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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Turn Ilum into DotA


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It seems quite obvious.


We have two bases on either end of the map.


We have drop-ship dropping off walkers and robots on a regular basis.



Why not simply have these walkers walk towards the enemy base at a slow yet steady pace. Add a few automatic defense turrets that attack said walkers, just like towers in DotA.


Add a few turbo-laser turrets throughout the map that increase the spawn-time for enemy walkers and leave the rest to the players.


Players need to guard and assist the walkers in beaching various defensive lines and to blast open the gate to the enemy base, while stopping the other team from doing the same.


Once a base is sacked, have a reset period before staring over.

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I think they first need to make Ilum 3/4 the current size because currently it's way to big and would take forever to push to the other base. But I do like this idea though because they need a way for you to win and have the battle reset instead of base trading all day.
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I think they first need to make Ilum 3/4 the current size because currently it's way to big and would take forever to push to the other base. But I do like this idea though because they need a way for you to win and have the battle reset instead of base trading all day.


Yeah first time I got into that zone I was like.....holy crap. How is anyone supposed to FIND someone to kill in this zone?!


I can understand wanting it to feel "big" and epic and all. But when there's literally NOTHING in the zone except for 4 little tiny areas, you need to rethink the size of the zone....whole lot of nothing to speed through.

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Yeah first time I got into that zone I was like.....holy crap. How is anyone supposed to FIND someone to kill in this zone?!


I can understand wanting it to feel "big" and epic and all. But when there's literally NOTHING in the zone except for 4 little tiny areas, you need to rethink the size of the zone....whole lot of nothing to speed through.


I feel like a lot of the planets have been designed this way unfortunately. Massively scaled planets with little depth in between quest areas. Sadly, I think the best designed planets are the starter ones.

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I feel like a lot of the planets have been designed this way unfortunately. Massively scaled planets with little depth in between quest areas. Sadly, I think the best designed planets are the starter ones.


It does seem like the first 20 levels of the game are much more polished and well designed. I think I got maybe 10 titles in the first 15 levels of the game and then 5 titles in the last 35 levels.


As a Trooper, I didn't even get a title for completing my class quest!


To the OP: I love to see Ilum turned into a 3rd person style DOTA planet, however there would need to be a way to balance the number of players per side.

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Yeah first time I got into that zone I was like.....holy crap. How is anyone supposed to FIND someone to kill in this zone?!


I can understand wanting it to feel "big" and epic and all. But when there's literally NOTHING in the zone except for 4 little tiny areas, you need to rethink the size of the zone....whole lot of nothing to speed through.


It's that big so that one group can't dominate every point easily. If the zone were smaller and the point closer together, one group would be able to move easily to each point and prevent capture. With the zone this big, not only does it feel epic, but it allows for flank attacks, people sneaking behind enemy lines and other strategic maneuvers.


If there were more people going to this zone and staying for a decent length of time instead of point trading for 5 minutes and then leaving, you would not have any problems finding PvP encounters and the size of the zone would be just right.


As for the OP, I think it's a fantastic idea.

Edited by ViperI
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Good idea, but how do you handle the 2:1 - 3:1 imbalance of level 50 Empire to Republic?


This is something that will fix itself over time. It's not something the developers need to address or fix. Imbalances, be it level or population imbalances, are an unfortunate yet inevitable side-effect of open PvP.


People tend to favor the underdogs, and if players had more insight into faction balance on each respective server, I'm sure things will balance out eventually.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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This thread is a great idea!


The size of Ilum is make death actually mean something. If we (hopefully) manage to get large groups battling it out, killing people wouldn't have a noticeable effect if they could just run back into the fray immediately.


As for faction imbalance - that is currently a problem and probably for another topic. It's going to be a big issue regardless of whether Ilum is turned into an awesome world MOBA-style battlefield or just kept the way it is.

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