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Lame Space Combat because of Licensing?


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I've read that LucasArts may be working on a new game in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series. Could that explain why the whole space combat part of the game is single player and an extremely lame shooting gallery on rails? BW may not have the rights to do anything else.


That is the only reason I can think of that space missions are as they are. Thoughts?

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I've read that LucasArts may be working on a new game in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series. Could that explain why the whole space combat part of the game is single player and an extremely lame shooting gallery on rails? BW may not have the rights to do anything else.


That is the only reason I can think of that space missions are as they are. Thoughts?


Well quite personally I'd rather them make an entire game for a new X-Wing/TIE Fighter, and not just some minigame for a MMO.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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I've read that LucasArts may be working on a new game in the X-Wing/Tie Fighter series. Could that explain why the whole space combat part of the game is single player and an extremely lame shooting gallery on rails? BW may not have the rights to do anything else.


That is the only reason I can think of that space missions are as they are. Thoughts?


where did you read this? Please provide linkage immediatley

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I agree that the shooter on rail is a sleeping pill at the moment, but it's probably just a matter of time and money. The only thing that scares me about the on-rails thing is that it hints at that BioWare actually believes in that style of play. But there are already plenty of threads on the subject.


I'm fine with free-flight and interesting space missions not being in the game at launch -- I just hope it's coming.


If LA is going to release a worthy sequel of X-Wing and Tie-Fighter, I'd be the first in line.

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It is all about personal preference. I LOVE the space combat mini-game in SWTOR. I do my dailies and the like and have a good time with it. I would like for it to be expanded but I do NOT want a X-wing/TIE space sim. I don't particularly enjoy them. I thought SWG's Jump to Lightspeed was clunky and crappy.


Something more like SW: Battlefront 2 where you have some free flight but not a sim, mixed with on foot objectives is the way to go.

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I agree that the shooter on rail is a sleeping pill at the moment, but it's probably just a matter of time and money. The only thing that scares me about the on-rails thing is that it hints at that BioWare actually believes in that style of play. But there are already plenty of threads on the subject.


I'm fine with free-flight and interesting space missions not being in the game at launch -- I just hope it's coming.


If LA is going to release a worthy sequel of X-Wing and Tie-Fighter, I'd be the first in line.


Re: emphasized part, are you kidding? Bioware have for years been all about stringently controlling every aspect of the gameplay experience and never letting the player get off the rails. Every single game they've released since the conclusion of the Baldur's Gate series has seen less freedom and increasingly more control exerted over the player. Bioware are all about micromanaging the player, since they see it as a means of delivering deeper and more complex story and characters. Which is sometimes true, and other times not.

Edited by marshalleck
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The space combat is only for fun and relax while you wait to find a group or whatever. Maybe you will like a fully functional space combat simulator, why stop there trow in a planetary battles RTS, and a bonus racing game.....


Get a grip, this is an MMO it has nothing to do with licensing. If you want fully featured space combat get another title.

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Yeah space combat is a good decompress and something I can do when I'm on the phone but don't want to leave the game. I think it would be best if LA did devote their efforts into an actual X-Wing / TIE Fighter game rather than trying to tack something onto SWTOR. Just my opinion of course, take it for what it's worth. I still want space PVP areas tho. ;)
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Re: emphasized part, are you kidding? Bioware have for years been all about stringently controlling every aspect of the gameplay experience and never letting the player get off the rails. Every single game they've released since the conclusion of the Baldur's Gate series has seen less freedom and increasingly more control exerted over the player. Bioware are all about micromanaging the player, since they see it as a means of delivering deeper and more complex story and characters. Which is sometimes true, and other times not.


Ehhh..... nothing about the shooter has anything to do with story or immersion. It's about as interesting as the Pazaak games (spelling?) or the pod races of KOTOR. It's a cute little mini-game, but when it comes to something as important as space travel in the SW-universe, I really feel they have to do much better.


As I said, it's fine that it's not there at launch. It's not fine if on-rails is the direction they intend to go in. And no, we don't have to have a complete flight-sim, but there is a good middle ground between a sim and a rails shooter where the only complicated thing you have to do is ponder whether or not to hold the left or the right mouse button.

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The space combat is only for fun and relax while you wait to find a group or whatever. Maybe you will like a fully functional space combat simulator, why stop there trow in a planetary battles RTS, and a bonus racing game.....


Get a grip, this is an MMO it has nothing to do with licensing. If you want fully featured space combat get another title.


SWG had fully developed space flight. Then again, that was made by a competent developer.

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SWG had fully developed space flight. Then again, that was made by a competent developer.




That was literally the funniest comment I've heard on these forums in a while... I hope that was sarcasm...

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I'm unsure where the OP is getting his/her info but the best I could find on the web was a 3 year old article here




There was another "hint" here last September.


Both references to it are almost complete speculation however. The 3 year old one.... Ehhhh, perhaps. That was 3 years ago though.

Edited by WabbitTwaks
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SWG had a space combat system that was based off of the X-Wing & TIE Fighter games, and it was largely ignored by the player base there. Maybe Bioware simply doesn't want to put in the effort that SOE did for something that they think most players won't take advantage of?
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The space game is boring and stupid, and has nothing to do with being an mmo.


I like the ground game so for now they get a pass from me. But eventually the ground game will get old. When that happens if they don't have a better space game installed (that has some sort of MULTIPLAYER functionality), then I'll be moving on to another game.


That's not a threat, just the facts of life.

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