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Multi Boxing / Daisy Chaining accts. Illegal or Legal ?


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I am hoping for some clarification from a mod on this but i also would like to hear fromt eh community also.


Recently on my server a guy has been spotted repeatedly running around with three toons all with similar names and all three doing the exact same thing at the same time. Meaning when 1 jumps they all jump, one attacks they all attack, with the same skills. Its clear this guy is using a 3rd party program to control the three accounts at once.


I have seen this in other games, it tends to be one of those grey areas, while i have zero issue with multi boxing (2 or more accts on the same computer) i have a serious issue with the whole daisy chain, where 1 toon controls the others.


This smells of cheating, but is it cheating? Does Bioware consider it cheating, or do they turn a blind eye to it because its 1 guy playing for 3 accounts. Do you as a player think its cheating to have 3 accounts being played simultaneously by one machine ?


We had a very open and heated discussion with this guy on our server, he swears he is not hurting anyone by doing this, to me he is, to me because of how this works he can do content made for more than one person, solo. For example world bosses, cant use a companion to assist you no matter the level, but this guy can use his 2 other accts to assist him even though he is soloing.


I was hoping to avoid a book here but i think i failed at that, i would like to know what you all think and maybe Bioware's stance on this.


TL;DR- Does multi-boxing with a daisy chain program seem legit, or illegal ?

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I don't mean this in an offensive way at all... I actually want to know the answer to this question:


How does him doing this impact the game and yourself personally?


I genuinely would like to know the answer to this. My knee-jerk reaction is that this guy should be banned but I would like to know what the implications of someone doing this are before I say that with certainty.

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It should be bannable. Not sure if it is.
Someone asked a similar question yesterday and I gave a similar answer to your, only top be flamed and trolled by the "Pro-Gamer, Hardcore" set that I was wrong...


Personally, if someone is stupid enough to pay $45.00 a month, just to be 1337 in game, then I suppose that is their business, but it is quite sad that they feel they have to do this because they are incapable of finding friends online to play with...


Of course, there is always the chance that this chap was part of a Credit Farming team working for one of the "weezgotgoldz.bs" sites, in which cas insta-per-ban all 3 accounts.

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But what about programs that allow you to control multiple accounts simultaneously ?


It is not reacting to things in game so it's legal as far as I know, like macros.


What is illegal or against the TOSis writing code/macros that react based on ingame things, for exmaple, telling your character to kick whenever someone casts X spell.

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Someone asked a similar question yesterday and I gave a similar answer to your, only top be flamed and trolled by the "Pro-Gamer, Hardcore" set that I was wrong...


Personally, if someone is stupid enough to pay $45.00 a month, just to be 1337 in game, then I suppose that is their business, but it is quite sad that they feel they have to do this because they are incapable of finding friends online to play with...


Of course, there is always the chance that this chap was part of a Credit Farming team working for one of the "weezgotgoldz.bs" sites, in which cas insta-per-ban all 3 accounts.


Or they earn good money and $45.00 a month does nothing to their bank account.

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It is not reacting to things in game so it's legal as far as I know, like macros.


What is illegal or against the TOSis writing code/macros that react based on ingame things, for exmaple, telling your character to kick whenever someone casts X spell.


Excellent point, thank you for this perspective, i didnt think of this fact. Perfect reason for me bringing this tot he forums to get other opinions.

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It's not cheating to run several accounts. BUT the question is what software do you use to do it with. There are some tools that clearly go down the path of cheating and would get you banned in some mmos. Not saying WoW is one of them because they don't seem to care.
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Yea, I don't know how this affects the other gamers... so I'd take the libertarian approach. Who cares what someone does with their time and money?


You don't see a problem with 4 people running up to you and all casting the same spell/attack at the exact same time and instantly killing you?


And all it took was 1 button pressed on the keyboard.

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You don't see a problem with 4 people running up to you and all casting the same spell/attack at the exact same time and instantly killing you?


And all it took was 1 button pressed on the keyboard.


Do you? Is there something stopping you from purchasing 3 accounts and doing it to someone else?

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Actually there is quite a split fence on the subject.


Hum.. not that I knew of. I know it annoyed some people however you didn't lose that 3 v 3 arena match because he was controling 3 mages you lost that match because your team is still new. That was most of the compliants I saw, WAAAAAA this guy smashed my 3 v 3 team or 5 v 5 team because he was one player controling 5 mages and that is just easy mode to 1800. No, no it's not any 5 man team with decent arena experince rips apart cpt multi-boxer.


The blues 100% support multi boxing.

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Actually there is quite a split fence on the subject.
No, really, there isn't.


There's the vast majority that doesn't care and tiny fraction of the playerbase that gets their panties in a bunch over it.


It should be bannable.
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You don't see a problem with 4 people running up to you and all casting the same spell/attack at the exact same time and instantly killing you?


And all it took was 1 button pressed on the keyboard.


Did you honestly expect to win a 1 v 4?



Like honestly?


What do you think would happen if 4 players controlled speratley came up to you.. they would rip your face off.


Terrible rebuttle fyi.

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