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Kicked over a title?


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I'm confused, aren't your titles designated on what you choose individually, regardless of what happens?
No, you gain them based on what the group does, not what you chose. You gain light/dark side points based on your choice though.


The OP should have just no chosen anything, and let him get his title. Or ... you know... talked it over with him or something.

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No, you gain them based on what the group does, not what you chose. You gain light/dark side points based on your choice though.


Really? Because I had this happen twice so far in game and regardless what the person won the roll chose I still got points towards my option.


This hasn't been my experience.

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I was running The Esseles on my dark side smuggler, we got to the end, choosing if we would leave asara or not, I ended up winning the roll for leaving her behind, the leader of the group wanted the light side title for keep her with...instead of just running it again with me or something, he exited the conversation, started it up again, and kept doing that until he won the roll, unless I chose the light side options he would keep exiting conversations... He then kicked me from the group at the end of the flashpoint for refusing to completely change my character just so he could get some stupid title he will never see...


Where does the fault lie? In the title system? In the community? In the player?


Assuming it's a real story - report the player for non-participation or harassment, your choice - then put him on ignore.

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Wait wait, hold on. You can exit a conversation in a group and force it to start over?




I believe you have to be the one who started the conversation (or possibly the GL), but yes, you can ESC out of the convo just like in SP convos.


I think an important thing that is being glossed over is that Esseles / BT can be solo'd with ease at lvl 14/15.


I also think this is silly, because me personally -- I care way more about LS/DS points than some silly title... but I guess things may be different for RPers.

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unfortunately, I've ran with what must have been 2 12 year olds fighting over what to do... I ended up dropping group and doing it again after the 3rd time the loser restarted the convo (it cancels it for the whole group each time)
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Really? Because I had this happen twice so far in game and regardless what the person won the roll chose I still got points towards my option.


This hasn't been my experience.


Points are gained by what you choose of course. Titles are chosen by who wins the roll and the outcome of the flashpoint.


Ex: Killing the captain in B Talon gives you merc title. Letting him live gives you stalwart or something like that

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Really? Because I had this happen twice so far in game and regardless what the person won the roll chose I still got points towards my option.


This hasn't been my experience.


You earn the light/dark side points for YOUR choice, regardless if you win or not.


Any titles you may earn are based on what the outcome is.

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I'm confused, aren't your titles designated on what you choose individually, regardless of what happens?



the ls dark points are like that If you choose light and everyone else chooses dark and one of them wins you see the dark ending but at you yourself receive the light points. You would receive at the end of the run all your ls/ds points that you actually picked you should have earn regardless of what anyone else picked evne if they won all the social rolls in the cut scenes not sure about the titles

Edited by Baaddare
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The OP should have just no chosen anything, and let him get his title.


Unless the group leader said ahead of time that he/she expected people to answer a given way... Then no, the OP had no responsibility to do any such thing.


The system is set up to work a given way, if someone doesn't want to deal with random chance effecting the outcome of dialog options then it's up to them to make that crystal clear before the FP starts.


It's no different then if on the first boss the group leader then decided to change how the loot rules work. Or if in the first dialog option the group leader demands that everyone spacebar though it.


If you want people to behave a given way, that's not how the system works by default, such as spacebaring though dialog or selecting only light side options, it's up to the group leader to make that clear before they start.

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I was running The Esseles on my dark side smuggler, we got to the end, choosing if we would leave asara or not, I ended up winning the roll for leaving her behind, the leader of the group wanted the light side title for keep her with...instead of just running it again with me or something, he exited the conversation, started it up again, and kept doing that until he won the roll, unless I chose the light side options he would keep exiting conversations... He then kicked me from the group at the end of the flashpoint for refusing to completely change my character just so he could get some stupid title he will never see...


Where does the fault lie? In the title system? In the community? In the player?


That's rough, but ultimately the fault lies with the player. Sure, he wanted the title, but so did you. Just because he has group lead doesn't mean he can take away your chances of obtaining that title, and I don't think group leaders should be able to exit out of a multiplayer conversation in a Flashpoint, to prevent this from happening.


I play Republic side also, and when I was going for the title, I got a guild group and it was established the first time through that we were getting one title, and then we ran it again to get the second.


As a republic player, most people are playing lightsided. It would have been much easier for him to go back in with others, or yourself again, where you don't have to select an option, or others will most likely be picking to save her anyways.

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I was running The Esseles on my dark side smuggler, we got to the end, choosing if we would leave asara or not, I ended up winning the roll for leaving her behind, the leader of the group wanted the light side title for keep her with...instead of just running it again with me or something, he exited the conversation, started it up again, and kept doing that until he won the roll, unless I chose the light side options he would keep exiting conversations... He then kicked me from the group at the end of the flashpoint for refusing to completely change my character just so he could get some stupid title he will never see...


Where does the fault lie? In the title system? In the community? In the player?


Was it on Lord Adraas, and the guy was called Ethier? Had a similar experience, where someone invited me and another player to do 2 heroics, used us for the heroic he wanted, then kicked us out of the group and put us on /ignore. There are some real idiots out there unfortunately.

On the bright side, the more they act this way, the more people who will get wise to their behaviour, and they'll eventually end up blacklisted on the server, by most people.

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I believe you have to be the one who started the conversation (or possibly the GL), but yes, you can ESC out of the convo just like in SP convos.


Epic design fail then, as it leads to the exact situation described by the OP - one party member can hold the group hostage until he gets the roll he wants.

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You know playing Goodie Goodie Republic seems to attract a lot of the "I'm gonna tell if you take an extra cookie" crowd...actually isn't that a light side option at some point...tell on somebody? Anyway empire side you don't see this...or at least I have never seen it in beta or launch. Republics are so sensitive to the choices. My greatest laugh was back in beta. Was playing a dark trooper and was doing Essles. We get to the engineering part where you can either space engineering or disable generators. Of course I choose to space engineering and ended up wining the roll. OMG the cries from the rest of my group...total shock that someone would even choose that option. Now I got to admit....the cut scene and music scored to that was actually very dramatic and really put you in the decision. But the reactions to the rest of the group members was a precious thing that can never be duplicated.


They were so afraid they got dark points for it and I had to explain a few times that their individual choice is what points are award on not the group outcome. But yea I loved the OMG what have you done!?!?! They were innocent!! How can you be so heartless!!! And when the captain is telling you off for spacing engineering they all blamed me for it (which made me laugh again). Although I did concede and passed the choice to leave her behind or take her with so the goodie goodie's felt better about it.


Have seen some Empire people playing light side but so far haven't seen anyone go to the extent the OP's group did or even throw a fit over a dark/light choice. At least on the Empire side sometimes the light choice is more evil than the dark side. Take the end choice on Black Talon....do you kill the guy (dark answer) or capture him (light answer) knowing full well he will be interrogated, tortured, and then killed later. So Empire side in many cases dark/light choices are just shades of evil where as Republic side is more like do you want to wear a white cloak (light side answer) or a off white cloak (dark side answer).

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Unless the game has glitched for me multiple times......


Choices that affect light side/dark side points in group - reward points based on the choice selected by the individual - not by the winner. The outcome of the mission, on the other hand, is decided by the winner....but will have no bearing on light side/dark side points awarded by the conversation.


Not correct. you are right that the ls/ds points are awarded on the choice you make regardless of who wins the roll. But the question was asking about the title that is awarded. that is decided by the winner of the roll because the way the flashpoint plays out is decided by the winner of the roll. I have both titles from BT. the lightside one i got because one of my friends decided he wanted to know what would happen if he made the lightside choice. He won the roll. i got the title. I just cant believe that anyone would have a fit about what title they got from running something. If you dont want to display it then dont. I feel sorry for the OP for having to put up with someone like that. I dont think i would have backed down either.

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You know playing Goodie Goodie Republic seems to attract a lot of the "I'm gonna tell if you take an extra cookie" crowd...actually isn't that a light side option at some point...tell on somebody? Anyway empire side you don't see this...or at least I have never seen it in beta or launch. Republics are so sensitive to the choices. My greatest laugh was back in beta. Was playing a dark trooper and was doing Essles. We get to the engineering part where you can either space engineering or disable generators. Of course I choose to space engineering and ended up wining the roll. OMG the cries from the rest of my group...total shock that someone would even choose that option. Now I got to admit....the cut scene and music scored to that was actually very dramatic and really put you in the decision. But the reactions to the rest of the group members was a precious thing that can never be duplicated.


They were so afraid they got dark points for it and I had to explain a few times that their individual choice is what points are award on not the group outcome. But yea I loved the OMG what have you done!?!?! They were innocent!! How can you be so heartless!!! And when the captain is telling you off for spacing engineering they all blamed me for it (which made me laugh again). Although I did concede and passed the choice to leave her behind or take her with so the goodie goodie's felt better about it.


Have seen some Empire people playing light side but so far haven't seen anyone go to the extent the OP's group did or even throw a fit over a dark/light choice. At least on the Empire side sometimes the light choice is more evil than the dark side. Take the end choice on Black Talon....do you kill the guy (dark answer) or capture him (light answer) knowing full well he will be interrogated, tortured, and then killed later. So Empire side in many cases dark/light choices are just shades of evil where as Republic side is more like do you want to wear a white cloak (light side answer) or a off white cloak (dark side answer).


I played Empire as Lightside, but thought it was pretty cool when your groups forced to make decisions you wouldn't normally make. It's all part of the fun and unpredictability of the whole thing.

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