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How do you feel about Swtor


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Had fun in the game from lvl 1-20 then the kill 15 of these...o wait kill 30 of the same thing no not done yet kill 45 of the same thing just around a different corner induced random nerd rages and temper tantrums. The Class story line was pretty cool. not a big bells and whistle type guy so the graphics aren't a big issue for me, however fluidity is. world of warcraft has fluidity in game play, i like that, this game seem clunky and slow to respond. pvp was mehhh...never really got into it. this game felt nothing like an mmo. rift and wow both feel like an mmo...whoever bad rift was it felt like an mmo. the straw that broke the camels back was none of these...it was ea being ea. when you canceled your sub. ea still charged your credit card that you had on file even though you had confirmation of your canceled services. they said it was a bug and refunded money, but i wonder how many ppl they got to stay an extra month by doing this. and the patch 1.1 fiasco..i honestly believe they did this as a ploy to get ppl to re-up. i hear so many use vanilla wow when referencing the bugs of this game. my reply is this...vanilla was 7 years ago...if you ever want to compete in the mmo business and succeed in said mmo business you have to be comparable to what is current at the time of your mmo's release...not something from 7 years ago. sorry for rambling and lack of proper punctuation but i am tired and blurry eyed from staring at this stupid monitor for so long.
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The things that most people seem to hate, I find really weird. Graphics. They look great to me. Sure they aren't as great as Game X but they are the best I recall seeing in a Star Wars game.


There's graphics and there's aesthetics. Aesthetically speaking, this game is pretty awesome (the look and feel of ships, planets, etc). Graphically speaking, its horrible (the actual textures used, no aa, etc).

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its broke, its missing basic features expected in a new mmo, it is lacking any worthwhile end game whatsoever, there is 0 misc stuff to do, there is no collectibles other than datacrons, PVP is really not fun when you play the same people all day steamroll them 20 times, then get 1 core grp and still win, the games are old and need innovating or other avenues need exploring on some good pvp games.


the ui is nasty as hell, there is no combat log, it feels like a static world with npcs u cant even click on , the flashpoints in hard mode all have atleast 1 buggable boss, therefor stops you completeting.


the chat bars,etc are crap, so flawed.


The GTN needs an overhaul.


The planets are all 90% copy paste.


the guild panel is broken.


ability delay will eventually kill this game if its not sorted.



OK so rant over... now im a fan of this game..would you believe it, my issues are stated above, this game is way buggier than any other MMO i have beta tested, yes most have server issues etc, this one doesnt but my problem here is EVERYTHING IS BUGGED, i can dealwith bugs, i know they will happen, i know there will be issues, its new.


my problem is its everything, we go one fp, bug, we go another bug, we pvp, bug, we try sell stuff on gtn its a mess, we go to ilum and crash to desktop, we do world boss resets over n over....you get the idea.

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There's graphics and there's aesthetics. Aesthetically speaking, this game is pretty awesome (the look and feel of ships, planets, etc). Graphically speaking, its horrible (the actual textures used, no aa, etc).

Actually, even aesthetically, there are issues. They've got great representations of star wars races and places, but when you can't even see an NPC in a cantina you KNOW is there from your minimap, when you're standing less than a meter away from them because they blend into the background so well, I think there are unaddressed visual design issues.

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I feel that it's an extremely good game. I also feel that the utilities offered in tandem with the gameplay itself are lacking, which impedes the playing of the game somewhat. Which is kind of depressing, because really, it's a great game.


I want to play but don't find many people to play with. So I don't play. I might just be dungeon-finder spoiled though.

Edited by Laiov
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I suggest to not take drugs before posting... Rift is a good game - every game has its merits. Rift's merit is the graphics engine - the graphics are amazing and up to par with the technology today. This game's graphics are apalling at very best. That is what happens when you cut corners and go the cheap route. I guess they spent $3mil on the voice acting and decided to neglect the rest of the game...


You must have lost your mind some where. I played Rift from beta and played for almost year after, its graphics are not better than this games, its the epitomy of cartoony, the armor looks like crap as well. WoW always had horrible graphics in my book that why me and alot of my guild wont play it, its horrible looking. Talk about a broken piece of crap game rift, has major class unbalances, broken/and or boring story lines and crap raid quests. Plus they got hacked serveral times and peoples accounts got stolen including friends of mine. So no Rift isnt good or even close to being as good as this game.


This game is new still and Bioware is working on adding fixes and new content, you trollers from Rift Wow etc etc who are trying to turn people against this game you are oblivious to a good MMO any ways so your opinion is crap. Its obvious alot of you posting are either fan boys worried about losing your guildies to this game or your working for said MMO's trying to bolster animosity for this game . Give it up most mature MMO players like me know that new games take time to work out the bugs. So go troll some where else we DONT want to hear your opinion.

Edited by Fallensouls
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its broke, its missing basic features expected in a new mmo, it is lacking any worthwhile end game whatsoever, there is 0 misc stuff to do, there is no collectibles other than datacrons, PVP is really not fun when you play the same people all day steamroll them 20 times, then get 1 core grp and still win, the games are old and need innovating or other avenues need exploring on some good pvp games.


the ui is nasty as hell, there is no combat log, it feels like a static world with npcs u cant even click on , the flashpoints in hard mode all have atleast 1 buggable boss, therefor stops you completeting.


the chat bars,etc are crap, so flawed.


The GTN needs an overhaul.


The planets are all 90% copy paste.


the guild panel is broken.


ability delay will eventually kill this game if its not sorted.



OK so rant over... now im a fan of this game..would you believe it, my issues are stated above, this game is way buggier than any other MMO i have beta tested, yes most have server issues etc, this one doesnt but my problem here is EVERYTHING IS BUGGED, i can dealwith bugs, i know they will happen, i know there will be issues, its new.


my problem is its everything, we go one fp, bug, we go another bug, we pvp, bug, we try sell stuff on gtn its a mess, we go to ilum and crash to desktop, we do world boss resets over n over....you get the idea.


most or all of this i kinda agree with, my level 50 shadow is bored as hell so started a knight, i'm having trouble finding groups for hardmodes and when i do i get the game lag which makes it even harder my guild UI tells me theres no-body on when theres a few on i lag when server is filling up these are known bugs which should be sorted out before any release of ANY new content as the new content is still gonna be like the rest almost unplayable cause of these Known buggs, and the speeders are way to slow and sooo damn expensive for just another 10% with the main ability of not getting thrown off TBH i want faster speed who cares about being thrown off 320k for 110% is stupid as its soooo slow and pointless, and we realy do need addons at least UI ones (not enough combat buttons)

but the Mad thing is after all that I realy realy like this game and it could be so much better, i'm loving the storylines and the many different charactors, is a shame if your a shadow and wanna be a sage you gotta re-level all over again, other than that its a realy nice change from sitting in Stormwind all day twiddleing your thumbs while thinking about stupid PANDAS!


i'll give this game maby 3 or 6 months to improve otherwise Pandas here i come.....Cry!

Edited by Morvoldo
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Cant walk 5 feet without being attacked, so unless i am a stealth plaeyer planetary exploration turns into simple console game level. Moving from point A to point B on a predisposed pathway becomes obnoxious as i can't really take in the world that was designed. The MOBs maybe need to tone down a bit in their aggro generation, just develop less aggro from lower level NPCS. So if i am 45 and they are 23 they dont attack as often.


SWG had plenty of "yellow" MOBS that did not attack unless you attacked them, so you could explore the galaxy at your leisure and still kill those mobs for quests, or collections.


I want to be able to enjoy these planets and not just fight through them once when leveling and then its off to heroics and pvp and spending all my time on the faction stations.


This is an mmo, an online virtual tour into the starwars universe, not just some level up game. If the intention is to just level up toons, then i am not going to be around for very long. Not that i would quit persay, but once my i finish the storylines, then what....

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All problems and bugs could be forgiven if the game wasn't so instanced. Its sharded, it's instanced to hell and loading times for planets makes playing this game a chore.


I felt like i was playing a lobby room game like diablo2 or phantasy star online, and the lobby chat is basically empty. I realized the day the lightsaber feeling wouldn't be fresh anymore the game would be shallow and boring.

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I feel let down by this title. I thought there would be more innovation, and I did not realize that so much of the game would have come at the cost of voice acting. The voice acting is semi-decent, but failed to wow me. I usually read everything in these games - even in WoW I read every single quest while leveling up; here, however, I am just like "yeah, yeah, yeah - that's nice *spacebar*" I like the codex, however. Character creation is abysmal, it's insane how such lackluster character creation made its way into an mmo of this caliber.


Over the past few years I have been burned by 3 MMO releases, believing they would be the next great thing. I still have that faith for GWII - though if that one is a let down I'll probably just chill on MMOs for a while. I was about to head to newegg to pick up a new gaming laptop for this game, but after playing it I realized it is well worth my Intel HD graphics, nothing more. Maybe one of the 2012 releases will motivate me.


This genre really, really, really needs something to shift the paradigm. Sadly, this game was not the one to do so, although that's how they made it seem.


BioWare: You're the pros, but if I may... I believe voice acting will only get you so far, and if you're not careful what you thought would be a boon to this game will prove to be its downfall. Eventually you'll have to come to terms with the idea that while story is important it all comes down to gameplay.

Edited by Shortwave
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Disappointed. In mmorpg land not much good is around at the moment, i totally agree with most peoples points.


- To much is instanced/sharded

- Instanced quests which all objectives and surroundings look alike. You enter a building/cave which mostly all lookalike eachother and are very linear. Lots seems copy pasted. But the worst thing is if your done your looking at a wall and you can better die to turn in your quest instead of running that entire questinstance back. And your forced to walk back sometimes to do another quest in that area! Its ridiculous. Even when you are in some areas for example on Corellia you can beter die and go to med center instead of finding your way trough what looks a maze rather than a planet.

- Unnecessary walking + waittime (orbital stations, elevators, loading times! etc.)

- Planets look like city and taxi roads instead of planets. (in SWG you really had the feeling that it were really planets, you had a map and you saw a map of a planet. and had a fast speeder to explore it)

- Slow speeders

- X amount of bugs (ability delay, ability not responding and thousands of more things)

- Your sentences you choose is only to farm alignment(gear) and/or affection for companions instead of the sentence YOU choose

- Pvp seems no fun not balanced

- UI's are not quite good, /who and guild uis are horrible

- You don't have the feeling your in a world but in one of the many small boxes

- The worlds itself seems very static with not much going on

- The game seems not very colourful and no weather or day/night although it has good graphics

- To many hostile NPCs in planets

- I have the feeling this game broken and will be hard to fix seeming the time it needed for it to came out

And many many more things


Nearly 50 and i rarely start up the game because of the linearity.

Only thing it has going for it is the single player story line. Nearly everything else has issues or is lacking something.

I keep saying they misuse the word planet. They are more like instanced questzones with barricades/invisible walls, shards/instances and with not much freedom of where to go. Its like they made a very small part of a planet and thats why it is not a miracle speeders are so slow. And if you don't want to quest the reason to go to a planet seems stupid. I thought planets had more. One thing i still hope and that is if pve raiding is good.

Edited by Rigota
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I love the game as a single player game that happens to have other people around. I've done a few flashpoints recruiting or recruited through /1.general chat.


I attempted a warzone yesterday and realized quickly that it is only for lvl 50s realiztically.


I don't mind the planet loading. It's really quick for me. I can move from system to system with ease, unlike how others have posted previously.


I enjoyed what little "World PvP" I've done. I play a shadow and killed 5 players (my level) the night before last, before the lot of them ganged up and finally trounced me. It was a lot of fun. I can appreciate the frustration with roaming gangs of 50s who feel that it's more fun to beat down the helpless with overwhelming odds in their favor, rather that actually pit themselves and their skills against an equal. But, that's why I travel cloaked and don't even own a speeder. It's just the reality of any MMO that employs world PvP.


I'm not sure if I would want much to change with how the game is implemented. Seems really fun at the moment.

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Overall, I like it. I look at it as a 3rd type of MMO to go in my tool belt of MMOs. Before it was about trying to find at least one theme park and one sand box for my belt. Now I have a thing I like to call the RPG that goes in the tool belt (which seems like a strange thing to call it, but that's what I picked, as in my opinion, RPG tagged on the end of MMO was really a mistake. A nice, hopeful thought once upon a time).


I'd like to see all the flashpoints work like BT. When I did BT the first time, I found the social point system to be this grand mechanism to get folks like me, who don't normally run a lot of PuG dungeons (or join guilds), into running more PuGs. Much like Darkness Falls was a nice 'push' into RvR and Wintergrasp a nice 'nudge' into PvP.


After that, as we all know, point opportunities are few and far between.


Other than that, I'm largely happy with the game and it's chosen style. I think it's different. I think it should try to celebrate those differences 'more'.


Knowing that Bioware made the original Neverwinter Nights, it would be amazingly awesome if they could figure out a way to give us some Tools to make our own adventures for our own friends, or the public. The game lends itself nicely to infinite places, as a place is a planet or asteroid or space station or space ship 'out there' somewhere. They're just instances. I think CoH had something like that, though I sadly never tried it, and probably not anywhere near as awesome as I'd like to see. It would truly embrace the RPG side of the game.


Other than that, just hoping the little things are cleaned up over time, which they seem to be doing. I'd like to see more 'fun' (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more) medium and heavy armor OJs obtainable from vendors w/ social point requirements to go with the two nekkid light sets we can get now (though maybe not so nekkid). The Hammer Initiate's set is fun. Some half top/pant combos would be fun, maybe not so much of the 'two tone' on the pants. Dyeing would be nice too.

Edited by notebene
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The 1.1 patch appears to have corrupted my client. "Repairing" for a second time to see if it gets fixed. I suspect that I will have to delete and reload the client in it's entirety.


Yeah, while BW is trying to fix things up (and they're doing a pretty good job of TRYING atleast), I find most of their patches to actually break the game down even further.

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On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being of extreme awesomeness I'd rate this game as it is right now a 6. It's slightly better than average. It's a fantastic looking game with the potential to become a 9 or even a 10 in the scale but there's a lot of work to be done to get there.


Most of the issues have been mentioned in the forums here already so once Bioware has a chance to address these issues I think the qualify of life within the game will improve significantly.


Either way, I'm enjoying the game for what it is and I look forward to improvements and more content as the days go by. I'm here the long haul so waiting a bit for things to happen isn't such a bad thing. After all, game is just over a month old. There's plenty of time.


I more or less agree with this assessment. Game is good, not great. The main problem I and many others have is that you are talking about 6 years worth of technological and MMO advancements that have happened between then and now, and several important innovations were inexplicably left out or ignored that are detrimental to the game as a whole. There is just SO much potential that Bioware didn't tap into (perhaps they will) that took this game a peg down from "Amazing" to "Good"

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- No Server Forums


- Forums aren't all bracketed (like how all the crew skill ones are meshed into the same forum)


- Randomly assigned loot in raids (worst system ever created in an MMO)


- No Dungeon Type finder for LFG. Especially frustrating when you play during the day on a low population server. Even while leveling, I find it extremely difficult to find 3 people to do a flashpoint.


- Lack of level 50 content. For example, only half of the flashpoints have a hardmode setting. So basically, if you didn't do hammer station at low level, you won't ever do it.


- Takes an average of 5-6 days to get a ticket response in game.


- Awful Guild UI


- Awful Auction House


- Awful /who feature (half the time it never works)


- No combat log or damage meter (yes, I like to find out which people push 2 buttons every 30 seconds so I can remove them from the group)


Basically, what every other MMO out there has added to their games, this game forget to add. I'm really bored with it. They have one month to impress me. Until then, back to League of Legends.

Edited by Maxiim
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It's a step in the wrong direction. I appreciate that they wanted to make an MMO that's plot-focused, but when only one of every four or five quests isn't a fetch quest or a "go here and kill twelve of these", the plot fades into obscurity and suddenly the game turns to busywork. As an MMO it's very bare-bones. Very basic WoW interface with no macros, no combat log, no addon support, no group-finding methods, bad world pvp etc. It's an MMO that caters to the casual gamer ONLY, and as much as I dislike WoW at the moment, at least Bliz has the sense to cater to all their customer groups. It's a shame because there are so many great plots written in this game (I'm especially liking my Agent) that are broken up by these tedious quest grinding sessions that are necessary to meet the level requirement of your next class quest. And yes, the generic quests are just as tedious as they are in WoW, the ONLY difference is that you swap a quest window with a cutscene in which you get to interject every once in awhile.


In KotOR I wasn't forced to stay on Taris an extra hour doing 5 or 6 quests that all involved killing a number of rakgouls before I could move on to the "story portion", it was all seamlessly ingrained in the story, mostly because the sidequests had unique objectives and there weren't so many of them that they got horribly tedious.


I enjoy this game for what it is, but it could have been so much better (and more effective) if they simply made KotOR3. I'm not saying there's no way to make a story-based MMORPG. But making a bare-bones MMORPG and tossing in a "story quest" every few levels is NOT how it's done.

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The game as a whole is simply rough around the edges. Every aspect of the game that is awesome has an equally distracting downside.


Questing is enhanced by the awesome storylines, but bogged down by the repetitiveness.


Graphics are beautiful, but the game's tech is poor and causes issues on even the most powerful of PCs.


Abilities feel and look awesome, but suffer from mechanic issues and lack of variation and cohesion.


User Interface looks fantastic, but is functionally incoherent and difficult to navigate.


There is lots of dessert but you aren't getting the whole meal.

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