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How do you feel about Swtor


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So now that everyone has a feel for this game, and has experienced enough content to make some judgements, I'm wondering what you guys feel can be improved, and which things were done well in this game.


Please try to be as constructive as possible, and refrain from abusive language.


Below are some of my opinions about the game.







The Good:


- I have found the storyline, and cut-scenes to be really impressive, and generally have brought the questing aspect of this game to become more entertaining.


- The choices that you can make between light-side , and dark-side are extremely fun as well.


The Bad:


- Most of the quests that I have done have been extremely repetitive, there's always droids to be repairing, or 20 malfunctioning droids to be killing. There is too much grind in all the quests, especially the bonus quests , and yes I know you don't have to do the bonus quests but in the end you do them anyways due to the fact that you need to kill all the enemies on the way to your quest objective, and then many times kill them over again while your fighting your way back to the quest hub.





The good:


- I found a few planets to be really well done, and visually impressive with their scenery, and general layout planets such as: Alderon , and Tatooine.



The bad:


- I was shocked to find that no ultra res textures were available, and no AA or other neat features that add extra visual clarity, and edge. Instead I had to go into my swtor client file, and add a line of code for AA to get rid of those nasty jagged edges.


- The in-game textures weren't really impressive either, again this is because no ultra preset is available at this time.


- Some planets were done well, however alot of them seemed really dull, and boring in terms of the artwork, and color schemes. Examples include corasant, taris , and kas city. The main problem I had with some of the cities like nar shada , and corasant were that initially it looked very pleasing, but after having to do many quests there which sent you underground, and to areas where you couldn't enjoy the cities building architecture at all but instead were in sewers, and other underground areas, areas such as these were done very poorly in my opinion, as all the colors were dull (gray, black , and very little lighting).


- The general artwork , and graphics presentation did not hold my interest for long. The graphics seemed cartoony, but at the same time didn't offer colorful scenery like you would expect them to.




The good:


- I found the character animation to be better than a few of the mmo's that are out right now. Using guns, and other modern weapons held my interest, it kind of felt like an fps game at times (played a gunslinger).


- Random barrels of oil , or other explosives that were planted near enemies to where you could shoot them, and them dealing extra damage to the enemies made combat more fun.


- Easy to access keybinding, and other control features. I liked the AOE loot ability.



The bad:


- Although character animations were smooth, I felt they weren't as smooth as a few of the mmo's.


- The game wasn't really fluid, especially in the pvp aspect. Going from one move to the next seemed like a rusty maneuver. Movement seemed off.


- Ability lag, and general interface lag issues really hurt my experience with this game. The moves were delayed too much during combat, and pvp activities.





The good:


- Flashpoints were fun, and challenging at times.


- Some of the pvp maps were unique, and exciting like huttball, and alderaan.



The bad:


- PvP was clunky, and didn't give me the experience I had hoped for. Abilities in pvp took a while to register at times, other glitches were happening where my character would get stuck in the crouch position, or stuck on in-game objects in the battleground, along with a few crashes, and freezes.


- PvP balance was horrible, far too many classes had too many cc abilities, and stun effects.


- The overall pvp aspect of this game was terrible in comparison to some of the other mmo's out there.


- I found the PvE aspect of this game too tank and spank friendly, not enough movement & interactive play in pve scenarios.






I haven't reached any of the endgame stuff, and I think I'll have problems reaching it due to lack of interest. The one thing that ruined my experience with leveling has been the incredibly linear quests , stuff like kill 30 of this , kill 20 of this etc .. and most of the planets I've been to have all been like this.


I feel they could have improved some of the bugs, and other aspects of this game before releasing it, all in all though its a new game and will only improve from here on out.


I enjoyed many aspects of it , but I don't feel its worth it for me to continue. I would love to hear other peoples opinions about the good, and the bad parts of the game according to them.


thanks for reading, have fun out there! :)

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This would be an awesome game if it wasnt so limited in so many aspects of a MMO. Limits galore are killing my pleasure of this game. TO much instances all day yesterday i seen 3 people on my server and i was all over 2 planets. I cant describe it, just feels confined. But ill give it some time, im a huge sci-fi/SW fan.
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I didn't expect too much to be honest. Honestly i can't even imagine how the quests of "tomorrow" would look like. They all seem the same regardless of game. The voice acting is kinda nice at first but when you leveled a few characters past 10-20 and done far too many "kill x" types of quests, you start skipping the conversations a lot.


Best part of the game for me would be the dungeons, at least the first one for each side.


To the post above, i think the problem is that there really isn't a "world". It feels more like you're moving from one box to another. Seems quite typical with todays mmos.


Daoc, WoW and even lotro at least has an open world. You feel like you're walking in the world, not that you're closed in. WAR is a good example of how bad instancing can be and totally destroys the mmo immersion. Swtor is sadly not far off...

Edited by hulduet
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1. Does not feel like an MMO


2. Cut scenes are BORING. The dialogue is not interesting and the stories are mediocre at best.


3. PvP is very clunky and the Bolster system smells of failure.


4. Too many bugs for launch and not enough response.


5. Look at Trion (RIFT). Those guys know how to make and CARE FOR an MMO.


Good Luck Bioware!


And fanboys and girls, keep telling yourself that this game is a success. LOL.

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This would be an awesome game if it wasnt so limited in so many aspects of a MMO. Limits galore are killing my pleasure of this game. TO much instances all day yesterday i seen 3 people on my server and i was all over 2 planets. I cant describe it, just feels confined. But ill give it some time, im a huge sci-fi/SW fan.


I agree, forgot to add that to my post. It really didn't give me that epic mmo feel either. The sharding, and instancing isn't good for that, although I suppose you do a bit of player interaction in the fleet, and when your finding groups for flashpoints.


With all the loading, going from planet to planet , and from spaceport to questing hubs .. it just seemed really instanced, alot of loading screens in between.

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On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being of extreme awesomeness I'd rate this game as it is right now a 6. It's slightly better than average. It's a fantastic looking game with the potential to become a 9 or even a 10 in the scale but there's a lot of work to be done to get there.


Most of the issues have been mentioned in the forums here already so once Bioware has a chance to address these issues I think the qualify of life within the game will improve significantly.


Either way, I'm enjoying the game for what it is and I look forward to improvements and more content as the days go by. I'm here the long haul so waiting a bit for things to happen isn't such a bad thing. After all, game is just over a month old. There's plenty of time.

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1. Play on Ultra video settings.


2. Profit.


Graphics are usually only one part of the picture. I feel graphically a game should impress me, however its game play needs to be good as well, along with content etc. I'm just talking in general btw.

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bad ui , companion problems , delayed skills , fps problems galore and many many more that i havnt listed that I know were reported in Beta and never fixed. Ill vote with my wallet as thats all the money grubbers understand. I delayed patch to get you to resub maybe??? not me buddy...hope i dont get your thread deleted as devs are deleting all negative threads or hint of as fast as they can tonight.
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I know there are problems with it but over all it's awesome. Many people have issues of course, and many people just don't like bits of it. But I like everything, the combat doesn't bug me, I like space missions, the story is awesome pvp is fun even if it isn't balanced (force choke to force push to charge to stun...mmm feels so good). I love the way crafting works.


I'm a dude who loves to chime in on the forums when I have the same issue as someone else (masks + hoods pls, high res textures) but that doesn't stop me loving the game so far, even though on my juggernaut there were a few levels around 25-30 where I was struggling to keep up with those yellow star level mobs.



But I feel good about it.

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bad ui , companion problems , delayed skills , fps problems galore and many many more that i havnt listed that I know were reported in Beta and never fixed. Ill vote with my wallet as thats all the money grubbers understand. I delayed patch to get you to resub maybe??? not me buddy...hope i dont get your thread deleted as devs are deleting all negative threads or hint of as fast as they can tonight.


They police the forums for any sign of negativity but fail to answer REAL tech questions IN and OUT of game.


Shows you what's really going on.

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bad ui , companion problems , delayed skills , fps problems galore and many many more that i havnt listed that I know were reported in Beta and never fixed. Ill vote with my wallet as thats all the money grubbers understand. I delayed patch to get you to resub maybe??? not me buddy...hope i dont get your thread deleted as devs are deleting all negative threads or hint of as fast as they can tonight.


I don't think you'll get it deleted, considering you listed valid problems with the game. Constructive criticism is a good thing for the game, it'll allow it to grow, and improve from its mistakes.

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I quit due to ability delay mainly, and sharding as a side reason. What I don't get is how all the swtor fans that are arguing on this forum think. I mean each game has fanboys, but in every MMO I ve played from what I ve seen the argument between fanboys and haters is usually about either ingame balance or lack/excess of features. Somehow bioware fans are managing to defend lack of AA and high textures, ability delay, fps issues and bugs. Things that any normal person should agree are a problem.
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I really to enjoy the game. I play alot in 3D so this really makes it a blast. I start to get board but the dialog pulls me back in. What just kills it for ME is I feel like ... well it just does not feel like a MMO. I can never get lost just follow the path and even on bigger maps its just to easy to never get lost.


The total lack of people. I have been on 4 servers. I picked the highest even on EU side. Does it EVER get over 183? Then you go to some planet and its 45 and dead. Yet the server is full?


Anyway questing is a blast. They did a awesome job. I have more bad then good so I will just leave it here. I am trying to find out why I want to keep sub'ing. Whats the reason. I read the 1.1 patch notes and read bits of the 1.2 coming in March. I dont see the PATCH opening up or the number of people going from 2 on a weekend to over 400..ever..

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Still disappointed with how it's running on my high end machine. It's really a shame. I didn't expect this from BioWare at all, or I would have held off making my purchase. I feel like my first month has been a waste of my time. I'm constantly rebooting to free up RAM. In the beginning, my video card began to artifact, which almost prompted me to RMA it. It's just been so frustrating and disappointing. :(
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Its to bad I am a hardcore SW fan and a Bio fan to but this is just unacceptable for me to beta test and pay for it ...just really silly for me to continue. The hero engine is a fail as far as I am ocncerned i more then meet min system req's but the game runs like bantha poodoo ,i wont pay for it to bad I would have not even bought the game I learn and live i suppose.
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Still disappointed with how it's running on my high end machine. It's really a shame. I didn't expect this from BioWare at all, or I would have held off making my purchase. I feel like my first month has been a waste of my time. I'm constantly rebooting to free up RAM. In the beginning, my video card began to artifact, which almost prompted me to RMA it. It's just been so frustrating and disappointing. :(


Sorry to hear that. I have a fairly decent computer as well, and I am noticing the game drops significantly in fps in many zones like the fleet for example, also I've found my cpu seems to run hotter than it does in other games of the same demand.

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- Most of the quests that I have done have been extremely repetitive, there's always droids to be repairing, or 20 malfunctioning droids to be killing. There is too much grind in all the quests, especially the bonus quests , and yes I know you don't have to do the bonus quests but in the end you do them anyways due to the fact that you need to kill all the enemies on the way to your quest objective, and then many times kill them over again while your fighting your way back to the quest hub.



You can always kill 50 boars for 20 tusks...

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Unsubbed, uninstalled. I didn't beta test or read any reviews, didn't watch any Youtube videos, didn't expect to fall in love with it. What surprised me though is that even though I had lower expectations, this game fell even below what I thought it would be.


Won't be able to post soon, no biggie though. I won't go out in m3atsp1n fashion like so many SWG Pre-CU vets did lol.


EDIT: Wow, me3tsp1n is censored. Didn't expect that either haha.

Edited by Mudanie
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You can always kill 50 boars for 20 tusks...


Actually I've found this game to be more grindy than WoW in terms of leveling quests. I think its the bonus quests, and all the side quests. The class quests are the only thing that are a bit different I suppose.


I was hoping they'd add different quests in the game , that required more interaction with other objects like speeders, mounted cannons etc.

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Love it along with the 41 other ppl in our guild who log daily and the hundreds we meet in warzones, community on our server is pretty good overall long may it continue.


Yes there are some issues but nothing thats really killing ouyr enjoyment to the point of rage y'all seem to have.


They are working on alot of stuff its an mmo patience is usually the key

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Love it along with the 41 other ppl in our guild who log daily and the hundreds we meet in warzones, community on our server is pretty good overall long may it continue.


Yes there are some issues but nothing thats really killing ouyr enjoyment to the point of rage y'all seem to have.


They are working on alot of stuff its an mmo patience is usually the key


They can use your money to beta test it then not mine lol ...... most of these bug90% were known issues in beta and they are not fixed !!!! thats my problem beta bugs not new bugs... sloppy engine and I also hear that its suspected that this engine fries hi end systems....not proven just heard it .

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So far had more fun with this MMO then any of the others I recently played including AoC, Rift, Wow, DDO, Lotro....


I like the flashpoints and warzones, class and companion storylines, main planet storylines. I like the cutscenes and dialogue.


Combat could be better, UI could use some work, I personally would like to have an LFG tool for flashpoints but its nothing mandatory.


But more then anything I would hope that I had more time to play the game. ;)

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I feel SWTOR is a great single player game.


It will never make it as an MMO, it is far too phased, and lacks basic features like an end game, pvp , pve , dungeon / raids, etc.


The only thing it had going for it was voice acting.. but that wasn't enough to save it.



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