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This game needs more MMO and less Single Player


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You people are idiots.


This game is an MMO. Every single night I group with my guildmates to

1) PvP

2) Raid

3) Do Hard-Modes

4) Kill world bosses

5) Do Ilum

6) Level Alts

7) Do the "quest" to collect mats for the Magenta Crystal

8) Collect the +10 Stats Datacron


Saying this is a single player game is ridiculous.

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This game has forced me to group up more than any other MMO since FFXI, If you're anything like me and like to complete every quest on every planet those heroics are not soloable and force you to group up. Also if you want the social Items (again collector.) You're forced to group up just to get most of that stuff. There is way more reasons to group in this MMO than any other out now. Let's face it every other game has nerfed it self to the point you can solo from level 1 to level cap and do everything outside of dungeons.


Now that being said.


I see what you want, you want a complete open world. Which you know can have it's advantages but lets face it waiting for hours while some group spawn camps the boss mob you need to finish your quest was never fun. The mini instances are a good Idea. Now the world map being sharded I will agree is a tad bit of a let down, but let's be honest World PvP is almost non existent on most planets (outside of Tatooine, Voss, and Illum.) So the shards don't hurt really because the chat is linked to all of them and you can easily find people no matter what shard they are on.


As for Chat Bubbles... Really the only servers that they would benefit are RP servers, I mean it would be cool to add them in for you guys but I'd have to imagine very very low on the Priority list atm.

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- No chat bubbles

Call me paranoid, but I get the feeling this isn't implemented intentionaly... I mean this is the VERY FIRST thing you must do if making online game, where players are supposed to talk to each other and understand/hear the others easily.

And I don't even see if this feature will be implemented in the next patches...


  • None


  • Less online experience and socializing again
  • Players can hardly see that someone next to them is talking...


It's not the first thing you do when making an MMOG.


Just for reference: EQ was an MMOG: it never had chat bubbles. WoW doesn't have them. Now, people have done add ons for them since they opened the code in the beginning. But they never sat there and said "You know, we are making an MMOG, we need chat bubbles." And I suspect the same thing happens here if/when they open the code for add-ons: the people that want them will add them.


But it's certainly not a defining element of MMOGs.


They could just as easily (actually, probably easier) change the color of "/Say", or allow us to change channel colors to help allow people near them saying something.

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I really hope they never implement chat bubbles.


It would look WAY too goofy for this game.


You're kidding, right? The game already has the 'stylised realism which is a codeword for cartoony (not that I mind the graphics, I do quite like them). It already looks Goofy when you have Body Type 3 and 4's running around.


Chat bubbles - amongst many other things - seem like a feature they genuinely wanted to put in and were working on but the EA taskmasters were scaling the barricades.

Edited by WhoDaresWins
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Oy this argument again? TOR is 100% an MMO. It just gives you the option to play by yourself or with others. It doesn't force you into one style of play unlike other games. It's how you play that makes it single player or not.


I can see what people are saying just fine in the chat box. I don't need chat bubbles clogging up my screen. It really breaks immersion for me. I don't think it's a requirement by any means. However, if they want to make it optional for the players who want it so they can quit crying for it that would be nice.


The one thing that I do agree on is that instances seem to spread pops a tad too thin. But it doesn't really affect grouping like you said since you can talk to and party with people who aren't in your instance and then take a shuttle to their instance when you form a group with them.

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Actually my biggest gripe with the game.


The game PRETENDS its an MMO, while actually it isn't.

Asking it to " have more MMO features" is like asking for more racing features in a Mario game.


The game isn't built for it. Shame it pretends it is though.

It actually makes for a decent RPG.

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Sooner or later the story will end, or at least will stop for a while...

Then it will be time for own story making with other people!


Right now the game is nothing more than a single player rpg with a chat in it...




Im sorry, but I did not realize this was a copy paste thread.



The game has very many MMO features. Chat is normally filled, and personally, Grouping is not all that difficult.



You main complaint is that just because you are not seeing a player run by every 3 minutes, sadly, I find that quite ridiculous.

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Hey all!


- No chat bubbles

Call me paranoid, but I get the feeling this isn't implemented intentionaly... I mean this is the VERY FIRST thing you must do if making online game, where players are supposed to talk to each other and understand/hear the others easily.

And I don't even see if this feature will be implemented in the next patches...


  • None


  • Less online experience and socializing again
  • Players can hardly see that someone next to them is talking...


Those were the biggest problems for now I can think of...

Please, if you support me, comment and/or add anything else, so Bioware can hear us, and thanks for reading (if you bothered at all :D)


Yeah, WoW was like that in the begining, no chat bubbles..... :D


I've played loads too and although I'm generally enjoying it, I don't think it feels like an MMO.. more like KOTOR with an online wrapper. It feels very linear and static (mobs stood around...... etc..) Worlds seem more like little islands, no real exploration.... Perhaps this is the point for the stroyline, until you get to 50 with your char. Then later new planets come which will be more open?? I dunno.


Space is a bit of a joke atm, but feels it has potential..


I wish the planets had just been a little bigger, open, etc... I hate Linear games!


I wish I had a choice to what planet I started on.....


I do love the game, but I don't think it'll keep me hooked as long as SWG (pre-NGE) or WoW did *shrugs*


Hope GW2 lives up...... or something big happens here. But if not Diablo 3 (if it ever gets released) until Guild Wars 2

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Omg guys please dont give me the "Heroic feeling when making quests alone or with just 4 people"...

MMOs were NEVER intended to give you a heroic feeling (that you are the best). It's all about teamwork and cooperation!


If you want to be the sole hero saving the world or the galaxy, go to Skyrim or Mass Effect

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I am big fan of the game the way it is. To say it is not multiplayer or a single player RPG is ridiculous. This is exactly the game they promised us from the beginning and its the type of game I have been waiting for, for a very long time. I have played a couple the prototypical MMO's and I do not enjoy the format. I do however love SP RPG's, but I have always wanted the ability to group up with friends to enjoy said RPG's. Thus SWTOR. Now a group of friends and I have created a guild, help eachother on mish's, run instances and get to enjoy the game together.


I honestly do not care about grouping with people I do not know, not that I don't simply to do a FP or HM from time to time, but that is not what makes the game for me. I also have no desire to grind or farm so that I can be competitive in PVP. This game allows me to play MP or SP at my leisure and I enjoy the ability to choose and not be forced into doing something.


As for future content I am sure BW will give us lots to do and more story to play. If they add chat bubbles, fine... I don't want them at all, but as long as I have the option to turn them off then I am fine with it. I also truly hope they keep the instanced worlds for all the reasons stated previously. I don't like people, I don't like waiting and I don't like lag.


Thats just me though.

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Omg guys please dont give me the "Heroic feeling when making quests alone or with just 4 people"...

MMOs were NEVER intended to give you a heroic feeling (that you are the best). It's all about teamwork and cooperation!


If you want to be the sole hero saving the world or the galaxy, go to Skyrim or Mass Effect




I'm paying to play this game. I'll enjoy it the way I choose.


And MMOs were intended to entertain people and make money for their publishers. That's all.

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I'm paying to play this game. I'll enjoy it the way I choose.


And MMOs were intended to entertain people and make money for their publishers. That's all.


No matter what you want, an MMO can't give you Heroic feeling the way you understand it from a single player game...

What, you should be able to become the Sith Emperor or something? Or to kill him all by yourself? If this was possible in an MMO, excuse me, but this will be madness...

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You know the thing that bugs me about this post is 3 fold. 1. The game is made to be story intricate with SOME MMO elements and it seems like you are comparing to things like wow or Lotro, this game is not them. It is completely different and I actually appreciate that. You refer several times to things this game lacks in a 2011/2012 MMO but don't really give to much mention to the things it makes unique to the mmo world. Think back to WoW for example, beyond level 4 I stopped reading the quests and had no idea what I was killing or why, i just brought back my 20 boar livers and that was that. This actually give you a purpose and/or aim for doing these things.


2. When ANY other mmo was released (Again thinking back to wow as I've played since beta) this game has easily come out with double the content of any of those games. Most had barely any end game content and some actually had to rush production on content because the player base level'd faster then intended. This game is far from perfect, but in comparison it's on a pretty good track. I do agree it has flaws and I'll acknowledge them full BUT it's doing what it's intended to do, be a story rich game with some MMO elements thrown in.


3. And I think my biggest issue with this post. It is NOT WOW or LOTRO or whatever MMO you can think of. I CONSTANTLY see people say they are disappointed this game isn't the wow killer it was supposed to be. Any game in history that has advertised and openly said they are wow killers have failed/flopped. Oh do you remember Hellgate, the game that will DESTROY WoW's player base, cause I don't. Or maybe Lotro that within less then 3 years went free to play just to draw people back to it. This game has openly said they are not going to kill WoW they just want to take some of the market back. And for people who enjoy a rich player experience and a well planned story (Playing sith assassin and love the plot) this game is what we were looking for and I have complete faith it'll fix the few issues I have with it in due time, I owe it that much considering wow took MUCH longer to offer half of this.

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No matter what you want, an MMO can't give you Heroic feeling the way you understand it from a single player game...

What, you should be able to become the Sith Emperor or something? Or to kill him all by yourself? If this was possible in an MMO, excuse me, but this will be madness...


You spacebar through the quests, don't you?

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Chat bubbles are a must, why they are not in the game I have no idea.


Too many instanced areas, I have to agree, although the story specific area are a must.


reasons to go back to planets, once I leave Corasaunt unless I have to go talk to a Senator or get a holocron I have no reason to go back there. Higher level areas for planets give the lower lvl people a chance to meet the higher lvl players and see what kinds of things they have going on. the space stations kind of do this but they are just way to much of a pain to deal with on a daily bases.


But the way the game is designed adding area to existing planets is going to be so much easier that it is in a sand box game so I expect to see more added content more offten. than with other games.

Edited by kiddeth
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Chat bubbles a must? LOL, ok. I hate them. Maybe a must for you. I hate the clutter on the screen, especially in more crowded areas.


I'm indifferent to chat bubbles. As long as they're optional, I don't care one way or the other if they're added.

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I do agree they shouldn't shard the zones as much. I was surprised at how low they were at times especially since in beta they didn't shard at such low numbers. But I really like all the group phases.


Really? Maybe you should do a smidge more reading and not use this forum as a 'source' of information.

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I disagree. Why would you want to make this game more like the others? There are plenty of games out there that focus on the features you listed. SW:TOR is focused on its story, which makes it unique. Any changes that reduce the importance of the story would only hurt this game, as they would make it lose its identity.


Stories are for Singleplayer games...



Don't get me wrong please, I love the additional focus on the story in this game. It is refreshing and typical Bioware quality in most cases (class quests).


However, this game is an MMO and advertised as an MMO...... multiplayer content > everything else.

Edited by mufutiz
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