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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!


Best. Troll. Ever.


Yeah. I was blown away. My low-end rig was blown away too.


/sarcasm off

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I'm hoping so, been crying after space combat since Freelancer.


So true so true.


I even installed it again recently did all the downloads but it runs on XP Sp1 lol.... So cant really get it working. Loved this game and I tried EVE to match it...


Id love them to create something like that, even own navigation to other planets manually running the risk of raids would be awesome

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If they strapped X-Wing vs Tie Fighter type PvP Space Combat onto this game I would be insanely happy.


If the Swedish Bikini Team showed up at my door to give me ten million dollars in gold coins and perform whatever lewd services I could imagine (and to quote Han Solo, I can imagine quite a bit), I'd be insanely happy, too.


I'm not counting on it, however.

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If they strapped X-Wing vs Tie Fighter type PvP Space Combat onto this game I would be insanely happy.


I read there was nothing said about it on the guild summit. Too bad.

Will check out some old Jump to Lightspeed videos, and continue to ask myself if SWTOR will ever reach the coolness of SWGalaxies.

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  • 1 month later...
I read there was nothing said about it on the guild summit. Too bad.

Will check out some old Jump to Lightspeed videos, and continue to ask myself if SWTOR will ever reach the coolness of SWGalaxies.


I believe it will, JTL was a major, major selling point and aspect to SWG for a lot of people. Heck, some even played SWG JUST for JTL. I think if Bioware introduced something like that, it would draw in a lot of people.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I long for a true sandbox, persistant, open world of space in my starwars. I mean, it is "starwars." I probably won't get serious about this game until real space (not this on rails crap) comes to fruition. Until then I will casually only pay a subscription fee once every 3 or 4 months... And thats just the way I feel about it, no matter how you explain it to me.

:rak_03:Staves - Sword of Ajunta Pall

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This may sound like anti-hyperbole (word may not exist) but I honestly think they will allow you to change the color of your space ship... in about 6 months.


jokes aside I think if they are thinking about expanding the space game they will need to add a reason to do it after hitting 50. Currently all space is good for is money and xp. None of the 50's I know have done any space missions since they hit 50. So they will probably add some sort of "token" for endgame content. No other big changes are likely coming since it would require a major redesign of the architecture.


One of the missions always gave daily comms. And currently, outside of raid drops, fleet comms are the only way I know of to get level 8 crafting materials.

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I simply hope "space" won´t be a warzone you queue up for, it´s 2012 goddammit, it´s time for a new free roam universe to explore, battles going on, faction controlled sectors, mining, actually travelling to planets and land on them manually, this is what would make this game really exciting. Plus "epic battles" taking place at specific times, in different places in the galaxy and within planet atmospheres with X-Wing type fighters, AT-STs... I´d like some 500 vs 500 massive SW battle, last man standing!


If they could rip off WoW for the ground, can´t they just rip off SW Jump to Lightspeed combined with SW Battlefront II ?


Here´s a great engine they could use for that:

Allows seemless travelling from space into planets atmospheres:


Anyone played SW Battlefront Elite Squadron on the PSP in 2009 ? Even there you could fly out into space or back into the planets atmosphere, fight on ground, fight in ground and air vehicles.. multiplayer over the net... **ON PSP** (!!!!) :mad:

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Something is up with the space minigame because there is code in there to render the character and companions aboard the ship. I can't be the only one who has see the bug where their toon ends up standing in the middle of their ship as it flies through space? That doesn't make any sense at all for that code to be in there.


It's not that there's code *in* to show the character, it's that every portion of the game that *doesn't* show the character is done by making them invisible. That's what caused the floating weapons in cutscene bugs- the code to make weapon FX disappear in cutscenes wasn't working.

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The devs have hinted at co-op space missions. That's really the only thing it could be. Remember, the devs have always said that space is a mini -game and will probably never be anything other than that.


They have never said that space is a mini-game... if you can prove it however, link? :D

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I long for a true sandbox, persistant, open world of space in my starwars. I mean, it is "starwars." I probably won't get serious about this game until real space (not this on rails crap) comes to fruition. Until then I will casually only pay a subscription fee once every 3 or 4 months... And thats just the way I feel about it, no matter how you explain it to me.

:rak_03:Staves - Sword of Ajunta Pall




makes sense

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They should make the space combat like the old star wars: x-wing games :D


I know! Those games were SO popular (being earnest, no sarcasm ;) ) you'd think bringing a modern version of that into an MMO would be a no-brainer.


Every time I play the space on rails we have now, I get so frustrated because I want to turn my ship to hit that last turret, or to make another pass over a space station. Nothing got my blood roiling more than those X-wing series games and the strafing runs over the hulls of Star Destroyers.

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The devs have hinted at co-op space missions. That's really the only thing it could be. Remember, the devs have always said that space is a mini -game and will probably never be anything other than that.


I hope that isn't the case or if it is they are at least open to the possibility of changing their minds. The game demands and deserves a much better space combat experience than currently implemented. If their idea of 'exciting' developments for the space game is co-op missions then they have seriously miscalculated. Nothing less than a complete overall will be sufficient. If they miss this opportunity to do something truly exciting then I think ToR will have missed the MMO boat and will just become another niche MMO that had so much potential but never fulfilled it's early promise.


Yes, I truly believe space is that important to a Star Wars game, a mini-game just won't cut it.

Edited by Cordelia
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