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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I'll give it one month of a sub to see if they fix my Jedi Knight final class quest. If they don't then they obviously don't care about their customers and I will leave. Really this should have been fixed by now and if this wasn't a Star Wars MMO I would be out of here for good. No chance of coming back.
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Being the 20+ MMO I have played I have a bit of a decent understanding on how most of them are. You can't charge to cap, you'll get bored. You have to take your time, enjoy the scenery and smell the roses along the way.


Even if no content is added I am sure that most players could stay busy playing through the current 8 storylines. Even the same class styles have very different stories and all of them so far are great.


So I can see it going a good 6/9 months before I run through them all. That alone will keep me around. Now with dynamic raid content, a good guild, and content being added I can't imagine my sub going away anytime soon.

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Hell, yes, I'll keep my subscription. Why, because my experience and opinion is pretty much the opposite of yours.


Bye now.




... I actually like bioware games, played mass effect over 10 times, Dragon Age over 4 times, Mass Effect 2 over 6 times, Dragon Age 2 over 3 times and Kotor somewhere in the high teens. I play Kotor like twice every year since its release.


So yeah I will go back and roll new toons, and reroll the same class so I can use a different advanced class. Bioware baby, you have to play light and dark to get the full story.

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I shall be very glad when all the sorts of people who race to 50 then complain about the lack of game content have run out of their 30-day free subscription and quit the game, hopefully forever :)


I don't get a great amount of time to play the game due to work, but I enjoy what few chances I do make to play in-game and am enjoying it thoroughly. For me, subscribing is a no-brainer.


I won't try to force my opinion on anyone here, but I do think that if you're not enjoying the game, then that's possibly just because it's not the sort of game for you; it doesn't mean it's not a good game.


For example, the Metroid Prime games bore me senseless, but I wouldn't dispute that such games are well-designed for a certain type of gamer. The same goes for Zelda games too.

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Being the 20+ MMO I have played I have a bit of a decent understanding on how most of them are. You can't charge to cap, you'll get bored. You have to take your time, enjoy the scenery and smell the roses along the way.


Except, at least in my leveling experience, the scenery and roses become few and far between after level 30 or so which in turn makes you level faster because "Maybe the next planet will be good again!". And suddenly you're 50 and bored out of your mind.

Edited by FerrusPA
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Hmm, MMO burnout. Now there is an interesting thing.


Lots and lots of players of TOR come from other MMOs, thoroughly burnt out for whatever reasons. It's an important thing for people to remember that their issues with the game might not actually be due to the game being inherently flawed, the management lacking or whatever other issues people have with it.


I come from another MMO and I was utterly burnt out on it. Disgusted with the direction the game was taking I ditched it just in time for TOR, which I partially beta tested.


Now, I'm finding the same as some others. I have to guard myself against doing too much all at once and unintentionally burning myself out again. But Bioware isn't responsible for my issues, right? It's not their fault I got here after burning out on another game.


So if you need to take a break to keep it fun, take that break. It's nobody else's fault if you don't and it's a sign of maturity, I think, to know yourself well enough to know how to avoid overdosing on a game and burning out before a month is up.


And if it's just not your game, okay. That's fine too. Bye.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions



I'm enjoying the game, therefore I will continue to pay to play it. Moreover a lot of friends from various other MMO's stretching back 12 years now are also enjoying playing it so they are all keeping their sub's up.


Move along and wait for the next ACTUAL WOW clone to come out, go and meta-game that one to lvl 50 within a few weeks and quit all over again. You seem to enjoy that part of the game.

Edited by Simoon
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subbing for next 3 month.. i like the storyline.. liked the lore.. have some friends to do fp with.. I know there are bugs.. some of them irritates me too. but I wanted to play something not involving elf/orcs for a change.

Now i want to go to 50 and see how is the end game. I just dont want to believe what people saying in forum as the community is still very immature.

So I am giving bioware my benefit of doubt and hoping they will deliver a truly memorable gaming experience in the coming months.


On the side note, I am playing mmo for past 8 years and played around 7-8 good ones ranging from asian grindfest to wow. In my experience mmo's are like living beings.. they mature over time ( given the proper attention ). Almost all mmos I encountered had lots of bugs and issues at their launch, but the successful ones learned to adapt and survived.

I wish bioware will do so.


/peace :)

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Already canceled my account.


I really hope they get things straightened out but to me this game is nowhere near ready for release and the game world is so static and dull.


TBH I could have lived the myriad of bugs from instant kicks to character select screen on PvP queue pops to not being able to do over half the quest in Ilum because they were all broken, but I cannot live with the ability issues and really cannot believe the game even went live like it is.


I do plan on coming back in a couple of months to see if things have gotten better but for now this game does not warrant a monthly fee, IMO.

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Everyone who is complaining about this game being boring at max level.. Do you not do anything other than game?


Get a job or something seriously. 3 weeks into a new game and you have already got max level and maxed out the pvp gear.


No wonder it's boring for you.


This. Do something else with your life.

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Entitled to do what you want, your dime...but when WoW had a launch 100x worse than SWTOR...I mean, I cant tell you how many times I walked around the zones kneeling as if I were looting...because my toon was stuck in that position lol.


This launch, with all of its bugs, 100X better than WoW..and look where it is now with 10mil subs.


I hope you come back!


So your argument boils down to "Some other MMO was crappy at launch so you should just be happy this one is less crappy at launch." Thanks but no thanks. But by all means I hope most of you keep playing and feeding them money to improve this game. Then I can come back and enjoy a more polished game that you guys helped pay for ^.^

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Do you like the game (like me)? Stay subbed and continue to enjoy the heck out of it.


Don't like or even hate the game? UNsub. Go ahead..try it....it's real easy. Buh-bye. Adios. Auf Wiedersehen. Sayonara. Au revoir...(you haven't LEFT yet??).



Do you really think that your rantings and ravings and threats to unsub will somehow force the developers to reprogram the game into what YOU want the game to be? Think again. Constructive criticism and suggestions are one thing. Whiny threats and unsubstantiated, exaggerated statements like "thousands of people will quit over this issue" will go nowhere and makes one to look like an absolute bloomin' idiot.

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I see the QQ Fan bois are still around, the end of the free 30 days can't come fast enough, Ill be so glad to be rid of these ladies.


It really has nothing to do with QQ fanboism, I, for one, am truly saddened by the state of this game after such hopes for something GREAT! Unfortunelty all I see every time I turn around is a broken game...get past level 40 and actually try to do something, you spend more time with bugs and logging back in the game than you do actually playing the game...unless you roll another alt that never makes it past level 40


Broken game is Broken and I hope they get it fixed before its too late

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