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Stacked Sorc/Sage teams incoming.


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Sorce are a bit overtuned I'm inclined to agree. As a pure dps PT who does very high damage, but has relatively low survivability (2 minor defensive cooldowns, and one 2 second aoe stun) I feel they simply have too much at their disposal, their damage easily rivals mine, yet they have bubble which they generally get 2 of a fight, and which feel like they have 4 or 5k absorb, giving them 10k more hp than me and the same damage. Then on top of this they have the myriad of knockbacks slows roots and CCs that make them so powerful. They just have too much for a high dps class like them, when compared to myself as a PT (who I feel are in great shape). I think the PT sorc comparison is perfect because we're two roughly equivilant in damage classes but they have much more at their disposal, I have no CC, no knockback (which I'd prefer to grapple even though I'm quazi melee dps a knock back into a railshot and flameburst would help me more than grapple usually does) and my defensive cooldowns shield 25% dmg reduction and kolto overload 15% heal over time are really not comparable to bubble at all.


Just my 2 cents

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When I read this I had to take the time and effort to post and I'm not a big fan of posting but this is so true. PVP for these guys is a joke I have a 32 sentinel and when I pvp I feel like I'm waving around two wiffle bats hitting people. Also don't get me started on Hutt ball its great force leap to someone get knocked back then I'm like hey you get back here mister I'll stun you, oh wait I don't have a stun, Wait! I have force stasis I can hold you up for 4 seconds. I've read that we hit like trucks and do tons of damage here's our problem we get stunned and knock back so often that it feels like were the useless class in the game. We're good for PVE content man I melt mobs like they are nothing but PVP I'm just the flailing around helplessly trying to help the team even though Sages and Shadow have more to bring to the team then the sad sentinels. Hell even guardians have nice tanky abilites and force push.


>> hey you get back here mister I'll stun you, oh wait I don't have a stun,


Laughed pretty hard on this one. Great post.

Edited by Paralassa
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So what ... a team with a majority of other types of AC would also be a"problem" if they focus fire etc ...


WZ/BGs are always a "joke" if you are into genuine team based PVP.


Which I agree with, believe me. I'd love to see Arenas in this game. Guess what? There is no arena or any other form of pvp gear earning. This is (unfortunately) our pvp.

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I think that sorc/sages will become an even bigger problem as the wzs become overrun with more and more expertise. As it stands now, I don't feel like we have the nastiet burst damage, but we can definitely dish it out well while remaining ridiculously mobile (thanks to a combination of good CC and self-buffs/instant casts.)


My wzs seem to have almost as many sages as sorcerers, but that could just be on my server.


I picked a sage despite my hatred for pebbles and septic tank just to be slightly different than all of the PEWPEWFORCELIGHTNING!11!! kids.


Oh well.

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I was coming here to make this exact thread after lvling one toon to 50 and another to 40 and pvping to around 40 valor on both im starting to lose my mind.


Login today on Rakata Mind Prison, solo queued for my daily. Great its a game of voidstar, this rarely happens being an Empire player. I buff up and look through my team, to my joy the other 7 players on my team are lvl 50, 2 different premades. Counting my blessings.


Well we preceded to get wrecked, no capture on offense and they beat us with 5 minutes left on the clock. They had 4 sages and 2 shadows, between the constant dedicated healing and offhealing, CCs and whatever the force lightning equivalent is for Sage we could do nothing. My lvl 40 Operative managed to lay down 200k dmg only targetting healers and I managed to only net myself THREE kills, between medpacks, healing consumables offhealing and dedicated healing its unstoppable.


I thought Tanks and Healers was bad enough, turns out you just need pvp gear and more healers and you just cannot lose.


I have like 7 interrupts at my disposal as an operative and I was helpless to kill anyone, they pop their medpac or consumable giving their other healers enough time to just heal them to full, this wasnt 1v1 situations this was multiple people attacking a single target, our DPS couldnt beat out there 1-2 dedicated healers.

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What people forget that even the mitigation system is in their favour:


1. A lot of defensive cooldowns don't work vs lighting...e.g. try to use dodge...and eat their lighting


2. Most defensive stuff like that of tanks doesn't really bother them because it is elemental damage whereas marauders/JK and Snipers (especially marksman) /Gunslingers are fully mitigated.


3. Utility...oh well so much stuff on one class is nearly obscene especially all on-demand without any prerequisites (points again to the classes mentioned in 2)


4. Resource System...do they ever run out? Do they even have to actually manage their energy resources? Even BHs have to keep their heat level in check or they are without options because their heat level goes down slower and slower.




Just look at other classes and compare how their damage mitigation works, how much utility they bring to the table etc and you will see that most get beaten even on their home turf...and blown out of the water by the whole package.


Not that BHs are so much better, though. At least I know now why I hardly see any lvl 50 snipers/gunslingers compared to those masses of SIs/BHs (well, at least on my server).


Again people are quite misinformed. Sorcs do ENERGY damage which is mitigated by armor, Sage does kinetic. So its exactly the same damage type as all the other classes. The only abilities that bypass armor is 2 dots. One being a 31 point talent again similar to other classes. As far as I know its pretty much only dots and few single target abilities that do elemental/internal damage.


The resource system to a Sage/Sorc might seem infinite, but if you're using all your abilities you run dry quite fast and its almost impossible to get back to a manageable level without getting out of combat.


The biggest difference is that it is a bit easier for a healer to manage force then the other resource systems because you're not limited by a rotation.


Things like Dodge and most tanking stats not working on tech/force damage has nothing to do with Sorcs to be honest. It affects any ability that isn't melee/range weapon based which is quite a few. Its something that needs to be worked out, but a different class ability being broken doesn't make the Sorc overpowered.

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1. A lot of defensive cooldowns don't work vs lighting...e.g. try to use dodge...and eat their lighting

It's a force attack. Dodge only works on melee/ranged attacks.


2. Most defensive stuff like that of tanks doesn't really bother them because it is elemental damage whereas marauders/JK and Snipers (especially marksman) /Gunslingers are fully mitigated.

Lightning is energy and reduced by armor.


4. Resource System...do they ever run out? Do they even have to actually manage their energy resources? Even BHs have to keep their heat level in check or they are without options because their heat level goes down slower and slower.p

They don't run out if they spec and play properly.

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The versatility these two classes have to offer should be monitored. As it stands, a premade sorc/sage team will be a problem in the future.


Considering I've faced 6 Sorcs in the past 3 games, I'd say it's more of a problem at the moment. 4 of them top 5 healer and 2 of them top dps by miles, I hasten to add.

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Considering I've faced 6 Sorcs in the past 3 games, I'd say it's more of a problem at the moment. 4 of them top 5 healer and 2 of them top dps by miles, I hasten to add.


That couldn't possibly be because the top healers (doesn't even have to be sorcs) were keeping the top dps (also doesn't have to be sorcs) alive now could it.


Case and point: http://i.imgur.com/C0JA3.jpg


That's me, obviously. The only reason I did so much damage? Healers.


WZ before that one, the healers picked a BH, he did a 600k in huttball.


When I'm on my healing operative and I just pick the best geared dps and follow him around.


Every class (except maybe Merc BH's) bring somekind of useful support abilities to pvp. Grapples, lifegrips, knockbacks etc. If you're havin' issues they're player ones, not class mechanics.

Edited by JumpDrive
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The versatility is what makes sorcs SORCS! Quit trying to wreck it and turn them into a specialized niche class. A lot of players need a hybridized class to have fun in an MMO because we don't like only being able to do one thing. Leave us this one class. Adjust numbers as needed for balance, but stop trying to take away the versatility. Edited by Caelrie
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I hate games like that, because im usually on the opposing team that is actually mixed.


That was both teams, combined. Neither were balanced.



At least 2 of those "sorcs" are Assassins, and the operative (or is it a sniper?) and the BH are clearly doing better damage then 2 "sorcs" combined.


Problem is those inquisitor symbols could be healing sorcs, dps sorcs, dps assassins, tank assassins and anything in between.


The majority of them were actually assassins. I just thought it was funny to see so many SI's crammed in a single BG.


The sniper did the best in the BG, and was the only person to kill me. That snare droid lasts so long and can't be purged off with the default skill.

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