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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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All of Bioware hits have been of the single player variety.


At least Blizzard had experience making multiplayer games like Warcraft/Starcraft and especially Diablo. Diablo gave Blizzard the opportunity to create a light RPG world that was mutiplayer and focused on repetitive play for loot.


If ME3 comes through I'll be happy.

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I played City of Heroes from release until early release of TOR. I played WoW for 4 years. I will be here for the foreseeable future since I love Star Wars, and I loved KOTOR 1 and 2. For the most part, I have liked every Bioware game that has been made. Also, I'm in my late 30's, so I remember a time when we didn't have instant satisfaction, so I have some patience for them to fix things.


Troll me all you want, I have built a strong immunity from having an 11 year old. :D

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Is this a good game?

No , at best a standard one.


Then why would we pay to play it?

For the same reason we all bought this game to begin with , the SW logo on the box.


I think many of us are getting beyond that selling point.

SWTOR will do nothing but damage the Star Wars IP further with it's mediocrity. Don't expect to see another MMO using GL's liscense.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...you know how it goes.

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Is this a good game?

No , at best a standard one.


Then why would we pay to play it?

For the same reason we all bought this game to begin with , the SW logo on the box.


I bought it because I wanted a good MMO. Hell....I still see SW as a poor Kurosawa rip-off.

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Dude you are so off track it's funny. Did you watch beta game play, before you bought the game? Why did you even buy it? What level are you? I mean seriously, if it's so bad, you better not be over a level 10? If your a level 50, I can't read anything else you have to say on these forums. lol


Loyalty to a game company who threw out a half-baked game with horrible support and that told us the best thing to do after capping out was to reroll and do the same quests over and over because they forgot to put in a decent endgame?

They also forgot to put in a decent start to mid-game.


I'd like to say...my loyalty is to the company that doesn't spend 200million bucks on a single game and actually cares about it enough to give me somthing they're proud of.

This game is all about money, not the game or the gamer. It will end badly.

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Yes. I still haven't done any HMs or Ops, or even all the normal FPs- I also only have one 50 in a game with multiple stories. I'm still enjoying WZs- though Ilum's stale 90% of the time (when we get a 15v15 going though, there's little lag and the fight is really fun- usually it's less though, or huge groups which grate the game to a halt).



There's far more content than I can experience before the month end- frankly, at the rate I'm going, and considering I do play SP games (ME3, Tales of Grace, Bioshock 3 will all be played when they release) while working a great deal- I don't foresee myself finishing current content by the end of the year- much less whatever's added.



I can see why some people who power levelled and zoomed through ops might be bored- but I was looking for a game that was fun from the moment I started- rather than just at max level- that had story, that felt different, that wasn't too much hassle to get into.


Other than world pvp- nothing really disappoints me. The odd bug- but the majority of the time I'm playing this game I'm having fun.

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Dude you are so off track it's funny. Did you watch beta game play, before you bought the game? Why did you even buy it? What level are you? I mean seriously, if it's so bad, you better not be over a level 10? If your a level 50, I can't read anything else you have to say on these forums. lol


I am not level 50 but i have several characters in the 30 range. Why? Because I spent $75 on this crap and by god I'm gonna get my money's worth like it or not.

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Dude you are so off track it's funny. Did you watch beta game play, before you bought the game? Why did you even buy it? What level are you? I mean seriously, if it's so bad, you better not be over a level 10? If your a level 50, I can't read anything else you have to say on these forums. lol


If you are going to be like that just leave and go play your "flawless" game that is so amazing that you aren't even playing it right now.

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Dude you are so off track it's funny. Did you watch beta game play, before you bought the game? Why did you even buy it? What level are you? I mean seriously, if it's so bad, you better not be over a level 10? If your a level 50, I can't read anything else you have to say on these forums. lol


Yikes. Hit a hot button didn't they?

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At this point I have about 15 days left on my account... but I unsubbed almost 2 months before because theres so many quality of life tools missing in this game plus the clunkiness of combat... well, that turned me off really. I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't remember the time I played beta the fight was this clunky as it is... well I gotta say it improved a BIT for a couple classes maybe, but it is still kinda far from fluidl.


Anyways, I liked the stories, I wanted to complete all of them (I was going for the 3rd 50) but I don't know if I want to pay 15 bucks a month for a game that I probably won't play more than 8 hours/week. I'll wait a couple months and see if it will get more polished, because this game has too much rust as it is.

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At this point I have about 15 days left on my account... but I unsubbed almost 2 months before because theres so many quality of life tools missing in this game plus the clunkiness of combat... well, that turned me off really. I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't remember the time I played beta the fight was this clunky as it is... well I gotta say it improved a BIT for a couple classes maybe, but it is still kinda far from fluidl.


Anyways, I liked the stories, I wanted to complete all of them (I was going for the 3rd 50) but I don't know if I want to pay 15 bucks a month for a game that I probably won't play more than 8 hours/week. I'll wait a couple months and see if it will get more polished, because this game has too much rust as it is.


LOL They count you as an 'active subscriber'.

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No, because the game isn't what I wanted. I expected something like a spiritual KoTOR 3, where you have a party of 3, non-linearity, in-depth companion storylines, and a character that can play as any class. Basically, I was psyched for a single-player game (I don't do MMOs) and fell for the genre change-up. I've revisited KoTOR 1 & 2 and am disappointed that those games were genre-jumped
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All of Bioware hits have been of the single player variety.


At least Blizzard had experience making multiplayer games like Warcraft/Starcraft and especially Diablo. Diablo gave Blizzard the opportunity to create a light RPG world that was mutiplayer and focused on repetitive play for loot.


If ME3 comes through I'll be happy.


NWN was multi player, and online, and a great game that did very well.


BW has long been very good with story based gameplay. I haven't done all the stories- but what I have done so far has been interesting, varied and fun- they gave me what I expected.


WoW did great because it was exactly what blizz excelled at- grinding yet accessable games. At the time, games really weren't accessable to casual gamers. Though, early WoW had a harsh endgame- the rest of the game was very soloable.


BW has made a story game- they will need, like Blizz, to continue delivering to keep their crowd. They also need to remember they are a story making company.


Does that mean not thinking outside the box at all? No. But Blizz for example made a costly mistake with arena- it was not the grindy game they were used to, but a competitive pvp game... which would have been fine if they didn't suck atrociously for balance- problem was, they made both pvp and pve revolve around arena for gear in the former, and buffs/nerfs in the latter.


BW needs to keep up the story, while also branching out. They, imho, delivered quite well on story- so how well they do adapting in all ways will begin to show itself.


They won't have the years to adapt and make a working game WoW had- because unlike WoW, TOR's competition isn't a bunch of archaic and broken fossils or working games with extremely niche or elitist audiences. There's a great deal of casual friendly, solo friendly mmos right now.



The big question is going to be, how many people are interested in an mmo for story, and is there enough to keep them interested for multiple months? Not everyone is like me and wants to see all 8 stories.

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Currently unsubbed. However, if they fix a few things then I might resub. Mainly putting hi res textures back into the game, not just for my character either, I want it for the environment and other characters to.


Also, implement the legacy system and fix large bugs and add some content....


So maybe in a few months.

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I will definately resub.


I ve made a lot of new friends here, i am in a good guild and i like the content of this game.

Overall, i am having a very good time here and i like where SWTOR seems to be heading


However, i am still frustrated by the countless bugs of this game. Ilum is a mess, for me this is not a mindblowing experience but a slideshow that leads to CTD every time i go there. Memory leaks, lag issues and bugs are ruining my experience but i am trying to be patient about it.

The ideas they had on Ilum are totally wrong, the devs never planned this World PvP correctly. The engine used on this game still needs a ton of work to be polished and there is a serious issue of bad coding.

Still, i admit that they are trying to work thing out and fix all those frustrating issues, but they must redouble their efforts, fixes are coming slow.

Some elements promised for 1.2 should have been at launch, like guild bank, but those are minor issues. I do prefer for them to fix bugs (Hello Soa) than release new (and some times buggy) content.

I can accept that this is a new game and as of all new games, bugs happen.

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Not unsubbed yet, but having a hard time logging in. It crosses my mind, but then i'm like meh.


I'm afraid I wont. I think i like the IDEA of the game more than it's current state. The voice acted quests dont do much for me, and the endgame community feels really bad.


I'm sorry for this SWTOR.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


I'll be keeping up my subscription for probably another couple of months at least. Still got to get my main and a couple of fave alts to 50, and I'm still very much enjoying the game.

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Ill stick around for the next 3 months to see if things pick up if not good bye. I have high hopes for this game and Bioware is not listening to its player base. They should be innovating instead of saying we are releasing all this new stuff that is a standard in every mmo. It will die soon if they do not listen.
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I have 3 months left atm, I'm not sure if I will renew after that.

I wanted this game to be so awesome, I'm somewhat dissappointed,

standing around at the fleet at lvl 50 really bugs me.. I wish they had been more original in terms of end-game.

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It's up in about a week and I am going to let it slide until patch 1.2. It's a fun game, but it's not really holding my interest. I primarily PvP and right now grinding out warzones really isn't holding my interest. I wish there was more. Very much in need of a break right now.
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