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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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And the longer they go without even talking to us about it, the less it looks like they have this actually in the works at all.


If they think I'll be ready with my party hat and whoopee horn when they finally roll this out in 2015, they have another thing coming.


That's not inclusive. If that's how they plan to play it, they may as well not bother as far as I'm concerned. I won't be here waiting.

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And the longer they go without even talking to us about it, the less it looks like they have this actually in the works at all.


If they think I'll be ready with my party hat and whoopee horn when they finally roll this out in 2015, they have another thing coming.


That's not inclusive. If that's how they plan to play it, they may as well not bother as far as I'm concerned. I won't be here waiting.


I was rather shocked :eek: to discover that same sex relationships were not available in SWTOR after playing Bioware's Dragon Age; where I had the option to romance Leliana as a female player. I always play female characters because I like playing my own gender in games. It was nice having the option to romance the female companions if I wanted to; which I did in Dragon Age. I would love the opportunity to romance Ashara with my female Twi'lek Inquisitor, then I could have a beautiful alien couple. :D As it stands I can only romance Andronikos, also not sure why I can't romance the other male companions at that point? Seems odd that you only get one romance option depending on your gender. Does this seem odd to anyone else? I remember being able to choose three different companions for romance in Dragon Age, so why don't we get such a varied option now? It makes the game more interesting. Wasn't the whole point in this game to choose your plot as you liked it. It shouldn't be limited based on your gender. Whether because of same sex or just a plain limitation of just one romance? I would love to see this patched, but after reading several posts it seems that Bioware/EA/Lucas Arts whoever is controlling the strings on this particular element doesn't give a damn about giving us these sort of choices. Light/Dark side and a few cuts scenes of minor romance to try and placate us seems to be the extent of their efforts. If you want to give us options then give us options for crying out loud! :mad: Here's hoping that you do actually listen to numerous fans that would like to see this change, but at this point I'm having serious doubts. :(

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I was rather shocked :eek: to discover that same sex relationships were not available in SWTOR after playing Bioware's Dragon Age; where I had the option to romance Leliana as a female player. I always play female characters because I like playing my own gender in games. It was nice having the option to romance the female companions if I wanted to; which I did in Dragon Age. I would love the opportunity to romance Ashara with my female Twi'lek Inquisitor, then I could have a beautiful alien couple. :D As it stands I can only romance Andronikos, also not sure why I can't romance the other male companions at that point? Seems odd that you only get one romance option depending on your gender. Does this seem odd to anyone else? I remember being able to choose three different companions for romance in Dragon Age, so why don't we get such a varied option now? It makes the game more interesting. Wasn't the whole point in this game to choose your plot as you liked it. It shouldn't be limited based on your gender. Whether because of same sex or just a plain limitation of just one romance? I would love to see this patched, but after reading several posts it seems that Bioware/EA/Lucas Arts whoever is controlling the strings on this particular element doesn't give a damn about giving us these sort of choices. Light/Dark side and a few cuts scenes of minor romance to try and placate us seems to be the extent of their efforts. If you want to give us options then give us options for crying out loud! :mad: Here's hoping that you do actually listen to numerous fans that would like to see this change, but at this point I'm having serious doubts. :(


Not to stray too far off the track here, but. . . They used the word "choice" quite a lot in their hype-machine for this game, but the reality is that there is almost no choice in anything; and there is definitely no choice that makes any difference to anything beyond which dialog is spoken as line B, since line A and C are the same no matter what. Frankly, I'm not surprised that there is no choice in which companion you romance.


No choice in gender of is only one area where the choice is lacking, in most cases, there is only one romance option at all.

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Massive IA story spoilers


Hunter, a major character and the main villian who flirts with a female agent and other females is in fact a female and has some feelings for the agent. You can also flirt with Hunter when you first meet her at the meeting place.



Also Kaliyo seduced a woman in her past and had a thing with her, then left her and the girl cried for weeks. It's there, it fits. Deal with it.


Damn, I need to start playing my agent again huh?

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Damn, I need to start playing my agent again huh?


I don't know...



My Cipher Nine is at Belsavis hunting Hunter down, via indirect means I think. Anyway, Hunter has given absolutely NO indication thus far that he/she isn't anything other than he/she seems. I have no doubt her/his true gender is revealed in good time, but at this point in time Jan'neria is under the impression that he/she is male. So she's not flirted with her/him, and isn't likely to because Hunter is a [several expletives deleted] anyway, regardless of his/her gender.


So it's one giant tease



... and I'm still a little bitter about being spoiled on this. (No, I have no problems with spoilers in spoiler tags, but others were talking about this without the tags, which is why I'm bitter.)

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... and I'm still a little bitter about being spoiled on this. (No, I have no problems with spoilers in spoiler tags, but others were talking about this without the tags, which is why I'm bitter.)


Yep, STOP SPOILING US! How hard is it to understand?

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Are there any threads on existing, opposite-gender companion romance that suggest it should be able to be toggled so as not to appear? I haven't seen any. I do see a lot asking how to get to them, or which is best, but none complaining that they should not have to be seen.


So, why would that be applicable to same-gender content, only?


Oh, I know people say "Well, make it all toggled. Isn't that fair?"


But why would they have to, if it isn't already and no one feels they need to ask for that?


Sincere question. It came up in another thread on the Suggestion Box subforum of General Discussion, and I realized it is only ever suggested as a "compromise" for same-gender content.


Isn't the option already there in the companion interaction not to pick the romantic reply? Just like one doesn't pick any other option a conversation offers that one does not wish to?


Why on this one element of potential future content is it therefore necessary to be able to turn it off under preferences rather than just skip it in game?


Late night thoughts - and a wall I have been beating my head against tonight.

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Are there any threads on existing, opposite-gender companion romance that suggest it should be able to be toggled so as not to appear? I haven't seen any. I do see a lot asking how to get to them, or which is best, but none complaining that they should not have to be seen.


No. At least, not that I've ever seen.


So, why would that be applicable to same-gender content, only?


Oh, I know people say "Well, make it all toggled. Isn't that fair?"


But why would they have to, if it isn't already and no one feels they need to ask for that?


Sincere question. It came up in another thread on the Suggestion Box subforum of General Discussion, and I realized it is only ever suggested as a "compromise" for same-gender content.


Because that's all it is. A compromise. And a vastly unnecessary one at that.


Isn't the option already there in the companion interaction not to pick the romantic reply? Just like one doesn't pick any other option a conversation offers that one does not wish to?


Why on this one element of potential future content is it therefore necessary to be able to turn it off under preferences rather than just skip it in game?


Late night thoughts - and a wall I have been beating my head against tonight.


I can't possibly express my full thoughts on this matter without this post almost certainly being deleted, no matter how reasonably I try to express those thoughts. I've tried. The issue seems 'too contentious' for some reason. Is this an overzealous hand on the moderators' behalf, a failing of mine to remain constructive or a little of both? It's hard to know. So I'll try to only express the most mild parts of my opinion on the matter.


Suffice it to say a 'flirt-toggle' is indeed a compromise. I think it's a sad, sorry state of affairs that such a thing might actually be necessary to soothe the conservatives that might be offended by Corso saying, 'You got a real purdy mouth, Captain,' but there it is.


I don't get involved in PvP content because I don't like to - as a result I stay out of PvP zones, I don't approach enemy territory and I don't heal or buff people with their PvP flags toggled. I don't expect a specific mechanic to be implemented so that I never need fear my PvP flag being toggled on - I just avoid circumstances where it might be, and if it is toggled on I leave and sit in a cantina for five minutes.


I don't vilify people who do PvP. Most of my friends PvP, actually. I don't ask that it's not there but I do (politely) decline any offers to participate in it. I don't duel, either. Yes, I am bad at it, but that's mainly because I don't like to do it and thus have had net to no practice. And so I just... don't do it, I don't adamantly demand that Bioware enable a toggle so that any duel requests or chat sentences with 'PvP' in them don't even reach me.


It's really not that hard to avoid content you don't like. I truly hope Bioware see that, and agree that such a [Flirt] toggle would be unnecessary. The only possible way it could be even slightly suitable would be if it toggled off all romance options - and even then I don't think anyone would be fooled. It's a compromise.

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Since this is a Bioware game I expected to have same sex options. Seems I will be disapointed. It would not suprise me this was done due to conservative pressure.


It had nothing to do with "conservative pressure". Research a little first please instead of randomly throwing blame around. It will be in-game, it just wasn't in at launch. Same with a million other features and mechanics that are not in yet.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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It had nothing to do with "conservative pressure". Research a little first please instead of randomly throwing blame around. It will be in-game, it just wasn't in at launch. Same with a million other features and mechanics that are not in yet.


There is no research to be done.


Bioware has said nothing beyond that single (hated) quote, stating that "due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set."


But that doesn't make sense.

The lines that would need to be done for s/s romance are so miniscule compared to the scale of the game that it would not save them any valuable amount of time by cutting it. And this is not something extra to be added later; it is quite literally a part of the game we purchased, and we are simply waiting for the toggle to be switched on and a few lines to be added here or there.


Of course, I'm not accusing Bioware of anything. But we have next to *nothing* to go on here. We can only assume why it was cut, when it might be coming, and how it will be added.

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I'm all for same gender romance implementation and I hope they add these additional companions they've mentioned sooner than later.


I like the idea someone posted of making it a setting in Preferences. To set it to each individual romance Companion would be the ideal. I personally like that my affection for Quinn is unrequited. It's more realistic to me that a person I might be crushing on doesn't return the sentiment. It spawns some interesting RP.


Even though BW said they wouldn't change the existing Companions, theoretically if they changed their mind I wouldn't want Quinn changed. But another player may not feel the same way. An option yes or no is a nice idea.

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Where did they say this?


They haven't. That would have required them actually saying something other than the single official PR spin from over a quarter of a year ago; the statement that didn't actually say anything or commit to anything.

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In a game where you can lie, cheat, murder (graphically and repeatedly), fornicate (habitually, if you want), and be a generally deprave human being, having same-sex romance should be no big deal for advocates of morality.


You get a slave. That you can shock at your whim. Where's the toggle-option for that?


Don't get me wrong, I don't put same gender/sex romance in those categories. I'm just saying if someone is putting this game under a "moral" lens, there are far bigger fish to fry with a toggle-option.

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Don't get me wrong, I don't put same gender/sex romance in those categories. I'm just saying if someone is putting this game under a "moral" lens, there are far bigger fish to fry with a toggle-option.


Agreed. If having consensual same sex relationships in a game is a bigger issue to people than slavery and torture then there's something badly wrong.

Edited by Kioma
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You get a slave. That you can shock at your whim. Where's the toggle-option for that?


Vette: "Hey, how about you take this collar off as a reward for all of that hard work I did on Korriban?"

SW: "Sure, why not?"


Vette: *Something snarky*

SW: -Nice option

-Mean option

-Shut up, Vette [shock her]


Felt the need to answer that.

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Vette: "Hey, how about you take this collar off as a reward for all of that hard work I did on Korriban?"

SW: "Sure, why not?"


Vette: *Something snarky*

SW: -Nice option

-Mean option

-Shut up, Vette [shock her]


Felt the need to answer that.


Hmmm...that's similar to:


SGRA companion: *non-flirty neutral dialog*



- Nice option

- [flirt]

- Mean option


But that's apparently not enough of a toggle for some because simply seeing the option to flirt with the same gender is a big no no. So, bring on the Vette shock toggle...I don't even want to see it among my options!

Edited by stuffystuffs
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Hmmm...that's similar to:


SGRA companion: *non-flirty neutral dialog*



- Nice option

- [flirt]

- Mean option


But that's apparently not enough of a toggle for some because simply seeing the option to flirt with the same gender is a big no no. So, bring on the Vette shock toggle...I don't even want to see it among my options!


Wasn't really meant to be serious.

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Wasn't really meant to be serious.

Thanks for clarifying, because it's getting hard to tell.


Personally, while not overjoyed with the narrowing of options by avoiding [Flirt] prompts, I accept it as the way the game is. There it is, at my fingertips - the option to avoid content which does not appeal to me.


The UI toggle argument seems to be asking for something else. Not a means of avoiding content, but to avoid knowing that the content exists.


So when people propose that, what I hear is "it is okay if it is added but only if I never have to know its there."


That's sad, and kind of scary.


Let me try to present an analogy, also in terms of game content and accomodation of player preferences regarding it.


If someone asked for a toggle to make all human skin-tones in-game caucasian because they were uncomfortable with game content showing their character working for someone darker, how do you think that would go over?


Actually, I think that the variety of appearances available in character customization is extraordinary, and no small amount of attention has gone into showing a multiracial galaxy with women as represented in high places as men. That's commendable. And I don't hear anyone objecting.


That's why I find the UI toggle suggestion an unacceptable compromise. The point of inclusiveness is not to make those you are including invisible. Tolerance is not tolerance if it is only extended on condition that it can pretend you don't exist.

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That's why I find the UI toggle suggestion an unacceptable compromise. The point of inclusiveness is not to make those you are including invisible. Tolerance is not tolerance if it is only extended on condition that it can pretend you don't exist.


I agree with your points and your example, but in the end I don't really care if they add a toggle or not. I don't care if other people are that blind and intolerant or not, doesn't effect my game play.


That said, it should in no way hinder the inclusion of the content. Getting the content into the game in the timeliest manner possible should be the first and foremost goal. Once that goal is accomplished if at their leisure they want to go back in some future update and add in a toggle, so be it.


Is it silly and immature to expect them to put a toggle in place for something like this? Yeah, of course it is, but they can add in all the toggles they want once they have the content in the game.

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It's a matter of practicality versus principle, of course. We shouldn't HAVE to deal with a toggle as a compromise - but then we shouldn't have to hang around in the forums making such an extended noise in the first place - but in the end such a toggle also wouldn't impact on our game play.


It is insulting, though, whether the suggestion is intended to be insulting or not.

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