suppose it can be somewhat immersion-breaking, but really it has very little effect on you unless he's out constantly farming the mobs you need for a quest.


PvP is a different issue, of course.

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I love multiboxers. I don't do it myself but it's always seemed cool to me. If they want to spend the money and time to do it, let them. If they sell the credits they make doing it, they're gold farmers, and will get banned anyway.


Just going to drop these here. My forum name is named after one of this guys' characters. :]




Edited by Fende
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Should be illegal. But The Money is strong in some...


Why should it be illegal. It causes no problems in wow except to new arena players that think the reason they lost is the guy was able to sit in the open and spam frostbolt at his arena team while they let them free cast and he annihilates their team.

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Multi-boxing is whats Legit. If he/she is using a 3rd party program to multi box is whats bannable. The grey area is this: Is it the 3rd party prog thats ghosting the key strokes into the game or is it a program that allows one keyboard to input the strokes across all 3 game windows.
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Aside from PvP, I'm not really sure why anyone would really care if someone else is running around with 2+ accounts.


I suppose it can be somewhat immersion-breaking, but really it has very little effect on you unless he's out constantly farming the mobs you need for a quest.


PvP is a different issue, of course.


No, no, and no again to the PvP is a different issue. If you lose the warzone becaues the two guys where controlling four characters your team played TERRIBLY like super super super super terrible.


One person can not heal x, cc y, dmg Z, interrupt A, juke heal B than heal B while yet agian ccing Z and dmging Z and now ccing A becaues his intterupt is on cd.


four people controling 4 characters >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one person controlling four.

Edited by spazzdla
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Its not a big issue but if they are doing it to power level and sell off accounts or to farm cash to sell it can become one.


I've seen people use this method to level multiple toons at one to sell them. They give them a gibberish or crappy name, so that the person that buys them can CSR it and get a name change.


To be honest though I am much more worried about the rank 14 bots in ilum that stand near that security chest outside the republic outpost.


Its gotten bad recently there are 9-10 of them now and sometimes the republic bots get into fights with the empire bots and mass carnage ensues.


To be honest it might actually be the best pvp in the game at the moment.

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Its not a big issue but if they are doing it to power level and sell off accounts or to farm cash to sell it can become one.


I've seen people use this method to level multiple toons at one to sell them. They give them a gibberish or crappy name, so that the person that buys them can CSR it and get a name change.


To be honest though I am much more worried about the rank 14 bots in ilum that stand near that security chest outside the republic outpost.


Its gotten bad recently there are 9-10 of them now and sometimes the republic bots get into fights with the empire bots and mass carnage ensues.


To be honest it might actually be the best pvp in the game at the moment.


Botting is 100% not allowed and completely different.


I agree it is a very very annoying problem.

Edited by spazzdla
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The main issue with multi-boxing is it requires some form of macroing system to have multiple PC's controlled from 1 input device. That could be seen as against the user agreement assuming it disallows macroing. That being said, in a game like wow, multi-boxing was easily fixed by a group fear (priests for the win). A lack of fear in this game could make it more difficult for the player being multi-boxed against.


This is my own personal observation based on past experiences :)


Take from it what you will.

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Someone asked a similar question yesterday and I gave a similar answer to your, only top be flamed and trolled by the "Pro-Gamer, Hardcore" set that I was wrong...


Personally, if someone is stupid enough to pay $45.00 a month, just to be 1337 in game, then I suppose that is their business, but it is quite sad that they feel they have to do this because they are incapable of finding friends online to play with...


Of course, there is always the chance that this chap was part of a Credit Farming team working for one of the "weezgotgoldz.bs" sites, in which cas insta-per-ban all 3 accounts.


Why would someone be stupid by paying $45 a month for a hobby? You spend more than that for beverages on a Saturday night. Not everyone is so cheap. Maybe the guy is filthy rich, loves video games and wouldn't mind paying $200 a month. Stop being jelly.

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No, no, and no again to the PvP is a different issue. If you lose the warzone becaues the two guys where controlling four characters your team played TERRIBLY like super super super super terrible.


One person can not heal x, cc y, dmg Z, interrupt A, juke heal B than heal B while yet agian ccing Z and dmging Z and now ccing A becaues his intterupt is of cd.


Two things:


1. It's not just about winning and losing. PvP transcends characters--it's you against another person. And if that opponent has 2, 3, 4, 5x the firepower that can be coordinated to kill you with no chance, rage is sure to follow. You didn't get killed by 5 characters. You got killed by 1 player with no chance of winning.


2. When the multiboxer is on your own side, it can actually be a detriment to winning. Yes, he may be able to one-shot a few people here and there, but rarely is it optimal for 5 people to sit in one spot and frequently slowed down by the need to remain coordinated. You yourself mentioned how a multiboxer can usually not function as well as 5 separately controlled characters. Well, that hurts your own side.

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The main issue with multi-boxing is it requires some form of macroing system to have multiple PC's controlled from 1 input device. That could be seen as against the user agreement assuming it disallows macroing. That being said, in a game like wow, multi-boxing was easily fixed by a group fear (priests for the win). A lack of fear in this game could make it more difficult for the player being multi-boxed against.


This is my own personal observation based on past experiences :)


Take from it what you will.


This, like I said if your warzone team got **** stomped by a multiboxer................................................................. tsk tsk.

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hes bought 3 copies of the game and is paying 3 subscriptions.


he is paying more than you, don't cry like a ***** over it.


actually think this guy may have played coh a long time ago, was a nice guy who does it for the novelty of it, don't be a dink.


if its the same one he isn't an asian farmer


LOL you actually think you met this ONE multiboxer back in some other random MMO? Do you have a clue how many people multibox???

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Whats wild and see here is a issue...


This is in the ELUA and the rules and agreement somewhere as well.


But here is the skinny in short.



IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO MULTIBOX>.. there I said it.. as much as I FREAKING HATE IT AND THINK IT IS LAME it is not against the rules. Sorry it just isnt there.


But now you will love this...because this is what makes it just great,,,,,


THE SOFTWARE if you used to control the game through on screen macros is.


NOW that is the actually accurate truth to it. Which is very screwed up.



SO funny yet so typical lol.


But its there to look up... have at it.

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Two things:


1. It's not just about winning and losing. PvP transcends characters--it's you against another person. And if that opponent has 2, 3, 4, 5x the firepower that can be coordinated to kill you with no chance, rage is sure to follow. You didn't get killed by 5 characters. You got killed by 1 player with no chance of winning.


2. When the multiboxer is on your own side, it can actually be a detriment to winning. Yes, he may be able to one-shot a few people here and there, but rarely is it optimal for 5 people to sit in one spot and frequently slowed down by the need to remain coordinated. You yourself mentioned how a multiboxer can usually not function as well as 5 separately controlled characters. Well, that hurts your own side.


Okay, point two I agree with 100%.


Point 1 not really at all... You haven't played wow much eh... having me and four other people corpse camp your for.. I'll just say a lengthy period of time was never uncommon ever. You stand zero chance of ever being able to spawn and get away your ONLY choice is to GY rez. I don't see how it's different if you get camped or killed by 4 of the "same person" or 4 different people your still going to be mad and stand ZERO chance of victory EVER.

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