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"most experienced PvP developers" really BW?


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Ohh and the part about illum is even more hilarious :D


hahahahahaha your killing me here BW, ill give you a littel hint here. People lie on ther resumes ;) guess you did not know that part.


I forgot you're a game developer and own a multi-million dollar design company that makes games. I'll make sure I buy your game when I get home today. Also, it's little, not "littel," there, not "ther," you're, not "your," and Ilum, not "illum."

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I forgot you're a game developer and own a multi-million dollar design company that makes games. I'll make sure I buy your game when I get home today. Also, it's little, not "littel," there, not "ther," you're, not "your," and Ilum, not "illum."


resorting to silly schoolyard insults just makes you look incredibly young an insulting.Bio/ea have no idea how to do pvp, that is quite obvious, They supposedly have Mythic devs but the trouble there is Mythic lost its skills years ago, when the original Daoc team quit.

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"most experienced"


Sounds exciting when you see on paper but in the end and see the results its hard to believe such a thing.


PvP in SWToR somehow and still wondering the very certain reason, is highly restricted and instanced.


Releasing new warzones won't make a real difference at all. I believe majority of the playerbase is know what is this about. It basicly works like typical FPS maps of Battlefield series or Quake, Unreal et cetera... Objective based mumbo jumbo... It's not a bad implementation though as long as it won't be the major "content" of "PvP".


Even if you're die hard premade content fan you'll such bore of this after grinding that content package daily basis. Even the tokens, relics, expertises and other trinkets won't make a difference. You unlock that armor, this gun so what else?


Real beauty of PvP is open world PvP. Spontaneous challenges against random people. Constant feel of danger. While exploring the galaxy, trying to complete your story you compete against the other players.


Solo, group and even Zerg it really does not matter...


However, while you are progress in SWToR everything designed so secured and safe even in a PvP server. Without any "problem" you level your toon like a droid and complete your tasks.


People roll chars in PvP servers for a reason Bioware.


While you pull out the element of suprise and danger which are the finest motives of a PvP gamer you just cripple the game. And your most experienced developers approve that?


If you won't sign for a War Zone match you level up until mid game without any single fight?


Is this normal?


Long term content is not just about content packages its purely a self motive of becoming a good player. Achieving this leads you to dedication of mastering your class and knowing your rivals. It takes time and its a harsh way to become better.


War Zones are group therapy for addicts and ease some pain but real open world PvP is the real challenge. You go War Zones for relaxing when you need to take a breath not to make "PvP". War Zones are like boxing rings where you need to be a act and fight like a pro but streets and slums are where the real challenge happens and where the good fighters rise.


I love premades and instanced challenges a lot but they do not sole represetatives of PvP.


I hope Bioware reconsider the situation and extend the world PvP, combine questing zones for rival factions and allow them to communicate each other.


If they insist on releasing "zone" contents and instancing.


SWToR is one of the greatest MMO project ever in gaming industry but it lacks seriosly on designing mentality and higly controlled and restricted challenge factor.


I'm just a simple gamer and wanted share my thoughty from a gamer to gamers.


My two cents

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I forgot you're a game developer and own a multi-million dollar design company that makes games. I'll make sure I buy your game when I get home today. Also, it's little, not "littel," there, not "ther," you're, not "your," and Ilum, not "illum."


So just because a company has a lot of money and released a mediocre game for an undemanding audience, it makes it automatically be right and everyone else wrong?


Also, playing the grammar police makes you look like a douche. Maybe the guy's native language isn't English.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sad thing is, they probably ARE the most experienced PvP MMO development team in the world. If you look at PvP design in most MMOs, it's always ended up in a mass of preverse incentives.


WoW - AV was a PvP game that actively encouraged you to avoid other players. I'm pretty sure the original intention of the developer was not to have two 40-man teams rush past each other to get to the other base ASAP. And let's not bother talknig about Wintergrasp.


WAR - seriously, does anyone remember the god-awful city battles from that game? Go sit on the docks and camp there en masse for a couple of hours til the battle ended. Not to mention the lagtastic fortress battles (all go sit on the stairs and watch the slideshow).


AoC - don't make me laugh, zero progression, poor OWPvP design, and generally bad gameplay tbh.


EVE - a game where winning in PvP hinged on your opponent getting bored and logging.




The list goes on and on. SWTOR PvP and the Ilum fiasco aren't anything particularly new; it's just the latest example of a genre that doesn't do PvP design well. The devs come up with 'brilliant' ideas, and it never occurs to them how open to abuse the mechanics typically are. Then, within about 6 hours a player figures out how to take advantage of the system, and everyone quickly clocks onto it.

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I forgot you're a game developer and own a multi-million dollar design company that makes games. I'll make sure I buy your game when I get home today. Also, it's little, not "littel," there, not "ther," you're, not "your," and Ilum, not "illum."


Yup there was a few gramma mistakes and some typos. I`m from Denmark so it´s not my native language. But im sure a mature guy like your self can live with that :rolleyes:

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Sad thing is, they probably ARE the most experienced PvP MMO development team in the world. If you look at PvP design in most MMOs, it's always ended up in a mass of preverse incentives.


WoW - AV was a PvP game that actively encouraged you to avoid other players. I'm pretty sure the original intention of the developer was not to have two 40-man teams rush past each other to get to the other base ASAP. And let's not bother talknig about Wintergrasp.


WAR - seriously, does anyone remember the god-awful city battles from that game? Go sit on the docks and camp there en masse for a couple of hours til the battle ended. Not to mention the lagtastic fortress battles (all go sit on the stairs and watch the slideshow).


AoC - don't make me laugh, zero progression, poor OWPvP design, and generally bad gameplay tbh.


EVE - a game where winning in PvP hinged on your opponent getting bored and logging.




The list goes on and on. SWTOR PvP and the Ilum fiasco aren't anything particularly new; it's just the latest example of a genre that doesn't do PvP design well. The devs come up with 'brilliant' ideas, and it never occurs to them how open to abuse the mechanics typically are. Then, within about 6 hours a player figures out how to take advantage of the system, and everyone quickly clocks onto it.


Did you actually play WoW? Alterac Valley at level 60 was one of the biggest, baddest and best PVP experience in any MMO. Epic battles over control in the center crater trying to get the big warlord to appear from handing in blood and metal. Battles could last for several hours.

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Did you actually play WoW? Alterac Valley at level 60 was one of the biggest, baddest and best PVP experience in any MMO. Epic battles over control in the center crater trying to get the big warlord to appear from handing in blood and metal. Battles could last for several hours.


Ohh yeah I miss AV! fun times indeed :)

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People really forget how DAoC rewards were in pvp. PvP gave you realm points which gave you realm ranks. You used those realm ranks to purchase ABILITIES which made your character more powerful. ABILITIES NOT GEAR! Valor ranks in this game should have rewarded expertise points and/or abilities instead of gear. You can use these expertise points to purchase abilities which give you increased offense, increased defense and increased healing or increased utility such as resistance to cc.


The counter to those abilities was awarded from PvE. The Trials of Atlantis awarded Master Levels which were unique based on class archetypes but some abilties were common to all. Granted the way they introduced ToA was a mistake with the insane grind and need for 100+ people raids to complete them. However, they changed the difficulty level to complete those and now acquiring the artifacts and MLs from ToA is actually easy and can be done in a couple of days.


Good gear was primarily from killing the dragon and you could do that with 16 people after the difficulty adjustments. The rest of the gear was crafted to enable a good crafting economy. This way EVERYONE actually had the chance to acquire the top tier gear in a few weeks at most. Even if you didn't have all the gear, you were not useless as long as you had completed the MLs as the gear itself did not confer an unbeatable advantage and also because crafted gear was competitive.


For the PvP crowd, something similar would be a great change to what is currently offered in SWTOR. However the PvE crowd (the larger customer base) needs their new raids and ever increasingly powerful gear drops to be able to complete those new raids. The gear treadmill begins and ends with the PvE crowd. A top tier raider with the best PvE gear cannot stand being beaten by a good PvPer in average PvP gear because his gear should give him an advantage in all situations. Hence the need for a PvP stat to balance out the gear discrepancy between PvP and PvE gear. PvE gear will always be better and always have an increasing number of tiers to keep the larger customer base happy and subscribing. And that is where the biggest issue between PvP/PvE lies.

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Did you actually play WoW? Alterac Valley at level 60 was one of the biggest, baddest and best PVP experience in any MMO. Epic battles over control in the center crater trying to get the big warlord to appear from handing in blood and metal. Battles could last for several hours.


Did you actually play AV at any point after BC was released? It took 10 minutes, because both sides simply rushed the bosses. If you actually fought in the centre, as it was clearly intended, or bothered colecting the hand-ins to summon the big ******, you were considered a bad player. The best honour for time return was to ignore all other players and rush straight past to the end, and hope that you got to their warlord before they got to yours.

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Well they took people from Mythic that failed to copy DAOC (which by the way wasn't developed by them) in WAR. Now they continue the fail in another mmo for another fat salary.


It boggles my mind that people responsible for bright wizards and warrior priest found another pvp related job so fast.


Some people have 20 years experience, these guys however have 1 years experience 20 times over.


That's how long their games normally last anyway.

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Well they took people from Mythic that failed to copy DAOC (which by the way wasn't developed by them) in WAR. Now they continue the fail in another mmo for another fat salary.


It boggles my mind that people responsible for bright wizards and warrior priest found another pvp related job so fast.


War had great pvp until bioware came along and messed it up. Wasnt mythics fault.

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