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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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My guess is that they'll talk about it at the next big video game convention, Gamescom, august 15-19.


Yeah, I think that statement about news coming soon was after the last one.


SOE did one thing very right, that was working on JTL before SWG was even released.

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I don't know what it might be but I think Bioware are being foolish hinted that something is happening and not saying what. It gives people a chance to speculate that it will be great and then when it turns out to be less than expected people will feel short changed.
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Of course they are planning a space project. I called SWToR: Jump to Lightspeed a long time ago. Let's hope it's not followed up by any Rage of the Wookiees.



They'd need playable Wookie(e)s first. :(


Strangely though SOE announced JTL whilst it was in earliest development, but so far there's been nothing about space other than the extra mission (per side).

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They'd need playable Wookie(e)s first. :(


Strangely though SOE announced JTL whilst it was in earliest development, but so far there's been nothing about space other than the extra mission (per side).


It's a shame. I'm really itching for some prime space combat-exploration after watching a certain video. Hey, at least we can still buy our own ship parts. :p

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All I can say is that I was VERY excited when they first announced there would be space combat in this game. I however had no idea that they would even consider making it as bad as it is. I was very disappointed. So I have my doubts that the developers will make anything even remotely as good as freelancer, tie fighter or even JTL. To be honest, I have so little faith that I think I would rather they just spent their resources on expanding the ground game.


Please Bioware, if you are going to half @ss the space game, just don't bother. You are just going to further piss off those people who would like to see good space content in this game. Is that what this game needs now?

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My guess is BioWare will implement some form of free roam space flight to what degree I don't know.


They have been hinting at this possibility since after they announced the existence of the space game at E3 back in 2010 along with guild capitol ships.


BioWare has been pretty good at giving the fans features that have a large demand and the demand for off the rails space flight has been huge and loud since the beginning if anyone remembers the space rails hate threads that went hundreds of pages.


I would like to see it happen, but it's not the kind of thing you can just throw together in a few months I hope they take their time on this one even if it takes another year.


..my 2 credits

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My guess is that they'll talk about it at the next big video game convention, Gamescom, august 15-19.


Most likely, they released the HK video for comic con so my guess is they will release something bigger at gamescom hopefully more info on this space project.

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All I can say is that I was VERY excited when they first announced there would be space combat in this game. I however had no idea that they would even consider making it as bad as it is. I was very disappointed. So I have my doubts that the developers will make anything even remotely as good as freelancer, tie fighter or even JTL. To be honest, I have so little faith that I think I would rather they just spent their resources on expanding the ground game.


Please Bioware, if you are going to half @ss the space game, just don't bother. You are just going to further piss off those people who would like to see good space content in this game. Is that what this game needs now?

Totally agree, even a BattleFront type of space sim would be a failure as too simple and well boring in the long term.

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There isnt any info on it because they cant figure out how to make any of it work. We are probably atleast another year off from full blow space... if it happens at all. Edited by Soluss
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There isnt any info on it because they cant figure out how to make any of it work. We are probably atleast another year off from full blow space... if it happens at all.


You are making up information without knowing the whole picture just to make TOR look bad.


Sound fammilar?


I just changed your minutes old rant towards a GW2 critic slightly.


Isn't this a GW2 beta weekend, why arth thou here being a debbie downer lol?

Edited by aeterno
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You are making up information without knowing the whole picture just to make TOR look bad.


Sound fammilar?


I just changed your minutes old rant towards a GW2 critic slightly.


Isn't this a GW2 beta weekend, why arth thou here being a debbie downer lol?


Well it was true on the GW2 critic. He took second hand information with no actual game knowledge and displayed it as fact. On this thread I am providing my opinion. If you took it as fact then sorry but it was more just a humorous opinion.


I could really care less about GW2. Will I play it? Probably casually. However I would like to see ToR become the success it should have. IMO it isnt anywhere near where it should have been. Im sorry that you think I am a debby downer but games dont get better from fan's claiming the game is solid gold. I think its time that developers get their head out of their stuck up *** and start listening to what people want out of a game.


To take a 200+ million dollar budget and produce a 20 million dollar game with voice overs is piss poor.

Edited by Soluss
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You are making up information without knowing the whole picture just to make TOR look bad.


Sound fammilar?


I just changed your minutes old rant towards a GW2 critic slightly.


Isn't this a GW2 beta weekend, why arth thou here being a debbie downer lol?



There's supposed to have been announcement ages ago. I'm beginning to think its vapourware, and I am not pleased. :(

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This may sound like anti-hyperbole (word may not exist) but I honestly think they will allow you to change the color of your space ship... in about 6 months.


jokes aside I think if they are thinking about expanding the space game they will need to add a reason to do it after hitting 50. Currently all space is good for is money and xp. None of the 50's I know have done any space missions since they hit 50. So they will probably add some sort of "token" for endgame content. No other big changes are likely coming since it would require a major redesign of the architecture.


I do it all the time. Space Combat is one the things I enjoy the most about SWTOR.

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A lot of people are throwing around "space PVP" but I think that's farther off than "space flashpoints". Space Flashpoint, meaning teaming together with others to break down a blockade or take down a mothership.


You could have different class roles with your ships, such as repair ship (put shields on teammates and such), front line "tank" ship (could debuff enemy ships and taunt them), and of course "assault fighters".


I also think that someday we can "spec" our ships for different attributes, such as speed, shields, and firepower.


But my point is that I see this PVE content coming before PVP, because it's more of a closed condition thing. It's a way for the devs to make sure that they have multiplayer working right. JUst my take.

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