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Stacked Sorc/Sage teams incoming.


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Ah I see... I'm starting to get your "logic" now. Sorcerer is a popular class therefore you have a problem with 4 of them owning you, yet if 4 of the same less popular class owns you you don't come to QQ on the forums.




Wait wait wait... put on the brakes... you had a problem with them healing themselves and owning you at the same time. Now... why did they need to heal themselves if they owned you in 3 seconds flat?


4.5k tracers bro... 6.2k heatseekers

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Stack 10 operatives. Problem solved.


unless they're all right on top of them, they're gonna pop the shield and sprint. adios sorceror.


seriously though when one class posses enough skills to completely negate the entire environmental aspect of any specific warzone, something is up. Firetraps are pointless with pull/shield/sprint. Scaffolding becomes no threat of being knocked off when someone can just pull you up, and they have an aoe knockback that knocks everyone off.


In contrast the idea that the other team could use a sorc to counteract it and pull people back up to fight the ball carrier is a stretch, simply do to the window of opportunity afforded by their abilities. By the time you counteract any of it they have already sprinted away.

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The problem is huttball. Sorcs are borderline OP in other WZs but in huttball they are ridiculous.


If you are going to make a map that is 80% of the PVP experience for most PVPers you have to balance classes for that map. Sorcs are just ridiculous for huttball. Why you would give them an ally pull, a knockback AND a way to run straight through fire is just mind boggling.

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The versatility these two classes have to offer should be monitored. As it stands, a premade sorc/sage team will be a problem in the future.


Incoming? its been happening forever now. Our server has an Inquisitor only guild full of battlemaster inquisitors.

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The versatility these two classes have to offer should be monitored. As it stands, a premade sorc/sage team will be a problem in the future.


The future was yesterday


Everytime i log into a wz there are 7 range classes and im usually the only melee (Sentinel) which is kinda unfortunate cause after playing this whole past week about 30 wzs yesterday (monday) i logged into a wz that had 5 melee classes and only 2 sages and 1 smuggler, i said to myself that we were gonna get out butts kicked all over the place but we won 6 -0, lol


Everytime the other team tried to get the ball we totally destroyed the ballhandler in like a sec or two and since we have so much more hp and armor is a lot easier to run the ball

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Kinda giggle irl anytime I see those classes trying in pvp.

They're deadly when they're in team, and by team I mean one that actually plays like a team and not just people trying to solo 3 enemies. But this is nothing new, in many MMO's it's always the warrior type class that is underpowered in solo PvP but a beast with a pocket healer or a competent team.


Plus sentinel/marauder is propably the hardest class to play atm, so many abilities, so little room in hotbars.

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dont worry FotMers will be rerolling ops/smugs any time now.


Not if they have any brains. The adrenal stacking nerfs hurt ops far more than any other class and the class is absolute garbage aside from burst dps. Compare to a sorc which has great utlity, great survivability, a far deeper resource pool and better sustained damage. Not to mention all sorts of huttball cheese.

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So Sith Inquisitors and by proxy the Jedi Counselors should be nurfed, not because of being truly overpowered compared to other classes, but because people found being able to use a double bladed lightsaber and throwing lightning cool?


I mean if Sorcs were as powerful as people claim them to be then they would win in a 1v8 scenario.


The shield is 3k, not 9-10k like people claim. Force Lightning crits on average for under 1k. The class has zero defensive cooldowns except for the sprint. Use it offensively and you're a sitting duck in most scenarios.


So far the game has been really balanced class wise when you don't take consumable stacking into account.

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What people forget that even the mitigation system is in their favour:


1. A lot of defensive cooldowns don't work vs lighting...e.g. try to use dodge...and eat their lighting


2. Most defensive stuff like that of tanks doesn't really bother them because it is elemental damage whereas marauders/JK and Snipers (especially marksman) /Gunslingers are fully mitigated.


3. Utility...oh well so much stuff on one class is nearly obscene especially all on-demand without any prerequisites (points again to the classes mentioned in 2)


4. Resource System...do they ever run out? Do they even have to actually manage their energy resources? Even BHs have to keep their heat level in check or they are without options because their heat level goes down slower and slower.




Just look at other classes and compare how their damage mitigation works, how much utility they bring to the table etc and you will see that most get beaten even on their home turf...and blown out of the water by the whole package.


Not that BHs are so much better, though. At least I know now why I hardly see any lvl 50 snipers/gunslingers compared to those masses of SIs/BHs (well, at least on my server).

Edited by Desgarden
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What people forget that even the mitigation system is in their favour:


1. A lot of defensive cooldowns don't work vs lighting...e.g. try to use dodge...and eat their lighting


2. Most defensive stuff like that of tanks doesn't really bother them because it is elemental damage whereas marauders/JK and Snipers (especially marksman) /Gunslingers are fully mitigated.


3. Utility...oh well so much stuff on one class is nearly obscene especially all on-demand without any prerequisites (points again to the classes mentioned in 2)


4. Resource System...do they ever run out? Even BHs have to keep their heat level in check.




Just look at other classes and compare how their damage mitigation works, how much utility they bring to the table etc and you will see that most get beaten even on their home turf...and blown out of the water by the whole package.


Not that BHs are so much better, though. At least you know why you hardly see any lvl 50 snipers/gunslingers when you compare those to the masses of SIs/BHs (well, at least on my server).


They run out when you pull them and punch them in the face. A sorc at 3m from your group is dead meat unless he's guarded and double-heal-botted, repositioning the sorc where he doesn't want to be drops his DPS to 0 as he scrambles to get into his safety zone 29.5m away from the guy he was hitting.

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think of it this way, at least you are not a marauder/sentinel


When I read this I had to take the time and effort to post and I'm not a big fan of posting but this is so true. PVP for these guys is a joke I have a 32 sentinel and when I pvp I feel like I'm waving around two wiffle bats hitting people. Also don't get me started on Hutt ball its great force leap to someone get knocked back then I'm like hey you get back here mister I'll stun you, oh wait I don't have a stun, Wait! I have force stasis I can hold you up for 4 seconds. I've read that we hit like trucks and do tons of damage here's our problem we get stunned and knock back so often that it feels like were the useless class in the game. We're good for PVE content man I melt mobs like they are nothing but PVP I'm just the flailing around helplessly trying to help the team even though Sages and Shadow have more to bring to the team then the sad sentinels. Hell even guardians have nice tanky abilites and force push.

Edited by Paralassa
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The versatility these two classes have to offer should be monitored. As it stands, a premade sorc/sage team will be a problem in the future.


So what ... a team with a majority of other types of AC would also be a"problem" if they focus fire etc ...


WZ/BGs are always a "joke" if you are into genuine team based PVP.

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